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import { u16, u32, char } from "./diplomat-runtime"
import { FFIError } from "./diplomat-runtime"
import { CodePointRangeIterator } from "./CodePointRangeIterator";
import { ICU4XCodePointSetData } from "./ICU4XCodePointSetData";
import { ICU4XDataProvider } from "./ICU4XDataProvider";
import { ICU4XError } from "./ICU4XError";
* An ICU4X Unicode Map Property object, capable of querying whether a code point (key) to obtain the Unicode property value, for a specific Unicode property.
* For properties whose values fit into 16 bits.
* See the {@link Rust documentation for `properties`} for more information.
* See the {@link Rust documentation for `CodePointMapData`} for more information.
* See the {@link Rust documentation for `CodePointMapDataBorrowed`} for more information.
export class ICU4XCodePointMapData16 {
* Gets the value for a code point.
* See the {@link Rust documentation for `get`} for more information.
get(cp: char): u16;
* Gets the value for a code point (specified as a 32 bit integer, in UTF-32)
get32(cp: u32): u16;
* Produces an iterator over ranges of code points that map to `value`
* See the {@link Rust documentation for `iter_ranges_for_value`} for more information.
iter_ranges_for_value(value: u16): CodePointRangeIterator;
* Produces an iterator over ranges of code points that do not map to `value`
* See the {@link Rust documentation for `iter_ranges_for_value_complemented`} for more information.
iter_ranges_for_value_complemented(value: u16): CodePointRangeIterator;
* Gets a {@link ICU4XCodePointSetData `ICU4XCodePointSetData`} representing all entries in this map that map to the given value
* See the {@link Rust documentation for `get_set_for_value`} for more information.
get_set_for_value(value: u16): ICU4XCodePointSetData;
* See the {@link Rust documentation for `script`} for more information.
* @throws {@link FFIError}<{@link ICU4XError}>
static load_script(provider: ICU4XDataProvider): ICU4XCodePointMapData16 | never;