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// |reftest| slow skip-if(!
function test() {
function testVarPatternCombinations(makePattSrc, makePattPatt) {
var pattSrcs = makePatternCombinations(n => ("x" + n), makePattSrc);
var pattPatts = makePatternCombinations(n => ({ id: ident("x" + n), init: null }), makePattPatt);
// It's illegal to have uninitialized const declarations, so we need a
// separate set of patterns and sources.
var constSrcs = makePatternCombinations(n => ("x" + n + " = undefined"), makePattSrc);
var constPatts = makePatternCombinations(n => ({ id: ident("x" + n), init: ident("undefined") }), makePattPatt);
for (var i = 0; i < pattSrcs.length; i++) {
// variable declarations in blocks
assertDecl("var " + pattSrcs[i].join(",") + ";", varDecl(pattPatts[i]));
assertGlobalDecl("let " + pattSrcs[i].join(",") + ";", letDecl(pattPatts[i]));
assertLocalDecl("let " + pattSrcs[i].join(",") + ";", letDecl(pattPatts[i]));
assertBlockDecl("let " + pattSrcs[i].join(",") + ";", letDecl(pattPatts[i]));
assertDecl("const " + constSrcs[i].join(",") + ";", constDecl(constPatts[i]));
// variable declarations in for-loop heads
assertStmt("for (var " + pattSrcs[i].join(",") + "; foo; bar);",
forStmt(varDecl(pattPatts[i]), ident("foo"), ident("bar"), emptyStmt));
assertStmt("for (let " + pattSrcs[i].join(",") + "; foo; bar);",
forStmt(letDecl(pattPatts[i]), ident("foo"), ident("bar"), emptyStmt));
assertStmt("for (const " + constSrcs[i].join(",") + "; foo; bar);",
forStmt(constDecl(constPatts[i]), ident("foo"), ident("bar"), emptyStmt));
testVarPatternCombinations(n => ("{a" + n + ":x" + n + "," + "b" + n + ":y" + n + "," + "c" + n + ":z" + n + "} = 0"),
n => ({ id: objPatt([assignProp("a" + n, ident("x" + n)),
assignProp("b" + n, ident("y" + n)),
assignProp("c" + n, ident("z" + n))]),
init: lit(0) }));
testVarPatternCombinations(n => ("{a" + n + ":x" + n + " = 10," + "b" + n + ":y" + n + " = 10," + "c" + n + ":z" + n + " = 10} = 0"),
n => ({ id: objPatt([assignProp("a" + n, ident("x" + n), lit(10)),
assignProp("b" + n, ident("y" + n), lit(10)),
assignProp("c" + n, ident("z" + n), lit(10))]),
init: lit(0) }));
testVarPatternCombinations(n => ("[x" + n + "," + "y" + n + "," + "z" + n + "] = 0"),
n => ({ id: arrPatt([assignElem("x" + n), assignElem("y" + n), assignElem("z" + n)]),
init: lit(0) }));
testVarPatternCombinations(n => ("[a" + n + ", ..." + "b" + n + "] = 0"),
n => ({ id: arrPatt([assignElem("a" + n), spread(ident("b" + n))]),
init: lit(0) }));
testVarPatternCombinations(n => ("[a" + n + ", " + "b" + n + " = 10] = 0"),
n => ({ id: arrPatt([assignElem("a" + n), assignElem("b" + n, lit(10))]),
init: lit(0) }));