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// |reftest| async
// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
// - src/direct-eval-code/
// - src/direct-eval-code/default/async-func-expr-nameless/a-preceding-parameter-is-named-arguments.template
description: Declare "arguments" and assign to it in direct eval code (Declare |arguments| when a preceding parameter is named |arguments|.)
esid: sec-evaldeclarationinstantiation
features: [globalThis]
flags: [generated, async, noStrict]
const oldArguments = globalThis.arguments;
let f = async function(arguments, p = eval("var arguments")) {
f().then($DONE, error => {
assert(error instanceof SyntaxError);
assert.sameValue(globalThis.arguments, oldArguments, "globalThis.arguments unchanged");
}).then($DONE, $DONE);