DOMProxy.h |
Specify information about DOMProxy proxies in the DOM, for use by ICs.
Embedders who don't need to define particularly high-performance proxies that
can have random properties added to them can ignore this header.
3211 |
DumpFunctions.h |
Functions to print out values during debugging. |
4245 |
ErrorMessages.h |
SpiderMonkey internal error numbering and error-formatting functionality
(also for warnings).
This functionality is moderately stable. JSErrNum and js::GetErrorMessage
are widely used inside SpiderMonkey, and Gecko uses them to produce errors
identical to those SpiderMonkey itself would produce, in various situations.
However, the set of error numbers is not stable, error number values are not
stable, error types are not stable, etc. Use your own error reporting code
if you can.
1581 |
ErrorNumbers.msg |
94804 |
JSMEnvironment.h |
Functionality provided for the JSM component loader in Gecko, that requires
its own unique manner of global environment and currently requires assistance
from SpiderMonkey to do so.
Embedders who aren't Gecko can ignore this header.
3896 |
PerformanceHint.h |
namespace gc |
1004 |
StackLimits.h |
10950 |
UsageStatistics.h |
Telemetry and use counter functionality. |
5842 |
WindowProxy.h |
Window and WindowProxy.
For silly obscure reasons embedders are better off not knowing, the web wants
every global object to exist as two linked components: a Window component
that stores global variables and appears in environment chains but can't be
directly referred to by any script, and a WindowProxy component that
intermediates access to its Window that *can* be directly referred to by
script. (Thus the global |window| and |globalThis| properties, |this| in
global code, the value of |(function() { return this; })()| in non-strict
mode code, and similar values are WindowProxy objects, not Windows.)
Maintaining an invariant of never exposing a Window to script requires
substituting in its WindowProxy in a variety of apparently arbitrary (but
actually *very* carefully and nervously selected) places throughout the
engine and indeed the universe.
This header defines functions that let embeddings convert from a WindowProxy
to its Window and vice versa.
If you're not embedding SpiderMonkey in a web browser, you can almost
certainly ignore this header.
3631 |
XrayJitInfo.h |
JIT info so SpiderMonkey can efficiently work with Gecko XrayWrapper
This header is completely irrelevant to non-Gecko embedders.
1662 |