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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// GC-internal header file for the buffer allocator.
#ifndef gc_BufferAllocator_h
#define gc_BufferAllocator_h
#include "mozilla/Array.h"
#include "mozilla/Atomics.h"
#include "mozilla/BitSet.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <utility>
#include "jstypes.h" // JS_PUBLIC_API
#include "ds/SlimLinkedList.h"
#include "js/HeapAPI.h"
#include "threading/LockGuard.h"
#include "threading/Mutex.h"
#include "threading/ProtectedData.h"
class JS_PUBLIC_API JSTracer;
namespace JS {
class JS_PUBLIC_API Zone;
} // namespace JS
namespace js {
class GCMarker;
class Nursery;
namespace gc {
enum class AllocKind : uint8_t;
struct BufferChunk;
struct Cell;
class GCRuntime;
struct MediumBuffer;
struct LargeBuffer;
// BufferAllocator allocates dynamically sized blocks of memory which can be
// reclaimed by the garbage collector and are associated with GC things.
// Although these blocks can be reclaimed by GC, explicit free and resize is
// also supported. This is important for buffers that can grow or shrink.
// The allocator uses a different strategy depending on the size of the
// allocation requested. There are three size ranges, divided as follows:
// Size: Kind: Allocator implementation:
// 16 B - 128 B Small Uses the cell (arena) allocator
// 256 B - 512 KB Medium Uses a free list allocator
// 1 MB - Large Uses the OS page allocator (e.g. mmap)
// The smallest supported allocation size is 16 bytes. This will be used for a
// dynamic slots allocation with zero slots to set a unique ID on a native
// object. This will be the size of two Values, i.e. 16 bytes.
// Supported operations
// --------------------
// - Allocate a buffer. Buffers are always owned by a GC cell, and the
// allocator tracks whether the owner is in the nursery or the tenured heap.
// - Trace an edge to buffer. When the owning cell is traced it must trace the
// edge to the buffer. This will mark the buffer in a GC and prevent it from
// being swept.
// - Free a buffer. This allows uniquely owned buffers to be freed and reused
// without waiting for the next GC. It is a hint only and is not supported
// for all buffer kinds.
// - Reallocate a buffer. This allows uniquely owned buffers to be resized,
// possibly in-place. This is important for performance on some benchmarks.
// Integration with the rest of the GC
// -----------------------------------
// The GC calls the allocator at several points during minor and major GC (at
// the start, when sweeping starts and at the end). Allocations are swept on a
// background thread and the memory used by unmarked allocations is reclaimed.
// The allocator tries hard to avoid locking, and where it is necessary tries to
// minimize the time spent holding locks. A lock is required to allocate a chunk
// but after that no locks are required to allocate on the main thread, even
// when off-thread sweeping is taking place. This is achieved by moving data to
// be swept to separate containers from those used for allocation on the main
// thread. Synchronization is required to merge data about swept allocations at
// the end of sweeping.
// Small allocations
// -----------------
// These are implemented by the cell allocator and are allocated in arenas (slab
// allocation).
// Note: currently we do not allocate these in the nursery because nursery-owned
// buffers are allocated directly in the nursery without going through this
// allocation API.
// Medium allocations
// ------------------
// These are allocated in their own zone-specific chunks using a segregated free
// list strategy. This is the main part of the allocator.
// The requested allocation size is used to pick a size class, which is used to
// index into an array giving a list of free regions of suitable size. The first
// region in the list is used and its start address updated; it may also be
// moved to a different list if it is now empty or too small to satisfy further
// allocations for this size class. A bitmap in the chunk header is used to
// track the start offsets of allocations.
// Sweeping works by processing a list of chunks, scanning each one for
// allocated but unmarked buffers and rebuilding the free region data for that
// chunk. Sweeping happens separately for minor and major GC and only
// nursery-owned or tenured-owned buffers are swept at one time. This means that
// chunks containing nursery-owned allocations are swept twice during a major
// GC, once to sweep nursery-owned allocations and once for tenured-owned
// allocations. This is required because the sweeping happens at different
// times.
// Chunks containing nursery-owned buffers are stored in a separate list to
// chunks that only contain tenured-owned buffers to reduce the number of chunks
// that need to be swept for minor GC. They are stored in |mediumMixedChunks|
// and are moved to |mediumMixedChunksToSweep| at the start of minor GC. They
// are then swept on a background thread and are placed in
// |sweptMediumMixedChunks| if they are not freed. From there they can merged
// back into one of the main thread lists (since they may no longer contain
// nursery-owned buffers).
// Chunks containing tenured-owned buffers are stored in |mediumTenuredChunks|
// and are moved to |mediumTenuredChunksToSweep| at the start of major GC. They
// are unavailable for allocation after this point and will be swept on a
// background thread and placed in |sweptMediumTenuredChunks| if they are not
// freed. From there they will be merged back into |mediumTenuredChunks|. This
// means that allocation during an incremental GC will allocate a new
// chunk.
// Merging swept data requires taking a lock and so only happens when
// necessary. This happens when a new chunk is needed or at various points
// during GC. During sweeping no additional synchronization is required for
// allocation.
// Since major GC requires doing a minor GC at the start and we don't want to
// have to wait for minor GC sweeping to finish there is an optimization where
// chunks containing nursery-owned buffers swept as part of minor GC at the
// start of a major GC are moved directly from |sweptMediumMixedChunks| to
// |mediumTenuredChunksToSweep| at the end of minor GC sweeping. This is
// controlled by the |majorStartedWhileMinorSweeping| flag.
// Similarly, if a major GC finishes while minor GC is sweeping then rather than
// waiting for it to finish we set the |majorFinishedWhileMinorSweeping| flag so
// that we clear the |allocatedDuringCollection| for these chunks the end of the
// minor sweeping.
// Free works by extending neighboring free regions to cover the freed
// allocation or adding a new one if necessary. Free regions are found by
// checking the allocated bitmap. Free is not supported if the containing chunk
// is currently being swept off-thread.
// Reallocation works by resizing in place if possible. It is always possible to
// shrink a medium allocation in place if the target size is still
// medium. In-place growth is possible if there is enough free space following
// the allocation. This is not supported if the containing chunk is currently
// being swept off-thread. If not possible, a new allocation is made and the
// contents of the buffer copied.
// Large allocations
// -----------------
// These are implemented using the OS page allocator. Allocations of this size
// are relatively rare and not much attempt is made to optimize them. They are
// stored with a chunk header at the front to allow them to be distinguished
// from the other allocation kinds easily.
class BufferAllocator : public SlimLinkedListElement<BufferAllocator> {
static constexpr size_t MinMediumAllocShift = 8; // 256 B
static constexpr size_t MaxMediumAllocShift = 19; // 512 KB
static constexpr size_t MediumAllocClasses =
MaxMediumAllocShift - MinMediumAllocShift + 1;
// An RAII guard to lock and unlock the buffer allocator lock.
class AutoLock : public LockGuard<Mutex> {
explicit AutoLock(GCRuntime* gc);
explicit AutoLock(BufferAllocator* allocator);
// A lock guard that is locked only when needed.
using MaybeLock = mozilla::Maybe<AutoLock>;
using BufferChunkList = SlimLinkedList<BufferChunk>;
struct FreeRegion;
using FreeList = SlimLinkedList<FreeRegion>;
// Segregated free list: an array of free lists, one per size class.
class FreeLists {
using FreeListArray = mozilla::Array<FreeList, MediumAllocClasses>;
FreeListArray lists;
mozilla::BitSet<MediumAllocClasses, uint32_t> available;
FreeLists() = default;
FreeLists(FreeLists&& other);
FreeLists& operator=(FreeLists&& other);
using const_iterator = FreeListArray::const_iterator;
auto begin() const { return lists.begin(); }
auto end() const { return lists.end(); }
// Returns SIZE_MAX if none available.
size_t getFirstAvailableSizeClass(size_t minSizeClass) const;
FreeRegion* getFirstRegion(size_t sizeClass);
void pushFront(size_t sizeClass, FreeRegion* region);
void pushBack(size_t sizeClass, FreeRegion* region);
void append(FreeLists&& other);
void prepend(FreeLists&& other);
void remove(size_t sizeClass, FreeRegion* region);
void clear();
template <typename Pred>
void eraseIf(Pred&& pred);
void assertEmpty() const;
void assertContains(size_t sizeClass, FreeRegion* region) const;
void checkAvailable() const;
using LargeAllocList = SlimLinkedList<LargeBuffer>;
enum class State : uint8_t { NotCollecting, Marking, Sweeping };
enum class OwnerKind : uint8_t { Tenured = 0, Nursery, None };
// The zone this allocator is associated with.
MainThreadOrGCTaskData<JS::Zone*> zone;
// Chunks that contain medium buffers. May contain both nursery-owned and
// tenured-owned buffers.
MainThreadData<BufferChunkList> mediumMixedChunks;
// Chunks that contain only tenured-owned medium sized buffers.
MainThreadData<BufferChunkList> mediumTenuredChunks;
// Free lists for medium sized buffers. Used for allocation.
MainThreadData<FreeLists> mediumFreeLists;
// Chunks that may contain nursery-owned buffers waiting to be swept during a
// minor GC. Populated from |mediumMixedChunks|.
MainThreadOrGCTaskData<BufferChunkList> mediumMixedChunksToSweep;
// Chunks that contain only tenured-owned buffers waiting to be swept during a
// major GC. Populated from |mediumTenuredChunks|.
MainThreadOrGCTaskData<BufferChunkList> mediumTenuredChunksToSweep;
// Chunks that have been swept and their associated free lists.
MutexData<BufferChunkList> sweptMediumMixedChunks;
MutexData<BufferChunkList> sweptMediumTenuredChunks;
MutexData<FreeLists> sweptMediumNurseryFreeLists;
MutexData<FreeLists> sweptMediumTenuredFreeLists;
// List of large nursery-owned buffers.
MainThreadData<LargeAllocList> largeNurseryAllocs;
// List of large tenured-owned buffers.
MainThreadData<LargeAllocList> largeTenuredAllocs;
// Large buffers waiting to be swept.
MainThreadOrGCTaskData<LargeAllocList> largeTenuredAllocsToSweep;
// Large buffers that have been swept.
MainThreadData<LargeAllocList> sweptLargeNurseryAllocs;
MutexData<LargeAllocList> sweptLargeTenuredAllocs;
// Flag to indicate that swept chunks are available to be merged in the
// sweptMediumMixedChunks or sweptMediumTenuredChunks lists.
mozilla::Atomic<bool, mozilla::Relaxed> sweptChunksAvailable;
// GC state for minor and major GC.
MainThreadData<State> minorState;
MainThreadData<State> majorState;
// A major GC was started while a minor GC was still sweeping. Chunks by the
// minor GC will be moved directly to the list of chunks to sweep for the
// major GC. This happens for the minor GC at the start of every major GC.
MainThreadData<bool> majorStartedWhileMinorSweeping;
// A major GC finished while a minor GC was still sweeping. Some post major GC
// cleanup will be deferred to the end of the minor sweeping.
MainThreadData<bool> majorFinishedWhileMinorSweeping;
// Flag to tell the main thread that minor sweeping has finished and
// minorState should be updated.
MutexData<bool> minorSweepingFinished;
explicit BufferAllocator(JS::Zone* zone);
static inline size_t GetGoodAllocSize(size_t requiredBytes);
static inline size_t GetGoodElementCount(size_t requiredElements,
size_t elementSize);
static inline size_t GetGoodPower2AllocSize(size_t requiredBytes);
static inline size_t GetGoodPower2ElementCount(size_t requiredElements,
size_t elementSize);
static bool IsBufferAlloc(void* alloc);
static size_t GetAllocSize(void* alloc);
static JS::Zone* GetAllocZone(void* alloc);
static bool IsNurseryOwned(void* alloc);
static bool IsMarkedBlack(void* alloc);
static void TraceEdge(JSTracer* trc, Cell* owner, void** bufferp,
const char* name);
void* alloc(size_t bytes, bool nurseryOwned);
void* allocInGC(size_t bytes, bool nurseryOwned);
void* realloc(void* ptr, size_t bytes, bool nurseryOwned);
void free(void* ptr);
void startMinorCollection(MaybeLock& lock);
bool startMinorSweeping(LargeAllocList& largeAllocsToFree);
void sweepForMinorCollection();
static void FreeLargeAllocs(LargeAllocList& largeAllocsToFree);
void startMajorCollection(MaybeLock& lock);
void startMajorSweeping(MaybeLock& lock);
void sweepForMajorCollection(bool shouldDecommit);
void finishMajorCollection(const AutoLock& lock);
void clearMarkStateAfterBarrierVerification();
void maybeMergeSweptData();
void maybeMergeSweptData(MaybeLock& lock);
void mergeSweptData();
void mergeSweptData(const AutoLock& lock);
bool isEmpty() const;
// For debugging, used to implement GetMarkInfo. Returns false for allocations
// being swept on another thread.
bool isPointerWithinMediumOrLargeBuffer(void* ptr);
Mutex& lock() const;
size_t getSizeOfNurseryBuffers();
void addSizeOfExcludingThis(size_t* usedBytesOut, size_t* freeBytesOut,
size_t* adminBytesOut);
static void printStatsHeader(FILE* file);
static void printStats(GCRuntime* gc, mozilla::TimeStamp creationTime,
bool isMajorGC, FILE* file);
void getStats(size_t& usedBytes, size_t& freeBytes, size_t& adminBytes,
size_t& mediumNurseryChunkCount,
size_t& mediumTenuredChunkCount, size_t& freeRegions,
size_t& largeNurseryAllocCount, size_t& largeTenuredAllocCount);
#ifdef DEBUG
void checkGCStateNotInUse();
void checkGCStateNotInUse(MaybeLock& lock);
void checkGCStateNotInUse(const AutoLock& lock);
// GC-internal APIs:
static bool MarkTenuredAlloc(void* alloc);
friend class js::GCMarker;
void markNurseryOwnedAlloc(void* alloc, bool ownerWasTenured);
friend class js::Nursery;
// Small allocation methods:
static inline bool IsSmallAllocSize(size_t bytes);
static bool IsSmallAlloc(void* alloc);
void* allocSmall(size_t bytes, bool nurseryOwned);
void* allocSmallInGC(size_t bytes, bool nurseryOwned);
static AllocKind AllocKindForSmallAlloc(size_t bytes);
// Medium allocation methods:
static bool IsMediumAlloc(void* alloc);
void* allocMedium(size_t bytes, bool nurseryOwned, bool inGC);
void* bumpAllocOrRetry(size_t sizeClass, bool inGC);
void* bumpAlloc(size_t sizeClass);
void* allocFromRegion(FreeRegion* region, size_t requestedBytes,
size_t sizeClass);
void updateFreeListsAfterAlloc(FreeLists* freeLists, FreeRegion* region,
size_t sizeClass);
void recommitRegion(FreeRegion* region);
bool allocNewChunk(bool inGC);
bool sweepChunk(BufferChunk* chunk, OwnerKind ownerKindToSweep,
bool shouldDecommit, FreeLists& freeLists);
void addSweptRegion(BufferChunk* chunk, uintptr_t freeStart,
uintptr_t freeEnd, bool shouldDecommit,
bool expectUnchanged, FreeLists& freeLists);
void freeMedium(void* alloc);
bool growMedium(void* alloc, size_t newBytes);
bool shrinkMedium(void* alloc, size_t newBytes);
FreeRegion* findFollowingFreeRegion(uintptr_t start);
FreeRegion* findPrecedingFreeRegion(uintptr_t start);
enum class ListPosition { Front, Back };
FreeRegion* addFreeRegion(FreeLists* freeLists, size_t sizeClass,
uintptr_t start, uintptr_t end, bool anyDecommitted,
ListPosition position,
bool expectUnchanged = false);
void updateFreeRegionStart(FreeLists* freeLists, FreeRegion* region,
uintptr_t newStart);
FreeLists* getChunkFreeLists(BufferChunk* chunk);
bool isSweepingChunk(BufferChunk* chunk);
// Get the size class for an allocation. This rounds up to a class that is
// large enough to hold the required size.
static size_t SizeClassForAlloc(size_t bytes);
// Get the maximum size class of allocations that can use a free region. This
// rounds down to the largest class that can fit in this region.
static size_t SizeClassForFreeRegion(size_t bytes);
static size_t SizeClassBytes(size_t sizeClass);
friend struct MediumBuffer;
// Large allocation methods:
static inline bool IsLargeAllocSize(size_t bytes);
static bool IsLargeAlloc(void* alloc);
static bool IsLargeAllocMarked(void* alloc);
static bool MarkLargeAlloc(void* alloc);
void* allocLarge(size_t bytes, bool nurseryOwned, bool inGC);
bool sweepLargeTenured(LargeBuffer* header);
void freeLarge(void* alloc);
bool shrinkLarge(void* alloc, size_t newBytes);
void unmapLarge(LargeBuffer* header, bool isSweeping);
void updateHeapSize(size_t bytes, bool checkThresholds,
bool updateRetainedSize);
#ifdef DEBUG
void checkChunkListGCStateNotInUse(BufferChunkList& chunks,
bool hasNurseryOwnedAllocs,
bool allowAllocatedDuringCollection);
void checkChunkGCStateNotInUse(BufferChunk* chunk,
bool allowAllocatedDuringCollection);
void checkAllocListGCStateNotInUse(LargeAllocList& list, bool isNurseryOwned);
void verifyChunk(BufferChunk* chunk, bool hasNurseryOwnedAllocs);
void verifyFreeRegion(BufferChunk* chunk, uintptr_t endOffset,
size_t expectedSize);
// Internal data structures defined here so that users can get their size.
#ifdef DEBUG
// Magic check values used debug builds.
static constexpr uint16_t MediumBufferCheckValue = 0xBFA1;
static constexpr uint32_t LargeBufferCheckValue = 0xBFA110C2;
static constexpr uint32_t FreeRegionCheckValue = 0xBFA110C3;
struct alignas(CellAlignBytes) MediumBuffer {
uint8_t sizeClass;
bool isNurseryOwned = false;
#ifdef DEBUG
uint16_t checkValue = MediumBufferCheckValue;
MediumBuffer(uint8_t sizeClass, bool nurseryOwned);
static MediumBuffer* from(BufferChunk* chunk, uintptr_t offset);
void check() const;
size_t bytesIncludingHeader() const;
void* data();
struct alignas(CellAlignBytes) LargeBuffer
: protected ChunkBase,
public SlimLinkedListElement<LargeBuffer> {
JS::Zone* const zone;
size_t bytesIncludingHeader;
mozilla::Atomic<bool, mozilla::Relaxed> marked;
bool isNurseryOwned;
bool allocatedDuringCollection = false;
#ifdef DEBUG
uint32_t checkValue = LargeBufferCheckValue;
inline LargeBuffer(JS::Zone* zone, size_t bytes, bool nurseryOwned);
inline void check() const;
inline bool markAtomic();
inline void* data();
bool isPointerWithinAllocation(void* ptr) const;
static constexpr size_t LargeBufferHeaderSize = sizeof(LargeBuffer);
} // namespace gc
} // namespace js
#endif // gc_BufferAllocator_h