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// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved.
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info: |
Since LineTerminator between "continue" and Identifier is not allowed,
"continue" is evaluated without label
es5id: 12.7_A2
description: >
Checking by using eval, inserting LineTerminator between continue
and Identifier
FOR1 : for(var i=1;i<2;i++){
FOR1NESTED : for(var j=1;j<2;j++) {
} while(0);
assert.sameValue(j, 2, '#1: Since LineTerminator(U-000A) between continue and Identifier not allowed continue evaluates without label');
FOR2 : for(var i=1;i<2;i++){
FOR2NESTED : for(var j=1;j<2;j++) {
} while(0);
assert.sameValue(j, 2, '#2: Since LineTerminator(U-000D) between continue and Identifier not allowed continue evaluates without label');
FOR3 : for(var i=1;i<2;i++){
FOR3NESTED : for(var j=1;j<2;j++) {
} while(0);
assert.sameValue(j, 2, '#3: Since LineTerminator(U-2028) between continue and Identifier not allowed continue evaluates without label');
FOR4 : for(var i=1;i<2;i++){
FOR4NESTED : for(var j=1;j<2;j++) {
} while(0);
assert.sameValue(j, 2, '#4: Since LineTerminator(U-2029) between continue and Identifier not allowed continue evaluates without label');
reportCompare(0, 0);