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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "mozilla/CheckedInt.h"
#include "mozilla/intl/UnicodeProperties.h"
#include "mozilla/intl/WordBreaker.h"
#include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_layout.h"
#include "nsComplexBreaker.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
#include "nsUnicodeProperties.h"
#if defined(MOZ_ICU4X) && defined(JS_HAS_INTL_API)
# include "ICU4XDataProvider.h"
# include "ICU4XWordBreakIteratorUtf16.hpp"
# include "ICU4XWordSegmenter.hpp"
# include "mozilla/intl/ICU4XGeckoDataProvider.h"
# include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_intl.h"
# include "nsUnicharUtils.h"
using mozilla::intl::Script;
using mozilla::intl::UnicodeProperties;
using mozilla::intl::WordBreaker;
using mozilla::intl::WordRange;
using mozilla::unicode::GetGenCategory;
#define ASCII_IS_ALPHA(c) \
((('a' <= (c)) && ((c) <= 'z')) || (('A' <= (c)) && ((c) <= 'Z')))
#define ASCII_IS_DIGIT(c) (('0' <= (c)) && ((c) <= '9'))
#define ASCII_IS_SPACE(c) \
((' ' == (c)) || ('\t' == (c)) || ('\r' == (c)) || ('\n' == (c)))
#define IS_ALPHABETICAL_SCRIPT(c) ((c) < 0x2E80)
// we change the beginning of IS_HAN from 0x4e00 to 0x3400 to relfect
// Unicode 3.0
#define IS_HAN(c) \
((0x3400 <= (c)) && ((c) <= 0x9fff)) || ((0xf900 <= (c)) && ((c) <= 0xfaff))
#define IS_KATAKANA(c) ((0x30A0 <= (c)) && ((c) <= 0x30FF))
#define IS_HIRAGANA(c) ((0x3040 <= (c)) && ((c) <= 0x309F))
#define IS_HALFWIDTHKATAKANA(c) ((0xFF60 <= (c)) && ((c) <= 0xFF9F))
// Return true if aChar belongs to a SEAsian script that is written without
// word spaces, so we need to use the "complex breaker" to find possible word
// (How well this works depends on the level of platform support for finding
// possible line breaks - or possible word boundaries - in the particular
// script. Thai, at least, works pretty well on the major desktop OSes. If
// the script is not supported by the platform, we just won't find any useful
// boundaries.)
static bool IsScriptioContinua(char16_t aChar) {
Script sc = UnicodeProperties::GetScriptCode(aChar);
return sc == Script::THAI || sc == Script::MYANMAR || sc == Script::KHMER ||
sc == Script::JAVANESE || sc == Script::BALINESE ||
sc == Script::SUNDANESE || sc == Script::LAO;
/* static */
WordBreaker::WordBreakClass WordBreaker::GetClass(char16_t c) {
// begin of the hack
if (IS_ASCII(c)) {
if (ASCII_IS_SPACE(c)) {
return kWbClassSpace;
(c == '_' && !StaticPrefs::layout_word_select_stop_at_underscore())) {
return kWbClassAlphaLetter;
return kWbClassPunct;
if (c == 0x00A0 /*NBSP*/) {
return kWbClassSpace;
if (GetGenCategory(c) == nsUGenCategory::kPunctuation) {
return kWbClassPunct;
if (IsScriptioContinua(c)) {
return kWbClassScriptioContinua;
return kWbClassAlphaLetter;
if (IS_HAN(c)) {
return kWbClassHanLetter;
if (IS_KATAKANA(c)) {
return kWbClassKatakanaLetter;
if (IS_HIRAGANA(c)) {
return kWbClassHiraganaLetter;
return kWbClassHWKatakanaLetter;
if (GetGenCategory(c) == nsUGenCategory::kPunctuation) {
return kWbClassPunct;
if (IsScriptioContinua(c)) {
return kWbClassScriptioContinua;
return kWbClassAlphaLetter;
WordRange WordBreaker::FindWord(const nsAString& aText, uint32_t aPos,
const FindWordOptions aOptions) {
const CheckedInt<uint32_t> len = aText.Length();
if (aPos >= len.value()) {
return {len.value(), len.value()};
WordRange range{0, len.value()};
#if defined(MOZ_ICU4X) && defined(JS_HAS_INTL_API)
if (StaticPrefs::intl_icu4x_segmenter_enabled()) {
auto result =
ICU4XWordSegmenter segmenter(result.ok);
ICU4XWordBreakIteratorUtf16 iterator =
segmenter.segment_utf16(diplomat::span<const uint16_t>(
(const uint16_t*)aText.BeginReading(), aText.Length()));
uint32_t previousPos = 0;
while (true) {
const int32_t nextPos =;
if (nextPos < 0) {
range.mBegin = previousPos;
range.mEnd = len.value();
if ((uint32_t)nextPos > aPos) {
range.mBegin = previousPos;
range.mEnd = (uint32_t)nextPos;
previousPos = nextPos;
if (aOptions != FindWordOptions::StopAtPunctuation) {
return range;
for (uint32_t i = range.mBegin; i < range.mEnd; i++) {
if (mozilla::IsPunctuationForWordSelect(aText[i])) {
if (i > aPos) {
range.mEnd = i;
if (i == aPos) {
range.mBegin = i;
range.mEnd = i + 1;
if (i < aPos) {
range.mBegin = i + 1;
return range;
WordBreakClass c = GetClass(aText[aPos]);
// Scan forward
for (uint32_t i = aPos + 1; i < len.value(); i++) {
if (c != GetClass(aText[i])) {
range.mEnd = i;
// Scan backward
for (uint32_t i = aPos; i > 0; i--) {
if (c != GetClass(aText[i - 1])) {
range.mBegin = i;
if (kWbClassScriptioContinua == c) {
// we pass the whole text segment to the complex word breaker to find a
// shorter answer
AutoTArray<uint8_t, 256> breakBefore;
breakBefore.SetLength(range.mEnd - range.mBegin);
ComplexBreaker::GetBreaks(aText.BeginReading() + range.mBegin,
range.mEnd - range.mBegin,
// Scan forward
for (uint32_t i = aPos + 1; i < range.mEnd; i++) {
if (breakBefore[i - range.mBegin]) {
range.mEnd = i;
// Scan backward
for (uint32_t i = aPos; i > range.mBegin; i--) {
if (breakBefore[i - range.mBegin]) {
range.mBegin = i;
return range;
int32_t WordBreaker::Next(const char16_t* aText, uint32_t aLen, uint32_t aPos) {
if (aPos >= aLen) {
const WordBreakClass posClass = GetClass(aText[aPos]);
uint32_t nextBreakPos;
for (nextBreakPos = aPos + 1; nextBreakPos < aLen; ++nextBreakPos) {
if (posClass != GetClass(aText[nextBreakPos])) {
if (kWbClassScriptioContinua == posClass) {
// We pass the whole text segment to the complex word breaker to find a
// shorter answer.
const char16_t* segStart = aText + aPos;
const uint32_t segLen = nextBreakPos - aPos + 1;
AutoTArray<uint8_t, 256> breakBefore;
ComplexBreaker::GetBreaks(segStart, segLen, breakBefore.Elements());
for (uint32_t i = aPos + 1; i < nextBreakPos; ++i) {
if (breakBefore[i - aPos]) {
nextBreakPos = i;
MOZ_ASSERT(nextBreakPos != aPos);
return nextBreakPos;