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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
extern crate mozangle;
extern crate webrender;
extern crate webrender_build;
use mozangle::shaders::{BuiltInResources, Output, ShaderSpec, ShaderValidator};
use webrender_build::shader::{ShaderFeatureFlags, ShaderVersion, build_shader_strings, get_shader_features};
// from glslang
const FRAGMENT_SHADER: u32 = 0x8B30;
const VERTEX_SHADER: u32 = 0x8B31;
fn validate_shaders() {
let resources = BuiltInResources::default();
let vs_validator =
ShaderValidator::new(VERTEX_SHADER, ShaderSpec::Gles3, Output::Essl, &resources).unwrap();
let fs_validator =
ShaderValidator::new(FRAGMENT_SHADER, ShaderSpec::Gles3, Output::Essl, &resources).unwrap();
for (shader, configs) in get_shader_features(ShaderFeatureFlags::GLES) {
for config in configs {
let features = config.split(",").filter(|f| !f.is_empty()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let (vs, fs) = build_shader_strings(
&|f| webrender::get_unoptimized_shader_source(f, None)
let full_shader_name = format!("{} {}", shader, config);
validate(&vs_validator, &full_shader_name, vs);
validate(&fs_validator, &full_shader_name, fs);
fn validate(validator: &ShaderValidator, name: &str, source: String) {
// Check for each `switch` to have a `default`, see
assert_eq!(source.matches("switch").count(), source.matches("default:").count(),
"Shader '{}' doesn't have all `switch` covered with `default` cases", name);
// Run Angle validator
match validator.compile_and_translate(&[&source]) {
Ok(_) => {
// Ensure that the shader uses at most 16 varying vectors. This counts the number of
// vectors assuming that the driver does not perform additional packing. The spec states
// that the driver should pack varyings, however, on some Adreno 3xx devices we have
// observed that this is not the case. See bug 1695912.
let varying_vectors = validator.get_num_unpacked_varying_vectors();
let max_varying_vectors = 16;
varying_vectors <= max_varying_vectors,
"Shader {} uses {} varying vectors. Max allowed {}",
name, varying_vectors, max_varying_vectors
println!("Shader translated succesfully: {}", name);
Err(_) => {
"Shader compilation failed: {}\n{}",