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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# include "jit/CacheIRAOT.h"
# include "jsmath.h"
# include "jstypes.h"
# include "gc/AllocKind.h"
# include "jit/CacheIR.h"
# include "jit/CacheIRAOTGenerated.h"
# include "jit/JitZone.h"
# include "js/ScalarType.h"
# include "js/Value.h"
# include "vm/CompletionKind.h"
# include "vm/Opcodes.h"
# include "wasm/WasmValType.h"
// Include null pointers for "native" pointers: an AOT-loaded stub
// should not bake in an arbitrary pointer observed from a previous
// execution. In any case, the AOT corpus should not include any ICs
// that bake in pointers (baseline does not generate any).
# if JS_BITS_PER_WORD == 32
# define NATIVE_NULLPTR 0, 0, 0, 0
# elif JS_BITS_PER_WORD == 64
# define NATIVE_NULLPTR 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
# else
# error Please add a case for a non-32/64-bit system here.
# endif
// These correspond to the CacheIRWriter definitions of the serialized
// CacheIR format.
# define OP(op) \
uint8_t(uint16_t(CacheOp::op) & 0xff), uint8_t(uint16_t(CacheOp::op) >> 8),
# define ID(id) id,
# define OFFSET(off) off,
# define BOOL(x) x,
# define BYTE(x) x,
# define JSOP(op) uint8_t(JSOp::op),
# define TYPEOFEQOPERAND(value) value,
# define INT32(i) \
uint32_t(i) & 0xff, (uint32_t(i) >> 8) & 0xff, (uint32_t(i) >> 16) & 0xff, \
(uint32_t(i) >> 24) & 0xff,
# define UINT32(i) \
(i) & 0xff, ((i) >> 8) & 0xff, ((i) >> 16) & 0xff, ((i) >> 24) & 0xff,
# define CALLFLAGS(f) f,
# define WHYMAGIC(m) m,
# define SCALARTYPE(name) uint8_t(Scalar::Type::name),
# define UNARYMATHFUNC(name) uint8_t(UnaryMathFunction::name),
# define VALUETYPE(name) uint8_t(name),
# define GUARDCLASSKIND(name) uint8_t(GuardClassKind::name),
# define ARRAYBUFFERVIEWKIND(name) uint8_t(ArrayBufferViewKind::name),
# define WASMVALTYPE(name) uint8_t(wasm::ValType::Kind::name),
# define ALLOCKIND(name) uint8_t(gc::AllocKind::name),
# define COMPLETIONKIND(name) uint8_t(CompletionKind::name),
# define REALMFUSE(i) i,
// Other macros used to serialize parts of the CacheIRWriter.
# define STUBFIELD(ty) AOTStubFieldData{StubField::Type::ty, 0},
# define LASTUSED(n) n,
// First, generate individual IC bodies.
# define IC_BODY(idx, _kind, _num_input_operands, _num_operand_ids, \
_num_instructions, _typedata, _stubdatasize, _stubfields, \
_lastused, ops) \
static const uint8_t IC##idx[] = {ops};
// Generate the stubfield lists.
# define IC_STUBFIELD(idx, _kind, _num_input_operands, _num_operand_ids, \
_num_instructions, _typedata, _stubdatasize, \
stubfields, _lastused, _ops) \
static const AOTStubFieldData IC##idx##StubFields[] = {stubfields};
// Generate the operand-last-used lists.
# define IC_LASTUSED(idx, _kind, _num_input_operands, _num_operand_ids, \
_num_instructions, _typedata, _stubdatasize, \
_stubfields, lastused, _ops) \
static const uint32_t IC##idx##LastUsed[] = {lastused};
// Now, generate the toplevel list of AOT structs from which we can
// reconstitute a CacheIRWriter.
# define IC_TOP(idx, kind, num_input_operands, num_operand_ids, \
num_instructions, typedata, stubdatasize, _stubfields, \
_lastused, _ops) \
CacheIRAOTStub{ \
CacheKind::kind, \
num_operand_ids, \
num_input_operands, \
num_instructions, \
TypeData(typedata), \
stubdatasize, \
IC##idx##StubFields, \
sizeof(IC##idx##StubFields) / sizeof(IC##idx##StubFields[0]), \
IC##idx##LastUsed, \
IC##idx, \
static const CacheIRAOTStub stubs[] = {JS_AOT_IC_DATA(IC_TOP)};
mozilla::Span<const CacheIRAOTStub> js::jit::GetAOTStubs() {
return mozilla::Span(stubs, sizeof(stubs) / sizeof(stubs[0]));
CacheIRWriter::CacheIRWriter(JSContext* cx, const CacheIRAOTStub& stub)
: CustomAutoRooter(cx),
# ifdef DEBUG
# endif
lastIndex_(0) {
nextOperandId_ = stub.numOperandIds;
nextInstructionId_ = stub.numInstructions;
numInputOperands_ = stub.numInputOperands;
typeData_ = stub.typeData;
stubDataSize_ = stub.stubDataSize;
for (size_t i = 0; i < stub.stubfieldCount; i++) {
StubField(stub.stubfields[i].data, stub.stubfields[i].type)));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < stub.numOperandIds; i++) {
buffer_.writeBytes(, stub.dataLength);
#endif /* ENABLE_JS_AOT_ICS */