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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef jit_IonAnalysis_h
#define jit_IonAnalysis_h
// This file declares various analysis passes that operate on MIR.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "jit/IonTypes.h"
#include "jit/JitAllocPolicy.h"
#include "js/TypeDecls.h"
#include "js/Utility.h"
#include "js/Vector.h"
namespace js {
class JS_PUBLIC_API GenericPrinter;
class PlainObject;
namespace jit {
class MBasicBlock;
class MCompare;
class MDefinition;
class MIRGenerator;
class MIRGraph;
class MTest;
[[nodiscard]] bool PruneUnusedBranches(MIRGenerator* mir, MIRGraph& graph);
[[nodiscard]] bool FoldTests(MIRGraph& graph);
[[nodiscard]] bool FoldEmptyBlocks(MIRGraph& graph);
[[nodiscard]] bool SplitCriticalEdges(MIRGraph& graph);
[[nodiscard]] bool OptimizeIteratorIndices(MIRGenerator* mir, MIRGraph& graph);
bool IsUint32Type(const MDefinition* def);
enum Observability { ConservativeObservability, AggressiveObservability };
[[nodiscard]] bool EliminatePhis(MIRGenerator* mir, MIRGraph& graph,
Observability observe);
size_t MarkLoopBlocks(MIRGraph& graph, MBasicBlock* header, bool* canOsr);
void UnmarkLoopBlocks(MIRGraph& graph, MBasicBlock* header);
[[nodiscard]] bool MakeLoopsContiguous(MIRGraph& graph);
[[nodiscard]] bool EliminateTriviallyDeadResumePointOperands(MIRGenerator* mir,
MIRGraph& graph);
[[nodiscard]] bool EliminateDeadResumePointOperands(MIRGenerator* mir,
MIRGraph& graph);
[[nodiscard]] bool EliminateDeadCode(MIRGenerator* mir, MIRGraph& graph);
[[nodiscard]] bool FoldLoadsWithUnbox(MIRGenerator* mir, MIRGraph& graph);
[[nodiscard]] bool ApplyTypeInformation(MIRGenerator* mir, MIRGraph& graph);
void RenumberBlocks(MIRGraph& graph);
[[nodiscard]] bool AccountForCFGChanges(MIRGenerator* mir, MIRGraph& graph,
bool updateAliasAnalysis,
bool underValueNumberer = false);
[[nodiscard]] bool RemoveUnmarkedBlocks(MIRGenerator* mir, MIRGraph& graph,
uint32_t numMarkedBlocks);
void ClearDominatorTree(MIRGraph& graph);
[[nodiscard]] bool BuildDominatorTree(MIRGraph& graph);
[[nodiscard]] bool BuildPhiReverseMapping(MIRGraph& graph);
void AssertBasicGraphCoherency(MIRGraph& graph, bool force = false);
void AssertGraphCoherency(MIRGraph& graph, bool force = false);
void AssertExtendedGraphCoherency(MIRGraph& graph,
bool underValueNumberer = false,
bool force = false);
[[nodiscard]] bool EliminateRedundantChecks(MIRGraph& graph);
[[nodiscard]] bool EliminateRedundantShapeGuards(MIRGraph& graph);
[[nodiscard]] bool EliminateRedundantGCBarriers(MIRGraph& graph);
[[nodiscard]] bool AddKeepAliveInstructions(MIRGraph& graph);
[[nodiscard]] bool MarkLoadsUsedAsPropertyKeys(MIRGraph& graph);
// Simple linear sum of the form 'n' or 'x + n'.
struct SimpleLinearSum {
MDefinition* term;
int32_t constant;
SimpleLinearSum(MDefinition* term, int32_t constant)
: term(term), constant(constant) {}
// Math done in a Linear sum can either be in a modulo space, in which case
// overflow are wrapped around, or they can be computed in the integer-space in
// which case we have to check that no overflow can happen when summing
// constants.
// When the caller ignores which space it is, the definition would be used to
// deduce it.
enum class MathSpace { Modulo, Infinite, Unknown };
SimpleLinearSum ExtractLinearSum(MDefinition* ins,
MathSpace space = MathSpace::Unknown,
int32_t recursionDepth = 0);
[[nodiscard]] bool ExtractLinearInequality(MTest* test,
BranchDirection direction,
SimpleLinearSum* plhs,
MDefinition** prhs,
bool* plessEqual);
struct LinearTerm {
MDefinition* term;
int32_t scale;
LinearTerm(MDefinition* term, int32_t scale) : term(term), scale(scale) {}
// General linear sum of the form 'x1*n1 + x2*n2 + ... + n'
class LinearSum {
explicit LinearSum(TempAllocator& alloc) : terms_(alloc), constant_(0) {}
LinearSum(const LinearSum& other)
: terms_(other.terms_.allocPolicy()), constant_(other.constant_) {
AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion oomUnsafe;
if (!terms_.appendAll(other.terms_)) {
// These return false on an integer overflow, and afterwards the sum must
// not be used.
[[nodiscard]] bool multiply(int32_t scale);
[[nodiscard]] bool add(const LinearSum& other, int32_t scale = 1);
[[nodiscard]] bool add(SimpleLinearSum other, int32_t scale = 1);
[[nodiscard]] bool add(MDefinition* term, int32_t scale);
[[nodiscard]] bool add(int32_t constant);
// Unlike the above function, on failure this leaves the sum unchanged and
// it can still be used.
[[nodiscard]] bool divide(uint32_t scale);
int32_t constant() const { return constant_; }
size_t numTerms() const { return terms_.length(); }
LinearTerm term(size_t i) const { return terms_[i]; }
void replaceTerm(size_t i, MDefinition* def) { terms_[i].term = def; }
void dump(GenericPrinter& out) const;
void dump() const;
Vector<LinearTerm, 2, JitAllocPolicy> terms_;
int32_t constant_;
// Convert all components of a linear sum (except the constant)
// and add any new instructions to the end of block.
MDefinition* ConvertLinearSum(TempAllocator& alloc, MBasicBlock* block,
const LinearSum& sum, BailoutKind bailoutKind);
bool DeadIfUnused(const MDefinition* def);
bool DeadIfUnusedAllowEffectful(const MDefinition* def);
bool IsDiscardable(const MDefinition* def);
bool IsDiscardableAllowEffectful(const MDefinition* def);
class CompileInfo;
void DumpMIRExpressions(GenericPrinter& out, MIRGraph& graph,
const CompileInfo& info, const char* phase);
void DumpMIRDefinition(GenericPrinter& out, MDefinition* def);
} // namespace jit
} // namespace js
#endif /* jit_IonAnalysis_h */