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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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#ifndef jit_x86_Lowering_x86_h
#define jit_x86_Lowering_x86_h
#include "jit/x86-shared/Lowering-x86-shared.h"
namespace js {
namespace jit {
class LIRGeneratorX86 : public LIRGeneratorX86Shared {
LIRGeneratorX86(MIRGenerator* gen, MIRGraph& graph, LIRGraph& lirGraph)
: LIRGeneratorX86Shared(gen, graph, lirGraph) {}
// Returns a box allocation with type set to reg1 and payload set to reg2.
LBoxAllocation useBoxFixed(MDefinition* mir, Register reg1, Register reg2,
bool useAtStart = false);
// It's a trap! On x86, the 1-byte store can only use one of
// {al,bl,cl,dl,ah,bh,ch,dh}. That means if the register allocator
// gives us one of {edi,esi,ebp,esp}, we're out of luck. (The formatter
// will assert on us.) Ideally, we'd just ask the register allocator to
// give us one of {al,bl,cl,dl}. For now, just useFixed(al).
LAllocation useByteOpRegister(MDefinition* mir);
LAllocation useByteOpRegisterAtStart(MDefinition* mir);
LAllocation useByteOpRegisterOrNonDoubleConstant(MDefinition* mir);
LDefinition tempByteOpRegister();
inline LDefinition tempToUnbox() { return LDefinition::BogusTemp(); }
bool needTempForPostBarrier() { return true; }
void lowerUntypedPhiInput(MPhi* phi, uint32_t inputPosition, LBlock* block,
size_t lirIndex);
void lowerInt64PhiInput(MPhi* phi, uint32_t inputPosition, LBlock* block,
size_t lirIndex);
void defineInt64Phi(MPhi* phi, size_t lirIndex);
void lowerForALUInt64(LInstructionHelper<INT64_PIECES, INT64_PIECES, 0>* ins,
MDefinition* mir, MDefinition* input);
void lowerForALUInt64(
LInstructionHelper<INT64_PIECES, 2 * INT64_PIECES, 0>* ins,
MDefinition* mir, MDefinition* lhs, MDefinition* rhs);
void lowerForMulInt64(LMulI64* ins, MMul* mir, MDefinition* lhs,
MDefinition* rhs);
void lowerBuiltinInt64ToFloatingPoint(MBuiltinInt64ToFloatingPoint* ins);
void lowerWasmBuiltinTruncateToInt64(MWasmBuiltinTruncateToInt64* ins);
void lowerDivI64(MDiv* div);
void lowerWasmBuiltinDivI64(MWasmBuiltinDivI64* div);
void lowerModI64(MMod* mod);
void lowerWasmBuiltinModI64(MWasmBuiltinModI64* mod);
void lowerUDivI64(MDiv* div);
void lowerUModI64(MMod* mod);
void lowerBigIntDiv(MBigIntDiv* ins);
void lowerBigIntMod(MBigIntMod* ins);
void lowerAtomicLoad64(MLoadUnboxedScalar* ins);
void lowerAtomicStore64(MStoreUnboxedScalar* ins);
void lowerPhi(MPhi* phi);
static bool allowTypedElementHoleCheck() { return true; }
typedef LIRGeneratorX86 LIRGeneratorSpecific;
} // namespace jit
} // namespace js
#endif /* jit_x86_Lowering_x86_h */