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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef jit_WarpBuilder_h
#define jit_WarpBuilder_h
#include <initializer_list>
#include "ds/InlineTable.h"
#include "jit/JitContext.h"
#include "jit/MIR-wasm.h"
#include "jit/MIR.h"
#include "jit/WarpBuilderShared.h"
#include "jit/WarpSnapshot.h"
#include "vm/Opcodes.h"
namespace js {
namespace jit {
// JSOps not yet supported by WarpBuilder. See warning at the end of the list.
/* Intentionally not implemented */ \
_(ForceInterpreter) \
/* With */ \
_(EnterWith) \
_(LeaveWith) \
/* Eval */ \
_(Eval) \
_(StrictEval) \
_(SpreadEval) \
_(StrictSpreadEval) \
/* Super */ \
_(SetPropSuper) \
_(SetElemSuper) \
_(StrictSetPropSuper) \
_(StrictSetElemSuper) \
/* Generators / Async (bug 1317690) */ \
_(IsGenClosing) \
_(Resume) \
/* Misc */ \
_(DelName) \
_(SetIntrinsic) \
/* Private Fields */ \
_(GetAliasedDebugVar) \
/* Non-syntactic scope */ \
_(NonSyntacticGlobalThis) \
/* Records and Tuples */ \
IF_RECORD_TUPLE(_(InitRecord)) \
IF_RECORD_TUPLE(_(AddRecordProperty)) \
IF_RECORD_TUPLE(_(AddRecordSpread)) \
IF_RECORD_TUPLE(_(FinishRecord)) \
IF_RECORD_TUPLE(_(InitTuple)) \
IF_RECORD_TUPLE(_(AddTupleElement)) \
IF_RECORD_TUPLE(_(FinishTuple)) \
// Do you really want to sacrifice performance by not implementing this
// operation in the optimizing compiler?
class MIRGenerator;
class MIRGraph;
class WarpSnapshot;
enum class CacheKind : uint8_t;
// [SMDOC] Control Flow handling in WarpBuilder.
// WarpBuilder traverses the script's bytecode and compiles each instruction to
// corresponding MIR instructions. Handling control flow bytecode ops requires
// some special machinery:
// Forward branches
// ----------------
// Most branches in the bytecode are forward branches to a JSOp::JumpTarget
// instruction that we have not inspected yet. We compile them in two phases:
// 1) When compiling the source instruction: the MBasicBlock is terminated
// with a control instruction that has a nullptr successor block. We also add
// a PendingEdge instance to the PendingEdges list for the target bytecode
// location.
// 2) When finally compiling the JSOp::JumpTarget: WarpBuilder::build_JumpTarget
// creates the target block and uses the list of PendingEdges to 'link' the
// blocks.
// Loops
// -----
// Loops may be nested within other loops, so each WarpBuilder has a LoopState
// stack. This is used to link the backedge to the loop's header block.
// Unreachable/dead code
// ---------------------
// Some bytecode instructions never fall through to the next instruction, for
// example JSOp::Return, JSOp::Goto, or JSOp::Throw. Code after such
// instructions is guaranteed to be dead so WarpBuilder skips it until it gets
// to a jump target instruction with pending edges.
// Note: The frontend may generate unnecessary JSOp::JumpTarget instructions we
// can ignore when they have no incoming pending edges.
// Try-catch
// ---------
// WarpBuilder supports scripts with try-catch by only compiling the try-block
// and bailing out (to the Baseline Interpreter) from the exception handler
// whenever we need to execute the catch-block.
// Because we don't compile the catch-block and the code after the try-catch may
// only be reachable via the catch-block, Baseline's BytecodeAnalysis ensures
// Baseline does not attempt OSR into Warp at loops that are only reachable via
// catch/finally blocks.
// Finally-blocks are compiled by WarpBuilder, but when we have to enter a
// finally-block from the exception handler, we bail out to the Baseline
// Interpreter.
// PendingEdge is used whenever a block is terminated with a forward branch in
// the bytecode. When we reach the jump target we use this information to link
// the block to the jump target's block.
class PendingEdge {
MBasicBlock* block_;
uint32_t successor_;
uint8_t numToPop_;
PendingEdge(MBasicBlock* block, uint32_t successor, uint32_t numToPop)
: block_(block), successor_(successor), numToPop_(numToPop) {
MOZ_ASSERT(numToPop_ == numToPop, "value must fit in field");
MBasicBlock* block() const { return block_; }
uint32_t successor() const { return successor_; }
uint8_t numToPop() const { return numToPop_; }
// PendingEdgesMap maps a bytecode instruction to a Vector of PendingEdges
// targeting it. We use InlineMap<> for this because most of the time there are
// only a few pending edges but there can be many when switch-statements are
// involved.
using PendingEdges = Vector<PendingEdge, 2, SystemAllocPolicy>;
using PendingEdgesMap =
InlineMap<jsbytecode*, PendingEdges, 8, PointerHasher<jsbytecode*>,
// LoopState stores information about a loop that's being compiled to MIR.
class LoopState {
MBasicBlock* header_ = nullptr;
explicit LoopState(MBasicBlock* header) : header_(header) {}
MBasicBlock* header() const { return header_; }
using LoopStateStack = Vector<LoopState, 4, JitAllocPolicy>;
// Data that is shared across all WarpBuilders for a given compilation.
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS WarpCompilation {
// The total loop depth, including loops in the caller while
// compiling inlined functions.
uint32_t loopDepth_ = 0;
// Loop phis for iterators that need to be kept alive.
PhiVector iterators_;
explicit WarpCompilation(TempAllocator& alloc) : iterators_(alloc) {}
uint32_t loopDepth() const { return loopDepth_; }
void incLoopDepth() { loopDepth_++; }
void decLoopDepth() {
MOZ_ASSERT(loopDepth() > 0);
PhiVector* iterators() { return &iterators_; }
// WarpBuilder builds a MIR graph from WarpSnapshot. Unlike WarpOracle,
// WarpBuilder can run off-thread.
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS WarpBuilder : public WarpBuilderShared {
WarpCompilation* warpCompilation_;
MIRGraph& graph_;
const CompileInfo& info_;
const WarpScriptSnapshot* scriptSnapshot_;
JSScript* script_;
// Pointer to a WarpOpSnapshot or nullptr if we reached the end of the list.
// Because bytecode is compiled from first to last instruction (and
// WarpOpSnapshot is sorted the same way), the iterator always moves forward.
const WarpOpSnapshot* opSnapshotIter_ = nullptr;
// Note: loopStack_ is builder-specific. loopStack_.length is the
// depth relative to the current script. The overall loop depth is
// stored in the WarpCompilation.
LoopStateStack loopStack_;
PendingEdgesMap pendingEdges_;
// These are only initialized when building an inlined script.
WarpBuilder* callerBuilder_ = nullptr;
MResumePoint* callerResumePoint_ = nullptr;
CallInfo* inlineCallInfo_ = nullptr;
WarpCompilation* warpCompilation() const { return warpCompilation_; }
MIRGraph& graph() { return graph_; }
const WarpScriptSnapshot* scriptSnapshot() const { return scriptSnapshot_; }
uint32_t loopDepth() const { return warpCompilation_->loopDepth(); }
void incLoopDepth() { warpCompilation_->incLoopDepth(); }
void decLoopDepth() { warpCompilation_->decLoopDepth(); }
PhiVector* iterators() { return warpCompilation_->iterators(); }
WarpBuilder* callerBuilder() const { return callerBuilder_; }
MResumePoint* callerResumePoint() const { return callerResumePoint_; }
BytecodeSite* newBytecodeSite(BytecodeLocation loc);
const WarpOpSnapshot* getOpSnapshotImpl(BytecodeLocation loc,
WarpOpSnapshot::Kind kind);
template <typename T>
const T* getOpSnapshot(BytecodeLocation loc) {
const WarpOpSnapshot* snapshot = getOpSnapshotImpl(loc, T::ThisKind);
return snapshot ? snapshot->as<T>() : nullptr;
void initBlock(MBasicBlock* block);
[[nodiscard]] bool startNewEntryBlock(size_t stackDepth,
BytecodeLocation loc);
[[nodiscard]] bool startNewBlock(MBasicBlock* predecessor,
BytecodeLocation loc, size_t numToPop = 0);
[[nodiscard]] bool startNewLoopHeaderBlock(BytecodeLocation loopHead);
[[nodiscard]] bool startNewOsrPreHeaderBlock(BytecodeLocation loopHead);
bool hasTerminatedBlock() const { return current == nullptr; }
void setTerminatedBlock() { current = nullptr; }
[[nodiscard]] bool addPendingEdge(BytecodeLocation target, MBasicBlock* block,
uint32_t successor, uint32_t numToPop = 0);
[[nodiscard]] bool buildForwardGoto(BytecodeLocation target);
[[nodiscard]] bool buildBackedge();
[[nodiscard]] bool buildTestBackedge(BytecodeLocation loc);
[[nodiscard]] bool addIteratorLoopPhis(BytecodeLocation loopHead);
[[nodiscard]] bool buildPrologue();
[[nodiscard]] bool buildBody();
[[nodiscard]] bool buildInlinePrologue();
[[nodiscard]] bool buildIC(BytecodeLocation loc, CacheKind kind,
std::initializer_list<MDefinition*> inputs);
[[nodiscard]] bool buildBailoutForColdIC(BytecodeLocation loc,
CacheKind kind);
[[nodiscard]] bool buildEnvironmentChain();
MInstruction* buildNamedLambdaEnv(MDefinition* callee, MDefinition* env,
NamedLambdaObject* templateObj);
MInstruction* buildCallObject(MDefinition* callee, MDefinition* env,
CallObject* templateObj);
MInstruction* buildLoadSlot(MDefinition* obj, uint32_t numFixedSlots,
uint32_t slot);
MConstant* globalLexicalEnvConstant();
MDefinition* getCallee();
[[nodiscard]] bool buildUnaryOp(BytecodeLocation loc);
[[nodiscard]] bool buildBinaryOp(BytecodeLocation loc);
[[nodiscard]] bool buildCompareOp(BytecodeLocation loc);
[[nodiscard]] bool buildTestOp(BytecodeLocation loc);
[[nodiscard]] bool buildCallOp(BytecodeLocation loc);
[[nodiscard]] bool buildInitPropGetterSetterOp(BytecodeLocation loc);
[[nodiscard]] bool buildInitElemGetterSetterOp(BytecodeLocation loc);
[[nodiscard]] bool buildSuspend(BytecodeLocation loc, MDefinition* gen,
MDefinition* retVal);
void buildCheckLexicalOp(BytecodeLocation loc);
bool usesEnvironmentChain() const;
MDefinition* walkEnvironmentChain(uint32_t numHops);
void buildCreateThis(CallInfo& callInfo);
[[nodiscard]] bool transpileCall(BytecodeLocation loc,
const WarpCacheIR* cacheIRSnapshot,
CallInfo* callInfo);
[[nodiscard]] bool buildInlinedCall(BytecodeLocation loc,
const WarpInlinedCall* snapshot,
CallInfo& callInfo);
MDefinition* patchInlinedReturns(CompileInfo* calleeCompileInfo,
CallInfo& callInfo, MIRGraphReturns& exits,
MBasicBlock* returnBlock);
MDefinition* patchInlinedReturn(CompileInfo* calleeCompileInfo,
CallInfo& callInfo, MBasicBlock* exit,
MBasicBlock* returnBlock);
#define BUILD_OP(OP, ...) [[nodiscard]] bool build_##OP(BytecodeLocation loc);
#undef BUILD_OP
WarpBuilder(WarpSnapshot& snapshot, MIRGenerator& mirGen,
WarpCompilation* warpCompilation);
WarpBuilder(WarpBuilder* caller, WarpScriptSnapshot* snapshot,
CompileInfo& compileInfo, CallInfo* inlineCallInfo,
MResumePoint* callerResumePoint);
[[nodiscard]] bool build();
[[nodiscard]] bool buildInline();
const CompileInfo& info() const { return info_; }
CallInfo* inlineCallInfo() const { return inlineCallInfo_; }
} // namespace jit
} // namespace js
#endif /* jit_WarpBuilder_h */