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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use api::{
AlphaType, ColorDepth, ColorF, ColorU, ExternalImageData, ExternalImageType,
ImageKey as ApiImageKey, ImageBufferKind, ImageRendering, PremultipliedColorF,
RasterSpace, Shadow, YuvColorSpace, ColorRange, YuvFormat,
use api::units::*;
use crate::composite::CompositorSurfaceKind;
use crate::scene_building::{CreateShadow, IsVisible};
use crate::frame_builder::{FrameBuildingContext, FrameBuildingState};
use crate::gpu_cache::{GpuCache, GpuDataRequest};
use crate::intern::{Internable, InternDebug, Handle as InternHandle};
use crate::internal_types::{LayoutPrimitiveInfo};
use crate::picture::SurfaceIndex;
use crate::prim_store::{
EdgeAaSegmentMask, PrimitiveInstanceKind,
PrimitiveOpacity, PrimKey,
PrimTemplate, PrimTemplateCommonData, PrimitiveStore, SegmentInstanceIndex,
SizeKey, InternablePrimitive,
use crate::render_target::RenderTargetKind;
use crate::render_task_graph::RenderTaskId;
use crate::render_task::RenderTask;
use crate::render_task_cache::{
RenderTaskCacheKey, RenderTaskCacheKeyKind, RenderTaskParent
use crate::resource_cache::{ImageRequest, ImageProperties, ResourceCache};
use crate::util::pack_as_float;
use crate::visibility::{PrimitiveVisibility, compute_conservative_visible_rect};
use crate::spatial_tree::SpatialNodeIndex;
use crate::image_tiling;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
pub struct VisibleImageTile {
pub src_color: RenderTaskId,
pub edge_flags: EdgeAaSegmentMask,
pub local_rect: LayoutRect,
pub local_clip_rect: LayoutRect,
// Key that identifies a unique (partial) image that is being
// stored in the render task cache.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
pub struct ImageCacheKey {
pub request: ImageRequest,
pub texel_rect: Option<DeviceIntRect>,
/// Instance specific fields for an image primitive. These are
/// currently stored in a separate array to avoid bloating the
/// size of PrimitiveInstance. In the future, we should be able
/// to remove this and store the information inline, by:
/// (a) Removing opacity collapse / binding support completely.
/// Once we have general picture caching, we don't need this.
/// (b) Change visible_tiles to use Storage in the primitive
/// scratch buffer. This will reduce the size of the
/// visible_tiles field here, and save memory allocation
/// when image tiling is used. I've left it as a Vec for
/// now to reduce the number of changes, and because image
/// tiling is very rare on real pages.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
pub struct ImageInstance {
pub segment_instance_index: SegmentInstanceIndex,
pub tight_local_clip_rect: LayoutRect,
pub visible_tiles: Vec<VisibleImageTile>,
pub src_color: Option<RenderTaskId>,
#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, MallocSizeOf, Hash)]
pub struct Image {
pub key: ApiImageKey,
pub stretch_size: SizeKey,
pub tile_spacing: SizeKey,
pub color: ColorU,
pub image_rendering: ImageRendering,
pub alpha_type: AlphaType,
pub type ImageKey = PrimKey<Image>;
impl ImageKey {
pub fn new(
info: &LayoutPrimitiveInfo,
image: Image,
) -> Self {
ImageKey {
common: info.into(),
kind: image,
impl InternDebug for ImageKey {}
#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
#[derive(Debug, MallocSizeOf)]
pub struct ImageData {
pub key: ApiImageKey,
pub stretch_size: LayoutSize,
pub tile_spacing: LayoutSize,
pub color: ColorF,
pub image_rendering: ImageRendering,
pub alpha_type: AlphaType,
impl From<Image> for ImageData {
fn from(image: Image) -> Self {
ImageData {
key: image.key,
color: image.color.into(),
stretch_size: image.stretch_size.into(),
tile_spacing: image.tile_spacing.into(),
image_rendering: image.image_rendering,
alpha_type: image.alpha_type,
impl ImageData {
/// Update the GPU cache for a given primitive template. This may be called multiple
/// times per frame, by each primitive reference that refers to this interned
/// template. The initial request call to the GPU cache ensures that work is only
/// done if the cache entry is invalid (due to first use or eviction).
pub fn update(
&mut self,
common: &mut PrimTemplateCommonData,
image_instance: &mut ImageInstance,
parent_surface: SurfaceIndex,
prim_spatial_node_index: SpatialNodeIndex,
frame_state: &mut FrameBuildingState,
frame_context: &FrameBuildingContext,
visibility: &mut PrimitiveVisibility,
) {
let image_properties = frame_state
common.opacity = match &image_properties {
Some(properties) => {
if properties.descriptor.is_opaque() {
} else {
None => PrimitiveOpacity::opaque(),
if self.stretch_size.width >= common.prim_rect.width() &&
self.stretch_size.height >= common.prim_rect.height() {
common.may_need_repetition = false;
let request = ImageRequest {
key: self.key,
rendering: self.image_rendering,
tile: None,
match image_properties {
// Non-tiled (most common) path.
Some(ImageProperties { tiling: None, ref descriptor, ref external_image, .. }) => {
let mut size = frame_state.resource_cache.request_image(
let orig_task_id = frame_state.rg_builder.add().init(
RenderTask::new_image(size, request)
// On some devices we cannot render from an ImageBufferKind::TextureExternal
// source using most shaders, so must peform a copy to a regular texture first.
let task_id = if frame_context.fb_config.external_images_require_copy
&& matches!(
Some(ExternalImageData {
image_type: ExternalImageType::TextureHandle(
let target_kind = if descriptor.format.bytes_per_pixel() == 1 {
} else {
let task_id = RenderTask::new_scaling(
} else {
// Every frame, for cached items, we need to request the render
// task cache item. The closure will be invoked on the first
// time through, and any time the render task output has been
// evicted from the texture cache.
if self.tile_spacing == LayoutSize::zero() {
// Most common case.
image_instance.src_color = Some(task_id);
} else {
let padding = DeviceIntSideOffsets::new(
(self.tile_spacing.width * size.width as f32 / self.stretch_size.width) as i32,
(self.tile_spacing.height * size.height as f32 / self.stretch_size.height) as i32,
size.width += padding.horizontal();
size.height += padding.vertical();
if padding != DeviceIntSideOffsets::zero() {
common.opacity = PrimitiveOpacity::translucent();
let image_cache_key = ImageCacheKey {
texel_rect: None,
let target_kind = if descriptor.format.bytes_per_pixel() == 1 {
} else {
// Request a pre-rendered image task.
let cached_task_handle = frame_state.resource_cache.request_render_task(
RenderTaskCacheKey {
kind: RenderTaskCacheKeyKind::Image(image_cache_key),
&mut frame_state.frame_gpu_data.f32,
&mut frame_state.surface_builder,
|rg_builder, _| {
// Create a task to blit from the texture cache to
// a normal transient render task surface.
// TODO: figure out if/when we can do a blit instead.
let cache_to_target_task_id = RenderTask::new_scaling_with_padding(
// Create a task to blit the rect from the child render
// task above back into the right spot in the persistent
// render target cache.
image_instance.src_color = Some(cached_task_handle);
// Tiled image path.
Some(ImageProperties { tiling: Some(tile_size), visible_rect, .. }) => {
// we'll have a source handle per visible tile instead.
image_instance.src_color = None;
// TODO: rename the blob's visible_rect into something that doesn't conflict
// with the terminology we use during culling since it's not really the same
// thing.
let active_rect = visible_rect;
// Tighten the clip rect because decomposing the repeated image can
// produce primitives that are partially covering the original image
// rect and we want to clip these extra parts out.
let tight_clip_rect = visibility
image_instance.tight_local_clip_rect = tight_clip_rect;
let visible_rect = compute_conservative_visible_rect(
let base_edge_flags = edge_flags_for_tile_spacing(&self.tile_spacing);
let stride = self.stretch_size + self.tile_spacing;
// We are performing the decomposition on the CPU here, no need to
// have it in the shader.
common.may_need_repetition = false;
let repetitions = image_tiling::repetitions(
for image_tiling::Repetition { origin, edge_flags } in repetitions {
let edge_flags = base_edge_flags | edge_flags;
let layout_image_rect = LayoutRect::from_origin_and_size(
let tiles = image_tiling::tiles(
tile_size as i32,
for tile in tiles {
let request = request.with_tile(tile.offset);
let size = frame_state.resource_cache.request_image(
let task_id = frame_state.rg_builder.add().init(
RenderTask::new_image(size, request)
image_instance.visible_tiles.push(VisibleImageTile {
src_color: task_id,
edge_flags: tile.edge_flags & edge_flags,
local_rect: tile.rect,
local_clip_rect: tight_clip_rect,
if image_instance.visible_tiles.is_empty() {
// Mark as invisible
None => {
image_instance.src_color = None;
if let Some(mut request) = frame_state.gpu_cache.request(&mut common.gpu_cache_handle) {
self.write_prim_gpu_blocks(&mut request);
pub fn write_prim_gpu_blocks(&self, request: &mut GpuDataRequest) {
// Images are drawn as a white color, modulated by the total
// opacity coming from any collapsed property bindings.
// Size has to match `VECS_PER_SPECIFIC_BRUSH` from `brush_image.glsl` exactly.
self.stretch_size.width + self.tile_spacing.width,
self.stretch_size.height + self.tile_spacing.height,
fn edge_flags_for_tile_spacing(tile_spacing: &LayoutSize) -> EdgeAaSegmentMask {
let mut flags = EdgeAaSegmentMask::empty();
if tile_spacing.width > 0.0 {
flags |= EdgeAaSegmentMask::LEFT | EdgeAaSegmentMask::RIGHT;
if tile_spacing.height > 0.0 {
flags |= EdgeAaSegmentMask::TOP | EdgeAaSegmentMask::BOTTOM;
pub type ImageTemplate = PrimTemplate<ImageData>;
impl From<ImageKey> for ImageTemplate {
fn from(image: ImageKey) -> Self {
let common = PrimTemplateCommonData::with_key_common(image.common);
ImageTemplate {
kind: image.kind.into(),
pub type ImageDataHandle = InternHandle<Image>;
impl Internable for Image {
type Key = ImageKey;
type StoreData = ImageTemplate;
type InternData = ();
const PROFILE_COUNTER: usize = crate::profiler::INTERNED_IMAGES;
impl InternablePrimitive for Image {
fn into_key(
info: &LayoutPrimitiveInfo,
) -> ImageKey {
ImageKey::new(info, self)
fn make_instance_kind(
_key: ImageKey,
data_handle: ImageDataHandle,
prim_store: &mut PrimitiveStore,
_reference_frame_relative_offset: LayoutVector2D,
) -> PrimitiveInstanceKind {
// TODO(gw): Refactor this to not need a separate image
// instance (see ImageInstance struct).
let image_instance_index = prim_store.images.push(ImageInstance {
segment_instance_index: SegmentInstanceIndex::INVALID,
tight_local_clip_rect: LayoutRect::zero(),
visible_tiles: Vec::new(),
src_color: None,
PrimitiveInstanceKind::Image {
compositor_surface_kind: CompositorSurfaceKind::Blit,
impl CreateShadow for Image {
fn create_shadow(
shadow: &Shadow,
_: bool,
_: RasterSpace,
) -> Self {
Image {
tile_spacing: self.tile_spacing,
stretch_size: self.stretch_size,
key: self.key,
image_rendering: self.image_rendering,
alpha_type: self.alpha_type,
color: shadow.color.into(),
impl IsVisible for Image {
fn is_visible(&self) -> bool {
#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, MallocSizeOf, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct YuvImage {
pub color_depth: ColorDepth,
pub yuv_key: [ApiImageKey; 3],
pub format: YuvFormat,
pub color_space: YuvColorSpace,
pub color_range: ColorRange,
pub image_rendering: ImageRendering,
pub type YuvImageKey = PrimKey<YuvImage>;
impl YuvImageKey {
pub fn new(
info: &LayoutPrimitiveInfo,
yuv_image: YuvImage,
) -> Self {
YuvImageKey {
common: info.into(),
kind: yuv_image,
impl InternDebug for YuvImageKey {}
#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
pub struct YuvImageData {
pub color_depth: ColorDepth,
pub yuv_key: [ApiImageKey; 3],
pub src_yuv: [Option<RenderTaskId>; 3],
pub format: YuvFormat,
pub color_space: YuvColorSpace,
pub color_range: ColorRange,
pub image_rendering: ImageRendering,
impl From<YuvImage> for YuvImageData {
fn from(image: YuvImage) -> Self {
YuvImageData {
color_depth: image.color_depth,
yuv_key: image.yuv_key,
src_yuv: [None, None, None],
format: image.format,
color_space: image.color_space,
color_range: image.color_range,
image_rendering: image.image_rendering,
impl YuvImageData {
/// Update the GPU cache for a given primitive template. This may be called multiple
/// times per frame, by each primitive reference that refers to this interned
/// template. The initial request call to the GPU cache ensures that work is only
/// done if the cache entry is invalid (due to first use or eviction).
pub fn update(
&mut self,
common: &mut PrimTemplateCommonData,
frame_state: &mut FrameBuildingState,
) {
self.src_yuv = [ None, None, None ];
let channel_num = self.format.get_plane_num();
debug_assert!(channel_num <= 3);
for channel in 0 .. channel_num {
let request = ImageRequest {
key: self.yuv_key[channel],
rendering: self.image_rendering,
tile: None,
let size = frame_state.resource_cache.request_image(
let task_id = frame_state.rg_builder.add().init(
RenderTask::new_image(size, request)
self.src_yuv[channel] = Some(task_id);
if let Some(mut request) = frame_state.gpu_cache.request(&mut common.gpu_cache_handle) {
self.write_prim_gpu_blocks(&mut request);
// YUV images never have transparency
common.opacity = PrimitiveOpacity::opaque();
pub fn request_resources(
&mut self,
resource_cache: &mut ResourceCache,
gpu_cache: &mut GpuCache,
) {
let channel_num = self.format.get_plane_num();
debug_assert!(channel_num <= 3);
for channel in 0 .. channel_num {
ImageRequest {
key: self.yuv_key[channel],
rendering: self.image_rendering,
tile: None,
pub fn write_prim_gpu_blocks(&self, request: &mut GpuDataRequest) {
let ranged_color_space = self.color_space.with_range(self.color_range);
pack_as_float(ranged_color_space as u32),
pack_as_float(self.format as u32),
pub type YuvImageTemplate = PrimTemplate<YuvImageData>;
impl From<YuvImageKey> for YuvImageTemplate {
fn from(image: YuvImageKey) -> Self {
let common = PrimTemplateCommonData::with_key_common(image.common);
YuvImageTemplate {
kind: image.kind.into(),
pub type YuvImageDataHandle = InternHandle<YuvImage>;
impl Internable for YuvImage {
type Key = YuvImageKey;
type StoreData = YuvImageTemplate;
type InternData = ();
const PROFILE_COUNTER: usize = crate::profiler::INTERNED_YUV_IMAGES;
impl InternablePrimitive for YuvImage {
fn into_key(
info: &LayoutPrimitiveInfo,
) -> YuvImageKey {
YuvImageKey::new(info, self)
fn make_instance_kind(
_key: YuvImageKey,
data_handle: YuvImageDataHandle,
_prim_store: &mut PrimitiveStore,
_reference_frame_relative_offset: LayoutVector2D,
) -> PrimitiveInstanceKind {
PrimitiveInstanceKind::YuvImage {
segment_instance_index: SegmentInstanceIndex::INVALID,
compositor_surface_kind: CompositorSurfaceKind::Blit,
impl IsVisible for YuvImage {
fn is_visible(&self) -> bool {
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
fn test_struct_sizes() {
use std::mem;
// The sizes of these structures are critical for performance on a number of
// talos stress tests. If you get a failure here on CI, there's two possibilities:
// (a) You made a structure smaller than it currently is. Great work! Update the
// test expectations and move on.
// (b) You made a structure larger. This is not necessarily a problem, but should only
// be done with care, and after checking if talos performance regresses badly.
assert_eq!(mem::size_of::<Image>(), 32, "Image size changed");
assert_eq!(mem::size_of::<ImageTemplate>(), 72, "ImageTemplate size changed");
assert_eq!(mem::size_of::<ImageKey>(), 52, "ImageKey size changed");
assert_eq!(mem::size_of::<YuvImage>(), 32, "YuvImage size changed");
assert_eq!(mem::size_of::<YuvImageTemplate>(), 84, "YuvImageTemplate size changed");
assert_eq!(mem::size_of::<YuvImageKey>(), 52, "YuvImageKey size changed");