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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef gc_Heap_h
#define gc_Heap_h
#include "mozilla/DebugOnly.h"
#include "gc/AllocKind.h"
#include "gc/Pretenuring.h"
#include "js/HeapAPI.h"
#include "js/TypeDecls.h"
#include "util/Poison.h"
namespace js {
class AutoLockGC;
class AutoLockGCBgAlloc;
class Nursery;
namespace gc {
class Arena;
class ArenaCellSet;
class ArenaList;
class GCRuntime;
class MarkingValidator;
class SortedArenaList;
class TenuredCell;
// Cells are aligned to CellAlignShift, so the largest tagged null pointer is:
const uintptr_t LargestTaggedNullCellPointer = (1 << CellAlignShift) - 1;
static_assert(ArenaSize % CellAlignBytes == 0,
"Arena size must be a multiple of cell alignment");
* A FreeSpan represents a contiguous sequence of free cells in an Arena. It
* can take two forms.
* - In an empty span, |first| and |last| are both zero.
* - In a non-empty span, |first| is the address of the first free thing in the
* span, and |last| is the address of the last free thing in the span.
* Furthermore, the memory pointed to by |last| holds a FreeSpan structure
* that points to the next span (which may be empty); this works because
* sizeof(FreeSpan) is less than the smallest thingSize.
class FreeSpan {
friend class Arena;
friend class ArenaCellIter;
friend class ArenaFreeCellIter;
uint16_t first;
uint16_t last;
// This inits just |first| and |last|; if the span is non-empty it doesn't
// do anything with the next span stored at |last|.
void initBounds(uintptr_t firstArg, uintptr_t lastArg, const Arena* arena) {
checkRange(firstArg, lastArg, arena);
first = firstArg;
last = lastArg;
void initAsEmpty() {
first = 0;
last = 0;
// This sets |first| and |last|, and also sets the next span stored at
// |last| as empty. (As a result, |firstArg| and |lastArg| cannot represent
// an empty span.)
void initFinal(uintptr_t firstArg, uintptr_t lastArg, const Arena* arena) {
initBounds(firstArg, lastArg, arena);
FreeSpan* last = nextSpanUnchecked(arena);
bool isEmpty() const { return !first; }
Arena* getArenaUnchecked() { return reinterpret_cast<Arena*>(this); }
inline Arena* getArena();
static size_t offsetOfFirst() { return offsetof(FreeSpan, first); }
static size_t offsetOfLast() { return offsetof(FreeSpan, last); }
// Like nextSpan(), but no checking of the following span is done.
FreeSpan* nextSpanUnchecked(const Arena* arena) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(arena && !isEmpty());
return reinterpret_cast<FreeSpan*>(uintptr_t(arena) + last);
const FreeSpan* nextSpan(const Arena* arena) const {
return nextSpanUnchecked(arena);
MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE TenuredCell* allocate(size_t thingSize) {
// Eschew the usual checks, because this might be the placeholder span.
// If this is somehow an invalid, non-empty span, checkSpan() will catch it.
Arena* arena = getArenaUnchecked();
uintptr_t thing = uintptr_t(arena) + first;
if (first < last) {
// We have space for at least two more things, so do a simple
// bump-allocate.
first += thingSize;
} else if (MOZ_LIKELY(first)) {
// The last space points to the next free span (which may be empty).
const FreeSpan* next = nextSpan(arena);
first = next->first;
last = next->last;
} else {
return nullptr; // The span is empty.
return reinterpret_cast<TenuredCell*>(thing);
inline void checkSpan(const Arena* arena) const;
inline void checkRange(uintptr_t first, uintptr_t last,
const Arena* arena) const;
* Arenas are the allocation units of the tenured heap in the GC. An arena
* is 4kiB in size and 4kiB-aligned. It starts with several header fields
* followed by some bytes of padding. The remainder of the arena is filled
* with GC things of a particular AllocKind. The padding ensures that the
* GC thing array ends exactly at the end of the arena:
* <----------------------------------------------> = ArenaSize bytes
* +---------------+---------+----+----+-----+----+
* | header fields | padding | T0 | T1 | ... | Tn |
* +---------------+---------+----+----+-----+----+
* <-------------------------> = first thing offset
class alignas(ArenaSize) Arena {
static JS_PUBLIC_DATA const uint8_t ThingSizes[];
static JS_PUBLIC_DATA const uint8_t FirstThingOffsets[];
static JS_PUBLIC_DATA const uint8_t ThingsPerArena[];
* The first span of free things in the arena. Most of these spans are
* stored as offsets in free regions of the data array, and most operations
* on FreeSpans take an Arena pointer for safety. However, the FreeSpans
* used for allocation are stored here, at the start of an Arena, and use
* their own address to grab the next span within the same Arena.
FreeSpan firstFreeSpan;
* One of the AllocKind constants or AllocKind::LIMIT when the arena does
* not contain any GC things and is on the list of empty arenas in the GC
* chunk.
AllocKind allocKind;
* The zone that this Arena is contained within, when allocated. The offset
* of this field must match the ArenaZoneOffset stored in js/HeapAPI.h,
* as is statically asserted below.
JS::Zone* zone_;
* Arena::next has two purposes: when unallocated, it points to the next
* available Arena. When allocated, it points to the next Arena in the same
* zone and with the same alloc kind.
Arena* next;
static const size_t ARENA_FLAG_BITS = 4;
static const size_t DELAYED_MARKING_ARENA_BITS =
JS_BITS_PER_WORD - ArenaShift;
"Not enough space to pack flags and nextDelayedMarkingArena_ pointer "
"into a single word.");
* True until the arena is swept for the first time.
size_t isNewlyCreated_ : 1;
* When recursive marking uses too much stack we delay marking of arenas and
* link them into a list for later processing. This uses the following fields.
size_t onDelayedMarkingList_ : 1;
size_t hasDelayedBlackMarking_ : 1;
size_t hasDelayedGrayMarking_ : 1;
size_t nextDelayedMarkingArena_ : DELAYED_MARKING_ARENA_BITS;
union {
* For arenas in zones other than the atoms zone, if non-null, points
* to an ArenaCellSet that represents the set of cells in this arena
* that are in the nursery's store buffer.
ArenaCellSet* bufferedCells_;
* For arenas in the atoms zone, the starting index into zone atom
* marking bitmaps (see AtomMarking.h) of the things in this zone.
* Atoms never refer to nursery things, so no store buffer index is
* needed.
size_t atomBitmapStart_;
* The size of data should be |ArenaSize - offsetof(data)|, but the offset
* is not yet known to the compiler, so we do it by hand. |firstFreeSpan|
* takes up 8 bytes on 64-bit due to alignment requirements; the rest are
* obvious. This constant is stored in js/HeapAPI.h.
uint8_t data[ArenaSize - ArenaHeaderSize];
// Create a free arena in uninitialized committed memory.
void init(GCRuntime* gc, JS::Zone* zoneArg, AllocKind kind,
const AutoLockGC& lock);
JS::Zone* zone() const { return zone_; }
// Sets |firstFreeSpan| to the Arena's entire valid range, and
// also sets the next span stored at |firstFreeSpan.last| as empty.
void setAsFullyUnused() {
AllocKind kind = getAllocKind();
firstFreeSpan.first = firstThingOffset(kind);
firstFreeSpan.last = lastThingOffset(kind);
FreeSpan* last = firstFreeSpan.nextSpanUnchecked(this);
// Return an allocated arena to its unallocated (free) state.
inline void release(GCRuntime* gc, const AutoLockGC& lock);
uintptr_t address() const {
return uintptr_t(this);
inline void checkAddress() const;
inline ArenaChunk* chunk() const;
// Return whether this arena is in the 'allocated' state, meaning that it has
// been initialized by calling init() and has a zone and alloc kind set.
// This is mostly used for assertions.
bool allocated() const;
AllocKind getAllocKind() const {
return allocKind;
FreeSpan* getFirstFreeSpan() { return &firstFreeSpan; }
static size_t thingSize(AllocKind kind) { return ThingSizes[size_t(kind)]; }
static size_t thingsPerArena(AllocKind kind) {
return ThingsPerArena[size_t(kind)];
static size_t thingsSpan(AllocKind kind) {
return thingsPerArena(kind) * thingSize(kind);
static size_t firstThingOffset(AllocKind kind) {
return FirstThingOffsets[size_t(kind)];
static size_t lastThingOffset(AllocKind kind) {
return ArenaSize - thingSize(kind);
size_t getThingSize() const { return thingSize(getAllocKind()); }
size_t getThingsPerArena() const { return thingsPerArena(getAllocKind()); }
size_t getThingsSpan() const { return getThingsPerArena() * getThingSize(); }
size_t getFirstThingOffset() const {
return firstThingOffset(getAllocKind());
uintptr_t thingsStart() const { return address() + getFirstThingOffset(); }
uintptr_t thingsEnd() const { return address() + ArenaSize; }
bool isEmpty() const {
// Arena is empty if its first span covers the whole arena.
AllocKind kind = getAllocKind();
return firstFreeSpan.first == firstThingOffset(kind) &&
firstFreeSpan.last == lastThingOffset(kind);
bool hasFreeThings() const { return !firstFreeSpan.isEmpty(); }
size_t numFreeThings(size_t thingSize) const {
size_t numFree = 0;
const FreeSpan* span = &firstFreeSpan;
for (; !span->isEmpty(); span = span->nextSpan(this)) {
numFree += (span->last - span->first) / thingSize + 1;
return numFree;
size_t countFreeCells() { return numFreeThings(getThingSize()); }
size_t countUsedCells() { return getThingsPerArena() - countFreeCells(); }
#ifdef DEBUG
bool inFreeList(uintptr_t thing) {
uintptr_t base = address();
const FreeSpan* span = &firstFreeSpan;
for (; !span->isEmpty(); span = span->nextSpan(this)) {
// If the thing comes before the current span, it's not free.
if (thing < base + span->first) {
return false;
// If we find it before the end of the span, it's free.
if (thing <= base + span->last) {
return true;
return false;
static bool isAligned(uintptr_t thing, size_t thingSize) {
/* Things ends at the arena end. */
uintptr_t tailOffset = ArenaSize - (thing & ArenaMask);
return tailOffset % thingSize == 0;
bool isNewlyCreated() const { return isNewlyCreated_; }
bool onDelayedMarkingList() const { return onDelayedMarkingList_; }
Arena* getNextDelayedMarking() const {
return reinterpret_cast<Arena*>(nextDelayedMarkingArena_ << ArenaShift);
void setNextDelayedMarkingArena(Arena* arena) {
MOZ_ASSERT(!(uintptr_t(arena) & ArenaMask));
onDelayedMarkingList_ = 1;
if (arena) {
nextDelayedMarkingArena_ = arena->address() >> ArenaShift;
void updateNextDelayedMarkingArena(Arena* arena) {
MOZ_ASSERT(!(uintptr_t(arena) & ArenaMask));
nextDelayedMarkingArena_ = arena ? arena->address() >> ArenaShift : 0;
bool hasDelayedMarking(MarkColor color) const {
return color == MarkColor::Black ? hasDelayedBlackMarking_
: hasDelayedGrayMarking_;
bool hasAnyDelayedMarking() const {
return hasDelayedBlackMarking_ || hasDelayedGrayMarking_;
void setHasDelayedMarking(MarkColor color, bool value) {
if (color == MarkColor::Black) {
hasDelayedBlackMarking_ = value;
} else {
hasDelayedGrayMarking_ = value;
void clearDelayedMarkingState() {
onDelayedMarkingList_ = 0;
hasDelayedBlackMarking_ = 0;
hasDelayedGrayMarking_ = 0;
nextDelayedMarkingArena_ = 0;
inline ArenaCellSet*& bufferedCells();
inline size_t& atomBitmapStart();
template <typename T>
size_t finalize(JS::GCContext* gcx, AllocKind thingKind, size_t thingSize);
static void staticAsserts();
static void checkLookupTables();
void unmarkAll();
void unmarkPreMarkedFreeCells();
void arenaAllocatedDuringGC();
#ifdef DEBUG
void checkNoMarkedFreeCells();
void checkAllCellsMarkedBlack();
#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(JS_GC_ZEAL)
void checkNoMarkedCells();
inline Arena* FreeSpan::getArena() {
Arena* arena = getArenaUnchecked();
return arena;
inline void FreeSpan::checkSpan(const Arena* arena) const {
#ifdef DEBUG
if (!first) {
MOZ_ASSERT(!first && !last);
checkRange(first, last, arena);
// If there's a following span, it must have a higher address,
// and the gap must be at least 2 * thingSize.
const FreeSpan* next = nextSpanUnchecked(arena);
if (next->first) {
checkRange(next->first, next->last, arena);
size_t thingSize = arena->getThingSize();
MOZ_ASSERT(last + 2 * thingSize <= next->first);
inline void FreeSpan::checkRange(uintptr_t first, uintptr_t last,
const Arena* arena) const {
#ifdef DEBUG
MOZ_ASSERT(first <= last);
AllocKind thingKind = arena->getAllocKind();
MOZ_ASSERT(first >= Arena::firstThingOffset(thingKind));
MOZ_ASSERT(last <= Arena::lastThingOffset(thingKind));
MOZ_ASSERT((last - first) % Arena::thingSize(thingKind) == 0);
* A chunk in the tenured heap. ArenaChunks contain arenas and associated data
* structures (mark bitmap, delayed marking state).
class ArenaChunk : public ArenaChunkBase {
Arena arenas[ArenasPerChunk];
friend class GCRuntime;
friend class MarkingValidator;
static ArenaChunk* fromAddress(uintptr_t addr) {
addr &= ~ChunkMask;
return reinterpret_cast<ArenaChunk*>(addr);
static bool withinValidRange(uintptr_t addr) {
uintptr_t offset = addr & ChunkMask;
if (ArenaChunk::fromAddress(addr)->isNurseryChunk()) {
return offset >= sizeof(ChunkBase) && offset < ChunkSize;
return offset >= offsetof(ArenaChunk, arenas) && offset < ChunkSize;
static size_t arenaIndex(const Arena* arena) {
uintptr_t addr = arena->address();
uintptr_t offset = addr & ChunkMask;
return (offset - offsetof(ArenaChunk, arenas)) >> ArenaShift;
static size_t pageIndex(const Arena* arena) {
return arenaToPageIndex(arenaIndex(arena));
static size_t arenaToPageIndex(size_t arenaIndex) {
static_assert((offsetof(ArenaChunk, arenas) % PageSize) == 0,
"First arena should be on a page boundary");
return arenaIndex / ArenasPerPage;
static size_t pageToArenaIndex(size_t pageIndex) {
return pageIndex * ArenasPerPage;
explicit ArenaChunk(JSRuntime* runtime) : ArenaChunkBase(runtime) {}
uintptr_t address() const {
uintptr_t addr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this);
MOZ_ASSERT(!(addr & ChunkMask));
return addr;
bool unused() const { return info.numArenasFree == ArenasPerChunk; }
bool hasAvailableArenas() const { return info.numArenasFree != 0; }
bool isNurseryChunk() const { return storeBuffer; }
Arena* allocateArena(GCRuntime* gc, JS::Zone* zone, AllocKind kind,
const AutoLockGC& lock);
void releaseArena(GCRuntime* gc, Arena* arena, const AutoLockGC& lock);
void recycleArena(Arena* arena, SortedArenaList& dest, size_t thingsPerArena);
void decommitFreeArenas(GCRuntime* gc, const bool& cancel, AutoLockGC& lock);
[[nodiscard]] bool decommitOneFreePage(GCRuntime* gc, size_t pageIndex,
AutoLockGC& lock);
void decommitAllArenas();
// This will decommit each unused not-already decommitted arena. It performs a
// system call for each arena but is only used during OOM.
void decommitFreeArenasWithoutUnlocking(const AutoLockGC& lock);
static void* allocate(GCRuntime* gc);
static ArenaChunk* emplace(void* ptr, GCRuntime* gc, bool allMemoryCommitted);
/* Unlink and return the freeArenasHead. */
Arena* fetchNextFreeArena(GCRuntime* gc);
#ifdef DEBUG
void verify() const;
void verify() const {}
void commitOnePage(GCRuntime* gc);
void updateChunkListAfterAlloc(GCRuntime* gc, const AutoLockGC& lock);
void updateChunkListAfterFree(GCRuntime* gc, size_t numArenasFree,
const AutoLockGC& lock);
// Check if all arenas in a page are free.
bool canDecommitPage(size_t pageIndex) const;
// Check the arena from freeArenasList is located in a free page.
// Unlike the isPageFree(size_t) version, this isPageFree(Arena*) will see the
// following arenas from the freeArenasHead are also located in the same page,
// to prevent not to access the arenas mprotect'ed during compaction in debug
// build.
bool isPageFree(const Arena* arena) const;
void* pageAddress(size_t pageIndex) {
return &arenas[pageToArenaIndex(pageIndex)];
inline void Arena::checkAddress() const {
mozilla::DebugOnly<uintptr_t> addr = uintptr_t(this);
MOZ_ASSERT(!(addr & ArenaMask));
inline ArenaChunk* Arena::chunk() const {
return ArenaChunk::fromAddress(address());
// Cell header stored before all nursery cells.
struct alignas(gc::CellAlignBytes) NurseryCellHeader {
// Store zone pointer with the trace kind in the lowest three bits.
const uintptr_t allocSiteAndTraceKind;
// We only need to store a subset of trace kinds so this doesn't cover the
// full range.
static const uintptr_t TraceKindMask = 3;
static uintptr_t MakeValue(AllocSite* const site, JS::TraceKind kind) {
MOZ_ASSERT(uintptr_t(kind) < TraceKindMask);
MOZ_ASSERT((uintptr_t(site) & TraceKindMask) == 0);
return uintptr_t(site) | uintptr_t(kind);
inline NurseryCellHeader(AllocSite* site, JS::TraceKind kind)
: allocSiteAndTraceKind(MakeValue(site, kind)) {}
AllocSite* allocSite() const {
return reinterpret_cast<AllocSite*>(allocSiteAndTraceKind & ~TraceKindMask);
JS::Zone* zone() const { return allocSite()->zone(); }
JS::TraceKind traceKind() const {
return JS::TraceKind(allocSiteAndTraceKind & TraceKindMask);
static const NurseryCellHeader* from(const Cell* cell) {
return reinterpret_cast<const NurseryCellHeader*>(
uintptr_t(cell) - sizeof(NurseryCellHeader));
static_assert(uintptr_t(JS::TraceKind::Object) <=
static_assert(uintptr_t(JS::TraceKind::String) <=
static_assert(uintptr_t(JS::TraceKind::BigInt) <=
} /* namespace gc */
namespace debug {
// Utility functions meant to be called from an interactive debugger.
enum class MarkInfo : int {
BLACK = 0,
GRAY = 1,
NURSERY_TOSPACE = -3, // Unused if semispace disabled.
// For calling from gdb only: given a pointer that is either in the nursery
// (possibly pointing to a buffer, not necessarily a Cell) or a tenured Cell,
// return its mark color or UNMARKED if it is tenured, otherwise the region of
// memory that contains it. UNKNOWN is only for non-Cell pointers, and means it
// is not in the nursery (so could be malloced or stack or whatever.)
MOZ_NEVER_INLINE MarkInfo GetMarkInfo(void* vp);
// Sample usage from gdb:
// (gdb) p $word = js::debug::GetMarkWordAddress(obj)
// $1 = (uintptr_t *) 0x7fa56d5fe360
// (gdb) p/x $mask = js::debug::GetMarkMask(obj, js::gc::GRAY)
// $2 = 0x200000000
// (gdb) watch *$word
// Hardware watchpoint 7: *$word
// (gdb) cond 7 *$word & $mask
// (gdb) cont
// Note that this is *not* a watchpoint on a single bit. It is a watchpoint on
// the whole word, which will trigger whenever the word changes and the
// selected bit is set after the change.
// So if the bit changing is the desired one, this is exactly what you want.
// But if a different bit changes (either set or cleared), you may still stop
// execution if the $mask bit happened to already be set. gdb does not expose
// enough information to restrict the watchpoint to just a single bit.
// Return the address of the word containing the mark bits for the given cell,
// or nullptr if the cell is in the nursery.
MOZ_NEVER_INLINE uintptr_t* GetMarkWordAddress(js::gc::Cell* cell);
// Return the mask for the given cell and color bit, or 0 if the cell is in the
// nursery.
MOZ_NEVER_INLINE uintptr_t GetMarkMask(js::gc::Cell* cell, uint32_t colorBit);
} /* namespace debug */
} /* namespace js */
#endif /* gc_Heap_h */