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// |reftest| skip-if(!
// -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
function check(v) {
try {
} catch (exc) {
throw new Error("serializing " + JSON.stringify(v) + " should have failed with an exception");
// Unsupported object types.
check(function () {});
check(new Proxy({}, {}));
// A failing getter.
check({get x() { throw new Error("fail"); }});
// Mismatched scopes.
for (let [write_scope, read_scope] of [['SameProcess', 'DifferentProcessForIndexedDB'],
['SameProcess', 'DifferentProcess']])
var ab = new ArrayBuffer(12);
var buffer = serialize(ab, [ab], { scope: write_scope });
var caught = false;
try {
deserialize(buffer, { scope: read_scope });
} catch (exc) {
caught = true;
assertEq(caught, true, `${write_scope} clone buffer should not be deserializable as ${read_scope}`);
// Extra data. This is not checked in #define FUZZING builds.
const fuzzing = getBuildConfiguration("fuzzing-defined");
const shouldThrow = fuzzing === false;
var clone = serialize({foo: 7}, undefined, {scope: 'DifferentProcess'});
clone.clonebuffer = clone.clonebuffer + "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
var exc = {message: 'no error'};
try {
} catch (e) {
exc = e;
if (shouldThrow) {
assertEq(exc.message.includes("bad serialized structured data"), true);
assertEq(exc.message.includes("extra data"), true);
// Extra data between the main body and "tail" of the clone data.
function dumpData(data) {
data.forEach((x, i) => print(`[${i}] 0x${(i*8).toString(16)} : 0x${x.toString(16)}`));
function testInnerExtraData() {
const ab = new ArrayBuffer(8);
(new BigUint64Array(ab))[0] = 0xdeadbeefn;
const clone = serialize({ABC: 7, CBA: ab}, [ab], {scope: 'DifferentProcess'});
const data = [ BigUint64Array(clone.arraybuffer)];
const fake = new ArrayBuffer(clone.arraybuffer.byteLength + 24);
const view = new BigUint64Array(fake);
view.set(new BigUint64Array(clone.arraybuffer), 0);
view[1] = view[1] & ~1n; // SCTAG_TRANSFER_MAP_HEADER with SCTAG_TM_UNREAD
view[5] += 24n; // Make space for another ArrayBuffer clone at the end
view[9] = 0xffff00030000000dn; // Change the constant 7 to 13
view[16] = 0xfeeddeadbeef2dadn; // Change stored ArrayBuffer contents
view[17] = view[14]; // SCTAG_ARRAY_BUFFER_OBJECT_V2
view[18] = view[15]; // 8 bytes long
view[19] = 0x1cedc0ffeen; // Content
clone.arraybuffer = fake;
let d;
let exc;
try {
d = deserialize(clone);
print(new BigUint64Array(d.CBA)[0].toString(16));
} catch (e) {
exc = e;
const fuzzing = getBuildConfiguration("fuzzing-defined");
const shouldThrow = fuzzing === false;
if (shouldThrow) {
assertEq(Boolean(exc), true);
assertEq(exc.message.includes("extra data"), true);
print(`PASS with FUZZING: Found expected exception "${exc.message}"`);
} else {
assertEq(new BigUint64Array(d.CBA)[0].toString(16), "1cedc0ffee");
assertEq(d.ABC, 13);
print("PASS without FUZZING");
reportCompare(0, 0, "ok");