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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
mod guillotine;
use crate::texture_cache::TextureCacheHandle;
use crate::internal_types::FastHashMap;
pub use guillotine::*;
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use api::units::*;
use crate::internal_types::CacheTextureId;
use euclid::{point2, size2, default::Box2D};
use smallvec::SmallVec;
pub use etagere::AllocatorOptions as ShelfAllocatorOptions;
pub use etagere::BucketedAtlasAllocator as BucketedShelfAllocator;
pub use etagere::AtlasAllocator as ShelfAllocator;
/// ID of an allocation within a given allocator.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
pub struct AllocId(pub u32);
pub trait AtlasAllocator {
/// Specific parameters of the allocator.
type Parameters;
/// Constructor
fn new(size: i32, parameters: &Self::Parameters) -> Self;
/// Allocate a rectangle.
fn allocate(&mut self, size: DeviceIntSize) -> Option<(AllocId, DeviceIntRect)>;
/// Deallocate a rectangle and return its size.
fn deallocate(&mut self, id: AllocId);
/// Return true if there is no live allocations.
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool;
/// Allocated area in pixels.
fn allocated_space(&self) -> i32;
/// Write a debug visualization of the atlas fitting in the provided rectangle.
/// This is inserted in a larger dump so it shouldn't contain the xml start/end tags.
fn dump_into_svg(&self, rect: &Box2D<f32>, output: &mut dyn std::io::Write) -> std::io::Result<()>;
pub trait AtlasAllocatorList<TextureParameters> {
/// Allocate a rectangle.
/// If allocation fails, call the provided callback, add a new allocator to the list and try again.
fn allocate(
&mut self,
size: DeviceIntSize,
texture_alloc_cb: &mut dyn FnMut(DeviceIntSize, &TextureParameters) -> CacheTextureId,
) -> (CacheTextureId, AllocId, DeviceIntRect);
fn set_handle(&mut self, texture_id: CacheTextureId, alloc_id: AllocId, handle: &TextureCacheHandle);
/// Deallocate a rectangle and return its size.
fn deallocate(&mut self, texture_id: CacheTextureId, alloc_id: AllocId);
fn texture_parameters(&self) -> &TextureParameters;
/// A number of 2D textures (single layer), with their own atlas allocator.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
struct TextureUnit<Allocator> {
allocator: Allocator,
handles: FastHashMap<AllocId, TextureCacheHandle>,
texture_id: CacheTextureId,
// The texture might become empty during a frame where we copy items out
// of it, in which case we want to postpone deleting the texture to the
// next frame.
delay_deallocation: bool,
#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
pub struct AllocatorList<Allocator: AtlasAllocator, TextureParameters> {
units: SmallVec<[TextureUnit<Allocator>; 1]>,
size: i32,
atlas_parameters: Allocator::Parameters,
texture_parameters: TextureParameters,
impl<Allocator: AtlasAllocator, TextureParameters> AllocatorList<Allocator, TextureParameters> {
pub fn new(
size: i32,
atlas_parameters: Allocator::Parameters,
texture_parameters: TextureParameters,
) -> Self {
AllocatorList {
units: SmallVec::new(),
pub fn allocate(
&mut self,
requested_size: DeviceIntSize,
texture_alloc_cb: &mut dyn FnMut(DeviceIntSize, &TextureParameters) -> CacheTextureId,
) -> (CacheTextureId, AllocId, DeviceIntRect) {
// Try to allocate from one of the existing textures.
for unit in &mut self.units {
if let Some((alloc_id, rect)) = unit.allocator.allocate(requested_size) {
return (unit.texture_id, alloc_id, rect);
// Need to create a new texture to hold the allocation.
let texture_id = texture_alloc_cb(size2(self.size, self.size), &self.texture_parameters);
let unit_index = self.units.len();
self.units.push(TextureUnit {
allocator: Allocator::new(self.size, &self.atlas_parameters),
handles: FastHashMap::default(),
delay_deallocation: false,
let (alloc_id, rect) = self.units[unit_index]
(texture_id, alloc_id, rect)
pub fn deallocate(&mut self, texture_id: CacheTextureId, alloc_id: AllocId) {
let unit = self.units
.find(|unit| unit.texture_id == texture_id)
.expect("Unable to find the associated texture array unit");
pub fn release_empty_textures<'l>(&mut self, texture_dealloc_cb: &'l mut dyn FnMut(CacheTextureId)) {
self.units.retain(|unit| {
if unit.allocator.is_empty() && !unit.delay_deallocation {
} else{
unit.delay_deallocation = false;
pub fn clear(&mut self, texture_dealloc_cb: &mut dyn FnMut(CacheTextureId)) {
for unit in self.units.drain(..) {
pub fn dump_as_svg(&self, output: &mut dyn std::io::Write) -> std::io::Result<()> {
use svg_fmt::*;
let num_arrays = self.units.len() as f32;
let text_spacing = 15.0;
let unit_spacing = 30.0;
let texture_size = self.size as f32 / 2.0;
let svg_w = unit_spacing * 2.0 + texture_size;
let svg_h = unit_spacing + num_arrays * (texture_size + text_spacing + unit_spacing);
writeln!(output, "{}", BeginSvg { w: svg_w, h: svg_h })?;
// Background.
" {}",
rectangle(0.0, 0.0, svg_w, svg_h)
.inflate(1.0, 1.0)
.fill(rgb(50, 50, 50))
let mut y = unit_spacing;
for unit in &self.units {
writeln!(output, " {}", text(unit_spacing, y, format!("{:?}", unit.texture_id)).color(rgb(230, 230, 230)))?;
let rect = Box2D {
min: point2(unit_spacing, y),
max: point2(unit_spacing + texture_size, y + texture_size),
unit.allocator.dump_into_svg(&rect, output)?;
y += unit_spacing + texture_size + text_spacing;
writeln!(output, "{}", EndSvg)
pub fn allocated_space(&self) -> i32 {
let mut accum = 0;
for unit in &self.units {
accum += unit.allocator.allocated_space();
pub fn allocated_textures(&self) -> usize {
pub fn size(&self) -> i32 { self.size }
impl<Allocator: AtlasAllocator, TextureParameters> AtlasAllocatorList<TextureParameters>
for AllocatorList<Allocator, TextureParameters> {
fn allocate(
&mut self,
requested_size: DeviceIntSize,
texture_alloc_cb: &mut dyn FnMut(DeviceIntSize, &TextureParameters) -> CacheTextureId,
) -> (CacheTextureId, AllocId, DeviceIntRect) {
self.allocate(requested_size, texture_alloc_cb)
fn set_handle(&mut self, texture_id: CacheTextureId, alloc_id: AllocId, handle: &TextureCacheHandle) {
let unit = self.units
.find(|unit| unit.texture_id == texture_id)
.expect("Unable to find the associated texture array unit");
unit.handles.insert(alloc_id, handle.clone());
fn deallocate(&mut self, texture_id: CacheTextureId, alloc_id: AllocId) {
self.deallocate(texture_id, alloc_id);
fn texture_parameters(&self) -> &TextureParameters {
impl AtlasAllocator for BucketedShelfAllocator {
type Parameters = ShelfAllocatorOptions;
fn new(size: i32, options: &Self::Parameters) -> Self {
BucketedShelfAllocator::with_options(size2(size, size), options)
fn allocate(&mut self, size: DeviceIntSize) -> Option<(AllocId, DeviceIntRect)> {
self.allocate(size.to_untyped()).map(|alloc| {
(AllocId(, alloc.rectangle.cast_unit())
fn deallocate(&mut self, id: AllocId) {
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
fn allocated_space(&self) -> i32 {
fn dump_into_svg(&self, rect: &Box2D<f32>, output: &mut dyn std::io::Write) -> std::io::Result<()> {
self.dump_into_svg(Some(&rect.to_i32().cast_unit()), output)
impl AtlasAllocator for ShelfAllocator {
type Parameters = ShelfAllocatorOptions;
fn new(size: i32, options: &Self::Parameters) -> Self {
ShelfAllocator::with_options(size2(size, size), options)
fn allocate(&mut self, size: DeviceIntSize) -> Option<(AllocId, DeviceIntRect)> {
self.allocate(size.to_untyped()).map(|alloc| {
(AllocId(, alloc.rectangle.cast_unit())
fn deallocate(&mut self, id: AllocId) {
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
fn allocated_space(&self) -> i32 {
fn dump_into_svg(&self, rect: &Box2D<f32>, output: &mut dyn std::io::Write) -> std::io::Result<()> {
self.dump_into_svg(Some(&rect.to_i32().cast_unit()), output)
pub struct CompactionChange {
pub handle: TextureCacheHandle,
pub old_tex: CacheTextureId,
pub old_rect: DeviceIntRect,
pub new_id: AllocId,
pub new_tex: CacheTextureId,
pub new_rect: DeviceIntRect,
impl<P> AllocatorList<ShelfAllocator, P> {
/// Attempt to move some allocations from a texture to another to reduce the number of textures.
pub fn try_compaction(
&mut self,
max_pixels: i32,
changes: &mut Vec<CompactionChange>,
) {
// The goal here is to consolidate items in the first texture by moving them from the last.
if self.units.len() < 2 {
// Nothing to do we are already "compact".
let last_unit = self.units.len() - 1;
let mut pixels = 0;
while let Some(alloc) = self.units[last_unit].allocator.iter().next() {
// For each allocation in the last texture, try to allocate it in the first one.
let new_alloc = match self.units[0].allocator.allocate(alloc.rectangle.size()) {
Some(new_alloc) => new_alloc,
None => {
// Stop when we fail to fit an item into the first texture.
// We could potentially fit another smaller item in there but we take it as
// an indication that the texture is more or less full, and we'll eventually
// manage to move the items later if they still exist as other items expire,
// which is what matters.
// The item was successfully reallocated in the first texture, we can proceed
// with removing it from the last.
// We keep track of the texture cache handle for each allocation, make sure
// the new allocation has the proper handle.
let alloc_id = AllocId(;
let new_alloc_id = AllocId(;
let handle = self.units[last_unit].handles.get(&alloc_id).unwrap().clone();
self.units[0].handles.insert(new_alloc_id, handle.clone());
// Remove the allocation for the last texture.
// Prevent the texture from being deleted on the same frame.
self.units[last_unit].delay_deallocation = true;
// Record the change so that the texture cache can do additional bookkeeping.
changes.push(CompactionChange {
old_tex: self.units[last_unit].texture_id,
old_rect: alloc.rectangle.cast_unit(),
new_id: AllocId(,
new_tex: self.units[0].texture_id,
new_rect: new_alloc.rectangle.cast_unit(),
// We are not in a hurry to move all allocations we can in one go, as long as we
// eventually have a chance to move them all within a reasonable amount of time.
// It's best to spread the load over multiple frames to avoid sudden spikes, so we
// stop after we have passed a certain threshold.
pixels += alloc.rectangle.area();
if pixels > max_pixels {
fn bug_1680769() {
let mut allocators: AllocatorList<ShelfAllocator, ()> = AllocatorList::new(
let mut allocations = Vec::new();
let mut next_id = CacheTextureId(0);
let alloc_cb = &mut |_: DeviceIntSize, _: &()| {
let texture_id = next_id;
next_id.0 += 1;
// Make some allocations, forcing the the creation of multiple textures.
for _ in 0..50 {
let alloc = allocators.allocate(size2(256, 256), alloc_cb);
allocators.set_handle(alloc.0, alloc.1, &TextureCacheHandle::Empty);
// Deallocate everything.
// It should empty all atlases and we still have textures allocated because
// we haven't called release_empty_textures yet.
for alloc in allocations.drain(..) {
allocators.deallocate(alloc.0, alloc.1);
// Allocate something else.
// Bug 1680769 was causing this allocation to be duplicated and leaked in
// all textures.
allocations.push(allocators.allocate(size2(8, 8), alloc_cb));
// Deallocate all known allocations.
for alloc in allocations.drain(..) {
allocators.deallocate(alloc.0, alloc.1);
// If we have leaked items, this won't manage to remove all textures.
allocators.release_empty_textures(&mut |_| {});
assert_eq!(allocators.allocated_textures(), 0);