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/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
function strict() { 'use strict'; return this; }
function lenient() { return this; }
var obj = {};
assertEq(strict.bind(true)(), true);
assertEq(strict.bind(42)(), 42);
assertEq(strict.bind("")(), "");
assertEq(strict.bind(null)(), null);
assertEq(strict.bind(undefined)(), undefined);
assertEq(strict.bind(obj)(), obj);
assertEq(lenient.bind(true)() instanceof Boolean, true);
assertEq(lenient.bind(42)() instanceof Number, true);
assertEq(lenient.bind("")() instanceof String, true);
assertEq(lenient.bind(null)(), this);
assertEq(lenient.bind(undefined)(), this);
assertEq(lenient.bind(obj)(), obj);
reportCompare(true, true);