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import { u8 } from "./diplomat-runtime"
import { FFIError } from "./diplomat-runtime"
import { ICU4XDataProvider } from "./ICU4XDataProvider";
import { ICU4XError } from "./ICU4XError";
import { ICU4XIsoWeekday } from "./ICU4XIsoWeekday";
import { ICU4XLocale } from "./ICU4XLocale";
import { ICU4XWeekendContainsDay } from "./ICU4XWeekendContainsDay";
* A Week calculator, useful to be passed in to `week_of_year()` on Date and DateTime types
* See the {@link Rust documentation for `WeekCalculator`} for more information.
export class ICU4XWeekCalculator {
* Creates a new {@link ICU4XWeekCalculator `ICU4XWeekCalculator`} from locale data.
* See the {@link Rust documentation for `try_new`} for more information.
* @throws {@link FFIError}<{@link ICU4XError}>
static create(provider: ICU4XDataProvider, locale: ICU4XLocale): ICU4XWeekCalculator | never;
static create_from_first_day_of_week_and_min_week_days(first_weekday: ICU4XIsoWeekday, min_week_days: u8): ICU4XWeekCalculator;
* Returns the weekday that starts the week for this object's locale
* See the {@link Rust documentation for `first_weekday`} for more information.
first_weekday(): ICU4XIsoWeekday;
* The minimum number of days overlapping a year required for a week to be considered part of that year
* See the {@link Rust documentation for `min_week_days`} for more information.
min_week_days(): u8;
* See the {@link Rust documentation for `weekend`} for more information.
weekend(): ICU4XWeekendContainsDay;