async_load_tests.js |
Test to ensure that image loading/decoding notifications are always
delivered async, and in the order we expect.
Must be included from a file that has a uri of the image to test defined in
var uri.
7818 |
bug413512.ico |
17759 |
bug815359.ico |
4286 |
image_load_helpers.js |
Helper structures to track callbacks from image and channel loads.
3395 |
image1.png |
8415 |
image1.webp |
3206 |
image1png16x16.jpg |
1050 |
image1png64x64.jpg |
4507 |
image1quality50.webp |
1944 |
image2.jpg |
3494 |
image2jpg16x16-win.png |
948 |
image2jpg16x16.libz-rs.png |
941 |
image2jpg16x16.png |
955 |
image2jpg16x16cropped.jpg |
879 |
image2jpg16x16cropped2.jpg |
878 |
image2jpg16x32cropped3.jpg |
1127 |
image2jpg16x32scaled.jpg |
1219 |
image2jpg32x16cropped4.jpg |
1135 |
image2jpg32x16scaled.jpg |
1227 |
image2jpg32x32-win.png |
3104 |
image2jpg32x32.jpg |
1634 |
image2jpg32x32.libz-rs.png |
2916 |
image2jpg32x32.png |
3026 |
image3.ico |
1406 |
image3ico16x16.libz-rs.png |
512 |
image3ico16x16.png |
520 |
image3ico32x32.libz-rs.png |
2283 |
image3ico32x32.png |
2280 |
image4.gif |
1809 |
image4gif16x16bmp24bpp.ico |
894 |
image4gif16x16bmp32bpp.ico |
1150 |
image4gif32x32bmp24bpp.ico |
3262 |
image4gif32x32bmp32bpp.ico |
4286 |
test_async_notification.js |
Test for asynchronous image load/decode notifications in the case that the image load works.
483 |
test_async_notification_404.js |
Test to ensure that load/decode notifications are delivered completely and
asynchronously when dealing with a file that's a 404.
528 |
test_async_notification_animated.js |
Test for asynchronous image load/decode notifications in the case that the
image load works, but for an animated image.
If this fails because a request wasn't cancelled, it's possible that
imgContainer::ExtractFrame didn't set the new image's status correctly.
1232 |
test_encoder_apng.js |
Test for APNG encoding in ImageLib
17800 |
test_encoder_png.js |
Test for PNG encoding in ImageLib
7117 |
test_imgtools.js |
Tests for imgITools
26803 |
test_moz_icon_uri.js |
Test icon URI functionality
28011 |
test_private_channel.js |
import-globals-from image_load_helpers.js |
4979 |
xpcshell.toml |
1142 |