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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef jit_JitcodeMap_h
#define jit_JitcodeMap_h
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h" // MOZ_ASSERT, MOZ_ASSERT_IF, MOZ_CRASH
#include <stddef.h> // size_t
#include <stdint.h> // uint8_t, uint32_t, uint64_t
#include "ds/AvlTree.h" // AvlTree
#include "jit/CompactBuffer.h" // CompactBufferReader, CompactBufferWriter
#include "jit/shared/Assembler-shared.h" // CodeOffset
#include "js/AllocPolicy.h" // SystemAllocPolicy
#include "js/TypeDecls.h" // jsbytecode
#include "js/Vector.h" // Vector
#include "vm/BytecodeLocation.h" // BytecodeLocation
class JSScript;
class JSTracer;
struct JSRuntime;
namespace JS {
class Zone;
} // namespace JS
namespace js {
class GCMarker;
namespace jit {
class InlineScriptTree;
* The jitcode map implements tables to allow mapping from addresses in jitcode
* to the list of (JSScript*, jsbytecode*) pairs that are implicitly active in
* the frame at that point in the native code.
* To represent this information efficiently, a multi-level table is used.
* At the top level, a global AVL-tree of JitcodeGlobalEntry describing the
* mapping for each individual JitCode generated by compiles. The entries are
* ordered by their nativeStartAddr.
* Every entry in the table is of fixed size, but there are different entry
* types, distinguished by the kind field.
class JitcodeGlobalTable;
class JitcodeIonTable;
class JitcodeRegionEntry;
struct NativeToBytecode {
CodeOffset nativeOffset;
InlineScriptTree* tree;
jsbytecode* pc;
// Describes range [start, end) of JIT-generated code.
class JitCodeRange {
void* const nativeStartAddr_;
void* const nativeEndAddr_;
JitCodeRange(void* start, void* end)
: nativeStartAddr_(start), nativeEndAddr_(end) {
MOZ_ASSERT(start < end);
// Comparator used by the AvlTree.
static int compare(const JitCodeRange* r1, const JitCodeRange* r2) {
// JitCodeRange includes 'start' but excludes 'end'.
if (r1->nativeEndAddr_ <= r2->nativeStartAddr_) {
return -1;
if (r1->nativeStartAddr_ >= r2->nativeEndAddr_) {
return 1;
return 0;
void* nativeStartAddr() const { return nativeStartAddr_; }
void* nativeEndAddr() const { return nativeEndAddr_; }
bool containsPointer(void* ptr) const {
return nativeStartAddr() <= ptr && ptr < nativeEndAddr();
using BytecodeLocationVector = Vector<BytecodeLocation, 0, SystemAllocPolicy>;
class IonEntry;
class IonICEntry;
class BaselineEntry;
class BaselineInterpreterEntry;
class DummyEntry;
// Base class for all entries.
class JitcodeGlobalEntry : public JitCodeRange {
JitCode* jitcode_;
// If this entry is referenced from the profiler buffer, this is the
// position where the most recent sample that references it starts.
// Otherwise set to kNoSampleInBuffer.
static const uint64_t kNoSampleInBuffer = UINT64_MAX;
uint64_t samplePositionInBuffer_ = kNoSampleInBuffer;
enum class Kind : uint8_t {
Kind kind_;
JitcodeGlobalEntry(Kind kind, JitCode* code, void* nativeStartAddr,
void* nativeEndAddr)
: JitCodeRange(nativeStartAddr, nativeEndAddr),
kind_(kind) {
// Protected destructor to ensure this is called through DestroyPolicy.
~JitcodeGlobalEntry() = default;
JitcodeGlobalEntry(const JitcodeGlobalEntry& other) = delete;
void operator=(const JitcodeGlobalEntry& other) = delete;
struct DestroyPolicy {
void operator()(JitcodeGlobalEntry* entry);
void setSamplePositionInBuffer(uint64_t bufferWritePos) {
samplePositionInBuffer_ = bufferWritePos;
void setAsExpired() { samplePositionInBuffer_ = kNoSampleInBuffer; }
bool isSampled(uint64_t bufferRangeStart) {
if (samplePositionInBuffer_ == kNoSampleInBuffer) {
return false;
return bufferRangeStart <= samplePositionInBuffer_;
Kind kind() const { return kind_; }
bool isIon() const { return kind() == Kind::Ion; }
bool isIonIC() const { return kind() == Kind::IonIC; }
bool isBaseline() const { return kind() == Kind::Baseline; }
bool isBaselineInterpreter() const {
return kind() == Kind::BaselineInterpreter;
bool isDummy() const { return kind() == Kind::Dummy; }
inline const IonEntry& asIon() const;
inline const IonICEntry& asIonIC() const;
inline const BaselineEntry& asBaseline() const;
inline const BaselineInterpreterEntry& asBaselineInterpreter() const;
inline const DummyEntry& asDummy() const;
inline IonEntry& asIon();
inline IonICEntry& asIonIC();
inline BaselineEntry& asBaseline();
inline BaselineInterpreterEntry& asBaselineInterpreter();
inline DummyEntry& asDummy();
JitCode* jitcode() const { return jitcode_; }
JitCode** jitcodePtr() { return &jitcode_; }
Zone* zone() const { return jitcode()->zone(); }
bool traceJitcode(JSTracer* trc);
bool isJitcodeMarkedFromAnyThread(JSRuntime* rt);
bool trace(JSTracer* trc);
void traceWeak(JSTracer* trc);
uint64_t lookupRealmID(JSRuntime* rt, void* ptr) const;
void* canonicalNativeAddrFor(JSRuntime* rt, void* ptr) const;
// Read the inline call stack at a given point in the native code and append
// into the given vector. Innermost (script,pc) pair will be appended first,
// and outermost appended last.
// Returns false on memory failure.
[[nodiscard]] bool callStackAtAddr(JSRuntime* rt, void* ptr,
BytecodeLocationVector& results,
uint32_t* depth) const;
uint32_t callStackAtAddr(JSRuntime* rt, void* ptr, const char** results,
uint32_t maxResults) const;
using UniqueJitcodeGlobalEntry =
UniquePtr<JitcodeGlobalEntry, JitcodeGlobalEntry::DestroyPolicy>;
template <typename T, typename... Args>
inline UniqueJitcodeGlobalEntry MakeJitcodeGlobalEntry(JSContext* cx,
Args&&... args) {
UniqueJitcodeGlobalEntry res(js_new<T>(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
if (!res) {
return res;
class IonEntry : public JitcodeGlobalEntry {
struct ScriptNamePair {
JSScript* script;
UniqueChars str;
ScriptNamePair(JSScript* script, UniqueChars str)
: script(script), str(std::move(str)) {}
using ScriptList = Vector<ScriptNamePair, 2, SystemAllocPolicy>;
ScriptList scriptList_;
// regionTable_ points to the start of the region table within the
// packed map for compile represented by this entry. Since the
// region table occurs at the tail of the memory region, this pointer
// points somewhere inside the region memory space, and not to the start
// of the memory space.
const JitcodeIonTable* regionTable_;
IonEntry(JitCode* code, void* nativeStartAddr, void* nativeEndAddr,
ScriptList&& scriptList, JitcodeIonTable* regionTable)
: JitcodeGlobalEntry(Kind::Ion, code, nativeStartAddr, nativeEndAddr),
regionTable_(regionTable) {
ScriptList& scriptList() { return scriptList_; }
size_t numScripts() const { return scriptList_.length(); }
JSScript* getScript(unsigned idx) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(idx < numScripts());
return scriptList_[idx].script;
const char* getStr(unsigned idx) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(idx < numScripts());
return scriptList_[idx].str.get();
const JitcodeIonTable* regionTable() const { return regionTable_; }
void* canonicalNativeAddrFor(void* ptr) const;
[[nodiscard]] bool callStackAtAddr(void* ptr, BytecodeLocationVector& results,
uint32_t* depth) const;
uint32_t callStackAtAddr(void* ptr, const char** results,
uint32_t maxResults) const;
uint64_t lookupRealmID(void* ptr) const;
bool trace(JSTracer* trc);
void traceWeak(JSTracer* trc);
class IonICEntry : public JitcodeGlobalEntry {
// Address for this IC in the IonScript code. Most operations on IonICEntry
// use this to forward to the IonEntry.
void* rejoinAddr_;
IonICEntry(JitCode* code, void* nativeStartAddr, void* nativeEndAddr,
void* rejoinAddr)
: JitcodeGlobalEntry(Kind::IonIC, code, nativeStartAddr, nativeEndAddr),
rejoinAddr_(rejoinAddr) {
void* rejoinAddr() const { return rejoinAddr_; }
void* canonicalNativeAddrFor(void* ptr) const;
[[nodiscard]] bool callStackAtAddr(JSRuntime* rt, void* ptr,
BytecodeLocationVector& results,
uint32_t* depth) const;
uint32_t callStackAtAddr(JSRuntime* rt, void* ptr, const char** results,
uint32_t maxResults) const;
uint64_t lookupRealmID(JSRuntime* rt, void* ptr) const;
bool trace(JSTracer* trc);
void traceWeak(JSTracer* trc);
class BaselineEntry : public JitcodeGlobalEntry {
JSScript* script_;
UniqueChars str_;
BaselineEntry(JitCode* code, void* nativeStartAddr, void* nativeEndAddr,
JSScript* script, UniqueChars str)
: JitcodeGlobalEntry(Kind::Baseline, code, nativeStartAddr,
str_(std::move(str)) {
JSScript* script() const { return script_; }
const char* str() const { return str_.get(); }
void* canonicalNativeAddrFor(void* ptr) const;
[[nodiscard]] bool callStackAtAddr(void* ptr, BytecodeLocationVector& results,
uint32_t* depth) const;
uint32_t callStackAtAddr(void* ptr, const char** results,
uint32_t maxResults) const;
uint64_t lookupRealmID() const;
bool trace(JSTracer* trc);
void traceWeak(JSTracer* trc);
class BaselineInterpreterEntry : public JitcodeGlobalEntry {
BaselineInterpreterEntry(JitCode* code, void* nativeStartAddr,
void* nativeEndAddr)
: JitcodeGlobalEntry(Kind::BaselineInterpreter, code, nativeStartAddr,
nativeEndAddr) {}
void* canonicalNativeAddrFor(void* ptr) const;
[[nodiscard]] bool callStackAtAddr(void* ptr, BytecodeLocationVector& results,
uint32_t* depth) const;
uint32_t callStackAtAddr(void* ptr, const char** results,
uint32_t maxResults) const;
uint64_t lookupRealmID() const;
// Dummy entries are created for jitcode generated when profiling is not
// turned on, so that they have representation in the global table if they are
// on the stack when profiling is enabled.
class DummyEntry : public JitcodeGlobalEntry {
DummyEntry(JitCode* code, void* nativeStartAddr, void* nativeEndAddr)
: JitcodeGlobalEntry(Kind::Dummy, code, nativeStartAddr, nativeEndAddr) {}
void* canonicalNativeAddrFor(JSRuntime* rt, void* ptr) const {
return nullptr;
[[nodiscard]] bool callStackAtAddr(JSRuntime* rt, void* ptr,
BytecodeLocationVector& results,
uint32_t* depth) const {
return true;
uint32_t callStackAtAddr(JSRuntime* rt, void* ptr, const char** results,
uint32_t maxResults) const {
return 0;
uint64_t lookupRealmID() const { return 0; }
inline const IonEntry& JitcodeGlobalEntry::asIon() const {
return *static_cast<const IonEntry*>(this);
inline const IonICEntry& JitcodeGlobalEntry::asIonIC() const {
return *static_cast<const IonICEntry*>(this);
inline const BaselineEntry& JitcodeGlobalEntry::asBaseline() const {
return *static_cast<const BaselineEntry*>(this);
inline const BaselineInterpreterEntry&
JitcodeGlobalEntry::asBaselineInterpreter() const {
return *static_cast<const BaselineInterpreterEntry*>(this);
inline const DummyEntry& JitcodeGlobalEntry::asDummy() const {
return *static_cast<const DummyEntry*>(this);
inline IonEntry& JitcodeGlobalEntry::asIon() {
return *static_cast<IonEntry*>(this);
inline IonICEntry& JitcodeGlobalEntry::asIonIC() {
return *static_cast<IonICEntry*>(this);
inline BaselineEntry& JitcodeGlobalEntry::asBaseline() {
return *static_cast<BaselineEntry*>(this);
inline BaselineInterpreterEntry& JitcodeGlobalEntry::asBaselineInterpreter() {
return *static_cast<BaselineInterpreterEntry*>(this);
inline DummyEntry& JitcodeGlobalEntry::asDummy() {
return *static_cast<DummyEntry*>(this);
// Global table of JitcodeGlobalEntry entries.
class JitcodeGlobalTable {
// Vector containing (and owning) all entries. This is unsorted and used for
// iterating over all entries, because the AvlTree currently doesn't support
// modifications while iterating.
using EntryVector = Vector<UniqueJitcodeGlobalEntry, 0, SystemAllocPolicy>;
EntryVector entries_;
// AVL tree containing all entries in the Vector above. This is used to
// efficiently look up the entry corresponding to a native code address.
using EntryTree = AvlTree<JitCodeRange*, JitCodeRange>;
static const size_t LIFO_CHUNK_SIZE = 16 * 1024;
LifoAlloc alloc_;
EntryTree tree_;
: alloc_(LIFO_CHUNK_SIZE, js::BackgroundMallocArena), tree_(&alloc_) {}
bool empty() const {
MOZ_ASSERT(entries_.empty() == tree_.empty());
return entries_.empty();
JitcodeGlobalEntry* lookup(void* ptr) { return lookupInternal(ptr); }
const JitcodeGlobalEntry* lookupForSampler(void* ptr, JSRuntime* rt,
uint64_t samplePosInBuffer);
[[nodiscard]] bool addEntry(UniqueJitcodeGlobalEntry entry);
void setAllEntriesAsExpired();
[[nodiscard]] bool markIteratively(GCMarker* marker);
void traceWeak(JSRuntime* rt, JSTracer* trc);
JitcodeGlobalEntry* lookupInternal(void* ptr);
// clang-format off
* Container class for main jitcode table.
* The Region table's memory is structured as follows:
* +------------------------------------------------+ |
* | Region 1 Run | |
* |------------------------------------------------| |
* | Region 2 Run | |
* | | |
* | | |
* |------------------------------------------------| |
* | Region 3 Run | |
* | | |
* |------------------------------------------------| |-- Payload
* | | |
* | ... | |
* | | |
* |------------------------------------------------| |
* | Region M Run | |
* | | |
* +================================================+ <- RegionTable pointer points here
* | uint23_t numRegions = M | |
* +------------------------------------------------+ |
* | Region 1 | |
* | uint32_t entryOffset = size(Payload) | |
* +------------------------------------------------+ |
* | | |-- Table
* | ... | |
* | | |
* +------------------------------------------------+ |
* | Region M | |
* | uint32_t entryOffset | |
* +------------------------------------------------+ |
* The region table is composed of two sections: a tail section that contains a table of
* fixed-size entries containing offsets into the the head section, and a head section that
* holds a sequence of variable-sized runs. The table in the tail section serves to
* locate the variable-length encoded structures in the head section.
* The entryOffsets in the table indicate the bytes offset to subtract from the regionTable
* pointer to arrive at the encoded region in the payload.
* Variable-length entries in payload
* ----------------------------------
* The entryOffsets in the region table's fixed-sized entries refer to a location within the
* variable-length payload section. This location contains a compactly encoded "run" of
* mappings.
* Each run starts by describing the offset within the native code it starts at, and the
* sequence of (JSScript*, jsbytecode*) pairs active at that site. Following that, there
* are a number of variable-length entries encoding (nativeOffsetDelta, bytecodeOffsetDelta)
* pairs for the run.
* VarUint32 nativeOffset;
* - The offset from nativeStartAddr in the global table entry at which
* the jitcode for this region starts.
* Uint8_t scriptDepth;
* - The depth of inlined scripts for this region.
* List<VarUint32> inlineScriptPcStack;
* - We encode (2 * scriptDepth) VarUint32s here. Each pair of uint32s are taken
* as an index into the scriptList in the global table entry, and a pcOffset
* respectively.
* List<NativeAndBytecodeDelta> deltaRun;
* - The rest of the entry is a deltaRun that stores a series of variable-length
* encoded NativeAndBytecodeDelta datums.
// clang-format on
class JitcodeRegionEntry {
static const unsigned MAX_RUN_LENGTH = 100;
static void WriteHead(CompactBufferWriter& writer, uint32_t nativeOffset,
uint8_t scriptDepth);
static void ReadHead(CompactBufferReader& reader, uint32_t* nativeOffset,
uint8_t* scriptDepth);
static void WriteScriptPc(CompactBufferWriter& writer, uint32_t scriptIdx,
uint32_t pcOffset);
static void ReadScriptPc(CompactBufferReader& reader, uint32_t* scriptIdx,
uint32_t* pcOffset);
static void WriteDelta(CompactBufferWriter& writer, uint32_t nativeDelta,
int32_t pcDelta);
static void ReadDelta(CompactBufferReader& reader, uint32_t* nativeDelta,
int32_t* pcDelta);
// Given a pointer into an array of NativeToBytecode (and a pointer to the end
// of the array), compute the number of entries that would be consume by
// outputting a run starting at this one.
static uint32_t ExpectedRunLength(const NativeToBytecode* entry,
const NativeToBytecode* end);
// Write a run, starting at the given NativeToBytecode entry, into the given
// buffer writer.
[[nodiscard]] static bool WriteRun(CompactBufferWriter& writer,
const IonEntry::ScriptList& scriptList,
uint32_t runLength,
const NativeToBytecode* entry);
// Delta Run entry formats are encoded little-endian:
// byte 0
// Single byte format. nativeDelta in [0, 15], pcDelta in [0, 7]
static const uint32_t ENC1_MASK = 0x1;
static const uint32_t ENC1_MASK_VAL = 0x0;
static const uint32_t ENC1_NATIVE_DELTA_MAX = 0xf;
static const unsigned ENC1_NATIVE_DELTA_SHIFT = 4;
static const uint32_t ENC1_PC_DELTA_MASK = 0x0e;
static const int32_t ENC1_PC_DELTA_MAX = 0x7;
static const unsigned ENC1_PC_DELTA_SHIFT = 1;
// byte 1 byte 0
// Two-byte format. nativeDelta in [0, 255], pcDelta in [0, 63]
static const uint32_t ENC2_MASK = 0x3;
static const uint32_t ENC2_MASK_VAL = 0x1;
static const uint32_t ENC2_NATIVE_DELTA_MAX = 0xff;
static const unsigned ENC2_NATIVE_DELTA_SHIFT = 8;
static const uint32_t ENC2_PC_DELTA_MASK = 0x00fc;
static const int32_t ENC2_PC_DELTA_MAX = 0x3f;
static const unsigned ENC2_PC_DELTA_SHIFT = 2;
// byte 2 byte 1 byte 0
// Three-byte format. nativeDelta in [0, 2047], pcDelta in [-512, 511]
static const uint32_t ENC3_MASK = 0x7;
static const uint32_t ENC3_MASK_VAL = 0x3;
static const uint32_t ENC3_NATIVE_DELTA_MAX = 0x7ff;
static const unsigned ENC3_NATIVE_DELTA_SHIFT = 13;
static const uint32_t ENC3_PC_DELTA_MASK = 0x001ff8;
static const int32_t ENC3_PC_DELTA_MAX = 0x1ff;
static const int32_t ENC3_PC_DELTA_MIN = -ENC3_PC_DELTA_MAX - 1;
static const unsigned ENC3_PC_DELTA_SHIFT = 3;
// byte 3 byte 2 byte 1 byte 0
// Three-byte format. nativeDelta in [0, 65535],
// pcDelta in [-4096, 4095]
static const uint32_t ENC4_MASK = 0x7;
static const uint32_t ENC4_MASK_VAL = 0x7;
static const uint32_t ENC4_NATIVE_DELTA_MAX = 0xffff;
static const unsigned ENC4_NATIVE_DELTA_SHIFT = 16;
static const uint32_t ENC4_PC_DELTA_MASK = 0x0000fff8;
static const int32_t ENC4_PC_DELTA_MAX = 0xfff;
static const int32_t ENC4_PC_DELTA_MIN = -ENC4_PC_DELTA_MAX - 1;
static const unsigned ENC4_PC_DELTA_SHIFT = 3;
static bool IsDeltaEncodeable(uint32_t nativeDelta, int32_t pcDelta) {
return (nativeDelta <= ENC4_NATIVE_DELTA_MAX) &&
(pcDelta >= ENC4_PC_DELTA_MIN) && (pcDelta <= ENC4_PC_DELTA_MAX);
const uint8_t* data_;
const uint8_t* end_;
// Unpacked state from jitcode entry.
uint32_t nativeOffset_;
uint8_t scriptDepth_;
const uint8_t* scriptPcStack_;
const uint8_t* deltaRun_;
void unpack();
JitcodeRegionEntry(const uint8_t* data, const uint8_t* end)
: data_(data),
deltaRun_(nullptr) {
MOZ_ASSERT(data_ < end_);
MOZ_ASSERT(scriptPcStack_ < end_);
MOZ_ASSERT(deltaRun_ <= end_);
uint32_t nativeOffset() const { return nativeOffset_; }
uint32_t scriptDepth() const { return scriptDepth_; }
class ScriptPcIterator {
const uint8_t* start_;
const uint8_t* end_;
#ifdef DEBUG
uint32_t count_;
uint32_t idx_;
const uint8_t* cur_;
ScriptPcIterator(const uint8_t* start, const uint8_t* end, uint32_t count)
: start_(start),
#ifdef DEBUG
cur_(start_) {
bool hasMore() const {
MOZ_ASSERT((idx_ == count_) == (cur_ == end_));
MOZ_ASSERT((idx_ < count_) == (cur_ < end_));
return cur_ < end_;
void readNext(uint32_t* scriptIdxOut, uint32_t* pcOffsetOut) {
CompactBufferReader reader(cur_, end_);
ReadScriptPc(reader, scriptIdxOut, pcOffsetOut);
cur_ = reader.currentPosition();
MOZ_ASSERT(cur_ <= end_);
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(idx_ == count_, cur_ == end_);
void reset() {
idx_ = 0;
cur_ = start_;
ScriptPcIterator scriptPcIterator() const {
// End of script+pc sequence is the start of the delta run.
return ScriptPcIterator(scriptPcStack_, deltaRun_, scriptDepth_);
class DeltaIterator {
const uint8_t* start_;
const uint8_t* end_;
const uint8_t* cur_;
DeltaIterator(const uint8_t* start, const uint8_t* end)
: start_(start), end_(end), cur_(start) {}
bool hasMore() const {
MOZ_ASSERT(cur_ <= end_);
return cur_ < end_;
void readNext(uint32_t* nativeDeltaOut, int32_t* pcDeltaOut) {
MOZ_ASSERT(nativeDeltaOut != nullptr);
MOZ_ASSERT(pcDeltaOut != nullptr);
CompactBufferReader reader(cur_, end_);
ReadDelta(reader, nativeDeltaOut, pcDeltaOut);
cur_ = reader.currentPosition();
MOZ_ASSERT(cur_ <= end_);
void reset() { cur_ = start_; }
DeltaIterator deltaIterator() const { return DeltaIterator(deltaRun_, end_); }
uint32_t findPcOffset(uint32_t queryNativeOffset,
uint32_t startPcOffset) const;
class JitcodeIonTable {
/* Variable length payload section "below" here. */
uint32_t numRegions_;
uint32_t regionOffsets_[1];
const uint8_t* payloadEnd() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(this);
JitcodeIonTable() = delete;
uint32_t numRegions() const { return numRegions_; }
uint32_t regionOffset(uint32_t regionIndex) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(regionIndex < numRegions());
return regionOffsets_[regionIndex];
JitcodeRegionEntry regionEntry(uint32_t regionIndex) const {
const uint8_t* regionStart = payloadEnd() - regionOffset(regionIndex);
const uint8_t* regionEnd = payloadEnd();
if (regionIndex < numRegions_ - 1) {
regionEnd -= regionOffset(regionIndex + 1);
return JitcodeRegionEntry(regionStart, regionEnd);
uint32_t findRegionEntry(uint32_t offset) const;
const uint8_t* payloadStart() const {
// The beginning of the payload the beginning of the first region are the
// same.
return payloadEnd() - regionOffset(0);
[[nodiscard]] static bool WriteIonTable(
CompactBufferWriter& writer, const IonEntry::ScriptList& scriptList,
const NativeToBytecode* start, const NativeToBytecode* end,
uint32_t* tableOffsetOut, uint32_t* numRegionsOut);
} // namespace jit
} // namespace js
#endif /* jit_JitcodeMap_h */