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// |reftest| skip-if(!this.hasOwnProperty('Intl')||!this.Intl.Segmenter)
const strings = {
// WB1, WB2
"": [],
// WB3
"\r\n": ["\r\n"],
// WB3a, WB3b
"\n": ["\n"],
"\r": ["\r"],
"\v": ["\v"],
"\f": ["\f"],
"\x85": ["\x85"],
// WB3d
" ": [" "],
" ": [" "],
// WB4
"\xAD": ["\xAD"],
"\xAD\xAD": ["\xAD\xAD"],
// WB5
"a": ["a"],
"ab": ["ab"],
// WB6, WB7
"a:b": ["a:b"],
"a·b": ["a·b"],
"a.b": ["a.b"],
"a'b": ["a'b"],
// WB8
"1": ["1"],
"12": ["12"],
// WB9
"a1": ["a1"],
// WB10
"1a": ["1a"],
// WB11, WB12
"1,2": ["1,2"],
"1;2": ["1;2"],
"1.2": ["1.2"],
"1'2": ["1'2"],
// WB13a
"a_": ["a_"],
"1_": ["1_"],
"__": ["__"],
// WB13b
"_a": ["_a"],
"_1": ["_1"],
// WB999
"\0": ["\0"],
"?": ["?"],
"??": ["?", "?"],
function assertSegments(string, words) {
let seg = segmenter.segment(string);
let segments = [...seg];
// The computed segments match the expected value.
assertEqArray({segment}) => segment), words);
// |containing()| should return the same result.
for (let expected of segments) {
let {segment, index} = expected;
for (let i = index; i < index + segment.length; ++i) {
let actual = seg.containing(i);
assertDeepEq(actual, expected);
let segmenter = new Intl.Segmenter("en", {granularity: "word"});
for (let [string, words] of Object.entries(strings)) {
assertSegments(string, words);
// WB3, WB3a, WB3b and WB4
for (let string of ["\r\n", "\n", "\r", "\v", "\f", "\x85"]) {
assertSegments(string + "\xAD", [string, "\xAD"]);
assertSegments("\xAD" + string, ["\xAD", string]);
// WB3d and WB4
for (let string of [" ", " "]) {
assertSegments(string + "\xAD", [string + "\xAD"]);
assertSegments("\xAD" + string, ["\xAD", string]);
assertSegments(" \xAD ", [" \xAD", " "]);
assertSegments(" \xAD\xAD ", [" \xAD\xAD", " "]);
// WB5-WB13 and WB4
for (let string of [
// WB5
"a", "ab",
// WB6, WB7
// WB8
// WB9
// WB10
// WB11, WB12
// WB13a
// WB13b
// WB999
]) {
assertSegments(string + "\xAD", [string + "\xAD"]);
assertSegments("\xAD" + string, ["\xAD", string]);
if (string === "a.b") {
// ICU4X incorrectly splits the result into three words.
assertSegments(string.split("").join("\xAD"), ["a\xAD", ".\xAD", "b"]);
assertSegments(string.split("").join("\xAD\xAD"), ["a\xAD\xAD", ".\xAD\xAD", "b"]);
} else {
assertSegments(string.split("").join("\xAD"), [string.split("").join("\xAD")]);
assertSegments(string.split("").join("\xAD\xAD"), [string.split("").join("\xAD\xAD")]);
assertSegments("?\xAD?", ["?\xAD", "?"]);
for (let string of [
// WB6, WB7
// WB11, WB12
]) {
let prefix = string.slice(0, -1);
let suffix = string.slice(1);
assertSegments(prefix, prefix.split(""));
assertSegments(suffix, suffix.split(""));
// MidNum with ALetter
assertSegments("a,b", ["a", ",", "b"]);
assertSegments("a;b", ["a", ";", "b"]);
// MidLetter with Numeric
assertSegments("1:2", ["1", ":", "2"]);
assertSegments("1·2", ["1", "·", "2"]);
// MidNumLet with mixed ALetter and Numeric
assertSegments("a.2", ["a", ".", "2"]);
assertSegments("1.b", ["1", ".", "b"]);
assertSegments("a'2", ["a", "'", "2"]);
assertSegments("1'b", ["1", "'", "b"]);
// MidNum with ExtendNumLet
assertSegments("_,_", ["_", ",", "_"]);
assertSegments("_;_", ["_", ";", "_"]);
// MidLetter with ExtendNumLet
assertSegments("_:_", ["_", ":", "_"]);
assertSegments("_·_", ["_", "·", "_"]);
// MidNumLet with ExtendNumLet
assertSegments("_._", ["_", ".", "_"]);
assertSegments("_'_", ["_", "'", "_"]);
// CLDR has locale-dependent word segmentation for the "en-posix" locale. This
// locale is currently not selectable, so the Latin-1 fast-paths don't need to
// implement it. If one of the two below assertions ever fail, please update
// the Latin-1 fast-paths for word segmentation to implement the "en-posix"
// changes.
assertEq(new Intl.Segmenter("en-posix").resolvedOptions().locale, "en");
assertEq(new Intl.Segmenter("en-u-va-posix").resolvedOptions().locale, "en");
if (typeof reportCompare === "function")
reportCompare(0, 0);