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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef jit_MIRGraph_h
#define jit_MIRGraph_h
// This file declares the data structures used to build a control-flow graph
// containing MIR.
#include "jit/CompileInfo.h"
#include "jit/FixedList.h"
#include "jit/InlineScriptTree.h"
#include "jit/JitAllocPolicy.h"
#include "jit/MIR-wasm.h"
#include "jit/MIR.h"
namespace js {
namespace jit {
class MBasicBlock;
class MIRGraph;
class MStart;
class MDefinitionIterator;
using MInstructionIterator = InlineListIterator<MInstruction>;
using MInstructionReverseIterator = InlineListReverseIterator<MInstruction>;
using MPhiIterator = InlineListIterator<MPhi>;
#ifdef DEBUG
using MResumePointIterator = InlineForwardListIterator<MResumePoint>;
class LBlock;
class MBasicBlock : public TempObject, public InlineListNode<MBasicBlock> {
enum Kind {
MBasicBlock(MIRGraph& graph, const CompileInfo& info, BytecodeSite* site,
Kind kind);
[[nodiscard]] bool init();
void copySlots(MBasicBlock* from);
[[nodiscard]] bool inherit(TempAllocator& alloc, size_t stackDepth,
MBasicBlock* maybePred, uint32_t popped);
// This block cannot be reached by any means.
bool unreachable_ = false;
// This block will unconditionally bail out.
bool alwaysBails_ = false;
// Will be used for branch hinting in wasm.
wasm::BranchHint branchHint_ = wasm::BranchHint::Invalid;
// Pushes a copy of a local variable or argument.
void pushVariable(uint32_t slot) { push(slots_[slot]); }
// Sets a variable slot to the top of the stack, correctly creating copies
// as needed.
void setVariable(uint32_t slot) {
MOZ_ASSERT(stackPosition_ > info_.firstStackSlot());
setSlot(slot, slots_[stackPosition_ - 1]);
enum ReferencesType {
RefType_None = 0,
// Assert that the instruction is unused.
RefType_AssertNoUses = 1 << 0,
// Discard the operands of the resume point / instructions if the
// following flag are given too.
RefType_DiscardOperands = 1 << 1,
RefType_DiscardResumePoint = 1 << 2,
RefType_DiscardInstruction = 1 << 3,
// Discard operands of the instruction and its resume point.
RefType_DefaultNoAssert = RefType_DiscardOperands |
RefType_DiscardResumePoint |
// Discard everything and assert that the instruction is not used.
RefType_Default = RefType_AssertNoUses | RefType_DefaultNoAssert,
// Discard resume point operands only, without discarding the operands
// of the current instruction. Asserts that the instruction is unused.
RefType_IgnoreOperands = RefType_AssertNoUses | RefType_DiscardOperands |
void discardResumePoint(MResumePoint* rp,
ReferencesType refType = RefType_Default);
void removeResumePoint(MResumePoint* rp);
// Remove all references to an instruction such that it can be removed from
// the list of instruction, without keeping any dangling pointer to it. This
// includes the operands of the instruction, and the resume point if
// present.
void prepareForDiscard(MInstruction* ins,
ReferencesType refType = RefType_Default);
// Creates a new basic block for a MIR generator. If |pred| is not nullptr,
// its slots and stack depth are initialized from |pred|.
static MBasicBlock* New(MIRGraph& graph, size_t stackDepth,
const CompileInfo& info, MBasicBlock* maybePred,
BytecodeSite* site, Kind kind);
static MBasicBlock* New(MIRGraph& graph, const CompileInfo& info,
MBasicBlock* pred, Kind kind);
static MBasicBlock* NewPopN(MIRGraph& graph, const CompileInfo& info,
MBasicBlock* pred, BytecodeSite* site, Kind kind,
uint32_t popn);
static MBasicBlock* NewPendingLoopHeader(MIRGraph& graph,
const CompileInfo& info,
MBasicBlock* pred,
BytecodeSite* site);
static MBasicBlock* NewSplitEdge(MIRGraph& graph, MBasicBlock* pred,
size_t predEdgeIdx, MBasicBlock* succ);
static MBasicBlock* NewFakeLoopPredecessor(MIRGraph& graph,
MBasicBlock* header);
// Create a new basic block for internal control flow not present in the
// original CFG.
static MBasicBlock* NewInternal(MIRGraph& graph, MBasicBlock* orig,
MResumePoint* activeResumePoint);
bool dominates(const MBasicBlock* other) const {
return other->domIndex() - domIndex() < numDominated();
void setId(uint32_t id) { id_ = id; }
// Mark this block (and only this block) as unreachable.
void setUnreachable() {
void setUnreachableUnchecked() { unreachable_ = true; }
bool unreachable() const { return unreachable_; }
void setAlwaysBails() { alwaysBails_ = true; }
bool alwaysBails() const { return alwaysBails_; }
// Move the definition to the top of the stack.
void pick(int32_t depth);
// Move the top of the stack definition under the depth-th stack value.
void unpick(int32_t depth);
// Exchange 2 stack slots at the defined depth
void swapAt(int32_t depth);
// Note: most of the methods below are hot. Do not un-inline them without
// measuring the impact.
// Gets the instruction associated with various slot types.
MDefinition* peek(int32_t depth) {
MOZ_ASSERT(depth < 0);
MOZ_ASSERT(stackPosition_ + depth >= info_.firstStackSlot());
return peekUnchecked(depth);
MDefinition* peekUnchecked(int32_t depth) {
MOZ_ASSERT(depth < 0);
return getSlot(stackPosition_ + depth);
MDefinition* environmentChain();
MDefinition* argumentsObject();
// Increase the number of slots available
[[nodiscard]] bool increaseSlots(size_t num);
[[nodiscard]] bool ensureHasSlots(size_t num);
// Initializes a slot value; must not be called for normal stack
// operations, as it will not create new SSA names for copies.
void initSlot(uint32_t slot, MDefinition* ins) {
slots_[slot] = ins;
if (entryResumePoint()) {
entryResumePoint()->initOperand(slot, ins);
// Sets the instruction associated with various slot types. The
// instruction must lie at the top of the stack.
void setLocal(uint32_t local) { setVariable(info_.localSlot(local)); }
void setArg(uint32_t arg) { setVariable(info_.argSlot(arg)); }
void setSlot(uint32_t slot, MDefinition* ins) { slots_[slot] = ins; }
// Tracks an instruction as being pushed onto the operand stack.
void push(MDefinition* ins) {
MOZ_ASSERT(stackPosition_ < nslots());
slots_[stackPosition_++] = ins;
void pushArg(uint32_t arg) { pushVariable(info_.argSlot(arg)); }
void pushArgUnchecked(uint32_t arg) {
void pushLocal(uint32_t local) { pushVariable(info_.localSlot(local)); }
void pushSlot(uint32_t slot) { pushVariable(slot); }
void setEnvironmentChain(MDefinition* ins);
void setArgumentsObject(MDefinition* ins);
// Returns the top of the stack, then decrements the virtual stack pointer.
MDefinition* pop() {
MOZ_ASSERT(stackPosition_ > info_.firstStackSlot());
return slots_[--stackPosition_];
void popn(uint32_t n) {
MOZ_ASSERT(stackPosition_ - n >= info_.firstStackSlot());
MOZ_ASSERT(stackPosition_ >= stackPosition_ - n);
stackPosition_ -= n;
// Adds an instruction to this block's instruction list.
inline void add(MInstruction* ins);
// Marks the last instruction of the block; no further instructions
// can be added.
void end(MControlInstruction* ins) {
MOZ_ASSERT(!hasLastIns()); // Existing control instructions should be
// removed first.
// Adds a phi instruction, but does not set successorWithPhis.
void addPhi(MPhi* phi);
// Adds a resume point to this block.
void addResumePoint(MResumePoint* resume) {
#ifdef DEBUG
// Discard pre-allocated resume point.
void discardPreAllocatedResumePoint(MResumePoint* resume) {
// Adds a predecessor. Every predecessor must have the same exit stack
// depth as the entry state to this block. Adding a predecessor
// automatically creates phi nodes and rewrites uses as needed.
[[nodiscard]] bool addPredecessor(TempAllocator& alloc, MBasicBlock* pred);
[[nodiscard]] bool addPredecessorPopN(TempAllocator& alloc, MBasicBlock* pred,
uint32_t popped);
// Add a predecessor which won't introduce any new phis to this block.
// This may be called after the contents of this block have been built.
[[nodiscard]] bool addPredecessorSameInputsAs(MBasicBlock* pred,
MBasicBlock* existingPred);
// Stranger utilities used for inlining.
[[nodiscard]] bool addPredecessorWithoutPhis(MBasicBlock* pred);
void inheritSlots(MBasicBlock* parent);
[[nodiscard]] bool initEntrySlots(TempAllocator& alloc);
// Replaces an edge for a given block with a new block. This is
// used for critical edge splitting.
// Note: If successorWithPhis is set, you must not be replacing it.
void replacePredecessor(MBasicBlock* old, MBasicBlock* split);
void replaceSuccessor(size_t pos, MBasicBlock* split);
// Removes `pred` from the predecessor list. If this block defines phis,
// removes the entry for `pred` and updates the indices of later entries.
// This may introduce redundant phis if the new block has fewer
// than two predecessors.
void removePredecessor(MBasicBlock* pred);
// A version of removePredecessor which expects that phi operands to
// |pred| have already been removed.
void removePredecessorWithoutPhiOperands(MBasicBlock* pred, size_t predIndex);
// Resets all the dominator info so that it can be recomputed.
void clearDominatorInfo();
// Sets a back edge. This places phi nodes and rewrites instructions within
// the current loop as necessary.
[[nodiscard]] bool setBackedge(MBasicBlock* block);
[[nodiscard]] bool setBackedgeWasm(MBasicBlock* block, size_t paramCount);
// Resets a LOOP_HEADER block to a NORMAL block. This is needed when
// optimizations remove the backedge.
void clearLoopHeader();
// Sets a block to a LOOP_HEADER block, with newBackedge as its backedge.
// This is needed when optimizations remove the normal entry to a loop
// with multiple entries.
void setLoopHeader(MBasicBlock* newBackedge);
// Propagates backedge slots into phis operands of the loop header.
[[nodiscard]] bool inheritPhisFromBackedge(MBasicBlock* backedge);
void insertBefore(MInstruction* at, MInstruction* ins);
void insertAfter(MInstruction* at, MInstruction* ins);
void insertAtEnd(MInstruction* ins);
// Move an instruction. Movement may cross block boundaries.
void moveBefore(MInstruction* at, MInstruction* ins);
enum IgnoreTop { IgnoreNone = 0, IgnoreRecover = 1 << 0 };
// Locate the top of the |block|, where it is safe to insert a new
// instruction.
MInstruction* safeInsertTop(MDefinition* ins = nullptr,
IgnoreTop ignore = IgnoreNone);
// Removes an instruction with the intention to discard it.
void discard(MInstruction* ins);
void discardLastIns();
void discardAllInstructions();
void discardAllInstructionsStartingAt(MInstructionIterator iter);
void discardAllPhis();
void discardAllResumePoints(bool discardEntry = true);
void clear();
// Splits this block in two at a given instruction, inserting a new control
// flow diamond with |ins| in the slow path, |fastpath| in the other, and
// |condition| determining which path to take.
bool wrapInstructionInFastpath(MInstruction* ins, MInstruction* fastpath,
MInstruction* condition);
void moveOuterResumePointTo(MBasicBlock* dest);
// Move an instruction from this block to a block that has not yet been
// terminated.
void moveToNewBlock(MInstruction* ins, MBasicBlock* dst);
// Same as |void discard(MInstruction* ins)| but assuming that
// all operands are already discarded.
void discardIgnoreOperands(MInstruction* ins);
// Discards a phi instruction and updates predecessor successorWithPhis.
void discardPhi(MPhi* phi);
// Some instruction which are guarding against some MIRType value, or
// against a type expectation should be considered as removing a potenatial
// branch where the guard does not hold. We need to register such
// instructions in order to do destructive optimizations correctly, such as
// Range Analysis.
void flagOperandsOfPrunedBranches(MInstruction* ins);
// Mark this block as having been removed from the graph.
void markAsDead() {
MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ != DEAD);
kind_ = DEAD;
MIRGraph& graph() { return graph_; }
const CompileInfo& info() const { return info_; }
jsbytecode* pc() const { return trackedSite_->pc(); }
jsbytecode* entryPC() const { return entryResumePoint()->pc(); }
uint32_t nslots() const { return slots_.length(); }
uint32_t id() const { return id_; }
uint32_t numPredecessors() const { return predecessors_.length(); }
bool branchHintingUnlikely() const {
return branchHint_ == wasm::BranchHint::Unlikely;
bool branchHintingLikely() const {
return branchHint_ == wasm::BranchHint::Likely;
void setBranchHinting(wasm::BranchHint value) { branchHint_ = value; }
uint32_t domIndex() const {
return domIndex_;
void setDomIndex(uint32_t d) { domIndex_ = d; }
MBasicBlock* getPredecessor(uint32_t i) const { return predecessors_[i]; }
size_t indexForPredecessor(MBasicBlock* block) const {
// This should only be called before critical edge splitting.
for (size_t i = 0; i < predecessors_.length(); i++) {
if (predecessors_[i] == block) {
return i;
bool hasAnyIns() const { return !instructions_.empty(); }
bool hasLastIns() const {
return hasAnyIns() && instructions_.rbegin()->isControlInstruction();
MControlInstruction* lastIns() const {
return instructions_.rbegin()->toControlInstruction();
// Find or allocate an optimized out constant.
MConstant* optimizedOutConstant(TempAllocator& alloc);
MPhiIterator phisBegin() const { return phis_.begin(); }
MPhiIterator phisBegin(MPhi* at) const { return phis_.begin(at); }
MPhiIterator phisEnd() const { return phis_.end(); }
bool phisEmpty() const { return phis_.empty(); }
#ifdef DEBUG
MResumePointIterator resumePointsBegin() const {
return resumePoints_.begin();
MResumePointIterator resumePointsEnd() const { return resumePoints_.end(); }
bool resumePointsEmpty() const { return resumePoints_.empty(); }
MInstructionIterator begin() { return instructions_.begin(); }
MInstructionIterator begin(MInstruction* at) {
MOZ_ASSERT(at->block() == this);
return instructions_.begin(at);
MInstructionIterator end() { return instructions_.end(); }
MInstructionReverseIterator rbegin() { return instructions_.rbegin(); }
MInstructionReverseIterator rbegin(MInstruction* at) {
MOZ_ASSERT(at->block() == this);
return instructions_.rbegin(at);
MInstructionReverseIterator rend() { return instructions_.rend(); }
bool isLoopHeader() const { return kind_ == LOOP_HEADER; }
bool isPendingLoopHeader() const { return kind_ == PENDING_LOOP_HEADER; }
bool hasUniqueBackedge() const {
MOZ_ASSERT(numPredecessors() >= 1);
if (numPredecessors() == 1 || numPredecessors() == 2) {
return true;
if (numPredecessors() == 3) {
// fixup block added by NewFakeLoopPredecessor
return getPredecessor(1)->numPredecessors() == 0;
return false;
MBasicBlock* backedge() const {
return getPredecessor(numPredecessors() - 1);
MBasicBlock* loopHeaderOfBackedge() const {
return getSuccessor(numSuccessors() - 1);
MBasicBlock* loopPredecessor() const {
return getPredecessor(0);
bool isLoopBackedge() const {
if (!numSuccessors()) {
return false;
MBasicBlock* lastSuccessor = getSuccessor(numSuccessors() - 1);
return lastSuccessor->isLoopHeader() &&
lastSuccessor->hasUniqueBackedge() &&
lastSuccessor->backedge() == this;
bool isSplitEdge() const { return kind_ == SPLIT_EDGE; }
bool isDead() const { return kind_ == DEAD; }
bool isFakeLoopPred() const { return kind_ == FAKE_LOOP_PRED; }
uint32_t stackDepth() const { return stackPosition_; }
bool isMarked() const { return mark_; }
void mark() {
MOZ_ASSERT(!mark_, "Marking already-marked block");
void markUnchecked() { mark_ = true; }
void unmark() {
MOZ_ASSERT(mark_, "Unarking unmarked block");
void unmarkUnchecked() { mark_ = false; }
MBasicBlock* immediateDominator() const { return immediateDominator_; }
void setImmediateDominator(MBasicBlock* dom) { immediateDominator_ = dom; }
MTest* immediateDominatorBranch(BranchDirection* pdirection);
size_t numImmediatelyDominatedBlocks() const {
return immediatelyDominated_.length();
MBasicBlock* getImmediatelyDominatedBlock(size_t i) const {
return immediatelyDominated_[i];
MBasicBlock** immediatelyDominatedBlocksBegin() {
return immediatelyDominated_.begin();
MBasicBlock** immediatelyDominatedBlocksEnd() {
return immediatelyDominated_.end();
// Return the number of blocks dominated by this block. All blocks
// dominate at least themselves, so this will always be non-zero.
size_t numDominated() const {
MOZ_ASSERT(numDominated_ != 0);
return numDominated_;
void addNumDominated(size_t n) { numDominated_ += n; }
// Add |child| to this block's immediately-dominated set.
bool addImmediatelyDominatedBlock(MBasicBlock* child);
// Remove |child| from this block's immediately-dominated set.
void removeImmediatelyDominatedBlock(MBasicBlock* child);
// This function retrieves the internal instruction associated with a
// slot, and should not be used for normal stack operations. It is an
// internal helper that is also used to enhance spew.
MDefinition* getSlot(uint32_t index) {
MOZ_ASSERT(index < stackPosition_);
return slots_[index];
MResumePoint* entryResumePoint() const { return entryResumePoint_; }
void setEntryResumePoint(MResumePoint* rp) { entryResumePoint_ = rp; }
void clearEntryResumePoint() {
entryResumePoint_ = nullptr;
MResumePoint* outerResumePoint() const { return outerResumePoint_; }
void setOuterResumePoint(MResumePoint* outer) {
outerResumePoint_ = outer;
void clearOuterResumePoint() {
outerResumePoint_ = nullptr;
MResumePoint* callerResumePoint() const { return callerResumePoint_; }
void setCallerResumePoint(MResumePoint* caller) {
callerResumePoint_ = caller;
LBlock* lir() const { return lir_; }
void assignLir(LBlock* lir) {
lir_ = lir;
MBasicBlock* successorWithPhis() const { return successorWithPhis_; }
uint32_t positionInPhiSuccessor() const {
return positionInPhiSuccessor_;
void setSuccessorWithPhis(MBasicBlock* successor, uint32_t id) {
successorWithPhis_ = successor;
positionInPhiSuccessor_ = id;
void clearSuccessorWithPhis() { successorWithPhis_ = nullptr; }
size_t numSuccessors() const {
return lastIns()->numSuccessors();
MBasicBlock* getSuccessor(size_t index) const {
return lastIns()->getSuccessor(index);
MBasicBlock* getSingleSuccessor() const {
MOZ_ASSERT(numSuccessors() == 1);
return getSuccessor(0);
size_t getSuccessorIndex(MBasicBlock*) const;
size_t getPredecessorIndex(MBasicBlock*) const;
void setLoopDepth(uint32_t loopDepth) { loopDepth_ = loopDepth; }
uint32_t loopDepth() const { return loopDepth_; }
void dumpStack(GenericPrinter& out);
void dumpStack();
void dump(GenericPrinter& out);
void dump();
void updateTrackedSite(BytecodeSite* site) {
MOZ_ASSERT(site->tree() == trackedSite_->tree());
trackedSite_ = site;
BytecodeSite* trackedSite() const { return trackedSite_; }
InlineScriptTree* trackedTree() const { return trackedSite_->tree(); }
// Find the previous resume point that would be used if this instruction
// bails out.
MResumePoint* activeResumePoint(MInstruction* ins);
MIRGraph& graph_;
const CompileInfo& info_; // Each block originates from a particular script.
InlineList<MInstruction> instructions_;
Vector<MBasicBlock*, 1, JitAllocPolicy> predecessors_;
InlineList<MPhi> phis_;
FixedList<MDefinition*> slots_;
uint32_t stackPosition_;
uint32_t id_;
uint32_t domIndex_; // Index in the dominator tree.
uint32_t numDominated_;
LBlock* lir_;
// Copy of a dominator block's outerResumePoint_ which holds the state of
// caller frame at the time of the call. If not null, this implies that this
// basic block corresponds to an inlined script.
MResumePoint* callerResumePoint_;
// Resume point holding baseline-like frame for the PC corresponding to the
// entry of this basic block.
MResumePoint* entryResumePoint_;
// Resume point holding baseline-like frame for the PC corresponding to the
// beginning of the call-site which is being inlined after this block.
MResumePoint* outerResumePoint_;
#ifdef DEBUG
// Unordered list used to verify that all the resume points which are
// registered are correctly removed when a basic block is removed.
InlineForwardList<MResumePoint> resumePoints_;
MBasicBlock* successorWithPhis_;
uint32_t positionInPhiSuccessor_;
uint32_t loopDepth_;
Kind kind_ : 8;
// Utility mark for traversal algorithms.
bool mark_;
Vector<MBasicBlock*, 1, JitAllocPolicy> immediatelyDominated_;
MBasicBlock* immediateDominator_;
// Track bailouts by storing the current pc in MIR instruction added at
// this cycle. This is also used for tracking calls and optimizations when
// profiling.
BytecodeSite* trackedSite_;
using MBasicBlockIterator = InlineListIterator<MBasicBlock>;
using ReversePostorderIterator = InlineListIterator<MBasicBlock>;
using PostorderIterator = InlineListReverseIterator<MBasicBlock>;
using MIRGraphReturns = Vector<MBasicBlock*, 1, JitAllocPolicy>;
class MIRGraph {
InlineList<MBasicBlock> blocks_;
TempAllocator* alloc_;
MIRGraphReturns* returnAccumulator_;
uint32_t blockIdGen_;
uint32_t idGen_;
MBasicBlock* osrBlock_;
size_t numBlocks_;
bool hasTryBlock_;
InlineList<MPhi> phiFreeList_;
size_t phiFreeListLength_;
explicit MIRGraph(TempAllocator* alloc)
: alloc_(alloc),
phiFreeListLength_(0) {}
TempAllocator& alloc() const { return *alloc_; }
void addBlock(MBasicBlock* block);
void insertBlockAfter(MBasicBlock* at, MBasicBlock* block);
void insertBlockBefore(MBasicBlock* at, MBasicBlock* block);
void unmarkBlocks();
void setReturnAccumulator(MIRGraphReturns* accum) {
returnAccumulator_ = accum;
MIRGraphReturns* returnAccumulator() const { return returnAccumulator_; }
[[nodiscard]] bool addReturn(MBasicBlock* returnBlock) {
if (!returnAccumulator_) {
return true;
return returnAccumulator_->append(returnBlock);
MBasicBlock* entryBlock() { return *blocks_.begin(); }
MBasicBlockIterator begin() { return blocks_.begin(); }
MBasicBlockIterator begin(const MBasicBlock* at) { return blocks_.begin(at); }
MBasicBlockIterator end() { return blocks_.end(); }
PostorderIterator poBegin() { return blocks_.rbegin(); }
PostorderIterator poBegin(const MBasicBlock* at) {
return blocks_.rbegin(at);
PostorderIterator poEnd() { return blocks_.rend(); }
ReversePostorderIterator rpoBegin() { return blocks_.begin(); }
ReversePostorderIterator rpoBegin(const MBasicBlock* at) {
return blocks_.begin(at);
ReversePostorderIterator rpoEnd() { return blocks_.end(); }
void removeBlock(MBasicBlock* block);
void moveBlockToEnd(MBasicBlock* block) {
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!blocks_.empty(), block->id());
void moveBlockBefore(MBasicBlock* at, MBasicBlock* block) {
blocks_.insertBefore(at, block);
void moveBlockAfter(MBasicBlock* at, MBasicBlock* block) {
blocks_.insertAfter(at, block);
size_t numBlocks() const { return numBlocks_; }
uint32_t numBlockIds() const { return blockIdGen_; }
void allocDefinitionId(MDefinition* ins) { ins->setId(idGen_++); }
uint32_t getNumInstructionIds() { return idGen_; }
MResumePoint* entryResumePoint() { return entryBlock()->entryResumePoint(); }
void setOsrBlock(MBasicBlock* osrBlock) {
osrBlock_ = osrBlock;
MBasicBlock* osrBlock() const { return osrBlock_; }
MBasicBlock* osrPreHeaderBlock() const {
return osrBlock() ? osrBlock()->getSingleSuccessor() : nullptr;
bool hasTryBlock() const { return hasTryBlock_; }
void setHasTryBlock() { hasTryBlock_ = true; }
void dump(GenericPrinter& out);
void dump();
void addPhiToFreeList(MPhi* phi) {
size_t phiFreeListLength() const { return phiFreeListLength_; }
MPhi* takePhiFromFreeList() {
MOZ_ASSERT(phiFreeListLength_ > 0);
return phiFreeList_.popBack();
void removeFakeLoopPredecessors();
#ifdef DEBUG
// Dominators can't be built after we remove fake loop predecessors.
bool canBuildDominators_ = true;
bool canBuildDominators() const { return canBuildDominators_; }
class MDefinitionIterator {
friend class MBasicBlock;
friend class MNodeIterator;
MBasicBlock* block_;
MPhiIterator phiIter_;
MInstructionIterator iter_;
bool atPhi() const { return phiIter_ != block_->phisEnd(); }
MDefinition* getIns() {
if (atPhi()) {
return *phiIter_;
return *iter_;
bool more() const { return atPhi() || (*iter_) != block_->lastIns(); }
explicit MDefinitionIterator(MBasicBlock* block)
: block_(block), phiIter_(block->phisBegin()), iter_(block->begin()) {}
MDefinitionIterator operator++() {
if (atPhi()) {
} else {
return *this;
MDefinitionIterator operator++(int) {
MDefinitionIterator old(*this);
return old;
explicit operator bool() const { return more(); }
MDefinition* operator*() { return getIns(); }
MDefinition* operator->() { return getIns(); }
// Iterates on all resume points, phis, and instructions of a MBasicBlock.
// Resume points are visited as long as they have not been discarded.
class MNodeIterator {
// If this is non-null, the resume point that we will visit next (unless
// it has been discarded). Initialized to the entry resume point.
// Otherwise, resume point of the most recently visited instruction.
MResumePoint* resumePoint_;
mozilla::DebugOnly<MInstruction*> lastInstruction_ = nullptr;
// Definition iterator which is one step ahead when visiting resume points.
// This is in order to avoid incrementing the iterator while it is settled
// on a discarded instruction.
MDefinitionIterator defIter_;
MBasicBlock* block() const { return defIter_.block_; }
bool atResumePoint() const {
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(lastInstruction_ && !lastInstruction_->isDiscarded(),
lastInstruction_->resumePoint() == resumePoint_);
return resumePoint_ && !resumePoint_->isDiscarded();
MNode* getNode() {
if (atResumePoint()) {
return resumePoint_;
return *defIter_;
void next() {
if (!atResumePoint()) {
if (defIter_->isInstruction()) {
resumePoint_ = defIter_->toInstruction()->resumePoint();
lastInstruction_ = defIter_->toInstruction();
} else {
resumePoint_ = nullptr;
lastInstruction_ = nullptr;
bool more() const { return defIter_ || atResumePoint(); }
explicit MNodeIterator(MBasicBlock* block)
: resumePoint_(block->entryResumePoint()), defIter_(block) {
MOZ_ASSERT(bool(block->entryResumePoint()) == atResumePoint());
MNodeIterator operator++(int) {
MNodeIterator old(*this);
if (more()) {
return old;
explicit operator bool() const { return more(); }
MNode* operator*() { return getNode(); }
MNode* operator->() { return getNode(); }
void MBasicBlock::add(MInstruction* ins) {
ins->setInstructionBlock(this, trackedSite_);
} // namespace jit
} // namespace js
#endif /* jit_MIRGraph_h */