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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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#ifndef jit_mips64_Architecture_mips64_h
#define jit_mips64_Architecture_mips64_h
#include "mozilla/MathAlgorithms.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "jit/mips-shared/Architecture-mips-shared.h"
#include "js/Utility.h"
namespace js {
namespace jit {
// Shadow stack space is not required on MIPS64.
static constexpr uint32_t ShadowStackSpace = 0;
// MIPS64 have 64 bit floating-point coprocessor. There are 32 double
// precision register which can also be used as single precision registers.
class FloatRegisters : public FloatRegistersMIPSShared {
enum ContentType { Single, Double, NumTypes };
static const char* GetName(uint32_t i) {
MOZ_ASSERT(i < TotalPhys);
return FloatRegistersMIPSShared::GetName(Encoding(i));
static Encoding FromName(const char* name);
static const uint32_t Total = 32 * NumTypes;
#ifdef MIPSR6
static const uint32_t Allocatable = 60;
static const uint32_t Allocatable = 62;
// When saving all registers we only need to do is save double registers.
static const uint32_t TotalPhys = 32;
static_assert(sizeof(SetType) * 8 >= Total,
"SetType should be large enough to enumerate all registers.");
// Magic values which are used to duplicate a mask of physical register for
// a specific type of register. A multiplication is used to copy and shift
// the bits of the physical register mask.
static const SetType SpreadSingle = SetType(1)
<< (uint32_t(Single) * TotalPhys);
static const SetType SpreadDouble = SetType(1)
<< (uint32_t(Double) * TotalPhys);
static const SetType SpreadScalar = SpreadSingle | SpreadDouble;
static const SetType SpreadVector = 0;
static const SetType Spread = SpreadScalar | SpreadVector;
static const SetType AllPhysMask = ((SetType(1) << TotalPhys) - 1);
static const SetType AllMask = AllPhysMask * Spread;
static const SetType AllSingleMask = AllPhysMask * SpreadSingle;
static const SetType AllDoubleMask = AllPhysMask * SpreadDouble;
static const SetType NonVolatileMask =
((1U << FloatRegisters::f24) | (1U << FloatRegisters::f25) |
(1U << FloatRegisters::f26) | (1U << FloatRegisters::f27) |
(1U << FloatRegisters::f28) | (1U << FloatRegisters::f29) |
(1U << FloatRegisters::f30) | (1U << FloatRegisters::f31)) *
SpreadScalar |
AllPhysMask * SpreadVector;
static const SetType VolatileMask = AllMask & ~NonVolatileMask;
static const SetType WrapperMask = VolatileMask;
#ifdef MIPSR6
static const SetType NonAllocatableMask =
((1U << FloatRegisters::f23) | (1U << FloatRegisters::f24)) * Spread;
static const SetType NonAllocatableMask =
(1U << FloatRegisters::f23) * Spread;
static const SetType AllocatableMask = AllMask & ~NonAllocatableMask;
template <typename T>
class TypedRegisterSet;
class FloatRegister : public FloatRegisterMIPSShared {
typedef FloatRegisters Codes;
typedef size_t Code;
typedef Codes::Encoding Encoding;
typedef Codes::ContentType ContentType;
Encoding reg_ : 6;
ContentType kind_ : 3;
constexpr FloatRegister(uint32_t r, ContentType kind = Codes::Double)
: reg_(Encoding(r)), kind_(kind) {}
constexpr FloatRegister()
: reg_(Encoding(FloatRegisters::invalid_freg)), kind_(Codes::Double) {}
static uint32_t SetSize(SetType x) {
// Count the number of non-aliased registers.
x |= x >> Codes::TotalPhys;
x &= Codes::AllPhysMask;
static_assert(Codes::AllPhysMask <= 0xffffffff,
"We can safely use CountPopulation32");
return mozilla::CountPopulation32(x);
bool operator==(const FloatRegister& other) const {
return kind_ == other.kind_ && reg_ == other.reg_;
bool equiv(const FloatRegister& other) const { return other.kind_ == kind_; }
size_t size() const {
return (kind_ == Codes::Double) ? sizeof(double) : sizeof(float);
// Always push doubles to maintain 8-byte stack alignment.
size_t pushSize() const { return sizeof(double); }
bool isInvalid() const { return reg_ == FloatRegisters::invalid_freg; }
bool isSingle() const { return kind_ == Codes::Single; }
bool isDouble() const { return kind_ == Codes::Double; }
bool isSimd128() const { return false; }
FloatRegister singleOverlay() const;
FloatRegister doubleOverlay() const;
FloatRegister asSingle() const { return singleOverlay(); }
FloatRegister asDouble() const { return doubleOverlay(); }
FloatRegister asSimd128() const { MOZ_CRASH("NYI"); }
Code code() const {
return Code(reg_ | (kind_ << 5));
Encoding encoding() const {
MOZ_ASSERT(uint32_t(reg_) < Codes::TotalPhys);
return reg_;
uint32_t id() const { return reg_; }
static FloatRegister FromCode(uint32_t i) {
uint32_t code = i & 0x1f;
uint32_t kind = i >> 5;
return FloatRegister(Code(code), ContentType(kind));
bool volatile_() const {
return !!((1 << reg_) & FloatRegisters::VolatileMask);
const char* name() const { return FloatRegisters::GetName(reg_); }
bool operator!=(const FloatRegister& other) const {
return kind_ != other.kind_ || reg_ != other.reg_;
bool aliases(const FloatRegister& other) { return reg_ == other.reg_; }
uint32_t numAliased() const { return 2; }
FloatRegister aliased(uint32_t aliasIdx) {
if (aliasIdx == 0) {
return *this;
MOZ_ASSERT(aliasIdx == 1);
if (isDouble()) {
return singleOverlay();
return doubleOverlay();
uint32_t numAlignedAliased() const { return 2; }
FloatRegister alignedAliased(uint32_t aliasIdx) {
if (aliasIdx == 0) {
return *this;
MOZ_ASSERT(aliasIdx == 1);
return singleOverlay();
SetType alignedOrDominatedAliasedSet() const { return Codes::Spread << reg_; }
static constexpr RegTypeName DefaultType = RegTypeName::Float64;
template <RegTypeName = DefaultType>
static SetType LiveAsIndexableSet(SetType s) {
return SetType(0);
template <RegTypeName Name = DefaultType>
static SetType AllocatableAsIndexableSet(SetType s) {
static_assert(Name != RegTypeName::Any, "Allocatable set are not iterable");
return LiveAsIndexableSet<Name>(s);
static Code FromName(const char* name) {
return FloatRegisters::FromName(name);
static TypedRegisterSet<FloatRegister> ReduceSetForPush(
const TypedRegisterSet<FloatRegister>& s);
static uint32_t GetPushSizeInBytes(const TypedRegisterSet<FloatRegister>& s);
uint32_t getRegisterDumpOffsetInBytes();
template <>
inline FloatRegister::SetType
FloatRegister::LiveAsIndexableSet<RegTypeName::Float32>(SetType set) {
return set & FloatRegisters::AllSingleMask;
template <>
inline FloatRegister::SetType
FloatRegister::LiveAsIndexableSet<RegTypeName::Float64>(SetType set) {
return set & FloatRegisters::AllDoubleMask;
template <>
inline FloatRegister::SetType
FloatRegister::LiveAsIndexableSet<RegTypeName::Any>(SetType set) {
return set;
} // namespace jit
} // namespace js
#endif /* jit_mips64_Architecture_mips64_h */