6M-pixels.png |
10147 |
12M-pixels-1.png |
22467 |
12M-pixels-2.png |
22467 |
1835509.gif |
552 |
animated-avif.avif |
1333 |
animated-gif-finalframe.gif |
72 |
animated-gif.gif |
146 |
animated-gif_trailing-garbage.gif |
4030 |
animated-gif2.gif |
165 |
animated1.gif |
4558 |
animated1.svg |
319 |
animated2.gif |
4558 |
animatedMask.gif |
4568 |
animation.svg |
170 |
animationPolling.js |
import-globals-from imgutils.js |
13625 |
bad.jpg |
2477 |
big.png |
129497 |
blue.gif |
45 |
blue.png |
2745 |
bug89419-iframe.html |
Bug 89419 iframe |
121 |
bug89419.sjs |
443 |
bug399925.gif |
1645 |
bug415761.ico |
766 |
bug468160.sjs |
203 |
bug478398_ONLY.png |
14139 |
bug490949-iframe.html |
Bug 490949 iframe |
134 |
bug490949.sjs |
935 |
bug496292-1.sjs |
;q=0.8, |
1006 |
bug496292-2.sjs |
934 |
bug496292-iframe-1.html |
Bug 496292 iframe 1 |
138 |
bug496292-iframe-2.html |
Bug 496292 iframe 2 |
138 |
bug496292-iframe-ref.html |
Bug 496292 reference iframe |
139 |
bug497665-iframe.html |
Bug 497665 iframe |
200 |
bug497665.sjs |
940 |
bug552605.sjs |
443 |
bug657191.sjs |
795 |
bug671906-iframe.html |
Bug 671906 iframe |
197 |
bug671906.sjs |
986 |
bug733553-informant.sjs |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
505 |
bug733553.sjs |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
3076 |
bug767779.sjs |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
1639 |
bug900200-ref.png |
660 |
bug900200.png |
840 |
bug1132427.gif |
634 |
bug1132427.html |
172 |
bug1180105-waiter.sjs |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
773 |
bug1180105.sjs |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
1880 |
bug1217571-iframe.html |
iframe for Bug 1217571 |
396 |
bug1217571.jpg |
2679 |
bug1319025-ref.png |
347 |
bug1319025.png |
422 |
child.html |
814 |
chrome.toml |
125 |
clear.avif |
1975 |
clear.gif |
321 |
clear.png |
622 |
clear.webp |
202 |
clear2-results.gif |
177 |
clear2.gif |
219 |
clear2.webp |
228 |
damon.jpg |
2679 |
error-early.png |
6 |
filter-final.svg |
299 |
filter.svg |
288 |
finite-apng.png |
5834 |
first-frame-padding.gif |
49 |
green-background.html |
Background color wrapper for clear image tests |
620 |
green.png |
255 |
grey.png |
256 |
ico-bmp-opaque.ico |
1094 |
ico-bmp-transparent.ico |
4286 |
iframe.html |
75 |
imgutils.js |
-*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- |
4038 |
infinite-apng.png |
1169 |
infinite.avif |
2311 |
infinite.webp |
3742 |
INT32_MIN.bmp |
60 |
invalid.jpg |
8 |
keep.gif |
321 |
keep.png |
622 |
keep.webp |
152 |
lime-anim-100x100-2.svg |
219 |
lime-anim-100x100.svg |
273 |
lime-css-anim-100x100.svg |
490 |
lime100x100.svg |
141 |
mochitest.toml |
4381 |
mq_dynamic_svg_ref.html |
1365 |
mq_dynamic_svg_test.html |
1886 |
opaque.bmp |
1086 |
over.png |
525 |
purple.gif |
86 |
rainbow.gif |
1572 |
red.gif |
43 |
red.png |
82 |
ref-iframe.html |
138 |
restore-previous.gif |
457 |
restore-previous.png |
622 |
rillybad.jpg |
11142 |
schrep.png |
38767 |
shaver.png |
52045 |
short_header.gif |
1488 |
source.png |
525 |
test_animated_css_image.html |
4040 |
test_animated_gif.html |
Images outside of display port are not decoded |
1392 |
test_animation.html |
Test for Bug 666446 - General Animated GIF Test |
1397 |
test_animation_operators.html |
Test for Bug 936720 |
5180 |
test_animation2.html |
Test for Bug 705580 - General Animated GIF Test 2 |
1598 |
test_animSVGImage.html |
Test for Bug 610419 |
4034 |
test_animSVGImage2.html |
Test for Bug 907503 |
4063 |
test_background_image_anim.html |
Test for Bug 666446 - Animated Background Images |
1426 |
test_bug89419-1.html |
Test for Bug 89419 |
1929 |
test_bug89419-2.html |
Test for Bug 89419 |
2083 |
test_bug399925.html |
Test for Bug 399925 |
3342 |
test_bug415761.html |
Test for icon filenames |
3598 |
test_bug435296.html |
Test for Bug 435296 |
2402 |
test_bug466586.html |
Test for Bug 466586 |
1551 |
test_bug468160.html |
Test for Bug 468160 |
721 |
test_bug478398.html |
Test for Bug 478398 |
2232 |
test_bug490949.html |
Test for Bug 490949 |
3169 |
test_bug496292.html |
Test for Bug 496292 |
3854 |
test_bug497665.html |
Test for Bug 497665 |
2798 |
test_bug552605-1.html |
Test for Bug 552605 |
1480 |
test_bug552605-2.html |
Test for Bug 552605 |
1419 |
test_bug553982.html |
Test for Bug 553982 |
835 |
test_bug601470.html |
Test for Bug 601470 |
1275 |
test_bug614392.html |
Test for Bug 614392 |
1101 |
test_bug657191.html |
Test for Bug 657191 |
847 |
test_bug671906.html |
Test for Bug 671906 |
2356 |
test_bug733553.html |
Test for Bug 733553 |
2735 |
test_bug767779.html |
Test for Bug 767779 |
1413 |
test_bug865919.html |
Test for Bug 865919 |
1335 |
test_bug1132427.html |
Test for scrolling selection into view |
4262 |
test_bug1180105.html |
Test for Bug 1180105 |
1135 |
test_bug1217571.html |
Test for Bug 1217571 |
1342 |
test_bug1325080.html |
Test for Bug 1325080 |
1066 |
test_bullet_animation.html |
Test for Bug 666446 - Animated Bullets |
1663 |
test_canvas_frame_animation.html |
Test for bug 1619245 - animated image as canvas background |
1327 |
test_changeOfSource.html |
Test for Bug 666446 - Change of Source (1st Version) |
2035 |
test_changeOfSource2.html |
Test for Bug 691792 - Change of Source (2nd Version) |
1376 |
test_discardAnimatedImage.html |
Test that animated images can be discarded |
8453 |
test_discardFinishedAnimatedImage.html |
Test that img.decode works on finished, discarded animated images |
4415 |
test_discardFramesAnimatedImage.html |
Test that animated images can discard frames and redecode |
8025 |
test_drawDiscardedImage.html |
Test for Bug 731419 - Draw an ostensibly discarded image to a canvas |
2868 |
test_error_events.html |
Test for Bug 715308 comment 93 |
1531 |
test_has_transparency.html |
Test for Bug 1089880 |
4642 |
test_image_cache_notification.html |
1392 |
test_image_crossorigin_data_url.html |
Test for handling of 'crossorigin' attribute on CSS link with data: URL |
1372 |
test_mq_dynamic_svg.html |
Dynamic changes to prefers-color-scheme affecting SVG images |
1721 |
test_net_failedtoprocess.html |
Test for image net:failed-to-process-uri-content |
1459 |
test_removal_ondecode.html |
Test for Bug 841579 |
4423 |
test_removal_onload.html |
Test for Bug 841579 |
3752 |
test_short_gif_header.html |
Test for Bug 844684 |
815 |
test_staticClone.html |
Test for Bug 878037 |
1748 |
test_svg_animatedGIF.html |
Test for Bug 666446 - Animated Raster Images inside of SVG Frames |
1765 |
test_svg_filter_animation.html |
Test for Bug 666446 - Animated Images within SVG Filters |
1386 |
test_synchronized_animation.html |
Test for Bug 867758 |
3475 |
test_undisplayed_iframe.html |
Test for Bug 666446 - Test for Animated Gif within IFRAME |
1529 |
test_webcam.html |
Test for Bug 641748 - WebCam Simulacrum |
2207 |
test_xultree_animation.xhtml |
Test for Bug 666446 - Animated Images within SVG Filters |
2272 |
transparent.gif |
355 |
transparent.png |
419 |
webcam-simulacrum.sjs |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
1552 |