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import { FFIError } from "./diplomat-runtime"
import { ICU4XError } from "./ICU4XError";
import { ICU4XLocale } from "./ICU4XLocale";
* The various calendar types currently supported by {@link ICU4XCalendar `ICU4XCalendar`}
* See the {@link Rust documentation for `AnyCalendarKind`} for more information.
export enum ICU4XAnyCalendarKind {
* The kind of an Iso calendar
Iso = 'Iso',
* The kind of a Gregorian calendar
Gregorian = 'Gregorian',
* The kind of a Buddhist calendar
Buddhist = 'Buddhist',
* The kind of a Japanese calendar with modern eras
Japanese = 'Japanese',
* The kind of a Japanese calendar with modern and historic eras
JapaneseExtended = 'JapaneseExtended',
* The kind of an Ethiopian calendar, with Amete Mihret era
Ethiopian = 'Ethiopian',
* The kind of an Ethiopian calendar, with Amete Alem era
EthiopianAmeteAlem = 'EthiopianAmeteAlem',
* The kind of a Indian calendar
Indian = 'Indian',
* The kind of a Coptic calendar
Coptic = 'Coptic',
* The kind of a Dangi calendar
Dangi = 'Dangi',
* The kind of a Chinese calendar
Chinese = 'Chinese',
* The kind of a Hebrew calendar
Hebrew = 'Hebrew',
* The kind of a Islamic civil calendar
IslamicCivil = 'IslamicCivil',
* The kind of a Islamic observational calendar
IslamicObservational = 'IslamicObservational',
* The kind of a Islamic tabular calendar
IslamicTabular = 'IslamicTabular',
* The kind of a Islamic Umm al-Qura calendar
IslamicUmmAlQura = 'IslamicUmmAlQura',
* The kind of a Persian calendar
Persian = 'Persian',
* The kind of a Roc calendar
Roc = 'Roc',