Name Description Size
arith.js Handle recompilation of arithmetic operations, and on-stack int -> double conversion. 723
bug617592.js 23
bug621292.js Don't crash. 382
bug621328.js 120
bug638977.js 60
bug639508.js 20
bug639882.js 74
bug640608.js 114
bug641225.js 3092
bug641269.js 150
bug641535.js 24
bug642405.js 251
bug643182.js 77
bug643376.js 148
bug643669.js 67
bug645044.js 69
bug646267.js 130
bug647183.js 678
bug647199.js 293
bug647532.js 109
bug647547.js 212
bug647991-1.js 207
bug647991-2.js 48
bug648502.js 162
bug648567.js 219
bug648843.js 137
bug648966.js 53
bug649261.js 98
bug649769.js 180
bug651119.js 1373
bug653980.js 140
bug654536.js 113
bug655949.js 81
bug655998.js 70
bug657288.js 223
bug658209.js 168
bug658211.js 222
bug658212.js 808
bug658561.js 94
bug658777.js 321
bug659639.js 437
bug659766.js 832
bug661859.js 722
bug663690.js 161
bug671943-2.js 257
bug672123.js 428
bug674391.js 165
bug676764.js 191
callic.js Recompilation while being processed by a call IC. 385
exotic.js 1572
flush.js Handle flushing of scripted call ICs pointing to recompiled functions. 762
getelem.js Unexpected values out of GETELEM 349
incdec.js Handle recompilation on overflow of inc/dec operations. 1310
inlinestubs.js 1092
memory-01.js 144
memory-02.js 182
memory-03.js 100
memory-04.js 90
native.js Handle recompilations triggered by native calls. 634
nativemulti.js Recompilation that requires patching the same native stub multiple times. 431
nativestack.js Recompilation that requires patching the same native stub multiple times on one stack. 464
patchdouble.js 196
property.js Handle recompilation on undefined properties and array holes. 358
propic.js Recompilation while being processed by property ICs. 386
staticoverflow.js 358
undef.js Handle recompilation on undefined variables. 612