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# This test case contains two snapshotted stacking contexts that are far
# off-screen, displayed as images that are in view.
# The images should show the contents of the stacking context.
- type: stacking-context
bounds: [0, 0, 100, 100]
- type: rect
bounds: [ 0, 0, 320, 250 ]
color: [100, 50, 10]
- type: stacking-context
bounds: [100000, 0, 200, 200]
name: "snap0"
area: [10, 10, 80, 180]
- type: rect
bounds: [ 0, 0, 90, 100]
color: [0, 150, 0]
- type: rect
bounds: [ 10, 100, 90, 100]
color: [150, 0, 0]
- type: stacking-context
bounds: [-3500, 4500, 200, 200]
name: "snap1"
area: [-10, -10, 120, 220]
- type: rect
bounds: [0, 0, 90, 100]
color: [0, 150, 0]
- type: rect
bounds: [ 10, 100, 90, 100]
color: [150, 0, 0]
# The two rects behind the images are only there to show
# the bounds of the image. They are not useful to the test
# per-se but make it easier to see what is off if the
# bounds are incorrect.
- type: rect
bounds: [10, 20, 80, 180]
color: [200, 200, 200]
- image: snapshot(snap0)
bounds: [10, 20, 80, 180]
- type: rect
bounds: [150, 0, 120, 220]
color: [200, 200, 200]
- image: snapshot(snap1)
bounds: [150, 0, 120, 220]