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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef js_Printer_h
#define js_Printer_h
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "mozilla/glue/Debug.h"
#include "mozilla/Range.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "js/TypeDecls.h"
#include "js/Utility.h"
// [SMDOC] *Printer, Sprinter, Fprinter, ...
// # Motivation
// In many places, we want to have functions which are capable of logging
// various data structures. Previously, we had logging functions for each
// storage, such as using `fwrite`, `printf` or `snprintf`. In additional cases,
// many of these logging options were using a string serializing logging
// function, only to discard the allocated string after it had been copied to a
// file.
// GenericPrinter is an answer to avoid excessive amount of temporary
// allocations which are used once, and a way to make logging functions work
// independently of the backend they are used with.
// # Design
// The GenericPrinter implements most of `put`, `printf`, `vprintf` and
// `putChar` functions, which are implemented using `put` and `putChar`
// functions in the derivative classes. Thus, one does not have to reimplement
// `putString` nor `printf` for each printer.
// // Logging the value N to whatever printer is provided such as
// // a file or a string.
// void logN(GenericPrinter& out) {
// out.printf("[Logging] %d\n", this->n);
// }
// The printing functions are infallible, from the logging functions
// perspective. If an issue happens while printing, this would be recorded by
// the Printer, and this can be tested using `hadOutOfMemory` function by the
// owner of the Printer instance.
// Even in case of failure, printing functions should remain safe to use. Thus
// calling `put` twice in a row is safe even if no check for `hadOutOfMemory` is
// performed. This is necessary to simplify the control flow and avoid bubble up
// failures out of logging functions.
// Note, being safe to use does not imply correctness. In case of failure the
// correctness of the printed characters is no longer guarantee. One should use
// `hadOutOfMemory` function to know if any failure happened which might have
// caused incorrect content to be saved. In some cases, such as `Sprinter`,
// where the string buffer can be extracted, the returned value would account
// for checking `hadOutOfMemory`.
// # Implementations
// The GenericPrinter is a base class where the derivative classes are providing
// different implementations which have their own advantages and disadvantages:
// - Fprinter: FILE* printer. Write the content directly to a file.
// - Sprinter: System allocator C-string buffer. Write the content to a buffer
// which is reallocated as more content is added. The buffer can then be
// extracted into a C-string or a JSString, respectively using `release` and
// `releaseJS`.
// - LSprinter: LifoAlloc C-string rope. Write the content to a list of chunks
// in a LifoAlloc buffer, no-reallocation occur but one should use
// `exportInto` to serialize its content to a Sprinter or a Fprinter. This is
// useful to avoid reallocation copies, while using an existing LifoAlloc.
// - SEPrinter: Roughly the same as Fprinter for stderr, except it goes through
// printf_stderr, which makes sure the output goes to a useful place: the
// Android log or the Windows debug output.
// - EscapePrinter: Wrapper around other printers, to escape characters when
// necessary.
// # Print UTF-16
// The GenericPrinter only handle `char` inputs, which is good enough for ASCII
// and Latin1 character sets. However, to handle UTF-16, one should use an
// EscapePrinter as well as a policy for escaping characters.
// One might require different escaping policies based on the escape sequences
// and based on the set of accepted character for the content generated. For
// example, JSON does not specify \x<XX> escape sequences.
// Today the following escape policies exists:
// - StringEscape: Produce C-like escape sequences: \<c>, \x<XX> and \u<XXXX>.
// - JSONEscape: Produce JSON escape sequences: \<c> and \u<XXXX>.
// An escape policy is defined by 2 functions:
// bool isSafeChar(char16_t c):
// Returns whether a character can be printed without being escaped.
// void convertInto(GenericPrinter& out, char16_t c):
// Calls the printer with the escape sequence for the character given as
// argument.
// To use an escape policy, the printer should be wrapped using an EscapePrinter
// as follows:
// {
// // The escaped string is surrounded by double-quotes, escape the double
// // quotes as well.
// StringEscape esc('"');
// // Wrap our existing `GenericPrinter& out` using the `EscapePrinter`.
// EscapePrinter ep(out, esc);
// // Append a sequence of characters which might contain UTF-16 characters.
// ep.put(chars);
// }
namespace js {
class LifoAlloc;
// Generic printf interface, similar to an ostream in the standard library.
// This class is useful to make generic printers which can work either with a
// file backend, with a buffer allocated with an JSContext or a link-list
// of chunks allocated with a LifoAlloc.
class JS_PUBLIC_API GenericPrinter {
bool hadOOM_; // whether setPendingOutOfMemory() has been called.
constexpr GenericPrinter() : hadOOM_(false) {}
// Puts |len| characters from |s| at the current position. This function might
// silently fail and the error can be tested using `hadOutOfMemory()`. Calling
// this function or any other printing functions after a failures is accepted,
// but the outcome would still remain incorrect and `hadOutOfMemory()` would
// still report any of the previous errors.
virtual void put(const char* s, size_t len) = 0;
inline void put(const char* s) { put(s, strlen(s)); }
// Put a mozilla::Span / mozilla::Range of Latin1Char or char16_t characters
// in the output.
// Note that the char16_t variant is expected to crash unless putChar is
// overriden to handle properly the full set of WTF-16 character set.
virtual void put(mozilla::Span<const JS::Latin1Char> str);
virtual void put(mozilla::Span<const char16_t> str);
// Same as the various put function but only appending a single character.
// Note that the char16_t variant is expected to crash unless putChar is
// overriden to handle properly the full set of WTF-16 character set.
virtual inline void putChar(const char c) { put(&c, 1); }
virtual inline void putChar(const JS::Latin1Char c) { putChar(char(c)); }
virtual inline void putChar(const char16_t c) {
MOZ_CRASH("Use an EscapePrinter to handle all characters");
virtual void putString(JSContext* cx, JSString* str);
// Prints a formatted string into the buffer.
void printf(const char* fmt, ...) MOZ_FORMAT_PRINTF(2, 3);
void vprintf(const char* fmt, va_list ap) MOZ_FORMAT_PRINTF(2, 0);
// In some cases, such as handling JSRopes in a less-quadratic worse-case,
// it might be useful to copy content which has already been generated.
// If the buffer is back-readable, then this function should return `true`
// and `putFromIndex` should be implemented to delegate to a `put` call at
// the matching index and the corresponding length. To provide the index
// argument of `putFromIndex`, the `index` method should also be implemented
// to return the index within the inner buffer used by the printer.
virtual bool canPutFromIndex() const { return false; }
// Append to the current buffer, bytes which have previously been appended
// before.
virtual void putFromIndex(size_t index, size_t length) {
MOZ_CRASH("Calls to putFromIndex should be guarded by canPutFromIndex.");
// When the printer has a seekable buffer and `canPutFromIndex` returns
// `true`, this function can return the `index` of the next character to be
// added to the buffer.
// This function is monotonic. Thus, if the printer encounter an
// Out-Of-Memory issue, then the returned index should be the maximal value
// ever returned.
virtual size_t index() const { return 0; }
// In some printers, this ensure that the content is fully written.
virtual void flush() { /* Do nothing */ }
// Set a flag that a string operation failed to get the memory it requested.
// The pending out of memory error should be handled by the consumer.
virtual void setPendingOutOfMemory();
// Return true if this Sprinter ran out of memory.
virtual bool hadOutOfMemory() const { return hadOOM_; }
// Sprintf / JSSprintf, but with unlimited and automatically allocated
// buffering.
class JS_PUBLIC_API StringPrinter : public GenericPrinter {
// Check that the invariant holds at the entry and exit of a scope.
struct InvariantChecker {
const StringPrinter* parent;
explicit InvariantChecker(const StringPrinter* p) : parent(p) {
~InvariantChecker() { parent->checkInvariants(); }
JSContext* maybeCx;
static const size_t DefaultSize;
#ifdef DEBUG
bool initialized; // true if this is initialized, use for debug builds
bool shouldReportOOM; // whether to report OOM to the maybeCx
char* base; // malloc'd buffer address
size_t size; // size of buffer allocated at base
ptrdiff_t offset; // offset of next free char in buffer
// The arena to be used by jemalloc to allocate the string into. This is
// selected by the child classes when calling the constructor. JSStrings have
// a different arena than strings which do not belong to the JS engine, and as
// such when building a JSString with the intent of avoiding reallocation, the
// destination arena has to be selected upfront.
arena_id_t arena;
[[nodiscard]] bool realloc_(size_t newSize);
// JSContext* parameter is optional and can be omitted if the following
// are not used.
// * putString method with JSString
// * QuoteString function with JSString
// * JSONQuoteString function with JSString
// If JSContext* parameter is not provided, or shouldReportOOM is false,
// the consumer should manually report OOM on any failure.
explicit StringPrinter(arena_id_t arena, JSContext* maybeCx = nullptr,
bool shouldReportOOM = true);
JS::UniqueChars releaseChars();
JSString* releaseJS(JSContext* cx);
// Initialize this sprinter, returns false on error.
[[nodiscard]] bool init();
void checkInvariants() const;
// Attempt to reserve len + 1 space (for a trailing nullptr byte). If the
// attempt succeeds, return a pointer to the start of that space and adjust
// the internal content. The caller *must* completely fill this space on
// success.
char* reserve(size_t len);
// Puts |len| characters from |s| at the current position. May OOM, which must
// be checked by testing the return value of releaseJS() at the end of
// printing.
virtual void put(const char* s, size_t len) final;
using GenericPrinter::put; // pick up |put(const char* s);|
virtual bool canPutFromIndex() const final { return true; }
virtual void putFromIndex(size_t index, size_t length) final {
MOZ_ASSERT(index <= this->index());
MOZ_ASSERT(index + length <= this->index());
put(base + index, length);
virtual size_t index() const final { return length(); }
virtual void putString(JSContext* cx, JSString* str) final;
size_t length() const;
// When an OOM has already been reported on the Sprinter, this function will
// forward this error to the JSContext given in the Sprinter initialization.
// If no JSContext had been provided or the Sprinter is configured to not
// report OOM, then nothing happens.
void forwardOutOfMemory();
class JS_PUBLIC_API Sprinter : public StringPrinter {
explicit Sprinter(JSContext* maybeCx = nullptr, bool shouldReportOOM = true)
: StringPrinter(js::MallocArena, maybeCx, shouldReportOOM) {}
~Sprinter() {}
JS::UniqueChars release() { return releaseChars(); }
class JS_PUBLIC_API JSSprinter : public StringPrinter {
explicit JSSprinter(JSContext* cx)
: StringPrinter(js::StringBufferArena, cx, true) {}
~JSSprinter() {}
JSString* release(JSContext* cx) { return releaseJS(cx); }
// Fprinter, print a string directly into a file.
class JS_PUBLIC_API Fprinter final : public GenericPrinter {
FILE* file_;
bool init_;
explicit Fprinter(FILE* fp);
constexpr Fprinter() : file_(nullptr), init_(false) {}
#ifdef DEBUG
// Initialize this printer, returns false on error.
[[nodiscard]] bool init(const char* path);
void init(FILE* fp);
bool isInitialized() const { return file_ != nullptr; }
void flush() override;
void finish();
// Puts |len| characters from |s| at the current position. Errors may be
// detected with hadOutOfMemory() (which will be set for any fwrite() error,
// not just OOM.)
void put(const char* s, size_t len) override;
using GenericPrinter::put; // pick up |put(const char* s);|
// SEprinter, print using printf_stderr (goes to Android log, Windows debug,
// else just stderr).
class SEprinter final : public GenericPrinter {
constexpr SEprinter() {}
// Puts |len| characters from |s| at the current position. Ignores errors.
virtual void put(const char* s, size_t len) override {
printf_stderr("%.*s", int(len), s);
using GenericPrinter::put; // pick up |put(const char* s);|
// LSprinter, is similar to Sprinter except that instead of using an
// JSContext to allocate strings, it use a LifoAlloc as a backend for the
// allocation of the chunk of the string.
class JS_PUBLIC_API LSprinter final : public GenericPrinter {
struct Chunk {
Chunk* next;
size_t length;
char* chars() { return reinterpret_cast<char*>(this + 1); }
char* end() { return chars() + length; }
LifoAlloc* alloc_; // LifoAlloc used as a backend of chunk allocations.
Chunk* head_;
Chunk* tail_;
size_t unused_;
explicit LSprinter(LifoAlloc* lifoAlloc);
// Copy the content of the chunks into another printer, such that we can
// flush the content of this printer to a file.
void exportInto(GenericPrinter& out) const;
// Drop the current string, and let them be free with the LifoAlloc.
void clear();
// Puts |len| characters from |s| at the current position.
virtual void put(const char* s, size_t len) override;
using GenericPrinter::put; // pick up |put(const char* s);|
// Escaping printers work like any other printer except that any added character
// are checked for escaping sequences. This one would escape a string such that
// it can safely be embedded in a JS string.
template <typename Delegate, typename Escape>
class JS_PUBLIC_API EscapePrinter final : public GenericPrinter {
size_t lengthOfSafeChars(const char* s, size_t len) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (!esc.isSafeChar(uint8_t(s[i]))) {
return i;
return len;
Delegate& out;
Escape& esc;
EscapePrinter(Delegate& out, Escape& esc) : out(out), esc(esc) {}
~EscapePrinter() {}
using GenericPrinter::put;
void put(const char* s, size_t len) override {
const char* b = s;
while (len) {
size_t index = lengthOfSafeChars(b, len);
if (index) {
out.put(b, index);
len -= index;
b += index;
if (len) {
esc.convertInto(out, char16_t(uint8_t(*b)));
len -= 1;
b += 1;
inline void putChar(const char c) override {
if (esc.isSafeChar(char16_t(uint8_t(c)))) {
esc.convertInto(out, char16_t(uint8_t(c)));
inline void putChar(const JS::Latin1Char c) override {
if (esc.isSafeChar(char16_t(c))) {
esc.convertInto(out, char16_t(c));
inline void putChar(const char16_t c) override {
if (esc.isSafeChar(c)) {
esc.convertInto(out, c);
// Forward calls to delegated printer.
bool canPutFromIndex() const override { return out.canPutFromIndex(); }
void putFromIndex(size_t index, size_t length) final {
out.putFromIndex(index, length);
size_t index() const final { return out.index(); }
void flush() final { out.flush(); }
void setPendingOutOfMemory() final { out.setPendingOutOfMemory(); }
bool hadOutOfMemory() const final { return out.hadOutOfMemory(); }
class JS_PUBLIC_API JSONEscape {
bool isSafeChar(char16_t c);
void convertInto(GenericPrinter& out, char16_t c);
class JS_PUBLIC_API StringEscape {
const char quote = '\0';
explicit StringEscape(const char quote = '\0') : quote(quote) {}
bool isSafeChar(char16_t c);
void convertInto(GenericPrinter& out, char16_t c);
// A GenericPrinter that formats everything at a nested indentation level.
class JS_PUBLIC_API IndentedPrinter final : public GenericPrinter {
GenericPrinter& out_;
// The number of indents to insert at the beginning of each line.
uint32_t indentLevel_;
// The number of spaces to insert for each indent.
uint32_t indentAmount_;
// Whether we have seen a line ending and should insert an indent at the
// next line fragment.
bool pendingIndent_;
// Put an indent to `out_`
void putIndent();
// Put `s` to `out_`, inserting an indent if we need to
void putWithMaybeIndent(const char* s, size_t len);
explicit IndentedPrinter(GenericPrinter& out, uint32_t indentLevel = 0,
uint32_t indentAmount = 2)
: out_(out),
pendingIndent_(false) {}
// Automatically insert and remove and indent for a scope
class AutoIndent {
IndentedPrinter& printer_;
explicit AutoIndent(IndentedPrinter& printer) : printer_(printer) {
printer_.setIndentLevel(printer_.indentLevel() + 1);
~AutoIndent() { printer_.setIndentLevel(printer_.indentLevel() - 1); }
uint32_t indentLevel() const { return indentLevel_; }
void setIndentLevel(uint32_t indentLevel) { indentLevel_ = indentLevel; }
virtual void put(const char* s, size_t len) override;
using GenericPrinter::put; // pick up |inline void put(const char* s);|
// Map escaped code to the letter/symbol escaped with a backslash.
extern const char js_EscapeMap[];
// Return a C-string containing the chars in str, with any non-printing chars
// escaped. If the optional quote parameter is present and is not '\0', quotes
// (as specified by the quote argument) are also escaped, and the quote
// character is appended at the beginning and end of the result string.
// The returned string is guaranteed to contain only ASCII characters.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API JS::UniqueChars QuoteString(JSContext* cx, JSString* str,
char quote = '\0');
// Appends the quoted string to the given Sprinter. Follows the same semantics
// as QuoteString from above.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API void QuoteString(Sprinter* sp, JSString* str,
char quote = '\0');
// Appends the quoted string to the given Sprinter. Follows the same
// Appends the JSON quoted string to the given Sprinter.
extern JS_PUBLIC_API void JSONQuoteString(StringPrinter* sp, JSString* str);
// Internal implementation code for QuoteString methods above.
enum class QuoteTarget { String, JSON };
template <QuoteTarget target, typename CharT>
void JS_PUBLIC_API QuoteString(Sprinter* sp,
const mozilla::Range<const CharT>& chars,
char quote = '\0');
} // namespace js
#endif // js_Printer_h