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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=99 et:
# iongraph -- Translate IonMonkey JSON to GraphViz.
# Originally by Sean Stangl. See LICENSE.
import argparse
import html
import json
import glob
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
def quote(s):
return '"%s"' % str(s)
# Simple classes for the used subset of GraphViz' Dot format.
# There are more complicated constructors out there, but they all
# pull in annoying dependencies (and are annoying dependencies themselves).
class GraphWidget:
def __init__(self): = ''
self.props = {}
def addprops(self, propdict):
for p in propdict:
self.props[p] = propdict[p]
class Node(GraphWidget):
def __init__(self, name):
GraphWidget.__init__(self) = str(name)
class Edge(GraphWidget):
def __init__(self, nfrom, nto):
self.nfrom = str(nfrom)
self.nto = str(nto)
class Graph(GraphWidget):
def __init__(self, name, func, type):
GraphWidget.__init__(self) = name
self.func = func
self.type = str(type)
self.props = {}
self.nodes = []
self.edges = []
def addnode(self, n):
def addedge(self, e):
def writeprops(self, f, o):
if len(o.props) == 0:
print('[', end=' ', file=f)
for p in o.props:
print(str(p) + '=' + str(o.props[p]), end=' ', file=f)
print(']', end=' ', file=f)
def write(self, f):
print(self.type, '{', file=f)
# Use the pass name as the graph title (at the top).
print('labelloc = t;', file=f)
print('labelfontsize = 30;', file=f)
print('label = "%s - %s";' % (self.func['name'],, file=f)
# Output graph properties.
for p in self.props:
print(' ' + str(p) + '=' + str(self.props[p]), file=f)
print('', file=f)
# Output node list.
for n in self.nodes:
print(' ' +, end=' ', file=f)
self.writeprops(f, n)
print(';', file=f)
print('', file=f)
# Output edge list.
for e in self.edges:
print(' ' + e.nfrom, '->', e.nto, end=' ', file=f)
self.writeprops(f, e)
print(';', file=f)
print('}', file=f)
# block obj -> node string with quotations
def getBlockNodeName(b):
return blockNumToNodeName(b['number'])
# int -> node string with quotations
def blockNumToNodeName(i):
return quote('Block' + str(i))
# resumePoint obj -> HTML-formatted string
def getResumePointRow(rp, mode):
if mode != None and mode != rp['mode']:
return ''
# Left column: caller.
rpCaller = '<td align="left"></td>'
if 'caller' in rp:
rpCaller = '<td align="left">&#40;&#40;%s&#41;&#41;</td>' % str(rp['caller'])
# Middle column: ordered contents of the MResumePoint.
insts = ''.join('%s ' % t for t in rp['operands'])
rpContents = '<td align="left"><font color="grey50">resumepoint %s</font></td>' % insts
# Right column: unused.
rpRight = '<td></td>'
return '<tr>%s%s%s</tr>' % (rpCaller, rpContents, rpRight)
# memInputs obj -> HTML-formatted string
def getMemInputsRow(list):
if len(list) == 0:
return ''
# Left column: caller.
memLeft = '<td align="left"></td>'
# Middle column: ordered contents of the MResumePoint.
insts = ''.join('%s ' % str(t) for t in list)
memContents = '<td align="left"><font color="grey50">memory %s</font></td>' % insts
# Right column: unused.
memRight = '<td></td>'
return '<tr>%s%s%s</tr>' % (memLeft, memContents, memRight)
# Outputs a single row for an instruction, excluding MResumePoints.
# instruction -> HTML-formatted string
def getInstructionRow(inst):
# Left column: instruction ID.
instId = str(inst['id'])
instLabel = '<td align="right" port="i%s">%s</td>' % (instId, instId)
# Middle column: instruction name.
instName = html.escape(inst['opcode'])
if 'attributes' in inst:
if 'RecoveredOnBailout' in inst['attributes']:
instName = '<font color="gray50">%s</font>' % instName
elif 'Movable' in inst['attributes']:
instName = '<font color="blue">%s</font>' % instName
if 'Guard' in inst['attributes']:
instName = '<u>%s</u>' % instName
if 'InWorklist' in inst['attributes']:
instName = '<font color="red">%s</font>' % instName
instName = '<td align="left">%s</td>' % instName
# Right column: instruction MIRType.
instType = ''
if 'type' in inst and inst['type'] != "None":
instType = '<td align="left">%s</td>' % html.escape(inst['type'])
return '<tr>%s%s%s</tr>' % (instLabel, instName, instType)
# block obj -> HTML-formatted string
def getBlockLabel(b):
s = '<<table border="0" cellborder="0" cellpadding="1">'
if 'blockUseCount' in b:
blockUseCount = "(Count: %s)" % str(b['blockUseCount'])
blockUseCount = ""
blockTitle = '<font color="white">Block %s %s</font>' % (str(b['number']), blockUseCount)
blockTitle = '<td align="center" bgcolor="black" colspan="3">%s</td>' % blockTitle
s += '<tr>%s</tr>' % blockTitle
if 'resumePoint' in b:
s += getResumePointRow(b['resumePoint'], None)
for inst in b['instructions']:
if 'resumePoint' in inst:
s += getResumePointRow(inst['resumePoint'], 'At')
s += getInstructionRow(inst)
if 'memInputs' in inst:
s += getMemInputsRow(inst['memInputs'])
if 'resumePoint' in inst:
s += getResumePointRow(inst['resumePoint'], 'After')
s += '</table>>'
return s
# str -> ir obj -> ir obj -> Graph
# 'ir' is the IR to be used.
# 'mir' is always the MIR.
# This is because the LIR graph does not contain successor information.
def buildGraphForIR(name, func, ir, mir):
if len(ir['blocks']) == 0:
return None
g = Graph(name, func, 'digraph')
g.addprops({'rankdir':'TB', 'splines':'true'})
for i in range(0, len(ir['blocks'])):
bactive = ir['blocks'][i] # Used for block contents.
b = mir['blocks'][i] # Used for drawing blocks and edges.
node = Node(getBlockNodeName(bactive))
node.addprops({'shape':'box', 'label':getBlockLabel(bactive)})
if 'backedge' in b['attributes']:
if 'loopheader' in b['attributes']:
if 'splitedge' in b['attributes']:
for succ in b['successors']: # which are integers
edge = Edge(getBlockNodeName(bactive), blockNumToNodeName(succ))
if len(b['successors']) == 2:
if succ == b['successors'][0]:
return g
# pass obj -> output file -> (Graph OR None, Graph OR None)
# The return value is (MIR, LIR); either one may be absent.
def buildGraphsForPass(p, func):
name = p['name']
mir = p['mir']
lir = p['lir']
return (buildGraphForIR(name, func, mir, mir), buildGraphForIR(name, func, lir, mir))
# function obj -> (Graph OR None, Graph OR None) list
# First entry in each tuple corresponds to MIR; second, to LIR.
def buildGraphs(func):
graphstup = []
for p in func['passes']:
gtup = buildGraphsForPass(p, func)
return graphstup
# function obj -> (Graph OR None, Graph OR None) list
# Only builds the final pass.
def buildOnlyFinalPass(func):
if len(func['passes']) == 0:
return [None, None]
p = func['passes'][-1]
return [buildGraphsForPass(p, func)]
# Write out a graph, constructing a nice filename.
# function id -> pass id -> IR string -> Graph -> void
def outputPass(dir, fnum, pnum, irname, g):
funcid = str(fnum).zfill(2)
passid = str(pnum).zfill(2)
filename = os.path.join(dir, 'func%s-pass%s-%s-%s.gv' % (funcid, passid,, str(irname)))
with open(filename, 'w') as fd:
# Add in closing } and ] braces to close a JSON file in case of error.
def parenthesize(s):
stack = []
inString = False
for c in s:
if c == '"': # Doesn't handle escaped strings.
inString = not inString
if not inString:
if c == '{' or c == '[':
elif c == '}' or c == ']':
while stack:
c = stack.pop()
if c == '{': s += '}'
elif c == '[': s += ']'
return s
def genfiles(format, indir, outdir):
gvs = glob.glob(os.path.join(indir, '*.gv'))
for gv in gvs:
with open(os.path.join(outdir, '%s.%s' % (os.path.basename(gv), format)), 'w') as outfile:
sys.stderr.write(' writing %s\n' % (['dot', gv, '-T%s' % (format)], stdout=outfile, check=True)
def gengvs(indir, outdir):
gvs = glob.glob(os.path.join(indir, '*.gv'))
for gv in gvs:
sys.stderr.write(' writing %s\n' % (os.path.basename(gv)))
shutil.copy(gv, outdir)
def genmergedpdfs(indir, outdir):
gvs = glob.glob(os.path.join(indir, '*.gv'))
for gv in gvs:
with open(os.path.join(indir, '%s.pdf' % (os.path.basename(gv))), 'w') as outfile:
sys.stderr.write(' writing pdf %s\n' % (['dot', gv, '-Tpdf'], stdout=outfile, check=True)
sys.stderr.write('combining pdfs...\n')
which = (shutil.which('pdftk') and 'pdftk') or (shutil.which('qpdf') and 'qpdf')
prefixes = [os.path.basename(x) for x in glob.glob(os.path.join(indir, 'func*.pdf'))]
prefixes = [re.match(r'func[^-]*', x).group(0) for x in prefixes]
prefixes = list(set(prefixes))
for prefix in prefixes:
pages = glob.glob(os.path.join(indir, '%s-*.pdf' % (prefix)))
outfile = os.path.join(outdir, '%s.pdf' % (prefix))
sys.stderr.write(' writing pdf %s\n' % (outfile))
if which == 'pdftk':['pdftk', *pages, 'cat', 'output', outfile], check=True)
elif which == 'qpdf':['qpdf', '--empty', '--pages', *pages, '--', outfile], check=True)
raise Exception("unknown pdf program")
def parsenums(numstr):
if numstr is None:
return None
return [int(x) for x in numstr.split(',')]
def validate(args):
if not shutil.which('dot'):
sys.stderr.write("ERROR: graphviz (dot) is not installed\n")
if args.format == 'pdf':
if not (shutil.which('pdftk') or shutil.which('qpdf')):
sys.stderr.write("ERROR: either pdftk or qpdf must be installed in order to combine the generated PDFs.\n")
sys.stderr.write("If you don't care and just want individual PDFs, use `--format pdfs`.\n")
if not os.path.isdir(args.outdir):
sys.stderr.write("ERROR: could not find a directory at %s\n" % (args.outdir))
def gen(args):
with open(args.input, 'r') as fd:
s =
sys.stderr.write("loading %s...\n" % (args.input))
ion = json.loads(parenthesize(s))
sys.stderr.write("generating graphviz...\n")
funcnums = parsenums(args.funcnum)
passnums = parsenums(args.passnum)
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
for i in range(0, len(ion['functions'])):
func = ion['functions'][i]
if funcnums and i not in funcnums:
gtl = buildOnlyFinalPass(func) if else buildGraphs(func)
if len(gtl) == 0:
sys.stderr.write(" function %d (%s): abort during SSA construction.\n" % (i, func['name']))
sys.stderr.write(" function %d (%s): success; %d passes.\n" % (i, func['name'], len(gtl)))
for j in range(0, len(gtl)):
gt = gtl[j]
if gt == None:
mir = gt[0]
lir = gt[1]
if passnums and j in passnums:
if lir != None and args.out_lir:
if mir != None and args.out_mir:
if args.out_lir and args.out_mir:
elif passnums:
# If only the final pass is requested, output both MIR and LIR.
if lir != None:
outputPass(tmpdir, i, j, 'lir', lir)
if mir != None:
outputPass(tmpdir, i, j, 'mir', mir)
# Normally, only output one of (MIR, LIR), preferring LIR.
if lir != None:
outputPass(tmpdir, i, j, 'lir', lir)
elif mir != None:
outputPass(tmpdir, i, j, 'mir', mir)
if args.format == 'pdf':
sys.stderr.write("generating pdfs...\n")
genmergedpdfs(tmpdir, args.outdir)
elif args.format == 'gv':
sys.stderr.write("copying gvs...\n")
gengvs(tmpdir, args.outdir)
format = 'pdf' if args.format == 'pdfs' else args.format
sys.stderr.write("generating %ss...\n" % (format))
genfiles(format, tmpdir, args.outdir)
def js_and_gen(args):
jsargs = args.remaining[1:]
jsenv = os.environ.copy()
flags = (jsenv['IONFLAGS'] if 'IONFLAGS' in jsenv else 'logs').split(',')
if 'logs' not in flags:
jsenv['IONFLAGS'] = ','.join(flags)[args.jspath or 'js', *jsargs], env=jsenv, check=True)
args.input = '/tmp/ion.json'
def add_main_arguments(parser):
parser.add_argument('-o', '--outdir', help='The directory in which to store the output file(s).',
parser.add_argument('-f', '--funcnum', help='Only operate on the specified function(s), by index. Multiple functions can be separated by commas, e.g. `1,5,234`.')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--passnum', help='Only operate on the specified pass(es), by index. Multiple passes can be separated by commas, e.g. `1,5,234`.')
parser.add_argument('--format', help='The output file format (pdf by default). `pdf` will merge all the graphs for each function into a single PDF; all other formats will produce a single file per graph.',
choices=['gv', 'pdf', 'pdfs', 'png', 'svg'], default='pdf')
parser.add_argument('--final', help='Only generate the final optimized MIR/LIR graphs.',
parser.add_argument('--out-mir', help='Select the file where the MIR output would be written to.',
parser.add_argument('--out-lir', help='Select the file where the LIR output would be written to.',
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Visualize Ion graphs using GraphViz.')
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()
js = subparsers.add_parser('js', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
help='Subcommand: Run js and iongraph together in one call.',
description='Run js and iongraph together in one call. Arguments before the -- separator are for iongraph, while arguments after the -- will be passed to js.\n\nexample:\n iongraph js --funcnum 1 -- -m mymodule.mjs')
parser.add_argument('input', help='The JSON log file generated by IonMonkey. (Default: /tmp/ion.json)',
nargs='?', default='/tmp/ion.json')
js.add_argument('--jspath', help='The path to the js executable.')
js.add_argument('remaining', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER)
args = parser.parse_args()
if __name__ == '__main__':