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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
# This module contains functionality for adding formatted, opaque "code" blocks
# into the IPDL ast. These code objects follow IPDL C++ ast patterns, and
# perform lowering in much the same way.
# In general it is recommended to use these for blocks of code which would
# otherwise be specified by building a hardcoded IPDL-C++ AST, as users of this
# API are often easier to read than users of the AST APIs in these cases.
import re
import math
import textwrap
from ipdl.cxx.ast import Node, Whitespace, GroupNode, VerbatimNode
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public API.
def StmtCode(tmpl, **kwargs):
"""Perform template substitution to build opaque C++ AST nodes. See the
module documentation for more information on the templating syntax.
StmtCode nodes should be used where Stmt* nodes are used. They are placed
on their own line and indented."""
return _code(tmpl, False, kwargs)
def ExprCode(tmpl, **kwargs):
"""Perform template substitution to build opaque C++ AST nodes. See the
module documentation for more information on the templating syntax.
ExprCode nodes should be used where Expr* nodes are used. They are placed
inline, and no trailing newline is added."""
return _code(tmpl, True, kwargs)
def StmtVerbatim(text):
"""Build an opaque C++ AST node which emits input text verbatim.
StmtVerbatim nodes should be used where Stmt* nodes are used. They are placed
on their own line and indented."""
return _verbatim(text, False)
def ExprVerbatim(text):
"""Build an opaque C++ AST node which emits input text verbatim.
ExprVerbatim nodes should be used where Expr* nodes are used. They are
placed inline, and no trailing newline is added."""
return _verbatim(text, True)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Implementation
def _code(tmpl, inline, context):
# Remove common indentation, and strip the preceding newline from
# '''-quoting, because we usually don't want it.
if tmpl.startswith("\n"):
tmpl = tmpl[1:]
tmpl = textwrap.dedent(tmpl)
# Process each line in turn, building up a list of nodes.
nodes = []
for idx, line in enumerate(tmpl.splitlines()):
# Place newline tokens between lines in the input.
if idx > 0:
# Don't indent the first line if `inline` is set.
skip_indent = inline and idx == 0
nodes.append(_line(line.rstrip(), skip_indent, idx + 1, context))
# If we're inline, don't add the final trailing newline.
if not inline:
return GroupNode(nodes)
def _verbatim(text, inline):
# For simplicitly, _verbatim is implemented using the same logic as _code,
# but with '$' characters escaped. This ensures we only need to worry about
# a single, albeit complex, codepath.
return _code(text.replace("$", "$$"), inline, {})
# Pattern used to identify substitutions.
_substPat = re.compile(
(?P<escaped>\$) | # '$$' is an escaped '$'
(?P<list>[*,])?{(?P<expr>[^}]+)} | # ${expr}, $*{expr}, or $,{expr}
(?P<invalid>) # For error reporting
def _line(raw, skip_indent, lineno, context):
assert "\n" not in raw
# Determine the level of indentation used for this line
line = raw.lstrip()
offset = int(math.ceil((len(raw) - len(line)) / 4))
# If line starts with a directive, don't indent it.
if line.startswith("#"):
skip_indent = True
column = 0
children = []
for match in _substPat.finditer(line):
if"invalid") is not None:
raise ValueError("Invalid substitution on line %d" % lineno)
# Any text from before the current entry should be written, and column
# advanced.
if match.start() > column:
before = line[column : match.start()]
column = match.end()
# If we have an escaped group, emit a '$' node.
if"escaped") is not None:
# At this point we should have an expression.
list_chr ="list")
expr ="expr")
assert expr is not None
# Evaluate our expression in the context to get the values.
values = eval(expr, context, {})
except Exception as e:
msg = "%s in substitution on line %d" % (repr(e), lineno)
raise ValueError(msg) from e
# If we aren't dealing with lists, wrap the result into a
# single-element list.
if list_chr is None:
values = [values]
# Check if this substitution is inline, or the entire line.
inline = match.span() != (0, len(line))
for idx, value in enumerate(values):
# When using `,` as a list mode in a non-inline environment, put
# each expression on its own line.
multiline_list = list_chr == "," and not inline
# If we're using ',' as list mode, put a comma between each node.
if idx > 0 and list_chr == ",":
children.append(VerbatimNode(",\n" if multiline_list else ", "))
# Expr entries such as those used in multiline lists do not indent,
# so add a node to handle indenting on each line.
if multiline_list:
children.append(VerbatimNode("", indent=True))
# If our value isn't a node, turn it into one. Verbatim should be
# inline unless indent isn't being skipped, and the match isn't
# inline.
if not isinstance(value, Node):
value = _verbatim(str(value), skip_indent or inline)
# If we were the entire line, indentation is handled by the added child
# nodes. Do this after the above loop such that created verbatims have
# the correct inline-ness.
if not inline:
skip_indent = True
# Add any remaining text in the line.
if len(line) > column:
# If we have no children, just emit the empty string. This will become a
# blank line.
if len(children) == 0:
return VerbatimNode("")
# Add the initial indent if we aren't skipping it.
if not skip_indent:
children.insert(0, VerbatimNode("", indent=True))
# Wrap ourselves into a group node with the correct indent offset
return GroupNode(children, offset=offset)