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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef gc_Statistics_h
#define gc_Statistics_h
#include "mozilla/Array.h"
#include "mozilla/Atomics.h"
#include "mozilla/EnumeratedArray.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h"
#include "jspubtd.h"
#include "NamespaceImports.h"
#include "gc/GCEnum.h"
#include "js/AllocPolicy.h"
#include "js/GCAPI.h"
#include "js/SliceBudget.h"
#include "js/Vector.h"
namespace js {
class JS_PUBLIC_API Sprinter;
class JSONPrinter;
namespace gcstats {
// Phase data is generated by a script. If you need to add phases, edit
// js/src/gc/
#include "gc/StatsPhasesGenerated.h"
// Counts can be incremented with Statistics::count(). They're reset at the end
// of a Major GC.
enum Count {
// Number of times a 'put' into a storebuffer overflowed, triggering a
// compaction
// Number of arenas relocated by compacting GC.
// Number of cells marked during the marking phase. Excludes atoms marked when
// not collecting the atoms zone.
// Number of times work was donated to a requesting thread during parallel
// marking.
// Stats can be set with Statistics::setStat(). They're not reset automatically.
enum Stat {
// Number of strings tenured.
// Number of strings deduplicated.
// Number of BigInts tenured.
struct ZoneGCStats {
/* Number of zones collected in this GC. */
size_t collectedZoneCount = 0;
/* Total number of zones in the Runtime at the start of this GC. */
size_t zoneCount = 0;
/* Number of zones swept in this GC. */
size_t sweptZoneCount = 0;
/* Total number of compartments in all zones collected. */
size_t collectedCompartmentCount = 0;
/* Total number of compartments in the Runtime at the start of this GC. */
size_t compartmentCount = 0;
/* Total number of compartments swept by this GC. */
size_t sweptCompartmentCount = 0;
/* Total number of realms in the Runtime at the start of this GC. */
size_t realmCount = 0;
ZoneGCStats() = default;
struct Trigger {
size_t amount = 0;
size_t threshold = 0;
_(Total, "total", PhaseKind::NONE) \
_(Background, "bgwrk", PhaseKind::NONE) \
_(MinorForMajor, "evct4m", PhaseKind::EVICT_NURSERY_FOR_MAJOR_GC) \
_(WaitBgThread, "waitBG", PhaseKind::WAIT_BACKGROUND_THREAD) \
_(Prepare, "prep", PhaseKind::PREPARE) \
_(Mark, "mark", PhaseKind::MARK) \
_(Sweep, "sweep", PhaseKind::SWEEP) \
_(Compact, "cmpct", PhaseKind::COMPACT) \
_(Decommit, "dcmmt", PhaseKind::DECOMMIT)
static const char* const MajorGCProfilePrefix = "MajorGC:";
static const char* const MinorGCProfilePrefix = "MinorGC:";
const char* ExplainAbortReason(GCAbortReason reason);
* Struct for collecting timing statistics on a "phase tree". The tree is
* specified as a limited DAG, but the timings are collected for the whole tree
* that you would get by expanding out the DAG by duplicating subtrees rooted
* at nodes with multiple parents.
* During execution, a child phase can be activated multiple times, and the
* total time will be accumulated. (So for example, you can start and end
* PhaseKind::MARK_ROOTS multiple times before completing the parent phase.)
* Incremental GC is represented by recording separate timing results for each
* slice within the overall GC.
struct Statistics {
template <typename T, size_t Length>
using Array = mozilla::Array<T, Length>;
template <typename IndexType, typename ValueType, IndexType SizeAsEnumValue>
using EnumeratedArray =
mozilla::EnumeratedArray<IndexType, ValueType, size_t(SizeAsEnumValue)>;
using TimeDuration = mozilla::TimeDuration;
using TimeStamp = mozilla::TimeStamp;
// Create types for tables of times, by phase and phase kind.
using PhaseTimes = EnumeratedArray<Phase, TimeDuration, Phase::LIMIT>;
using PhaseKindTimes =
EnumeratedArray<PhaseKind, TimeDuration, PhaseKind::LIMIT>;
using PhaseTimeStamps = EnumeratedArray<Phase, TimeStamp, Phase::LIMIT>;
[[nodiscard]] static bool initialize();
explicit Statistics(gc::GCRuntime* gc);
Statistics(const Statistics&) = delete;
Statistics& operator=(const Statistics&) = delete;
void beginPhase(PhaseKind phaseKind);
void endPhase(PhaseKind phaseKind);
void recordParallelPhase(PhaseKind phaseKind, TimeDuration duration);
// Occasionally, we may be in the middle of something that is tracked by
// this class, and we need to do something unusual (eg evict the nursery)
// that doesn't normally nest within the current phase. Suspend the
// currently tracked phase stack, at which time the caller is free to do
// other tracked operations.
// This also happens internally with the PhaseKind::MUTATOR "phase". While in
// this phase, any beginPhase will automatically suspend the non-GC phase,
// until that inner stack is complete, at which time it will automatically
// resume the non-GC phase. Explicit suspensions do not get auto-resumed.
void suspendPhases(PhaseKind suspension = PhaseKind::EXPLICIT_SUSPENSION);
// Resume a suspended stack of phases.
void resumePhases();
void beginSlice(const ZoneGCStats& zoneStats, JS::GCOptions options,
const JS::SliceBudget& budget, JS::GCReason reason,
bool budgetWasIncreased);
void endSlice();
[[nodiscard]] bool startTimingMutator();
[[nodiscard]] bool stopTimingMutator(double& mutator_ms, double& gc_ms);
// Note when we sweep a zone or compartment.
void sweptZone() { ++zoneStats.sweptZoneCount; }
void sweptCompartment() { ++zoneStats.sweptCompartmentCount; }
void reset(GCAbortReason reason) {
MOZ_ASSERT(reason != GCAbortReason::None);
if (!aborted) {
slices_.back().resetReason = reason;
void measureInitialHeapSize();
void nonincremental(GCAbortReason reason) {
MOZ_ASSERT(reason != GCAbortReason::None);
nonincrementalReason_ = reason;
log("Non-incremental reason: %s", nonincrementalReason());
bool nonincremental() const {
return nonincrementalReason_ != GCAbortReason::None;
const char* nonincrementalReason() const {
return ExplainAbortReason(nonincrementalReason_);
void count(Count s) { counts[s]++; }
void addCount(Count s, uint32_t count) { counts[s] += count; }
uint32_t getCount(Count s) const { return uint32_t(counts[s]); }
void setStat(Stat s, uint32_t value) { stats[s] = value; }
uint32_t getStat(Stat s) const { return stats[s]; }
void recordTrigger(size_t amount, size_t threshold) {
recordedTrigger = mozilla::Some(Trigger{amount, threshold});
bool hasTrigger() const { return recordedTrigger.isSome(); }
// tenured allocs don't include nursery evictions.
void setAllocsSinceMinorGCTenured(uint32_t allocs) {
tenuredAllocsSinceMinorGC = allocs;
uint32_t allocsSinceMinorGCTenured() { return tenuredAllocsSinceMinorGC; }
void beginNurseryCollection();
void endNurseryCollection();
TimeStamp beginSCC();
void endSCC(unsigned scc, TimeStamp start);
UniqueChars formatCompactSliceMessage() const;
UniqueChars formatCompactSummaryMessage() const;
UniqueChars formatDetailedMessage() const;
JS::GCSliceCallback setSliceCallback(JS::GCSliceCallback callback);
TimeDuration clearMaxGCPauseAccumulator();
TimeDuration getMaxGCPauseSinceClear();
PhaseKind currentPhaseKind() const;
struct SliceData {
SliceData(const JS::SliceBudget& budget, mozilla::Maybe<Trigger> trigger,
JS::GCReason reason, TimeStamp start, size_t startFaults,
gc::State initialState);
JS::SliceBudget budget;
JS::GCReason reason = JS::GCReason::NO_REASON;
mozilla::Maybe<Trigger> trigger;
gc::State initialState = gc::State::NotActive;
gc::State finalState = gc::State::NotActive;
GCAbortReason resetReason = GCAbortReason::None;
TimeStamp start;
TimeStamp end;
size_t startFaults = 0;
size_t endFaults = 0;
PhaseTimes phaseTimes;
PhaseKindTimes totalParallelTimes;
PhaseKindTimes maxParallelTimes;
TimeDuration duration() const;
bool wasReset() const { return resetReason != GCAbortReason::None; }
using SliceDataVector = Vector<SliceData, 8, SystemAllocPolicy>;
const SliceDataVector& slices() const { return slices_; }
const SliceData& sliceAt(size_t index) const { return slices_[index]; }
const SliceData* lastSlice() const {
if (slices_.length() == 0) {
return nullptr;
return &slices_.back();
TimeStamp start() const { return slices_[0].start; }
TimeStamp end() const { return slices_.back().end; }
TimeStamp creationTime() const { return creationTime_; }
TimeDuration totalGCTime() const { return totalGCTime_; }
size_t initialCollectedBytes() const { return preCollectedHeapBytes; }
// File to write profiling information to, either stderr or file specified
FILE* profileFile() const { return gcProfileFile; }
// Occasionally print header lines for profiling information.
void maybePrintProfileHeaders();
// Print header line for profile times.
void printProfileHeader();
// Print total profile times on shutdown.
void printTotalProfileTimes();
// These JSON strings are used by the firefox profiler to display the GC
// markers.
// Return JSON for a whole major GC
UniqueChars renderJsonMessage() const;
// Return JSON for the timings of just the given slice.
UniqueChars renderJsonSlice(size_t sliceNum) const;
// Return JSON for the previous nursery collection.
UniqueChars renderNurseryJson() const;
#ifdef DEBUG
// Print a logging message.
void log(const char* fmt, ...);
void log(const char* fmt, ...) {};
gc::GCRuntime* const gc;
/* File used for MOZ_GCTIMER output. */
FILE* gcTimerFile;
/* File used for JS_GC_DEBUG output. */
FILE* gcDebugFile;
/* File used for JS_GC_PROFILE output. */
FILE* gcProfileFile;
ZoneGCStats zoneStats;
JS::GCOptions gcOptions = JS::GCOptions::Normal;
GCAbortReason nonincrementalReason_;
SliceDataVector slices_;
/* Most recent time when the given phase started. */
PhaseTimeStamps phaseStartTimes;
#ifdef DEBUG
/* Most recent time when the given phase ended. */
PhaseTimeStamps phaseEndTimes;
TimeStamp creationTime_;
/* Bookkeeping for GC timings when timingMutator is true */
TimeStamp timedGCStart;
TimeDuration timedGCTime;
/* Total main thread time in a given phase for this GC. */
PhaseTimes phaseTimes;
/* Total main thread time for this GC. */
TimeDuration totalGCTime_;
/* Number of events of this type for this GC. */
EnumeratedArray<Count, mozilla::Atomic<uint32_t, mozilla::ReleaseAcquire>,
/* Other GC statistics. */
EnumeratedArray<Stat, uint32_t, STAT_LIMIT> stats;
* These events cannot be kept in the above array, we need to take their
* address.
uint32_t tenuredAllocsSinceMinorGC;
/* Total GC heap size before and after the GC ran. */
size_t preTotalHeapBytes;
size_t postTotalHeapBytes;
/* GC heap size for collected zones before GC ran. */
size_t preCollectedHeapBytes;
* If a GC slice was triggered by exceeding some threshold, record the
* threshold and the value that exceeded it. This happens before the slice
* starts so this is recorded here first and then transferred to SliceData.
mozilla::Maybe<Trigger> recordedTrigger;
/* GC numbers as of the beginning of the collection. */
uint64_t startingMinorGCNumber;
uint64_t startingMajorGCNumber;
uint64_t startingSliceNumber;
/* Records the maximum GC pause in an API-controlled interval. */
mutable TimeDuration maxPauseInInterval;
/* Phases that are currently on stack. */
Vector<Phase, MAX_PHASE_NESTING, SystemAllocPolicy> phaseStack;
* Certain phases can interrupt the phase stack, eg callback phases. When
* this happens, we move the suspended phases over to a sepearate list,
* terminated by a dummy PhaseKind::SUSPENSION phase (so that we can nest
* suspensions by suspending multiple stacks with a PhaseKind::SUSPENSION in
* between).
Vector<Phase, MAX_SUSPENDED_PHASES, SystemAllocPolicy> suspendedPhases;
/* Sweep times for SCCs of compartments. */
Vector<TimeDuration, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> sccTimes;
TimeDuration timeSinceLastGC;
JS::GCSliceCallback sliceCallback;
* True if we saw an OOM while allocating slices or we saw an impossible
* timestamp. The statistics for this GC will be invalid.
bool aborted;
/* Profiling data. */
enum class ProfileKey {
#define DEFINE_PROFILE_KEY(name, _1, _2) name,
using ProfileDurations =
EnumeratedArray<ProfileKey, TimeDuration, ProfileKey::KeyCount>;
bool enableProfiling_ = false;
bool profileWorkers_ = false;
TimeDuration profileThreshold_;
ProfileDurations totalTimes_;
uint64_t sliceCount_;
char formatBuffer_[32];
static constexpr int FormatBufferLength = sizeof(formatBuffer_);
JSContext* context();
Phase currentPhase() const;
Phase lookupChildPhase(PhaseKind phaseKind) const;
void beginGC(JS::GCOptions options, const TimeStamp& currentTime);
void endGC();
void sendGCTelemetry();
void sendSliceTelemetry(const SliceData& slice);
TimeDuration sumTotalParallelTime(PhaseKind phaseKind) const;
void recordPhaseBegin(Phase phase);
void recordPhaseEnd(Phase phase);
void gcDuration(TimeDuration* total, TimeDuration* maxPause) const;
void sccDurations(TimeDuration* total, TimeDuration* maxPause) const;
void printStats();
template <typename Fn>
void reportLongestPhaseInMajorGC(PhaseKind longest, Fn reportFn);
UniqueChars formatCompactSlicePhaseTimes(const PhaseTimes& phaseTimes) const;
UniqueChars formatDetailedDescription() const;
UniqueChars formatDetailedSliceDescription(unsigned i,
const SliceData& slice) const;
UniqueChars formatDetailedPhaseTimes(const PhaseTimes& phaseTimes) const;
UniqueChars formatDetailedTotals() const;
void formatJsonDescription(JSONPrinter&) const;
void formatJsonSliceDescription(unsigned i, const SliceData& slice,
JSONPrinter&) const;
void formatJsonPhaseTimes(const PhaseTimes& phaseTimes, JSONPrinter&) const;
void formatJsonSlice(size_t sliceNum, JSONPrinter&) const;
double computeMMU(TimeDuration window) const;
void printSliceProfile();
ProfileDurations getProfileTimes(const SliceData& slice) const;
void updateTotalProfileTimes(const ProfileDurations& times);
const char* formatGCStates(const SliceData& slice);
const char* formatGCFlags(const SliceData& slice);
const char* formatBudget(const SliceData& slice);
const char* formatTotalSlices();
static void printProfileTimes(const ProfileDurations& times,
Sprinter& sprinter);
struct MOZ_RAII AutoGCSlice {
AutoGCSlice(Statistics& stats, const ZoneGCStats& zoneStats,
JS::GCOptions options, const JS::SliceBudget& budget,
JS::GCReason reason, bool budgetWasIncreased)
: stats(stats) {
stats.beginSlice(zoneStats, options, budget, reason, budgetWasIncreased);
~AutoGCSlice() { stats.endSlice(); }
Statistics& stats;
struct MOZ_RAII AutoPhase {
AutoPhase(Statistics& stats, PhaseKind phaseKind)
: stats(stats), phaseKind(phaseKind), enabled(true) {
AutoPhase(Statistics& stats, bool condition, PhaseKind phaseKind)
: stats(stats), phaseKind(phaseKind), enabled(condition) {
if (enabled) {
~AutoPhase() {
if (enabled) {
Statistics& stats;
PhaseKind phaseKind;
bool enabled;
struct MOZ_RAII AutoSCC {
AutoSCC(Statistics& stats, unsigned scc) : stats(stats), scc(scc) {
start = stats.beginSCC();
~AutoSCC() { stats.endSCC(scc, start); }
Statistics& stats;
unsigned scc;
mozilla::TimeStamp start;
void ReadProfileEnv(const char* envName, const char* helpText, bool* enableOut,
bool* workersOut, mozilla::TimeDuration* thresholdOut);
} /* namespace gcstats */
struct StringStats {
// number of strings that were deduplicated, and their sizes in characters
// and bytes
uint64_t deduplicatedStrings = 0;
uint64_t deduplicatedChars = 0;
uint64_t deduplicatedBytes = 0;
// number of malloced bytes associated with tenured strings (the actual
// malloc will have happened when the strings were allocated in the nursery;
// the ownership of the bytes will be transferred to the tenured strings)
uint64_t tenuredBytes = 0;
StringStats& operator+=(const StringStats& other) {
deduplicatedStrings += other.deduplicatedStrings;
deduplicatedChars += other.deduplicatedChars;
deduplicatedBytes += other.deduplicatedBytes;
tenuredBytes += other.tenuredBytes;
return *this;
void noteTenured(size_t mallocBytes) { tenuredBytes += mallocBytes; }
void noteDeduplicated(size_t numChars, size_t mallocBytes) {
deduplicatedChars += numChars;
deduplicatedBytes += mallocBytes;
} /* namespace js */
#endif /* gc_Statistics_h */