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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
#ifndef mozilla_ipc_backgroundutils_h__
#define mozilla_ipc_backgroundutils_h__
#include "ipc/IPCMessageUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "mozilla/OriginAttributes.h"
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "nscore.h"
class nsIContentSecurityPolicy;
class nsILoadInfo;
class nsINode;
class nsIPrincipal;
class nsIRedirectHistoryEntry;
namespace IPC {
namespace detail {
template <class ParamType>
struct OriginAttributesParamTraits {
typedef ParamType paramType;
static void Write(MessageWriter* aWriter, const paramType& aParam) {
nsAutoCString suffix;
WriteParam(aWriter, suffix);
static bool Read(MessageReader* aReader, paramType* aResult) {
nsAutoCString suffix;
return ReadParam(aReader, &suffix) && aResult->PopulateFromSuffix(suffix);
} // namespace detail
template <>
struct ParamTraits<mozilla::OriginAttributes>
: public detail::OriginAttributesParamTraits<mozilla::OriginAttributes> {};
} // namespace IPC
namespace mozilla {
namespace dom {
class Document;
namespace net {
class ChildLoadInfoForwarderArgs;
class LoadInfoArgs;
class LoadInfo;
class ParentLoadInfoForwarderArgs;
class RedirectHistoryEntryInfo;
} // namespace net
namespace ipc {
class ContentSecurityPolicy;
class CSPInfo;
class PrincipalInfo;
* Convert a PrincipalInfo to an nsIPrincipal.
* MUST be called on the main thread.
Result<nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal>, nsresult> PrincipalInfoToPrincipal(
const PrincipalInfo& aPrincipalInfo);
* Convert an nsIPrincipal to a PrincipalInfo.
* MUST be called on the main thread only.
nsresult PrincipalToPrincipalInfo(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal,
PrincipalInfo* aPrincipalInfo,
bool aSkipBaseDomain = false);
* Compare storage keys for equivalence.
* Only use with storage keys retrieved from nsIGlobalObject::GetStorageKey!
* Bug 1776271 tracks enhancing this into a proper type.
bool StorageKeysEqual(const PrincipalInfo& aLeft, const PrincipalInfo& aRight);
* Convert a CSPInfo to an nsIContentSecurityPolicy.
* MUST be called on the main thread only.
* If possible, provide a requesting doc, so policy violation events can
* be dispatched correctly. If aRequestingDoc is null, then the CSPInfo holds
* the necessary fallback information, like a serialized requestPrincipal,
* to generate a valid nsIContentSecurityPolicy.
already_AddRefed<nsIContentSecurityPolicy> CSPInfoToCSP(
const CSPInfo& aCSPInfo, mozilla::dom::Document* aRequestingDoc,
nsresult* aOptionalResult = nullptr);
* Convert an nsIContentSecurityPolicy to a CSPInfo.
* MUST be called on the main thread only.
nsresult CSPToCSPInfo(nsIContentSecurityPolicy* aCSP, CSPInfo* aCSPInfo);
* Return true if this PrincipalInfo is a content principal and it has
* a privateBrowsing id in its OriginAttributes
bool IsPrincipalInfoPrivate(const PrincipalInfo& aPrincipalInfo);
* Convert an RedirectHistoryEntryInfo to a nsIRedirectHistoryEntry.
already_AddRefed<nsIRedirectHistoryEntry> RHEntryInfoToRHEntry(
const mozilla::net::RedirectHistoryEntryInfo& aRHEntryInfo);
* Convert an nsIRedirectHistoryEntry to a RedirectHistoryEntryInfo.
nsresult RHEntryToRHEntryInfo(
nsIRedirectHistoryEntry* aRHEntry,
mozilla::net::RedirectHistoryEntryInfo* aRHEntryInfo);
* Convert a LoadInfo to LoadInfoArgs struct.
nsresult LoadInfoToLoadInfoArgs(nsILoadInfo* aLoadInfo,
mozilla::net::LoadInfoArgs* outLoadInfoArgs);
* Convert LoadInfoArgs to a LoadInfo.
nsresult LoadInfoArgsToLoadInfo(const mozilla::net::LoadInfoArgs& aLoadInfoArgs,
const nsACString& aOriginRemoteType,
nsILoadInfo** outLoadInfo);
nsresult LoadInfoArgsToLoadInfo(const mozilla::net::LoadInfoArgs& aLoadInfoArgs,
const nsACString& aOriginRemoteType,
nsINode* aCspToInheritLoadingContext,
nsILoadInfo** outLoadInfo);
nsresult LoadInfoArgsToLoadInfo(const net::LoadInfoArgs& aLoadInfoArgs,
const nsACString& aOriginRemoteType,
mozilla::net::LoadInfo** outLoadInfo);
nsresult LoadInfoArgsToLoadInfo(const net::LoadInfoArgs& aLoadInfoArgs,
const nsACString& aOriginRemoteType,
nsINode* aCspToInheritLoadingContext,
mozilla::net::LoadInfo** outLoadInfo);
* Fills ParentLoadInfoForwarderArgs with properties we want to carry to child
* processes.
void LoadInfoToParentLoadInfoForwarder(
nsILoadInfo* aLoadInfo,
mozilla::net::ParentLoadInfoForwarderArgs* aForwarderArgsOut);
* Merges (replaces) properties of an existing LoadInfo on a child process
* with properties carried down through ParentLoadInfoForwarderArgs.
nsresult MergeParentLoadInfoForwarder(
mozilla::net::ParentLoadInfoForwarderArgs const& aForwarderArgs,
nsILoadInfo* aLoadInfo);
* Fills ChildLoadInfoForwarderArgs with properties we want to carry to the
* parent process after the initial channel creation.
void LoadInfoToChildLoadInfoForwarder(
nsILoadInfo* aLoadInfo,
mozilla::net::ChildLoadInfoForwarderArgs* aForwarderArgsOut);
* Merges (replaces) properties of an existing LoadInfo on the parent process
* with properties contained in a ChildLoadInfoForwarderArgs.
nsresult MergeChildLoadInfoForwarder(
const mozilla::net::ChildLoadInfoForwarderArgs& aForwardArgs,
nsILoadInfo* aLoadInfo);
} // namespace ipc
} // namespace mozilla
#endif // mozilla_ipc_backgroundutils_h__