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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use api::{ColorF, DocumentId, ExternalImageId, PrimitiveFlags, Parameter, RenderReasons};
use api::{ImageFormat, NotificationRequest, Shadow, FilterOp, ImageBufferKind};
use api::FramePublishId;
use api::units::*;
use crate::render_api::DebugCommand;
use crate::composite::NativeSurfaceOperation;
use crate::device::TextureFilter;
use crate::renderer::{FullFrameStats, PipelineInfo};
use crate::gpu_cache::GpuCacheUpdateList;
use crate::frame_builder::Frame;
use crate::profiler::TransactionProfile;
use crate::spatial_tree::SpatialNodeIndex;
use crate::prim_store::PrimitiveInstanceIndex;
use fxhash::FxHasher;
use plane_split::BspSplitter;
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use std::{usize, i32};
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::f32;
use std::hash::BuildHasherDefault;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::{UNIX_EPOCH, SystemTime};
use peek_poke::PeekPoke;
#[cfg(any(feature = "capture", feature = "replay"))]
use crate::capture::CaptureConfig;
#[cfg(feature = "capture")]
use crate::capture::ExternalCaptureImage;
#[cfg(feature = "replay")]
use crate::capture::PlainExternalImage;
pub type FastHashMap<K, V> = HashMap<K, V, BuildHasherDefault<FxHasher>>;
pub type FastHashSet<K> = HashSet<K, BuildHasherDefault<FxHasher>>;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Hash, MallocSizeOf, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Debug, Eq, Ord, PeekPoke)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
pub struct FrameId(u64);
impl FrameId {
/// Returns a FrameId corresponding to the first frame.
/// Note that we use 0 as the internal id here because the current code
/// increments the frame id at the beginning of the frame, rather than
/// at the end, and we want the first frame to be 1. It would probably
/// be sensible to move the advance() call to after frame-building, and
/// then make this method return FrameId(1).
pub fn first() -> Self {
/// Returns the backing u64 for this FrameId.
pub fn as_u64(&self) -> u64 {
/// Advances this FrameId to the next frame.
pub fn advance(&mut self) {
self.0 += 1;
/// An invalid sentinel FrameId, which will always compare less than
/// any valid FrameId.
pub const INVALID: FrameId = FrameId(0);
impl Default for FrameId {
fn default() -> Self {
impl ::std::ops::Add<u64> for FrameId {
type Output = Self;
fn add(self, other: u64) -> FrameId {
FrameId(self.0 + other)
impl ::std::ops::Sub<u64> for FrameId {
type Output = Self;
fn sub(self, other: u64) -> FrameId {
assert!(self.0 >= other, "Underflow subtracting FrameIds");
FrameId(self.0 - other)
/// Identifier to track a sequence of frames.
/// This is effectively a `FrameId` with a ridealong timestamp corresponding
/// to when advance() was called, which allows for more nuanced cache eviction
/// decisions. As such, we use the `FrameId` for equality and comparison, since
/// we should never have two `FrameStamps` with the same id but different
/// timestamps.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, MallocSizeOf)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
pub struct FrameStamp {
id: FrameId,
time: SystemTime,
document_id: DocumentId,
impl Eq for FrameStamp {}
impl PartialEq for FrameStamp {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
// We should not be checking equality unless the documents are the same
debug_assert!(self.document_id == other.document_id); ==
impl PartialOrd for FrameStamp {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<::std::cmp::Ordering> {
impl FrameStamp {
/// Gets the FrameId in this stamp.
pub fn frame_id(&self) -> FrameId {
/// Gets the time associated with this FrameStamp.
pub fn time(&self) -> SystemTime {
/// Gets the DocumentId in this stamp.
pub fn document_id(&self) -> DocumentId {
pub fn is_valid(&self) -> bool {
// If any fields are their default values, the whole struct should equal INVALID
debug_assert!((self.time != UNIX_EPOCH && != FrameId(0) && self.document_id != DocumentId::INVALID) ||
*self == Self::INVALID);
self.document_id != DocumentId::INVALID
/// Returns a FrameStamp corresponding to the first frame.
pub fn first(document_id: DocumentId) -> Self {
FrameStamp {
id: FrameId::first(),
time: SystemTime::now(),
/// Advances to a new frame.
pub fn advance(&mut self) {;
self.time = SystemTime::now();
/// An invalid sentinel FrameStamp.
pub const INVALID: FrameStamp = FrameStamp {
id: FrameId(0),
document_id: DocumentId::INVALID,
/// Custom field embedded inside the Polygon struct of the plane-split crate.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
pub struct PlaneSplitAnchor {
pub spatial_node_index: SpatialNodeIndex,
pub instance_index: PrimitiveInstanceIndex,
impl PlaneSplitAnchor {
pub fn new(
spatial_node_index: SpatialNodeIndex,
instance_index: PrimitiveInstanceIndex,
) -> Self {
PlaneSplitAnchor {
impl Default for PlaneSplitAnchor {
fn default() -> Self {
PlaneSplitAnchor {
spatial_node_index: SpatialNodeIndex::INVALID,
instance_index: PrimitiveInstanceIndex(!0),
/// A concrete plane splitter type used in WebRender.
pub type PlaneSplitter = BspSplitter<PlaneSplitAnchor>;
/// An index into the scene's list of plane splitters
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
pub struct PlaneSplitterIndex(pub usize);
/// An arbitrary number which we assume opacity is invisible below.
const OPACITY_EPSILON: f32 = 0.001;
/// Equivalent to api::FilterOp with added internal information
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
pub enum Filter {
Blur {
width: f32,
height: f32,
should_inflate: bool,
Opacity(api::PropertyBinding<f32>, f32),
DropShadows(SmallVec<[Shadow; 1]>),
ColorMatrix(Box<[f32; 20]>),
impl Filter {
pub fn is_visible(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Filter::Identity |
Filter::Blur { .. } |
Filter::Brightness(..) |
Filter::Contrast(..) |
Filter::Grayscale(..) |
Filter::HueRotate(..) |
Filter::Invert(..) |
Filter::Saturate(..) |
Filter::Sepia(..) |
Filter::DropShadows(..) |
Filter::ColorMatrix(..) |
Filter::SrgbToLinear |
Filter::LinearToSrgb |
Filter::ComponentTransfer => true,
Filter::Opacity(_, amount) => {
Filter::Flood(color) => {
pub fn is_noop(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Filter::Identity => false, // this is intentional
Filter::Blur { width, height, .. } => width == 0.0 && height == 0.0,
Filter::Brightness(amount) => amount == 1.0,
Filter::Contrast(amount) => amount == 1.0,
Filter::Grayscale(amount) => amount == 0.0,
Filter::HueRotate(amount) => amount == 0.0,
Filter::Invert(amount) => amount == 0.0,
Filter::Opacity(api::PropertyBinding::Value(amount), _) => amount >= 1.0,
Filter::Saturate(amount) => amount == 1.0,
Filter::Sepia(amount) => amount == 0.0,
Filter::DropShadows(ref shadows) => {
for shadow in shadows {
if shadow.offset.x != 0.0 || shadow.offset.y != 0.0 || shadow.blur_radius != 0.0 {
return false;
Filter::ColorMatrix(ref matrix) => {
**matrix == [
1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
Filter::Opacity(api::PropertyBinding::Binding(..), _) |
Filter::SrgbToLinear |
Filter::LinearToSrgb |
Filter::ComponentTransfer |
Filter::Flood(..) => false,
pub fn as_int(&self) -> i32 {
// Must be kept in sync with brush_blend.glsl
match *self {
Filter::Identity => 0, // matches `Contrast(1)`
Filter::Contrast(..) => 0,
Filter::Grayscale(..) => 1,
Filter::HueRotate(..) => 2,
Filter::Invert(..) => 3,
Filter::Saturate(..) => 4,
Filter::Sepia(..) => 5,
Filter::Brightness(..) => 6,
Filter::ColorMatrix(..) => 7,
Filter::SrgbToLinear => 8,
Filter::LinearToSrgb => 9,
Filter::Flood(..) => 10,
Filter::ComponentTransfer => 11,
Filter::Blur { .. } => 12,
Filter::DropShadows(..) => 13,
Filter::Opacity(..) => 14,
impl From<FilterOp> for Filter {
fn from(op: FilterOp) -> Self {
match op {
FilterOp::Identity => Filter::Identity,
FilterOp::Blur(width, height) => Filter::Blur { width, height, should_inflate: true },
FilterOp::Brightness(b) => Filter::Brightness(b),
FilterOp::Contrast(c) => Filter::Contrast(c),
FilterOp::Grayscale(g) => Filter::Grayscale(g),
FilterOp::HueRotate(h) => Filter::HueRotate(h),
FilterOp::Invert(i) => Filter::Invert(i),
FilterOp::Opacity(binding, opacity) => Filter::Opacity(binding, opacity),
FilterOp::Saturate(s) => Filter::Saturate(s),
FilterOp::Sepia(s) => Filter::Sepia(s),
FilterOp::ColorMatrix(mat) => Filter::ColorMatrix(Box::new(mat)),
FilterOp::SrgbToLinear => Filter::SrgbToLinear,
FilterOp::LinearToSrgb => Filter::LinearToSrgb,
FilterOp::ComponentTransfer => Filter::ComponentTransfer,
FilterOp::DropShadow(shadow) => Filter::DropShadows(smallvec![shadow]),
FilterOp::Flood(color) => Filter::Flood(color),
#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, MallocSizeOf, PartialEq)]
pub enum Swizzle {
impl Default for Swizzle {
fn default() -> Self {
/// Swizzle settings of the texture cache.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, MallocSizeOf, PartialEq)]
pub struct SwizzleSettings {
/// Swizzle required on sampling a texture with BGRA8 format.
pub bgra8_sampling_swizzle: Swizzle,
/// An ID for a texture that is owned by the `texture_cache` module.
/// This can include atlases or standalone textures allocated via the texture
/// cache (e.g. if an image is too large to be added to an atlas). The texture
/// cache manages the allocation and freeing of these IDs, and the rendering
/// thread maintains a map from cache texture ID to native texture.
/// We never reuse IDs, so we use a u64 here to be safe.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
pub struct CacheTextureId(pub u32);
impl CacheTextureId {
pub const INVALID: CacheTextureId = CacheTextureId(!0);
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
pub struct DeferredResolveIndex(pub u32);
/// Identifies the source of an input texture to a shader.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
pub enum TextureSource {
/// Equivalent to `None`, allowing us to avoid using `Option`s everywhere.
/// An entry in the texture cache.
TextureCache(CacheTextureId, Swizzle),
/// An external image texture, mananged by the embedding.
External(DeferredResolveIndex, ImageBufferKind),
/// Select a dummy 1x1 white texture. This can be used by image
/// shaders that want to draw a solid color.
impl TextureSource {
pub fn image_buffer_kind(&self) -> ImageBufferKind {
match *self {
TextureSource::TextureCache(..) => ImageBufferKind::Texture2D,
TextureSource::External(_, image_buffer_kind) => image_buffer_kind,
// Render tasks use texture arrays for now.
TextureSource::Dummy => ImageBufferKind::Texture2D,
TextureSource::Invalid => ImageBufferKind::Texture2D,
pub fn is_compatible(
other: &TextureSource,
) -> bool {
*self == TextureSource::Invalid ||
*other == TextureSource::Invalid ||
self == other
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
pub struct RenderTargetInfo {
pub has_depth: bool,
pub enum TextureUpdateSource {
External {
id: ExternalImageId,
channel_index: u8,
Bytes { data: Arc<Vec<u8>> },
/// Clears the target area, rather than uploading any pixels. Used when the
/// texture cache debug display is active.
/// Command to allocate, reallocate, or free a texture for the texture cache.
pub struct TextureCacheAllocation {
/// The virtual ID (i.e. distinct from device ID) of the texture.
pub id: CacheTextureId,
/// Details corresponding to the operation in question.
pub kind: TextureCacheAllocationKind,
/// A little bit of extra information to make memory reports more useful
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
pub enum TextureCacheCategory {
/// Information used when allocating / reallocating.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct TextureCacheAllocInfo {
pub width: i32,
pub height: i32,
pub format: ImageFormat,
pub filter: TextureFilter,
pub target: ImageBufferKind,
/// Indicates whether this corresponds to one of the shared texture caches.
pub is_shared_cache: bool,
/// If true, this texture requires a depth target.
pub has_depth: bool,
pub category: TextureCacheCategory
/// Sub-operation-specific information for allocation operations.
pub enum TextureCacheAllocationKind {
/// Performs an initial texture allocation.
/// Reallocates the texture without preserving its contents.
/// Frees the texture and the corresponding cache ID.
/// Command to update the contents of the texture cache.
pub struct TextureCacheUpdate {
pub rect: DeviceIntRect,
pub stride: Option<i32>,
pub offset: i32,
pub format_override: Option<ImageFormat>,
pub source: TextureUpdateSource,
/// Command to update the contents of the texture cache.
pub struct TextureCacheCopy {
pub src_rect: DeviceIntRect,
pub dst_rect: DeviceIntRect,
/// Atomic set of commands to manipulate the texture cache, generated on the
/// RenderBackend thread and executed on the Renderer thread.
/// The list of allocation operations is processed before the updates. This is
/// important to allow coalescing of certain allocation operations.
pub struct TextureUpdateList {
/// Indicates that there was some kind of cleanup clear operation. Used for
/// sanity checks.
pub clears_shared_cache: bool,
/// Commands to alloc/realloc/free the textures. Processed first.
pub allocations: Vec<TextureCacheAllocation>,
/// Commands to update the contents of the textures. Processed second.
pub updates: FastHashMap<CacheTextureId, Vec<TextureCacheUpdate>>,
/// Commands to move items within the cache, these are applied before everything
/// else in the update list.
pub copies: FastHashMap<(CacheTextureId, CacheTextureId), Vec<TextureCacheCopy>>,
impl TextureUpdateList {
/// Mints a new `TextureUpdateList`.
pub fn new() -> Self {
TextureUpdateList {
clears_shared_cache: false,
allocations: Vec::new(),
updates: FastHashMap::default(),
copies: FastHashMap::default(),
/// Returns true if this is a no-op (no updates to be applied).
pub fn is_nop(&self) -> bool {
self.allocations.is_empty() && self.updates.is_empty()
/// Sets the clears_shared_cache flag for renderer-side sanity checks.
pub fn note_clear(&mut self) {
self.clears_shared_cache = true;
/// Pushes an update operation onto the list.
pub fn push_update(&mut self, id: CacheTextureId, update: TextureCacheUpdate) {
/// Sends a command to the Renderer to clear the portion of the shared region
/// we just freed. Used when the texture cache debugger is enabled.
pub fn push_debug_clear(
&mut self,
id: CacheTextureId,
origin: DeviceIntPoint,
width: i32,
height: i32,
) {
let size = DeviceIntSize::new(width, height);
let rect = DeviceIntRect::from_origin_and_size(origin, size);
self.push_update(id, TextureCacheUpdate {
stride: None,
offset: 0,
format_override: None,
source: TextureUpdateSource::DebugClear,
/// Pushes an allocation operation onto the list.
pub fn push_alloc(&mut self, id: CacheTextureId, info: TextureCacheAllocInfo) {
debug_assert!(!self.allocations.iter().any(|x| == id));
self.allocations.push(TextureCacheAllocation {
kind: TextureCacheAllocationKind::Alloc(info),
/// Pushes a reallocation operation onto the list, potentially coalescing
/// with previous operations.
pub fn push_reset(&mut self, id: CacheTextureId, info: TextureCacheAllocInfo) {
// Drop any unapplied updates to the to-be-freed texture.
// Coallesce this realloc into a previous alloc or realloc, if available.
if let Some(cur) = self.allocations.iter_mut().find(|x| == id) {
match cur.kind {
TextureCacheAllocationKind::Alloc(ref mut i) => *i = info,
TextureCacheAllocationKind::Reset(ref mut i) => *i = info,
TextureCacheAllocationKind::Free => panic!("Resetting freed texture"),
self.allocations.push(TextureCacheAllocation {
kind: TextureCacheAllocationKind::Reset(info),
/// Pushes a free operation onto the list, potentially coalescing with
/// previous operations.
pub fn push_free(&mut self, id: CacheTextureId) {
// Drop any unapplied updates to the to-be-freed texture.
// Drop any allocations for it as well. If we happen to be allocating and
// freeing in the same batch, we can collapse them to a no-op.
let idx = self.allocations.iter().position(|x| == id);
let removed_kind =|i| self.allocations.remove(i).kind);
match removed_kind {
Some(TextureCacheAllocationKind::Alloc(..)) => { /* no-op! */ },
Some(TextureCacheAllocationKind::Free) => panic!("Double free"),
Some(TextureCacheAllocationKind::Reset(..)) |
None => {
self.allocations.push(TextureCacheAllocation {
kind: TextureCacheAllocationKind::Free,
/// Push a copy operation from a texture to another.
/// The source and destination rectangles must have the same size.
/// The copies are applied before every other operations in the
/// texture update list.
pub fn push_copy(
&mut self,
src_id: CacheTextureId, src_rect: &DeviceIntRect,
dst_id: CacheTextureId, dst_rect: &DeviceIntRect,
) {
debug_assert_eq!(src_rect.size(), dst_rect.size());
self.copies.entry((src_id, dst_id))
.push(TextureCacheCopy {
src_rect: *src_rect,
dst_rect: *dst_rect,
fn debug_assert_coalesced(&self, id: CacheTextureId) {
self.allocations.iter().filter(|x| == id).count() <= 1,
"Allocations should have been coalesced",
/// A list of updates built by the render backend that should be applied
/// by the renderer thread.
pub struct ResourceUpdateList {
/// List of OS native surface create / destroy operations to apply.
pub native_surface_updates: Vec<NativeSurfaceOperation>,
/// Atomic set of texture cache updates to apply.
pub texture_updates: TextureUpdateList,
impl ResourceUpdateList {
/// Returns true if this update list has no effect.
pub fn is_nop(&self) -> bool {
self.texture_updates.is_nop() && self.native_surface_updates.is_empty()
/// Wraps a frame_builder::Frame, but conceptually could hold more information
pub struct RenderedDocument {
pub frame: Frame,
pub profile: TransactionProfile,
pub render_reasons: RenderReasons,
pub frame_stats: Option<FullFrameStats>
pub enum DebugOutput {
#[cfg(feature = "capture")]
SaveCapture(CaptureConfig, Vec<ExternalCaptureImage>),
#[cfg(feature = "replay")]
LoadCapture(CaptureConfig, Vec<PlainExternalImage>),
pub enum ResultMsg {
UpdateResources {
resource_updates: ResourceUpdateList,
memory_pressure: bool,
/// Primitive metadata we pass around in a bunch of places
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct LayoutPrimitiveInfo {
/// NOTE: this is *ideally* redundant with the clip_rect
/// but that's an ongoing project, so for now it exists and is used :(
pub rect: LayoutRect,
pub clip_rect: LayoutRect,
pub flags: PrimitiveFlags,
impl LayoutPrimitiveInfo {
pub fn with_clip_rect(rect: LayoutRect, clip_rect: LayoutRect) -> Self {
Self {
flags: PrimitiveFlags::default(),
// In some cases (e.g. printing) a pipeline is referenced multiple times by
// a parent display list. This allows us to distinguish between them.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Debug, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct PipelineInstanceId(u32);
impl PipelineInstanceId {
pub fn new(id: u32) -> Self {