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var gTestfile = 'prototype-constructor-identity.js';
var BUGNUMBER = 896116;
var summary =
"Typed array prototypes/constructors should be largely empty, inheriting "
"most functionality from %TypedArray% and %TypedArray%.prototype";
print(BUGNUMBER + ": " + summary);
var TypedArray = Object.getPrototypeOf(Int8Array);
assertEq(TypedArray !== Function.prototype, true,
"%TypedArray% should be in constructors' [[Prototype]] chains");
assertEq(Object.getPrototypeOf(TypedArray), Function.prototype,
"%TypedArray%.prototype should inherit from Function.prototype");
assertEq(TypedArray.prototype.constructor, TypedArray,
"bad %TypedArray%.prototype.constructor");
// Check a few different functions we implement are here, as a sanity check.
var typedArrayProps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(TypedArray.prototype);
assertEq(typedArrayProps.indexOf("copyWithin") >= 0, true);
assertEq(typedArrayProps.indexOf("subarray") >= 0, true);
assertEq(typedArrayProps.indexOf("set") >= 0, true);
anyTypedArrayConstructors.forEach(function(ctor) {
assertEq(Object.getPrototypeOf(ctor), TypedArray);
var proto = ctor.prototype;
// Inherited functions aren't present.
var props = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(proto).sort();
assertEq(props[0], "BYTES_PER_ELEMENT");
assertEq(props[1], "constructor");
assertEq(props.length, 2);
// The inheritance chain should be set up properly.
assertEq(Object.getPrototypeOf(proto), TypedArray.prototype,
"prototype should inherit from %TypedArray%.prototype");
reportCompare(true, true);
print("Tests complete");