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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
/* Structured representation of Unicode locale IDs used with Intl functions. */
#ifndef intl_components_Locale_h
#define intl_components_Locale_h
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
#include "mozilla/intl/ICUError.h"
#include "mozilla/intl/ICU4CGlue.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "mozilla/Span.h"
#include "mozilla/TextUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/Try.h"
#include "mozilla/TypedEnumBits.h"
#include "mozilla/Variant.h"
#include "mozilla/Vector.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <utility>
#include "unicode/uloc.h"
namespace mozilla::intl {
* Return true if |language| is a valid language subtag.
template <typename CharT>
bool IsStructurallyValidLanguageTag(mozilla::Span<const CharT> aLanguage);
* Return true if |script| is a valid script subtag.
template <typename CharT>
bool IsStructurallyValidScriptTag(mozilla::Span<const CharT> aScript);
* Return true if |region| is a valid region subtag.
template <typename CharT>
bool IsStructurallyValidRegionTag(mozilla::Span<const CharT> aRegion);
#ifdef DEBUG
* Return true if |variant| is a valid variant subtag.
bool IsStructurallyValidVariantTag(mozilla::Span<const char> aVariant);
* Return true if |extension| is a valid Unicode extension subtag.
bool IsStructurallyValidUnicodeExtensionTag(
mozilla::Span<const char> aExtension);
* Return true if |privateUse| is a valid private-use subtag.
bool IsStructurallyValidPrivateUseTag(mozilla::Span<const char> aPrivateUse);
template <typename CharT>
char AsciiToLowerCase(CharT aChar) {
return mozilla::IsAsciiUppercaseAlpha(aChar) ? (aChar + 0x20) : aChar;
template <typename CharT>
char AsciiToUpperCase(CharT aChar) {
return mozilla::IsAsciiLowercaseAlpha(aChar) ? (aChar - 0x20) : aChar;
template <typename CharT>
void AsciiToLowerCase(CharT* aChars, size_t aLength, char* aDest) {
char (&fn)(CharT) = AsciiToLowerCase;
std::transform(aChars, aChars + aLength, aDest, fn);
template <typename CharT>
void AsciiToUpperCase(CharT* aChars, size_t aLength, char* aDest) {
char (&fn)(CharT) = AsciiToUpperCase;
std::transform(aChars, aChars + aLength, aDest, fn);
template <typename CharT>
void AsciiToTitleCase(CharT* aChars, size_t aLength, char* aDest) {
if (aLength > 0) {
AsciiToUpperCase(aChars, 1, aDest);
AsciiToLowerCase(aChars + 1, aLength - 1, aDest + 1);
// Constants for language subtag lengths.
namespace LanguageTagLimits {
// unicode_language_subtag = alpha{2,3} | alpha{5,8} ;
static constexpr size_t LanguageLength = 8;
// unicode_script_subtag = alpha{4} ;
static constexpr size_t ScriptLength = 4;
// unicode_region_subtag = (alpha{2} | digit{3}) ;
static constexpr size_t RegionLength = 3;
static constexpr size_t AlphaRegionLength = 2;
static constexpr size_t DigitRegionLength = 3;
// key = alphanum alpha ;
static constexpr size_t UnicodeKeyLength = 2;
// tkey = alpha digit ;
static constexpr size_t TransformKeyLength = 2;
} // namespace LanguageTagLimits
// Fixed size language subtag which is stored inline in Locale.
template <size_t SubtagLength>
class LanguageTagSubtag final {
uint8_t mLength = 0;
char mChars[SubtagLength] = {}; // zero initialize
LanguageTagSubtag() = default;
LanguageTagSubtag(const LanguageTagSubtag& aOther) {
std::copy_n(aOther.mChars, SubtagLength, mChars);
mLength = aOther.mLength;
LanguageTagSubtag& operator=(const LanguageTagSubtag& aOther) {
std::copy_n(aOther.mChars, SubtagLength, mChars);
mLength = aOther.mLength;
return *this;
size_t Length() const { return mLength; }
bool Missing() const { return mLength == 0; }
bool Present() const { return mLength > 0; }
mozilla::Span<const char> Span() const { return {mChars, mLength}; }
template <typename CharT>
void Set(mozilla::Span<const CharT> str) {
MOZ_ASSERT(str.size() <= SubtagLength);
std::copy_n(, str.size(), mChars);
mLength = str.size();
// The toXYZCase() methods are using |SubtagLength| instead of |length()|,
// because current compilers (tested GCC and Clang) can't infer the maximum
// string length - even when using hints like |std::min| - and instead are
// emitting SIMD optimized code. Using a fixed sized length avoids emitting
// the SIMD code. (Emitting SIMD code doesn't make sense here, because the
// SIMD code only kicks in for long strings.) A fixed length will
// additionally ensure the compiler unrolls the loop in the case conversion
// code.
void ToLowerCase() { AsciiToLowerCase(mChars, SubtagLength, mChars); }
void ToUpperCase() { AsciiToUpperCase(mChars, SubtagLength, mChars); }
void ToTitleCase() { AsciiToTitleCase(mChars, SubtagLength, mChars); }
template <size_t N>
bool EqualTo(const char (&str)[N]) const {
static_assert(N - 1 <= SubtagLength,
"subtag literals must not exceed the maximum subtag length");
return mLength == N - 1 && memcmp(mChars, str, N - 1) == 0;
using LanguageSubtag = LanguageTagSubtag<LanguageTagLimits::LanguageLength>;
using ScriptSubtag = LanguageTagSubtag<LanguageTagLimits::ScriptLength>;
using RegionSubtag = LanguageTagSubtag<LanguageTagLimits::RegionLength>;
using Latin1Char = unsigned char;
using UniqueChars = UniquePtr<char[]>;
* Object representing a Unicode BCP 47 locale identifier.
* All subtags are already in canonicalized case.
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS Locale final {
LanguageSubtag mLanguage = {};
ScriptSubtag mScript = {};
RegionSubtag mRegion = {};
using VariantsVector = Vector<UniqueChars, 2>;
using ExtensionsVector = Vector<UniqueChars, 2>;
VariantsVector mVariants;
ExtensionsVector mExtensions;
UniqueChars mPrivateUse = nullptr;
friend class LocaleParser;
enum class CanonicalizationError : uint8_t {
Result<Ok, CanonicalizationError> CanonicalizeUnicodeExtension(
UniqueChars& unicodeExtension);
Result<Ok, CanonicalizationError> CanonicalizeTransformExtension(
UniqueChars& transformExtension);
static bool LanguageMapping(LanguageSubtag& aLanguage);
static bool ComplexLanguageMapping(const LanguageSubtag& aLanguage);
static bool ScriptMapping(ScriptSubtag& aScript);
static bool RegionMapping(RegionSubtag& aRegion);
static bool ComplexRegionMapping(const RegionSubtag& aRegion);
void PerformComplexLanguageMappings();
void PerformComplexRegionMappings();
[[nodiscard]] bool PerformVariantMappings();
[[nodiscard]] bool UpdateLegacyMappings();
static bool SignLanguageMapping(LanguageSubtag& aLanguage,
const RegionSubtag& aRegion);
static const char* ReplaceTransformExtensionType(
mozilla::Span<const char> aKey, mozilla::Span<const char> aType);
* Given a Unicode key and type, return the null-terminated preferred
* replacement for that type if there is one, or null if there is none, e.g.
* in effect
* |ReplaceUnicodeExtensionType("ca", "islamicc") == "islamic-civil"|
* and
* |ReplaceUnicodeExtensionType("ca", "islamic-civil") == nullptr|.
static const char* ReplaceUnicodeExtensionType(
mozilla::Span<const char> aKey, mozilla::Span<const char> aType);
Locale() = default;
Locale(const Locale&) = delete;
Locale& operator=(const Locale&) = delete;
Locale(Locale&&) = default;
Locale& operator=(Locale&&) = default;
template <class Vec>
class SubtagIterator {
using Iter = decltype(std::declval<const Vec>().begin());
Iter mIter;
explicit SubtagIterator(Iter iter) : mIter(iter) {}
// std::iterator traits.
using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag;
using value_type = Span<const char>;
using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
using pointer = value_type*;
using reference = value_type&;
SubtagIterator& operator++() {
return *this;
SubtagIterator operator++(int) {
SubtagIterator result = *this;
return result;
bool operator==(const SubtagIterator& aOther) const {
return mIter == aOther.mIter;
bool operator!=(const SubtagIterator& aOther) const {
return !(*this == aOther);
value_type operator*() const { return MakeStringSpan(mIter->get()); }
template <size_t N>
class SubtagEnumeration {
using Vec = Vector<UniqueChars, N>;
const Vec& mVector;
explicit SubtagEnumeration(const Vec& aVector) : mVector(aVector) {}
size_t length() const { return mVector.length(); }
bool empty() const { return mVector.empty(); }
auto begin() const { return SubtagIterator<Vec>(mVector.begin()); }
auto end() const { return SubtagIterator<Vec>(mVector.end()); }
Span<const char> operator[](size_t aIndex) const {
return MakeStringSpan(mVector[aIndex].get());
const LanguageSubtag& Language() const { return mLanguage; }
const ScriptSubtag& Script() const { return mScript; }
const RegionSubtag& Region() const { return mRegion; }
auto Variants() const { return SubtagEnumeration(mVariants); }
auto Extensions() const { return SubtagEnumeration(mExtensions); }
Maybe<Span<const char>> PrivateUse() const {
if (const char* p = mPrivateUse.get()) {
return Some(MakeStringSpan(p));
return Nothing();
* Return the Unicode extension subtag or Nothing if not present.
Maybe<Span<const char>> GetUnicodeExtension() const;
ptrdiff_t UnicodeExtensionIndex() const;
* Set the language subtag. The input must be a valid language subtag.
template <size_t N>
void SetLanguage(const char (&aLanguage)[N]) {
mozilla::Span<const char> span(aLanguage, N - 1);
* Set the language subtag. The input must be a valid language subtag.
void SetLanguage(const LanguageSubtag& aLanguage) {
* Set the script subtag. The input must be a valid script subtag.
template <size_t N>
void SetScript(const char (&aScript)[N]) {
mozilla::Span<const char> span(aScript, N - 1);
* Set the script subtag. The input must be a valid script subtag or the empty
* string.
void SetScript(const ScriptSubtag& aScript) {
MOZ_ASSERT(aScript.Missing() ||
* Set the region subtag. The input must be a valid region subtag.
template <size_t N>
void SetRegion(const char (&aRegion)[N]) {
mozilla::Span<const char> span(aRegion, N - 1);
* Set the region subtag. The input must be a valid region subtag or the empty
* empty string.
void SetRegion(const RegionSubtag& aRegion) {
MOZ_ASSERT(aRegion.Missing() ||
* Removes all variant subtags.
void ClearVariants() { mVariants.clearAndFree(); }
* Set the Unicode extension subtag. The input must be a valid Unicode
* extension subtag.
ICUResult SetUnicodeExtension(Span<const char> aExtension);
* Remove any Unicode extension subtag if present.
void ClearUnicodeExtension();
/** Canonicalize the base-name (language, script, region, variant) subtags. */
Result<Ok, CanonicalizationError> CanonicalizeBaseName();
* Canonicalize all extension subtags.
Result<Ok, CanonicalizationError> CanonicalizeExtensions();
* Canonicalizes the given structurally valid Unicode BCP 47 locale
* identifier, including regularized case of subtags. For example, the
* locale Zh-haNS-bu-variant2-Variant1-u-ca-chinese-t-Zh-laTN-x-PRIVATE,
* where
* Zh ; 2*3ALPHA
* -haNS ; ["-" script]
* -bu ; ["-" region]
* -variant2 ; *("-" variant)
* -Variant1
* -u-ca-chinese ; *("-" extension)
* -t-Zh-laTN
* -x-PRIVATE ; ["-" privateuse]
* becomes zh-Hans-MM-variant1-variant2-t-zh-latn-u-ca-chinese-x-private
* Spec: ECMAScript Internationalization API Specification, 6.2.3.
Result<Ok, CanonicalizationError> Canonicalize() {
return CanonicalizeExtensions();
* Fill the buffer with a string representation of the locale.
template <typename B>
ICUResult ToString(B& aBuffer) const {
static_assert(std::is_same_v<typename B::CharType, char>);
size_t capacity = ToStringCapacity();
// Attempt to reserve needed capacity
if (!aBuffer.reserve(capacity)) {
return Err(ICUError::OutOfMemory);
size_t offset = ToStringAppend(;
MOZ_ASSERT(capacity == offset);
return Ok();
* Add likely-subtags to the locale.
ICUResult AddLikelySubtags();
* Remove likely-subtags from the locale.
ICUResult RemoveLikelySubtags();
* Returns the default locale as an ICU locale identifier. The returned string
* is NOT a valid BCP 47 locale!
static const char* GetDefaultLocale() { return uloc_getDefault(); }
* Returns an iterator over all supported locales.
* The returned strings are ICU locale identifiers and NOT BCP 47 language
* tags.
static auto GetAvailableLocales() {
return AvailableLocalesEnumeration<uloc_countAvailable,
static UniqueChars DuplicateStringToUniqueChars(const char* aStr);
static UniqueChars DuplicateStringToUniqueChars(Span<const char> aStr);
size_t ToStringCapacity() const;
size_t ToStringAppend(char* aBuffer) const;
* Parser for Unicode BCP 47 locale identifiers.
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS LocaleParser final {
enum class ParserError : uint8_t {
// Input was not parseable as a locale, subtag or extension.
// Unable to allocate memory for the parser to operate.
// Exposed as |public| for |MOZ_MAKE_ENUM_CLASS_BITWISE_OPERATORS|.
enum class TokenKind : uint8_t {
None = 0b000,
Alpha = 0b001,
Digit = 0b010,
AlphaDigit = 0b011,
Error = 0b100
class Token final {
size_t mIndex;
size_t mLength;
TokenKind mKind;
Token(TokenKind aKind, size_t aIndex, size_t aLength)
: mIndex(aIndex), mLength(aLength), mKind(aKind) {}
TokenKind Kind() const { return mKind; }
size_t Index() const { return mIndex; }
size_t Length() const { return mLength; }
bool IsError() const { return mKind == TokenKind::Error; }
bool IsNone() const { return mKind == TokenKind::None; }
bool IsAlpha() const { return mKind == TokenKind::Alpha; }
bool IsDigit() const { return mKind == TokenKind::Digit; }
bool IsAlphaDigit() const { return mKind == TokenKind::AlphaDigit; }
const char* mLocale;
size_t mLength;
size_t mIndex = 0;
explicit LocaleParser(Span<const char> aLocale)
: mLocale(, mLength(aLocale.size()) {}
char CharAt(size_t aIndex) const { return mLocale[aIndex]; }
// Copy the token characters into |subtag|.
template <size_t N>
void CopyChars(const Token& aTok, LanguageTagSubtag<N>& aSubtag) const {
aSubtag.Set(mozilla::Span(mLocale + aTok.Index(), aTok.Length()));
// Create a string copy of |length| characters starting at |index|.
UniqueChars Chars(size_t aIndex, size_t aLength) const;
// Create a string copy of the token characters.
UniqueChars Chars(const Token& aTok) const {
return Chars(aTok.Index(), aTok.Length());
UniqueChars Extension(const Token& aStart, const Token& aEnd) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(aStart.Index() < aEnd.Index());
size_t length = aEnd.Index() - 1 - aStart.Index();
return Chars(aStart.Index(), length);
Token NextToken();
// unicode_language_subtag = alpha{2,3} | alpha{5,8} ;
// Four character language subtags are not allowed in Unicode BCP 47 locale
// identifiers. Also see the comparison to Unicode CLDR locale identifiers in
bool IsLanguage(const Token& aTok) const {
return aTok.IsAlpha() && ((2 <= aTok.Length() && aTok.Length() <= 3) ||
(5 <= aTok.Length() && aTok.Length() <= 8));
// unicode_script_subtag = alpha{4} ;
bool IsScript(const Token& aTok) const {
return aTok.IsAlpha() && aTok.Length() == 4;
// unicode_region_subtag = (alpha{2} | digit{3}) ;
bool IsRegion(const Token& aTok) const {
return (aTok.IsAlpha() && aTok.Length() == 2) ||
(aTok.IsDigit() && aTok.Length() == 3);
// unicode_variant_subtag = (alphanum{5,8} | digit alphanum{3}) ;
bool IsVariant(const Token& aTok) const {
return (5 <= aTok.Length() && aTok.Length() <= 8) ||
(aTok.Length() == 4 && mozilla::IsAsciiDigit(CharAt(aTok.Index())));
// Returns the code unit of the first character at the given singleton token.
// Always returns the lower case form of an alphabetical character.
char SingletonKey(const Token& aTok) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(aTok.Length() == 1);
return AsciiToLowerCase(CharAt(aTok.Index()));
// extensions = unicode_locale_extensions |
// transformed_extensions |
// other_extensions ;
// unicode_locale_extensions = sep [uU] ((sep keyword)+ |
// (sep attribute)+ (sep keyword)*) ;
// transformed_extensions = sep [tT] ((sep tlang (sep tfield)*) |
// (sep tfield)+) ;
// other_extensions = sep [alphanum-[tTuUxX]] (sep alphanum{2,8})+ ;
bool IsExtensionStart(const Token& aTok) const {
return aTok.Length() == 1 && SingletonKey(aTok) != 'x';
// other_extensions = sep [alphanum-[tTuUxX]] (sep alphanum{2,8})+ ;
bool IsOtherExtensionPart(const Token& aTok) const {
return 2 <= aTok.Length() && aTok.Length() <= 8;
// unicode_locale_extensions = sep [uU] ((sep keyword)+ |
// (sep attribute)+ (sep keyword)*) ;
// keyword = key (sep type)? ;
bool IsUnicodeExtensionPart(const Token& aTok) const {
return IsUnicodeExtensionKey(aTok) || IsUnicodeExtensionType(aTok) ||
// attribute = alphanum{3,8} ;
bool IsUnicodeExtensionAttribute(const Token& aTok) const {
return 3 <= aTok.Length() && aTok.Length() <= 8;
// key = alphanum alpha ;
bool IsUnicodeExtensionKey(const Token& aTok) const {
return aTok.Length() == 2 &&
mozilla::IsAsciiAlpha(CharAt(aTok.Index() + 1));
// type = alphanum{3,8} (sep alphanum{3,8})* ;
bool IsUnicodeExtensionType(const Token& aTok) const {
return 3 <= aTok.Length() && aTok.Length() <= 8;
// tkey = alpha digit ;
bool IsTransformExtensionKey(const Token& aTok) const {
return aTok.Length() == 2 && mozilla::IsAsciiAlpha(CharAt(aTok.Index())) &&
mozilla::IsAsciiDigit(CharAt(aTok.Index() + 1));
// tvalue = (sep alphanum{3,8})+ ;
bool IsTransformExtensionPart(const Token& aTok) const {
return 3 <= aTok.Length() && aTok.Length() <= 8;
// pu_extensions = sep [xX] (sep alphanum{1,8})+ ;
bool IsPrivateUseStart(const Token& aTok) const {
return aTok.Length() == 1 && SingletonKey(aTok) == 'x';
// pu_extensions = sep [xX] (sep alphanum{1,8})+ ;
bool IsPrivateUsePart(const Token& aTok) const {
return 1 <= aTok.Length() && aTok.Length() <= 8;
// Helper function for use in |ParseBaseName| and
// |ParseTlangInTransformExtension|. Do not use this directly!
static Result<Ok, ParserError> InternalParseBaseName(
LocaleParser& aLocaleParser, Locale& aTag, Token& aTok);
// Parse the `unicode_language_id` production, i.e. the
// language/script/region/variants portion of a locale, into |aTag|.
// |aTok| must be the current token.
static Result<Ok, ParserError> ParseBaseName(LocaleParser& aLocaleParser,
Locale& aTag, Token& aTok) {
return InternalParseBaseName(aLocaleParser, aTag, aTok);
// Parse the `tlang` production within a parsed 't' transform extension.
// The precise requirements for "previously parsed" are:
// * the input begins from current token |tok| with a valid `tlang`
// * the `tlang` is wholly lowercase (*not* canonical case)
// * variant subtags in the `tlang` may contain duplicates and be
// unordered
// Return an error on internal failure. Otherwise, return a success value. If
// there was no `tlang`, then |tag.language().missing()|. But if there was a
// `tlang`, then |tag| is filled with subtags exactly as they appeared in the
// parse input.
static Result<Ok, ParserError> ParseTlangInTransformExtension(
LocaleParser& aLocaleParser, Locale& aTag, Token& aTok) {
return InternalParseBaseName(aLocaleParser, aTag, aTok);
friend class Locale;
class Range final {
size_t mBegin;
size_t mLength;
Range(size_t aBegin, size_t aLength) : mBegin(aBegin), mLength(aLength) {}
size_t Begin() const { return mBegin; }
size_t Length() const { return mLength; }
using TFieldVector = Vector<Range, 8>;
using AttributesVector = Vector<Range, 8>;
using KeywordsVector = Vector<Range, 8>;
// Parse |extension|, which must be a validated, fully lowercase
// `transformed_extensions` subtag, and fill |tag| and |fields| from the
// `tlang` and `tfield` components. Data in |tag| is lowercase, consistent
// with |extension|.
static Result<Ok, ParserError> ParseTransformExtension(
mozilla::Span<const char> aExtension, Locale& aTag,
TFieldVector& aFields);
// Parse |extension|, which must be a validated, fully lowercase
// `unicode_locale_extensions` subtag, and fill |attributes| and |keywords|
// from the `attribute` and `keyword` components.
static Result<Ok, ParserError> ParseUnicodeExtension(
mozilla::Span<const char> aExtension, AttributesVector& aAttributes,
KeywordsVector& aKeywords);
// Parse the input string as a locale.
// NOTE: |aTag| must be a new, empty Locale.
static Result<Ok, ParserError> TryParse(Span<const char> aLocale,
Locale& aTag);
// Parse the input string as the base-name parts (language, script, region,
// variants) of a locale.
// NOTE: |aTag| must be a new, empty Locale.
static Result<Ok, ParserError> TryParseBaseName(Span<const char> aLocale,
Locale& aTag);
// Return Ok() iff |extension| can be parsed as a Unicode extension subtag.
static Result<Ok, ParserError> CanParseUnicodeExtension(
Span<const char> aExtension);
// Return Ok() iff |unicodeType| can be parsed as a Unicode extension type.
static Result<Ok, ParserError> CanParseUnicodeExtensionType(
Span<const char> aUnicodeType);
} // namespace mozilla::intl
#endif /* intl_components_Locale_h */