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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef jit_CacheIRCompiler_h
#define jit_CacheIRCompiler_h
#include "mozilla/Casting.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "jit/CacheIR.h"
#include "jit/CacheIRReader.h"
#include "jit/CacheIRWriter.h"
#include "jit/JitOptions.h"
#include "jit/MacroAssembler.h"
#include "jit/PerfSpewer.h"
#include "jit/SharedICRegisters.h"
#include "js/ScalarType.h" // js::Scalar::Type
namespace JS {
class BigInt;
namespace js {
class TypedArrayObject;
enum class UnaryMathFunction : uint8_t;
namespace jit {
class BaselineCacheIRCompiler;
class ICCacheIRStub;
class IonCacheIRCompiler;
class IonScript;
enum class ICStubEngine : uint8_t;
// [SMDOC] CacheIR Value Representation and Tracking
// While compiling an IC stub the CacheIR compiler needs to keep track of the
// physical location for each logical piece of data we care about, as well as
// ensure that in the case of a stub failing, we are able to restore the input
// state so that a subsequent stub can attempt to provide a value.
// OperandIds are created in the CacheIR front-end to keep track of values that
// are passed between CacheIR ops during the execution of a given CacheIR stub.
// In the CacheRegisterAllocator these OperandIds are given OperandLocations,
// that represent the physical location of the OperandId at a given point in
// time during CacheRegister allocation.
// In the CacheRegisterAllocator physical locations include the stack, and
// registers, as well as whether or not the value has been unboxed or not.
// Constants are also represented separately to provide for on-demand
// materialization.
// Intra-op Register allocation:
// During the emission of a CacheIR op, code can ask the CacheRegisterAllocator
// for access to a particular OperandId, and the register allocator will
// generate the required code to fill that request.
// Input OperandIds should be considered as immutable, and should not be mutated
// during the execution of a stub.
// There are also a number of RAII classes that interact with the register
// allocator, in order to provide access to more registers than just those
// provided for by the OperandIds.
// - AutoOutputReg: The register which will hold the output value of the stub.
// - AutoScratchReg: By default, an arbitrary scratch register, however a
// specific register can be requested.
// - AutoScratchRegMaybeOutput: Any arbitrary scratch register, but the output
// register may be used as well.
// These RAII classes take ownership of a register for the duration of their
// lifetime so they can be used for computation or output. The register
// allocator can spill values with OperandLocations in order to try to ensure
// that a register is made available for use.
// If a specific register is required (via AutoScratchRegister), it should be
// the first register acquired, as the register rallocator will be unable to
// allocate the fixed register if the current op is using it for something else.
// If no register can be provided after attempting to spill, a
// MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT ensures the browser will crash. The register allocator is
// not provided enough information in its current design to insert spills and
// fills at arbitrary locations, and so it can fail to find an allocation
// solution. However, this will only happen within the implementation of an
// operand emitter, and because the cache register allocator is mostly
// determinstic, so long as the operand id emitter is tested, this won't
// suddenly crop up in an arbitrary webpage. It's worth noting the most
// difficult platform to support is x86-32, because it has the least number of
// registers available.
// FailurePaths checkpoint the state of the register allocator so that the input
// state can be recomputed from the current state before jumping to the next
// stub in the IC chain. An important invariant is that the FailurePath must be
// allocated for each op after all the manipulation of OperandLocations has
// happened, so that its recording is correct.
// Inter-op Register Allocation:
// The RAII register management classes are RAII because all register state
// outside the OperandLocations is reset before the compilation of each
// individual CacheIR op. This means that you cannot rely on a value surviving
// between ops, even if you use the ability of AutoScratchRegister to name a
// specific register. Values that need to be preserved between ops must be given
// an OperandId.
// Represents a Value on the Baseline frame's expression stack. Slot 0 is the
// value on top of the stack (the most recently pushed value), slot 1 is the
// value pushed before that, etc.
class BaselineFrameSlot {
uint32_t slot_;
explicit BaselineFrameSlot(uint32_t slot) : slot_(slot) {}
uint32_t slot() const { return slot_; }
bool operator==(const BaselineFrameSlot& other) const {
return slot_ == other.slot_;
bool operator!=(const BaselineFrameSlot& other) const {
return slot_ != other.slot_;
// OperandLocation represents the location of an OperandId. The operand is
// either in a register or on the stack, and is either boxed or unboxed.
class OperandLocation {
enum Kind {
Uninitialized = 0,
Kind kind_;
union Data {
struct {
Register reg;
JSValueType type;
} payloadReg;
FloatRegister doubleReg;
ValueOperand valueReg;
struct {
uint32_t stackPushed;
JSValueType type;
} payloadStack;
uint32_t valueStackPushed;
BaselineFrameSlot baselineFrameSlot;
Value constant;
Data() : valueStackPushed(0) {}
Data data_;
OperandLocation() : kind_(Uninitialized) {}
Kind kind() const { return kind_; }
void setUninitialized() { kind_ = Uninitialized; }
ValueOperand valueReg() const {
MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == ValueReg);
return data_.valueReg;
Register payloadReg() const {
MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == PayloadReg);
return data_.payloadReg.reg;
FloatRegister doubleReg() const {
MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == DoubleReg);
return data_.doubleReg;
uint32_t payloadStack() const {
MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == PayloadStack);
return data_.payloadStack.stackPushed;
uint32_t valueStack() const {
MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == ValueStack);
return data_.valueStackPushed;
JSValueType payloadType() const {
if (kind_ == PayloadReg) {
return data_.payloadReg.type;
MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == PayloadStack);
return data_.payloadStack.type;
Value constant() const {
MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == Constant);
return data_.constant;
BaselineFrameSlot baselineFrameSlot() const {
MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == BaselineFrame);
return data_.baselineFrameSlot;
void setPayloadReg(Register reg, JSValueType type) {
kind_ = PayloadReg;
data_.payloadReg.reg = reg;
data_.payloadReg.type = type;
void setDoubleReg(FloatRegister reg) {
kind_ = DoubleReg;
data_.doubleReg = reg;
void setValueReg(ValueOperand reg) {
kind_ = ValueReg;
data_.valueReg = reg;
void setPayloadStack(uint32_t stackPushed, JSValueType type) {
kind_ = PayloadStack;
data_.payloadStack.stackPushed = stackPushed;
data_.payloadStack.type = type;
void setValueStack(uint32_t stackPushed) {
kind_ = ValueStack;
data_.valueStackPushed = stackPushed;
void setConstant(const Value& v) {
kind_ = Constant;
data_.constant = v;
void setBaselineFrame(BaselineFrameSlot slot) {
kind_ = BaselineFrame;
data_.baselineFrameSlot = slot;
bool isUninitialized() const { return kind_ == Uninitialized; }
bool isInRegister() const { return kind_ == PayloadReg || kind_ == ValueReg; }
bool isOnStack() const {
return kind_ == PayloadStack || kind_ == ValueStack;
size_t stackPushed() const {
if (kind_ == PayloadStack) {
return data_.payloadStack.stackPushed;
MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == ValueStack);
return data_.valueStackPushed;
size_t stackSizeInBytes() const {
if (kind_ == PayloadStack) {
return sizeof(uintptr_t);
MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == ValueStack);
return sizeof(js::Value);
void adjustStackPushed(int32_t diff) {
if (kind_ == PayloadStack) {
data_.payloadStack.stackPushed += diff;
MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == ValueStack);
data_.valueStackPushed += diff;
bool aliasesReg(Register reg) const {
if (kind_ == PayloadReg) {
return payloadReg() == reg;
if (kind_ == ValueReg) {
return valueReg().aliases(reg);
return false;
bool aliasesReg(ValueOperand reg) const {
#if defined(JS_NUNBOX32)
return aliasesReg(reg.typeReg()) || aliasesReg(reg.payloadReg());
return aliasesReg(reg.valueReg());
bool aliasesReg(const OperandLocation& other) const;
bool operator==(const OperandLocation& other) const;
bool operator!=(const OperandLocation& other) const {
return !operator==(other);
struct SpilledRegister {
Register reg;
uint32_t stackPushed;
SpilledRegister(Register reg, uint32_t stackPushed)
: reg(reg), stackPushed(stackPushed) {}
bool operator==(const SpilledRegister& other) const {
return reg == other.reg && stackPushed == other.stackPushed;
bool operator!=(const SpilledRegister& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
using SpilledRegisterVector = Vector<SpilledRegister, 2, SystemAllocPolicy>;
// Class to track and allocate registers while emitting IC code.
class MOZ_RAII CacheRegisterAllocator {
// The original location of the inputs to the cache.
Vector<OperandLocation, 4, SystemAllocPolicy> origInputLocations_;
// The current location of each operand.
Vector<OperandLocation, 8, SystemAllocPolicy> operandLocations_;
// Free lists for value- and payload-slots on stack
Vector<uint32_t, 2, SystemAllocPolicy> freeValueSlots_;
Vector<uint32_t, 2, SystemAllocPolicy> freePayloadSlots_;
// The registers allocated while emitting the current CacheIR op.
// This prevents us from allocating a register and then immediately
// clobbering it for something else, while we're still holding on to it.
LiveGeneralRegisterSet currentOpRegs_;
const AllocatableGeneralRegisterSet allocatableRegs_;
// Registers that are currently unused and available.
AllocatableGeneralRegisterSet availableRegs_;
// Registers that are available, but before use they must be saved and
// then restored when returning from the stub.
AllocatableGeneralRegisterSet availableRegsAfterSpill_;
// Registers we took from availableRegsAfterSpill_ and spilled to the stack.
SpilledRegisterVector spilledRegs_;
// The number of bytes pushed on the native stack.
uint32_t stackPushed_;
#ifdef DEBUG
// Flag used to assert individual CacheIR instructions don't allocate
// registers after calling addFailurePath.
bool addedFailurePath_;
// The index of the CacheIR instruction we're currently emitting.
uint32_t currentInstruction_;
// Whether the stack contains a double spilled by AutoScratchFloatRegister.
bool hasAutoScratchFloatRegisterSpill_ = false;
const CacheIRWriter& writer_;
CacheRegisterAllocator(const CacheRegisterAllocator&) = delete;
CacheRegisterAllocator& operator=(const CacheRegisterAllocator&) = delete;
void freeDeadOperandLocations(MacroAssembler& masm);
void spillOperandToStack(MacroAssembler& masm, OperandLocation* loc);
void spillOperandToStackOrRegister(MacroAssembler& masm,
OperandLocation* loc);
void popPayload(MacroAssembler& masm, OperandLocation* loc, Register dest);
void popValue(MacroAssembler& masm, OperandLocation* loc, ValueOperand dest);
Address payloadAddress(MacroAssembler& masm,
const OperandLocation* loc) const;
Address valueAddress(MacroAssembler& masm, const OperandLocation* loc) const;
#ifdef DEBUG
void assertValidState() const;
friend class AutoScratchRegister;
friend class AutoScratchRegisterExcluding;
explicit CacheRegisterAllocator(const CacheIRWriter& writer)
: allocatableRegs_(GeneralRegisterSet::All()),
#ifdef DEBUG
writer_(writer) {
[[nodiscard]] bool init();
void initAvailableRegs(const AllocatableGeneralRegisterSet& available) {
availableRegs_ = available;
void initAvailableRegsAfterSpill();
void fixupAliasedInputs(MacroAssembler& masm);
OperandLocation operandLocation(size_t i) const {
return operandLocations_[i];
void setOperandLocation(size_t i, const OperandLocation& loc) {
operandLocations_[i] = loc;
OperandLocation origInputLocation(size_t i) const {
return origInputLocations_[i];
void initInputLocation(size_t i, ValueOperand reg) {
void initInputLocation(size_t i, Register reg, JSValueType type) {
origInputLocations_[i].setPayloadReg(reg, type);
operandLocations_[i].setPayloadReg(reg, type);
void initInputLocation(size_t i, FloatRegister reg) {
void initInputLocation(size_t i, const Value& v) {
void initInputLocation(size_t i, BaselineFrameSlot slot) {
void initInputLocation(size_t i, const TypedOrValueRegister& reg);
void initInputLocation(size_t i, const ConstantOrRegister& value);
const SpilledRegisterVector& spilledRegs() const { return spilledRegs_; }
[[nodiscard]] bool setSpilledRegs(const SpilledRegisterVector& regs) {
return spilledRegs_.appendAll(regs);
bool hasAutoScratchFloatRegisterSpill() const {
return hasAutoScratchFloatRegisterSpill_;
void setHasAutoScratchFloatRegisterSpill(bool b) {
MOZ_ASSERT(hasAutoScratchFloatRegisterSpill_ != b);
hasAutoScratchFloatRegisterSpill_ = b;
void nextOp() {
#ifdef DEBUG
addedFailurePath_ = false;
#ifdef DEBUG
void setAddedFailurePath() {
MOZ_ASSERT(!addedFailurePath_, "multiple failure paths for instruction");
addedFailurePath_ = true;
bool isDeadAfterInstruction(OperandId opId) const {
return writer_.operandIsDead(, currentInstruction_ + 1);
uint32_t stackPushed() const { return stackPushed_; }
void setStackPushed(uint32_t pushed) { stackPushed_ = pushed; }
bool isAllocatable(Register reg) const { return allocatableRegs_.has(reg); }
// Allocates a new register.
Register allocateRegister(MacroAssembler& masm);
ValueOperand allocateValueRegister(MacroAssembler& masm);
void allocateFixedRegister(MacroAssembler& masm, Register reg);
void allocateFixedValueRegister(MacroAssembler& masm, ValueOperand reg);
// Releases a register so it can be reused later.
void releaseRegister(Register reg) {
void releaseValueRegister(ValueOperand reg) {
#ifdef JS_NUNBOX32
// Removes spilled values from the native stack. This should only be
// called after all registers have been allocated.
void discardStack(MacroAssembler& masm);
Address addressOf(MacroAssembler& masm, BaselineFrameSlot slot) const;
BaseValueIndex addressOf(MacroAssembler& masm, Register argcReg,
BaselineFrameSlot slot) const;
// Returns the register for the given operand. If the operand is currently
// not in a register, it will load it into one.
ValueOperand useValueRegister(MacroAssembler& masm, ValOperandId val);
Register useRegister(MacroAssembler& masm, TypedOperandId typedId);
ConstantOrRegister useConstantOrRegister(MacroAssembler& masm,
ValOperandId val);
// Allocates an output register for the given operand.
Register defineRegister(MacroAssembler& masm, TypedOperandId typedId);
ValueOperand defineValueRegister(MacroAssembler& masm, ValOperandId val);
// Loads (potentially coercing) and unboxes a value into a float register
// This is infallible, as there should have been a previous guard
// to ensure the value is already a number.
// Does not change the allocator's state.
void ensureDoubleRegister(MacroAssembler& masm, NumberOperandId op,
FloatRegister dest) const;
// Loads an unboxed value into a scratch register. This can be useful
// especially on 32-bit x86 when there are not enough registers for
// useRegister.
// Does not change the allocator's state.
void copyToScratchRegister(MacroAssembler& masm, TypedOperandId typedId,
Register dest) const;
void copyToScratchValueRegister(MacroAssembler& masm, ValOperandId valId,
ValueOperand dest) const;
// Returns |val|'s JSValueType or JSVAL_TYPE_UNKNOWN.
JSValueType knownType(ValOperandId val) const;
// Emits code to restore registers and stack to the state at the start of
// the stub.
void restoreInputState(MacroAssembler& masm, bool discardStack = true);
// Returns the set of registers storing the IC input operands.
GeneralRegisterSet inputRegisterSet() const;
void saveIonLiveRegisters(MacroAssembler& masm, LiveRegisterSet liveRegs,
Register scratch, IonScript* ionScript);
void restoreIonLiveRegisters(MacroAssembler& masm, LiveRegisterSet liveRegs);
// RAII class to allocate a scratch register and release it when we're done
// with it.
class MOZ_RAII AutoScratchRegister {
CacheRegisterAllocator& alloc_;
Register reg_;
AutoScratchRegister(const AutoScratchRegister&) = delete;
void operator=(const AutoScratchRegister&) = delete;
AutoScratchRegister(CacheRegisterAllocator& alloc, MacroAssembler& masm,
Register reg = InvalidReg)
: alloc_(alloc) {
if (reg != InvalidReg) {
alloc.allocateFixedRegister(masm, reg);
reg_ = reg;
} else {
reg_ = alloc.allocateRegister(masm);
~AutoScratchRegister() { alloc_.releaseRegister(reg_); }
Register get() const { return reg_; }
operator Register() const { return reg_; }
// On x86, spectreBoundsCheck32 can emit better code if it has a scratch
// register and index masking is enabled.
class MOZ_RAII AutoSpectreBoundsScratchRegister {
mozilla::Maybe<AutoScratchRegister> scratch_;
Register reg_ = InvalidReg;
AutoSpectreBoundsScratchRegister(const AutoSpectreBoundsScratchRegister&) =
void operator=(const AutoSpectreBoundsScratchRegister&) = delete;
AutoSpectreBoundsScratchRegister(CacheRegisterAllocator& alloc,
MacroAssembler& masm) {
#ifdef JS_CODEGEN_X86
if (JitOptions.spectreIndexMasking) {
scratch_.emplace(alloc, masm);
reg_ = scratch_->get();
Register get() const { return reg_; }
operator Register() const { return reg_; }
// Scratch Register64. Implemented with a single AutoScratchRegister on 64-bit
// platforms and two AutoScratchRegisters on 32-bit platforms.
class MOZ_RAII AutoScratchRegister64 {
AutoScratchRegister reg1_;
#if JS_BITS_PER_WORD == 32
AutoScratchRegister reg2_;
AutoScratchRegister64(const AutoScratchRegister64&) = delete;
void operator=(const AutoScratchRegister64&) = delete;
#if JS_BITS_PER_WORD == 32
AutoScratchRegister64(CacheRegisterAllocator& alloc, MacroAssembler& masm)
: reg1_(alloc, masm), reg2_(alloc, masm) {}
Register64 get() const { return Register64(reg1_, reg2_); }
AutoScratchRegister64(CacheRegisterAllocator& alloc, MacroAssembler& masm)
: reg1_(alloc, masm) {}
Register64 get() const { return Register64(reg1_); }
operator Register64() const { return get(); }
// Scratch ValueOperand. Implemented with a single AutoScratchRegister on 64-bit
// platforms and two AutoScratchRegisters on 32-bit platforms.
class MOZ_RAII AutoScratchValueRegister {
AutoScratchRegister reg1_;
#if JS_BITS_PER_WORD == 32
AutoScratchRegister reg2_;
AutoScratchValueRegister(const AutoScratchValueRegister&) = delete;
void operator=(const AutoScratchValueRegister&) = delete;
#if JS_BITS_PER_WORD == 32
AutoScratchValueRegister(CacheRegisterAllocator& alloc, MacroAssembler& masm)
: reg1_(alloc, masm), reg2_(alloc, masm) {}
ValueOperand get() const { return ValueOperand(reg1_, reg2_); }
AutoScratchValueRegister(CacheRegisterAllocator& alloc, MacroAssembler& masm)
: reg1_(alloc, masm) {}
ValueOperand get() const { return ValueOperand(reg1_); }
operator ValueOperand() const { return get(); }
// The FailurePath class stores everything we need to generate a failure path
// at the end of the IC code. The failure path restores the input registers, if
// needed, and jumps to the next stub.
class FailurePath {
Vector<OperandLocation, 4, SystemAllocPolicy> inputs_;
SpilledRegisterVector spilledRegs_;
NonAssertingLabel label_;
uint32_t stackPushed_;
#ifdef DEBUG
// Flag to ensure FailurePath::label() isn't taken while there's a scratch
// float register which still needs to be restored.
bool hasAutoScratchFloatRegister_ = false;
FailurePath() = default;
FailurePath(FailurePath&& other)
: inputs_(std::move(other.inputs_)),
stackPushed_(other.stackPushed_) {}
Label* labelUnchecked() { return &label_; }
Label* label() {
return labelUnchecked();
void setStackPushed(uint32_t i) { stackPushed_ = i; }
uint32_t stackPushed() const { return stackPushed_; }
[[nodiscard]] bool appendInput(const OperandLocation& loc) {
return inputs_.append(loc);
OperandLocation input(size_t i) const { return inputs_[i]; }
const SpilledRegisterVector& spilledRegs() const { return spilledRegs_; }
[[nodiscard]] bool setSpilledRegs(const SpilledRegisterVector& regs) {
return spilledRegs_.appendAll(regs);
// If canShareFailurePath(other) returns true, the same machine code will
// be emitted for two failure paths, so we can share them.
bool canShareFailurePath(const FailurePath& other) const;
void setHasAutoScratchFloatRegister() {
#ifdef DEBUG
hasAutoScratchFloatRegister_ = true;
void clearHasAutoScratchFloatRegister() {
#ifdef DEBUG
hasAutoScratchFloatRegister_ = false;
* Wrap an offset so that a call can decide to embed a constant
* or load from the stub data.
class StubFieldOffset {
uint32_t offset_;
StubField::Type type_;
StubFieldOffset(uint32_t offset, StubField::Type type)
: offset_(offset), type_(type) {}
uint32_t getOffset() { return offset_; }
StubField::Type getStubFieldType() { return type_; }
class AutoOutputRegister;
// Base class for BaselineCacheIRCompiler and IonCacheIRCompiler.
class MOZ_RAII CacheIRCompiler {
friend class AutoOutputRegister;
friend class AutoStubFrame;
friend class AutoSaveLiveRegisters;
friend class AutoCallVM;
friend class AutoScratchFloatRegister;
friend class AutoAvailableFloatRegister;
enum class Mode { Baseline, Ion };
bool enteredStubFrame_;
bool isBaseline();
bool isIon();
BaselineCacheIRCompiler* asBaseline();
IonCacheIRCompiler* asIon();
JSContext* cx_;
const CacheIRWriter& writer_;
StackMacroAssembler masm;
CacheRegisterAllocator allocator;
Vector<FailurePath, 4, SystemAllocPolicy> failurePaths;
// Float registers that are live. Registers not in this set can be
// clobbered and don't need to be saved before performing a VM call.
// Doing this for non-float registers is a bit more complicated because
// the IC register allocator allocates GPRs.
LiveFloatRegisterSet liveFloatRegs_;
mozilla::Maybe<TypedOrValueRegister> outputUnchecked_;
Mode mode_;
// Distance from the IC to the stub data; mostly will be
// sizeof(stubType)
uint32_t stubDataOffset_;
enum class StubFieldPolicy { Address, Constant };
StubFieldPolicy stubFieldPolicy_;
CacheIRCompiler(JSContext* cx, TempAllocator& alloc,
const CacheIRWriter& writer, uint32_t stubDataOffset,
Mode mode, StubFieldPolicy policy)
: enteredStubFrame_(false),
masm(cx, alloc),
stubFieldPolicy_(policy) {
[[nodiscard]] bool addFailurePath(FailurePath** failure);
[[nodiscard]] bool emitFailurePath(size_t i);
// Returns the set of volatile float registers that are live. These
// registers need to be saved when making non-GC calls with callWithABI.
FloatRegisterSet liveVolatileFloatRegs() const {
return FloatRegisterSet::Intersect(liveFloatRegs_.set(),
// Returns the set of volatile registers that are live. These registers need
// to be saved when making non-GC calls with callWithABI.
LiveRegisterSet liveVolatileRegs() const {
// All volatile GPR registers are treated as live.
return {GeneralRegisterSet::Volatile(), liveVolatileFloatRegs()};
bool objectGuardNeedsSpectreMitigations(ObjOperandId objId) const {
// Instructions like GuardShape need Spectre mitigations if
// (1) mitigations are enabled and (2) the object is used by other
// instructions (if the object is *not* used by other instructions,
// zeroing its register is pointless).
return JitOptions.spectreObjectMitigations &&
void emitPostBarrierShared(Register obj, const ConstantOrRegister& val,
Register scratch, Register maybeIndex);
void emitPostBarrierShared(Register obj, ValueOperand val, Register scratch,
Register maybeIndex) {
emitPostBarrierShared(obj, ConstantOrRegister(val), scratch, maybeIndex);
template <typename T>
void emitPostBarrierSlot(Register obj, const T& val, Register scratch) {
emitPostBarrierShared(obj, val, scratch, InvalidReg);
template <typename T>
void emitPostBarrierElement(Register obj, const T& val, Register scratch,
Register index) {
MOZ_ASSERT(index != InvalidReg);
emitPostBarrierShared(obj, val, scratch, index);
bool emitComparePointerResultShared(JSOp op, TypedOperandId lhsId,
TypedOperandId rhsId);
[[nodiscard]] bool emitMathFunctionNumberResultShared(
UnaryMathFunction fun, FloatRegister inputScratch, ValueOperand output);
template <typename Fn, Fn fn>
[[nodiscard]] bool emitBigIntBinaryOperationShared(BigIntOperandId lhsId,
BigIntOperandId rhsId);
template <typename Fn, Fn fn>
[[nodiscard]] bool emitBigIntUnaryOperationShared(BigIntOperandId inputId);
bool emitDoubleIncDecResult(bool isInc, NumberOperandId inputId);
void emitTypedArrayBoundsCheck(ArrayBufferViewKind viewKind, Register obj,
Register index, Register scratch,
Register maybeScratch, Register spectreScratch,
Label* fail);
void emitTypedArrayBoundsCheck(ArrayBufferViewKind viewKind, Register obj,
Register index, Register scratch,
mozilla::Maybe<Register> maybeScratch,
mozilla::Maybe<Register> spectreScratch,
Label* fail);
void emitDataViewBoundsCheck(ArrayBufferViewKind viewKind, size_t byteSize,
Register obj, Register offset, Register scratch,
Register maybeScratch, Label* fail);
using AtomicsReadWriteModifyFn = int32_t (*)(TypedArrayObject*, size_t,
[[nodiscard]] bool emitAtomicsReadModifyWriteResult(
ObjOperandId objId, IntPtrOperandId indexId, uint32_t valueId,
Scalar::Type elementType, ArrayBufferViewKind viewKind,
AtomicsReadWriteModifyFn fn);
using AtomicsReadWriteModify64Fn = JS::BigInt* (*)(JSContext*,
TypedArrayObject*, size_t,
const JS::BigInt*);
template <AtomicsReadWriteModify64Fn fn>
[[nodiscard]] bool emitAtomicsReadModifyWriteResult64(
ObjOperandId objId, IntPtrOperandId indexId, uint32_t valueId,
ArrayBufferViewKind viewKind);
void emitActivateIterator(Register objBeingIterated, Register iterObject,
Register nativeIter, Register scratch,
Register scratch2, uint32_t enumeratorsAddrOffset);
void emitLoadStubField(StubFieldOffset val, Register dest);
void emitLoadStubFieldConstant(StubFieldOffset val, Register dest);
void emitLoadValueStubField(StubFieldOffset val, ValueOperand dest);
void emitLoadDoubleValueStubField(StubFieldOffset val, ValueOperand dest,
FloatRegister scratch);
uintptr_t readStubWord(uint32_t offset, StubField::Type type) {
MOZ_ASSERT(stubFieldPolicy_ == StubFieldPolicy::Constant);
MOZ_ASSERT((offset % sizeof(uintptr_t)) == 0);
return writer_.readStubField(offset, type).asWord();
uint64_t readStubInt64(uint32_t offset, StubField::Type type) {
MOZ_ASSERT(stubFieldPolicy_ == StubFieldPolicy::Constant);
MOZ_ASSERT((offset % sizeof(uintptr_t)) == 0);
return writer_.readStubField(offset, type).asInt64();
int32_t int32StubField(uint32_t offset) {
MOZ_ASSERT(stubFieldPolicy_ == StubFieldPolicy::Constant);
return readStubWord(offset, StubField::Type::RawInt32);
uint32_t uint32StubField(uint32_t offset) {
MOZ_ASSERT(stubFieldPolicy_ == StubFieldPolicy::Constant);
return readStubWord(offset, StubField::Type::RawInt32);
Shape* shapeStubField(uint32_t offset) {
MOZ_ASSERT(stubFieldPolicy_ == StubFieldPolicy::Constant);
return (Shape*)readStubWord(offset, StubField::Type::Shape);
Shape* weakShapeStubField(uint32_t offset) {
MOZ_ASSERT(stubFieldPolicy_ == StubFieldPolicy::Constant);
Shape* shape = (Shape*)readStubWord(offset, StubField::Type::WeakShape);
return shape;
GetterSetter* weakGetterSetterStubField(uint32_t offset) {
MOZ_ASSERT(stubFieldPolicy_ == StubFieldPolicy::Constant);
GetterSetter* gs =
(GetterSetter*)readStubWord(offset, StubField::Type::WeakGetterSetter);
return gs;
JSObject* objectStubField(uint32_t offset) {
MOZ_ASSERT(stubFieldPolicy_ == StubFieldPolicy::Constant);
return (JSObject*)readStubWord(offset, StubField::Type::JSObject);
JSObject* weakObjectStubField(uint32_t offset) {
MOZ_ASSERT(stubFieldPolicy_ == StubFieldPolicy::Constant);
return (JSObject*)readStubWord(offset, StubField::Type::WeakObject);
Value valueStubField(uint32_t offset) {
MOZ_ASSERT(stubFieldPolicy_ == StubFieldPolicy::Constant);
uint64_t raw = readStubInt64(offset, StubField::Type::Value);
return Value::fromRawBits(raw);
double doubleStubField(uint32_t offset) {
MOZ_ASSERT(stubFieldPolicy_ == StubFieldPolicy::Constant);
uint64_t raw = readStubInt64(offset, StubField::Type::Double);
return mozilla::BitwiseCast<double>(raw);
JSString* stringStubField(uint32_t offset) {
MOZ_ASSERT(stubFieldPolicy_ == StubFieldPolicy::Constant);
return (JSString*)readStubWord(offset, StubField::Type::String);
JS::Symbol* symbolStubField(uint32_t offset) {
MOZ_ASSERT(stubFieldPolicy_ == StubFieldPolicy::Constant);
return (JS::Symbol*)readStubWord(offset, StubField::Type::Symbol);
JS::Compartment* compartmentStubField(uint32_t offset) {
MOZ_ASSERT(stubFieldPolicy_ == StubFieldPolicy::Constant);
return (JS::Compartment*)readStubWord(offset, StubField::Type::RawPointer);
BaseScript* weakBaseScriptStubField(uint32_t offset) {
MOZ_ASSERT(stubFieldPolicy_ == StubFieldPolicy::Constant);
BaseScript* script =
(BaseScript*)readStubWord(offset, StubField::Type::WeakBaseScript);
return script;
const JSClass* classStubField(uintptr_t offset) {
MOZ_ASSERT(stubFieldPolicy_ == StubFieldPolicy::Constant);
return (const JSClass*)readStubWord(offset, StubField::Type::RawPointer);
const void* proxyHandlerStubField(uintptr_t offset) {
MOZ_ASSERT(stubFieldPolicy_ == StubFieldPolicy::Constant);
return (const void*)readStubWord(offset, StubField::Type::RawPointer);
const void* pointerStubField(uintptr_t offset) {
MOZ_ASSERT(stubFieldPolicy_ == StubFieldPolicy::Constant);
return (const void*)readStubWord(offset, StubField::Type::RawPointer);
jsid idStubField(uint32_t offset) {
MOZ_ASSERT(stubFieldPolicy_ == StubFieldPolicy::Constant);
return jsid::fromRawBits(readStubWord(offset, StubField::Type::Id));
#ifdef DEBUG
void assertFloatRegisterAvailable(FloatRegister reg);
void callVMInternal(MacroAssembler& masm, VMFunctionId id);
template <typename Fn, Fn fn>
void callVM(MacroAssembler& masm);
// Ensures the IC's output register is available for writing.
class MOZ_RAII AutoOutputRegister {
TypedOrValueRegister output_;
CacheRegisterAllocator& alloc_;
AutoOutputRegister(const AutoOutputRegister&) = delete;
void operator=(const AutoOutputRegister&) = delete;
explicit AutoOutputRegister(CacheIRCompiler& compiler);
Register maybeReg() const {
if (output_.hasValue()) {
return output_.valueReg().scratchReg();
if (!output_.typedReg().isFloat()) {
return output_.typedReg().gpr();
return InvalidReg;
bool hasValue() const { return output_.hasValue(); }
ValueOperand valueReg() const { return output_.valueReg(); }
AnyRegister typedReg() const { return output_.typedReg(); }
JSValueType type() const {
return ValueTypeFromMIRType(output_.type());
operator TypedOrValueRegister() const { return output_; }
// Instructions that have to perform a callVM require a stub frame. Call its
// enter() and leave() methods to enter/leave the stub frame.
// Hoisted from jit/BaselineCacheIRCompiler.cpp. See there for method
// definitions.
class MOZ_RAII AutoStubFrame {
BaselineCacheIRCompiler& compiler;
#ifdef DEBUG
uint32_t framePushedAtEnterStubFrame_;
AutoStubFrame(const AutoStubFrame&) = delete;
void operator=(const AutoStubFrame&) = delete;
explicit AutoStubFrame(BaselineCacheIRCompiler& compiler);
void enter(MacroAssembler& masm, Register scratch);
void leave(MacroAssembler& masm);
void storeTracedValue(MacroAssembler& masm, ValueOperand val);
void loadTracedValue(MacroAssembler& masm, uint8_t slotIndex,
ValueOperand result);
#ifdef DEBUG
// AutoSaveLiveRegisters must be used when we make a call that can GC. The
// constructor ensures all live registers are stored on the stack (where the GC
// expects them) and the destructor restores these registers.
class MOZ_RAII AutoSaveLiveRegisters {
IonCacheIRCompiler& compiler_;
AutoSaveLiveRegisters(const AutoSaveLiveRegisters&) = delete;
void operator=(const AutoSaveLiveRegisters&) = delete;
explicit AutoSaveLiveRegisters(IonCacheIRCompiler& compiler);
// Like AutoScratchRegister, but reuse a register of |output| if possible.
class MOZ_RAII AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutput {
mozilla::Maybe<AutoScratchRegister> scratch_;
Register scratchReg_;
AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutput(const AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutput&) =
void operator=(const AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutput&) = delete;
AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutput(CacheRegisterAllocator& alloc,
MacroAssembler& masm,
const AutoOutputRegister& output) {
scratchReg_ = output.maybeReg();
if (scratchReg_ == InvalidReg) {
scratch_.emplace(alloc, masm);
scratchReg_ = scratch_.ref();
AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutput(CacheRegisterAllocator& alloc,
MacroAssembler& masm) {
scratch_.emplace(alloc, masm);
scratchReg_ = scratch_.ref();
Register get() const { return scratchReg_; }
operator Register() const { return scratchReg_; }
// Like AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutput, but tries to use the ValueOperand's
// type register for the scratch register on 32-bit.
// Word of warning: Passing an instance of this class and AutoOutputRegister to
// functions may not work correctly, because no guarantee is given that the type
// register is used last when modifying the output's ValueOperand.
class MOZ_RAII AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutputType {
mozilla::Maybe<AutoScratchRegister> scratch_;
Register scratchReg_;
AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutputType(CacheRegisterAllocator& alloc,
MacroAssembler& masm,
const AutoOutputRegister& output) {
#if defined(JS_NUNBOX32)
scratchReg_ = output.hasValue() ? output.valueReg().typeReg() : InvalidReg;
scratchReg_ = InvalidReg;
if (scratchReg_ == InvalidReg) {
scratch_.emplace(alloc, masm);
scratchReg_ = scratch_.ref();
const AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutputType&) = delete;
void operator=(const AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutputType&) = delete;
Register get() const { return scratchReg_; }
operator Register() const { return scratchReg_; }
// AutoCallVM is a wrapper class that unifies methods shared by
// IonCacheIRCompiler and BaselineCacheIRCompiler that perform a callVM, but
// require stub specific functionality before performing the VM call.
// Expected Usage:
// OPs with implementations that may be unified by this class must:
// - Be listed in the CACHEIR_OPS list but not in the CACHE_IR_SHARED_OPS
// list
// - Differ only in their use of `AutoSaveLiveRegisters`,
// `AutoOutputRegister`, and `AutoScratchRegister`. The Ion
// implementation will use `AutoSaveLiveRegisters` and
// `AutoOutputRegister`, while the Baseline implementation will use
// `AutoScratchRegister`.
// - Both use the `callVM` method.
// Using AutoCallVM:
// - The constructor initializes `AutoOutputRegister` for both compiler
// types. Additionally it initializes an `AutoSaveLiveRegisters` for
// CacheIRCompilers with the mode Ion, and initializes
// `AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutput` and `AutoStubFrame` variables for
// compilers with mode Baseline.
// - The `prepare()` method calls the IonCacheIRCompiler method
// `prepareVMCall` for IonCacheIRCompilers, calls the `enter()` method of
// `AutoStubFrame` for BaselineCacheIRCompilers, and calls the
// `discardStack` method of the `Register` class for both compiler types.
// - The `call()` method invokes `callVM` on the CacheIRCompiler and stores
// the call result according to its type. Finally it calls the `leave`
// method of `AutoStubFrame` for BaselineCacheIRCompilers.
// Expected Usage Example:
// See: `CacheIRCompiler::emitCallGetSparseElementResult()`
// Restrictions:
// - OPs that do not meet the criteria listed above can not be unified with
// AutoCallVM
class MOZ_RAII AutoCallVM {
MacroAssembler& masm_;
CacheIRCompiler* compiler_;
CacheRegisterAllocator& allocator_;
mozilla::Maybe<AutoOutputRegister> output_;
// Baseline specific stuff
mozilla::Maybe<AutoStubFrame> stubFrame_;
mozilla::Maybe<AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutput> scratch_;
// Ion specific stuff
mozilla::Maybe<AutoSaveLiveRegisters> save_;
void storeResult(JSValueType returnType);
template <typename Fn>
void storeResult();
void leaveBaselineStubFrame();
AutoCallVM(MacroAssembler& masm, CacheIRCompiler* compiler,
CacheRegisterAllocator& allocator);
void prepare();
template <typename Fn, Fn fn>
void call() {
compiler_->callVM<Fn, fn>(masm_);
template <typename Fn, Fn fn>
void callNoResult() {
compiler_->callVM<Fn, fn>(masm_);
const AutoOutputRegister& output() const { return *output_; }
ValueOperand outputValueReg() const { return output_->valueReg(); }
// RAII class to allocate FloatReg0 as a scratch register and release it when
// we're done with it. The previous contents of FloatReg0 may be spilled on the
// stack and, if necessary, are restored when the destructor runs.
// When FailurePath is passed to the constructor, FailurePath::label() must not
// be used during the life time of the AutoScratchFloatRegister. Instead use
// AutoScratchFloatRegister::failure().
class MOZ_RAII AutoScratchFloatRegister {
Label failurePopReg_{};
CacheIRCompiler* compiler_;
FailurePath* failure_;
AutoScratchFloatRegister(const AutoScratchFloatRegister&) = delete;
void operator=(const AutoScratchFloatRegister&) = delete;
explicit AutoScratchFloatRegister(CacheIRCompiler* compiler)
: AutoScratchFloatRegister(compiler, nullptr) {}
AutoScratchFloatRegister(CacheIRCompiler* compiler, FailurePath* failure);
Label* failure();
FloatRegister get() const { return FloatReg0; }
operator FloatRegister() const { return FloatReg0; }
// This class can be used to assert a certain FloatRegister is available. In
// Baseline mode, all float registers are available. In Ion mode, only the
// registers added as fixed temps in LIRGenerator are available.
class MOZ_RAII AutoAvailableFloatRegister {
FloatRegister reg_;
AutoAvailableFloatRegister(const AutoAvailableFloatRegister&) = delete;
void operator=(const AutoAvailableFloatRegister&) = delete;
explicit AutoAvailableFloatRegister(CacheIRCompiler& compiler,
FloatRegister reg)
: reg_(reg) {
#ifdef DEBUG
FloatRegister get() const { return reg_; }
operator FloatRegister() const { return reg_; }
// For GC thing fields, map from StubField::Type to the C++ types used.
template <StubField::Type type>
struct MapStubFieldToType {};
template <>
struct MapStubFieldToType<StubField::Type::Shape> {
using RawType = Shape*;
using WrappedType = GCPtr<Shape*>;
template <>
struct MapStubFieldToType<StubField::Type::WeakShape> {
using RawType = Shape*;
using WrappedType = WeakHeapPtr<Shape*>;
template <>
struct MapStubFieldToType<StubField::Type::WeakGetterSetter> {
using RawType = GetterSetter*;
using WrappedType = WeakHeapPtr<GetterSetter*>;
template <>
struct MapStubFieldToType<StubField::Type::JSObject> {
using RawType = JSObject*;
using WrappedType = GCPtr<JSObject*>;
template <>
struct MapStubFieldToType<StubField::Type::WeakObject> {
using RawType = JSObject*;
using WrappedType = WeakHeapPtr<JSObject*>;
template <>
struct MapStubFieldToType<StubField::Type::Symbol> {
using RawType = JS::Symbol*;
using WrappedType = GCPtr<JS::Symbol*>;
template <>
struct MapStubFieldToType<StubField::Type::String> {
using RawType = JSString*;
using WrappedType = GCPtr<JSString*>;
template <>
struct MapStubFieldToType<StubField::Type::WeakBaseScript> {
using RawType = BaseScript*;
using WrappedType = WeakHeapPtr<BaseScript*>;
template <>
struct MapStubFieldToType<StubField::Type::JitCode> {
using RawType = JitCode*;
using WrappedType = GCPtr<JitCode*>;
template <>
struct MapStubFieldToType<StubField::Type::Id> {
using RawType = jsid;
using WrappedType = GCPtr<jsid>;
template <>
struct MapStubFieldToType<StubField::Type::Value> {
using RawType = Value;
using WrappedType = GCPtr<Value>;
// See the 'Sharing Baseline stub code' comment in CacheIR.h for a description
// of this class.
// CacheIRStubInfo has a trailing variable-length array of bytes. The memory
// layout is as follows:
// Item | Offset
// -----------------+--------------------------------------
// CacheIRStubInfo | 0
// CacheIR bytecode | sizeof(CacheIRStubInfo)
// Stub field types | sizeof(CacheIRStubInfo) + codeLength_
// The array of stub field types is terminated by StubField::Type::Limit.
class CacheIRStubInfo {
uint32_t codeLength_;
CacheKind kind_;
ICStubEngine engine_;
uint8_t stubDataOffset_;
bool makesGCCalls_;
CacheIRStubInfo(CacheKind kind, ICStubEngine engine, bool makesGCCalls,
uint32_t stubDataOffset, uint32_t codeLength)
: codeLength_(codeLength),
makesGCCalls_(makesGCCalls) {
MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == kind, "Kind must fit in bitfield");
MOZ_ASSERT(engine_ == engine, "Engine must fit in bitfield");
MOZ_ASSERT(stubDataOffset_ == stubDataOffset,
"stubDataOffset must fit in uint8_t");
CacheIRStubInfo(const CacheIRStubInfo&) = delete;
CacheIRStubInfo& operator=(const CacheIRStubInfo&) = delete;
CacheKind kind() const { return kind_; }
ICStubEngine engine() const { return engine_; }
bool makesGCCalls() const { return makesGCCalls_; }
const uint8_t* code() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(this) + sizeof(CacheIRStubInfo);
uint32_t codeLength() const { return codeLength_; }
uint32_t stubDataOffset() const { return stubDataOffset_; }
size_t stubDataSize() const;
StubField::Type fieldType(uint32_t i) const {
static_assert(sizeof(StubField::Type) == sizeof(uint8_t));
const uint8_t* fieldTypes = code() + codeLength_;
return static_cast<StubField::Type>(fieldTypes[i]);
static CacheIRStubInfo* New(CacheKind kind, ICStubEngine engine,
bool canMakeCalls, uint32_t stubDataOffset,
const CacheIRWriter& writer);
template <class Stub, StubField::Type type>
typename MapStubFieldToType<type>::WrappedType& getStubField(
Stub* stub, uint32_t offset) const;
template <class Stub, class T>
T* getPtrStubField(Stub* stub, uint32_t offset) const;
template <StubField::Type type>
typename MapStubFieldToType<type>::WrappedType& getStubField(
ICCacheIRStub* stub, uint32_t offset) const {
return getStubField<ICCacheIRStub, type>(stub, offset);
uintptr_t getStubRawWord(const uint8_t* stubData, uint32_t offset) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(uintptr_t(stubData + offset) % sizeof(uintptr_t) == 0);
return *reinterpret_cast<const uintptr_t*>(stubData + offset);
uintptr_t getStubRawWord(ICCacheIRStub* stub, uint32_t offset) const {
uint8_t* stubData = (uint8_t*)stub + stubDataOffset_;
return getStubRawWord(stubData, offset);
int32_t getStubRawInt32(const uint8_t* stubData, uint32_t offset) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(uintptr_t(stubData + offset) % sizeof(int32_t) == 0);
return *reinterpret_cast<const int32_t*>(stubData + offset);
int32_t getStubRawInt32(ICCacheIRStub* stub, uint32_t offset) const {
uint8_t* stubData = (uint8_t*)stub + stubDataOffset_;
return getStubRawInt32(stubData, offset);
int64_t getStubRawInt64(const uint8_t* stubData, uint32_t offset) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(uintptr_t(stubData + offset) % sizeof(int64_t) == 0);
return *reinterpret_cast<const int64_t*>(stubData + offset);
int64_t getStubRawInt64(ICCacheIRStub* stub, uint32_t offset) const {
uint8_t* stubData = (uint8_t*)stub + stubDataOffset_;
return getStubRawInt64(stubData, offset);
void replaceStubRawWord(uint8_t* stubData, uint32_t offset, uintptr_t oldWord,
uintptr_t newWord) const;
void replaceStubRawValueBits(uint8_t* stubData, uint32_t offset,
uint64_t oldBits, uint64_t newBits) const;
template <typename T>
void TraceCacheIRStub(JSTracer* trc, T* stub, const CacheIRStubInfo* stubInfo);
template <typename T>
bool TraceWeakCacheIRStub(JSTracer* trc, T* stub,
const CacheIRStubInfo* stubInfo);
} // namespace jit
} // namespace js
#endif /* jit_CacheIRCompiler_h */