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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include <algorithm>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "nsRegion.h"
#include "RegionBuilder.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
using namespace mozilla::gfx;
class TestLargestRegion {
static void TestSingleRect(nsRect r) {
nsRegion region(r);
// Construct a rectangle, remove part of it, then check the remainder
static void TestNonRectangular() {
nsRegion r(nsRect(0, 0, 30, 30));
const int nTests = 19;
struct {
nsRect rect;
int64_t expectedArea;
} tests[nTests] = {// Remove a 20x10 chunk from the square
{nsRect(0, 0, 20, 10), 600},
{nsRect(10, 0, 20, 10), 600},
{nsRect(10, 20, 20, 10), 600},
{nsRect(0, 20, 20, 10), 600},
// Remove a 10x20 chunk from the square
{nsRect(0, 0, 10, 20), 600},
{nsRect(20, 0, 10, 20), 600},
{nsRect(20, 10, 10, 20), 600},
{nsRect(0, 10, 10, 20), 600},
// Remove the center 10x10
{nsRect(10, 10, 10, 10), 300},
// Remove the middle column
{nsRect(10, 0, 10, 30), 300},
// Remove the middle row
{nsRect(0, 10, 30, 10), 300},
// Remove the corners 10x10
{nsRect(0, 0, 10, 10), 600},
{nsRect(20, 20, 10, 10), 600},
{nsRect(20, 0, 10, 10), 600},
{nsRect(0, 20, 10, 10), 600},
// Remove the corners 20x20
{nsRect(0, 0, 20, 20), 300},
{nsRect(10, 10, 20, 20), 300},
{nsRect(10, 0, 20, 20), 300},
{nsRect(0, 10, 20, 20), 300}};
for (int32_t i = 0; i < nTests; i++) {
nsRegion r2;
r2.Sub(r, tests[i].rect);
EXPECT_TRUE(r2.IsComplex()) << "nsRegion code got unexpectedly smarter!";
nsRect largest = r2.GetLargestRectangle();
EXPECT_TRUE(largest.Width() * largest.Height() == tests[i].expectedArea)
<< "Did not successfully find largest rectangle in non-rectangular "
"region on iteration "
<< i;
static void TwoRectTest() {
nsRegion r(nsRect(0, 0, 100, 100));
const int nTests = 4;
struct {
nsRect rect1, rect2;
int64_t expectedArea;
} tests[nTests] = {
{nsRect(0, 0, 75, 40), nsRect(0, 60, 75, 40), 2500},
{nsRect(25, 0, 75, 40), nsRect(25, 60, 75, 40), 2500},
{nsRect(25, 0, 75, 40), nsRect(0, 60, 75, 40), 2000},
{nsRect(0, 0, 75, 40), nsRect(25, 60, 75, 40), 2000},
for (int32_t i = 0; i < nTests; i++) {
nsRegion r2;
r2.Sub(r, tests[i].rect1);
r2.Sub(r2, tests[i].rect2);
EXPECT_TRUE(r2.IsComplex()) << "nsRegion code got unexpectedly smarter!";
nsRect largest = r2.GetLargestRectangle();
EXPECT_TRUE(largest.Width() * largest.Height() == tests[i].expectedArea)
<< "Did not successfully find largest rectangle in two-rect-subtract "
"region on iteration "
<< i;
static void TestContainsSpecifiedRect() {
nsRegion r(nsRect(0, 0, 100, 100));
r.Or(r, nsRect(0, 300, 50, 50));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.GetLargestRectangle(nsRect(0, 300, 10, 10))
.IsEqualInterior(nsRect(0, 300, 50, 50)))
<< "Chose wrong rectangle";
static void TestContainsSpecifiedOverflowingRect() {
nsRegion r(nsRect(0, 0, 100, 100));
r.Or(r, nsRect(0, 300, 50, 50));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.GetLargestRectangle(nsRect(0, 290, 10, 20))
.IsEqualInterior(nsRect(0, 300, 50, 50)))
<< "Chose wrong rectangle";
TEST(Gfx, RegionSingleRect)
TestLargestRegion::TestSingleRect(nsRect(0, 52, 720, 480));
TestLargestRegion::TestSingleRect(nsRect(-20, 40, 50, 20));
TestLargestRegion::TestSingleRect(nsRect(-20, 40, 10, 8));
TestLargestRegion::TestSingleRect(nsRect(-20, -40, 10, 8));
TestLargestRegion::TestSingleRect(nsRect(-10, -10, 20, 20));
TEST(Gfx, RegionNonRectangular)
{ TestLargestRegion::TestNonRectangular(); }
TEST(Gfx, RegionTwoRectTest)
{ TestLargestRegion::TwoRectTest(); }
TEST(Gfx, RegionContainsSpecifiedRect)
{ TestLargestRegion::TestContainsSpecifiedRect(); }
TEST(Gfx, RegionTestContainsSpecifiedOverflowingRect)
{ TestLargestRegion::TestContainsSpecifiedOverflowingRect(); }
TEST(Gfx, RegionScaleToInside)
{ // no rectangles
nsRegion r;
nsIntRegion scaled = r.ScaleToInsidePixels(1, 1, 60);
nsIntRegion result;
EXPECT_TRUE(result.IsEqual(scaled)) << "scaled result incorrect";
{ // one rectangle
nsRegion r(nsRect(0, 44760, 19096, 264));
nsIntRegion scaled = r.ScaleToInsidePixels(1, 1, 60);
nsIntRegion result(mozilla::gfx::IntRect(0, 746, 318, 4));
EXPECT_TRUE(result.IsEqual(scaled)) << "scaled result incorrect";
{ // the first rectangle gets adjusted
nsRegion r(nsRect(0, 44760, 19096, 264));
r.Or(r, nsRect(0, 45024, 19360, 1056));
nsIntRegion scaled = r.ScaleToInsidePixels(1, 1, 60);
nsIntRegion result(mozilla::gfx::IntRect(0, 746, 318, 5));
result.Or(result, mozilla::gfx::IntRect(0, 751, 322, 17));
EXPECT_TRUE(result.IsEqual(scaled)) << "scaled result incorrect";
{ // the second rectangle gets adjusted
nsRegion r(nsRect(0, 44760, 19360, 264));
r.Or(r, nsRect(0, 45024, 19096, 1056));
nsIntRegion scaled = r.ScaleToInsidePixels(1, 1, 60);
nsIntRegion result(mozilla::gfx::IntRect(0, 746, 322, 4));
result.Or(result, mozilla::gfx::IntRect(0, 750, 318, 18));
EXPECT_TRUE(result.IsEqual(scaled)) << "scaled result incorrect";
TEST(Gfx, RegionIsEqual)
nsRegion r(nsRect(0, 0, 50, 50));
nsRegion r1(nsRect(0, 0, 50, 50));
nsRegion r2(nsRect(0, 0, 50, 50));
nsRegion r1(nsRect(0, 0, 50, 50));
nsRegion r2(nsRect(0, 0, 60, 50));
nsRegion r1(nsRect(0, 0, 50, 50));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(0, 60, 50, 50));
nsRegion r2(nsRect(0, 0, 50, 50));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(0, 60, 50, 50));
nsRegion r1(nsRect(0, 0, 50, 50));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(0, 60, 50, 50));
nsRegion r2(nsRect(0, 0, 50, 50));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(0, 70, 50, 50));
nsRegion r1(nsRect(0, 0, 50, 50));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(0, 60, 50, 50));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(100, 60, 50, 50));
nsRegion r2(nsRect(0, 0, 50, 50));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(0, 60, 50, 50));
TEST(Gfx, RegionOrWith)
nsRegion r(nsRect(11840, 11840, 4640, -10880));
r.OrWith(nsRect(160, 160, 7720, 880));
nsRegion r(nsRect(79, 31, 75, 12));
r.OrWith(nsRect(22, 43, 132, 5));
r.OrWith(nsRect(22, 48, 125, 3));
r.OrWith(nsRect(22, 51, 96, 20));
r.OrWith(nsRect(34, 71, 1, 14));
r.OrWith(nsRect(26, 85, 53, 1));
r.OrWith(nsRect(26, 86, 53, 4));
r.OrWith(nsRect(96, 86, 30, 4));
r.OrWith(nsRect(34, 90, 1, 2));
r.OrWith(nsRect(96, 90, 30, 2));
r.OrWith(nsRect(34, 92, 1, 3));
r.OrWith(nsRect(49, 92, 34, 3));
r.OrWith(nsRect(96, 92, 30, 3));
r.OrWith(nsRect(34, 95, 1, 17));
r.OrWith(nsRect(49, 95, 77, 17));
r.OrWith(nsRect(34, 112, 1, 12));
r.OrWith(nsRect(75, 112, 51, 12));
r.OrWith(nsRect(34, 124, 1, 10));
r.OrWith(nsRect(75, 124, 44, 10));
r.OrWith(nsRect(34, 134, 1, 19));
r.OrWith(nsRect(22, 17, 96, 27));
nsRegion r(nsRect(0, 8, 257, 32));
r.OrWith(nsRect(3702, 8, 138, 32));
r.OrWith(nsRect(0, 40, 225, 1));
r.OrWith(nsRect(3702, 40, 138, 1));
r.OrWith(nsRect(0, 41, 101, 40));
r.OrWith(nsRect(69, 41, 32, 40));
nsRegion r(nsRect(79, 56, 8, 32));
r.OrWith(nsRect(5, 94, 23, 81));
r.OrWith(nsRect(56, 29, 91, 81));
nsRegion r(nsRect(0, 82, 3840, 2046));
r.OrWith(nsRect(0, 0, 3840, 82));
nsRegion r(nsRect(2, 5, 600, 28));
r.OrWith(nsRect(2, 82, 600, 19));
r.OrWith(nsRect(2, 33, 600, 49));
nsRegion r(nsRect(3823, 0, 17, 17));
r.OrWith(nsRect(3823, 2029, 17, 17));
r.OrWith(nsRect(3823, 0, 17, 2046));
nsRegion r(nsRect(1036, 4, 32, 21));
r.OrWith(nsRect(1070, 4, 66, 21));
r.OrWith(nsRect(40, 5, 0, 33));
nsRegion r(nsRect(0, 0, 1024, 1152));
r.OrWith(nsRect(-335802, -1073741824, 1318851, 1860043520));
nsRegion r(nsRect(0, 0, 800, 1000));
r.OrWith(nsRect(0, 0, 536870912, 1073741824));
nsRegion r(nsRect(53, 2, 52, 3));
r.OrWith(nsRect(45, 5, 60, 16));
r.OrWith(nsRect(16, 21, 8, 1));
r.OrWith(nsRect(45, 21, 12, 1));
r.OrWith(nsRect(16, 22, 8, 5));
r.OrWith(nsRect(33, 22, 52, 5));
r.OrWith(nsRect(16, 27, 8, 7));
r.OrWith(nsRect(33, 27, 66, 7));
r.OrWith(nsRect(0, 34, 99, 1));
r.OrWith(nsRect(0, 35, 159, 27));
r.OrWith(nsRect(0, 62, 122, 3));
r.OrWith(nsRect(0, 65, 85, 11));
r.OrWith(nsRect(91, 65, 97, 11));
r.OrWith(nsRect(11, 76, 74, 2));
r.OrWith(nsRect(91, 76, 97, 2));
r.OrWith(nsRect(11, 78, 74, 12));
r.OrWith(nsRect(11, 90, 13, 3));
r.OrWith(nsRect(33, 90, 108, 3));
r.OrWith(nsRect(16, 93, 8, 22));
r.OrWith(nsRect(33, 93, 108, 22));
r.OrWith(nsRect(16, 115, 8, 1));
r.OrWith(nsRect(58, 115, 83, 1));
r.OrWith(nsRect(58, 116, 83, 25));
r.OrWith(nsRect(59, 37, 88, 92));
const uint32_t TestIterations = 100000;
const uint32_t RectsPerTest = 100;
nsRect rects[RectsPerTest];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TestIterations; i++) {
nsRegion r;
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < RectsPerTest; n++) {
rects[n].SetRect(rand() % 100, rand() % 100, rand() % 99 + 1,
rand() % 99 + 1);
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < RectsPerTest; n++) {
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < RectsPerTest; n++) {
TEST(Gfx, RegionSubWith)
nsRegion r1(nsRect(0, 0, 100, 50));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(50, 50, 50, 50));
nsRegion r2(nsRect(0, 0, 100, 50));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(50, 50, 50, 50));
EXPECT_FALSE(r1.Contains(1, 1));
nsRegion r1(nsRect(0, 0, 800, 1000));
nsRegion r2(nsRect(8, 108, 22, 20));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(91, 138, 17, 18));
EXPECT_TRUE(r1.Contains(400, 130));
nsRegion r1(nsRect(392, 2, 28, 7));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(115, 9, 305, 16));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(392, 25, 28, 5));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(0, 32, 1280, 41));
nsRegion r2(nsRect(0, 0, 1280, 9));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(0, 9, 115, 16));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(331, 9, 949, 16));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(0, 25, 1280, 7));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(331, 32, 124, 1));
EXPECT_FALSE(r1.Contains(350, 15));
nsRegion r1(nsRect(552, 0, 2, 2));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(362, 2, 222, 28));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(552, 30, 2, 2));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(0, 32, 1280, 41));
nsRegion r2(nsRect(512, 0, 146, 9));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(340, 9, 318, 16));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(512, 25, 146, 8));
EXPECT_FALSE(r1.Contains(350, 15));
nsRegion r(nsRect(0, 0, 229380, 6780));
r.OrWith(nsRect(76800, 6780, 76800, 4440));
r.OrWith(nsRect(76800, 11220, 44082, 1800));
r.OrWith(nsRect(122682, 11220, 30918, 1800));
r.OrWith(nsRect(76800, 13020, 76800, 2340));
r.OrWith(nsRect(85020, 15360, 59340, 75520));
r.OrWith(nsRect(85020, 90880, 38622, 11332));
r.OrWith(nsRect(143789, 90880, 571, 11332));
r.OrWith(nsRect(85020, 102212, 59340, 960));
r.OrWith(nsRect(85020, 103172, 38622, 1560));
r.OrWith(nsRect(143789, 103172, 571, 1560));
r.OrWith(nsRect(85020, 104732, 59340, 12292));
r.OrWith(nsRect(85020, 117024, 38622, 1560));
r.OrWith(nsRect(143789, 117024, 571, 1560));
r.OrWith(nsRect(85020, 118584, 59340, 11976));
r.SubWith(nsRect(123642, 89320, 20147, 1560));
nsRegion r(nsRect(0, 0, 9480, 12900));
r.OrWith(nsRect(0, 12900, 8460, 1020));
r.SubWith(nsRect(8460, 0, 1020, 12900));
nsRegion r1(nsRect(99, 1, 51, 2));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(85, 3, 65, 1));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(10, 4, 66, 5));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(85, 4, 37, 5));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(10, 9, 112, 3));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(1, 12, 121, 1));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(1, 13, 139, 3));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(0, 16, 140, 3));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(0, 19, 146, 3));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(0, 22, 149, 2));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(0, 24, 154, 2));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(0, 26, 160, 23));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(0, 49, 162, 31));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(0, 80, 171, 19));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(0, 99, 173, 11));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(2, 110, 171, 6));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(6, 116, 165, 5));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(8, 121, 163, 1));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(13, 122, 158, 11));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(14, 133, 157, 23));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(29, 156, 142, 10));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(37, 166, 134, 6));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(55, 172, 4, 4));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(83, 172, 88, 4));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(55, 176, 4, 2));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(89, 176, 6, 2));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(89, 178, 6, 4));
nsRegion r2(nsRect(63, 11, 39, 11));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(63, 22, 99, 16));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(37, 38, 125, 61));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(45, 99, 117, 8));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(47, 107, 115, 7));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(47, 114, 66, 1));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(49, 115, 64, 2));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(49, 117, 54, 30));
nsRegion r1(nsRect(95, 2, 47, 1));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(62, 3, 80, 2));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(1, 5, 18, 3));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(48, 5, 94, 3));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(1, 8, 18, 3));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(23, 8, 119, 3));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(1, 11, 172, 9));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(1, 20, 18, 8));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(20, 20, 153, 8));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(1, 28, 172, 13));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(1, 41, 164, 1));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(1, 42, 168, 1));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(0, 43, 169, 15));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(1, 58, 168, 26));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(1, 84, 162, 2));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(1, 86, 165, 23));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(1, 109, 162, 23));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(1, 132, 152, 4));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(1, 136, 150, 12));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(12, 148, 139, 4));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(12, 152, 113, 2));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(14, 154, 31, 3));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(82, 154, 43, 3));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(17, 157, 13, 19));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(82, 157, 43, 19));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(17, 176, 13, 16));
nsRegion r2(nsRect(97, 9, 6, 10));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(71, 19, 32, 2));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(20, 21, 83, 2));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(2, 23, 101, 9));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(2, 32, 98, 1));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(2, 33, 104, 5));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(2, 38, 118, 2));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(15, 40, 9, 11));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(36, 40, 84, 11));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(4, 51, 116, 33));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(4, 84, 159, 8));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(4, 92, 116, 13));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(15, 105, 9, 7));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(36, 105, 84, 7));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(36, 112, 84, 22));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(71, 134, 39, 46));
const uint32_t TestIterations = 100000;
const uint32_t RectsPerTest = 100;
const uint32_t SubRectsPerTest = 10;
nsRect rects[RectsPerTest];
nsRect subRects[SubRectsPerTest];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TestIterations; i++) {
nsRegion r;
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < RectsPerTest; n++) {
rects[n].SetRect(rand() % 100, rand() % 100, rand() % 99 + 1,
rand() % 99 + 1);
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < RectsPerTest; n++) {
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < RectsPerTest; n++) {
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < SubRectsPerTest; n++) {
subRects[n].SetRect(rand() % 100, rand() % 100, rand() % 99 + 1,
rand() % 99 + 1);
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < SubRectsPerTest; n++) {
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < SubRectsPerTest; n++) {
EXPECT_FALSE(r.Contains(subRects[n].x, subRects[n].y));
EXPECT_FALSE(r.Contains(subRects[n].x, subRects[n].YMost() - 1));
r.Contains(subRects[n].XMost() - 1, subRects[n].YMost() - 1));
EXPECT_FALSE(r.Contains(subRects[n].XMost() - 1, subRects[n].Y()));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TestIterations; i++) {
nsRegion r;
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < RectsPerTest; n++) {
rects[n].SetRect(rand() % 100, rand() % 100, rand() % 99 + 1,
rand() % 99 + 1);
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < RectsPerTest; n++) {
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < RectsPerTest; n++) {
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < SubRectsPerTest; n++) {
subRects[n].SetRect(rand() % 100, rand() % 100, rand() % 99 + 1,
rand() % 99 + 1);
nsRegion r2;
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < SubRectsPerTest; n++) {
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < SubRectsPerTest; n++) {
EXPECT_FALSE(r.Contains(subRects[n].x, subRects[n].y));
EXPECT_FALSE(r.Contains(subRects[n].x, subRects[n].YMost() - 1));
r.Contains(subRects[n].XMost() - 1, subRects[n].YMost() - 1));
EXPECT_FALSE(r.Contains(subRects[n].XMost() - 1, subRects[n].Y()));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TestIterations; i++) {
nsRegion r(nsRect(-1, -1, 202, 202));
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < SubRectsPerTest; n++) {
subRects[n].SetRect(rand() % 100, rand() % 100, rand() % 99 + 1,
rand() % 99 + 1);
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < SubRectsPerTest; n++) {
EXPECT_FALSE(r.Contains(subRects[n].x, subRects[n].y));
EXPECT_FALSE(r.Contains(subRects[n].x, subRects[n].YMost() - 1));
r.Contains(subRects[n].XMost() - 1, subRects[n].YMost() - 1));
EXPECT_FALSE(r.Contains(subRects[n].XMost() - 1, subRects[n].Y()));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.Contains(-1, -1));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.Contains(-1, 200));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.Contains(200, -1));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.Contains(200, 200));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TestIterations; i++) {
nsRegion r(nsRect(-1, -1, 202, 202));
nsRegion r2;
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < SubRectsPerTest; n++) {
subRects[n].SetRect(rand() % 100, rand() % 100, rand() % 99 + 1,
rand() % 99 + 1);
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < SubRectsPerTest; n++) {
EXPECT_FALSE(r.Contains(subRects[n].x, subRects[n].y));
EXPECT_FALSE(r.Contains(subRects[n].x, subRects[n].YMost() - 1));
r.Contains(subRects[n].XMost() - 1, subRects[n].YMost() - 1));
EXPECT_FALSE(r.Contains(subRects[n].XMost() - 1, subRects[n].Y()));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.Contains(-1, -1));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.Contains(-1, 200));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.Contains(200, -1));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.Contains(200, 200));
TEST(Gfx, RegionSub)
nsRegion r1(nsRect(0, 0, 100, 50));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(50, 50, 50, 50));
nsRegion r2(nsRect(0, 0, 100, 50));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(50, 50, 50, 50));
nsRegion r3;
r3.Sub(r1, r2);
EXPECT_FALSE(r3.Contains(1, 1));
nsRegion r1(nsRect(0, 0, 800, 1000));
nsRegion r2(nsRect(8, 108, 22, 20));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(91, 138, 17, 18));
nsRegion r3;
r3.Sub(r1, r2);
EXPECT_TRUE(r3.Contains(400, 130));
nsRegion r1(nsRect(392, 2, 28, 7));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(115, 9, 305, 16));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(392, 25, 28, 5));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(0, 32, 1280, 41));
nsRegion r2(nsRect(0, 0, 1280, 9));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(0, 9, 115, 16));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(331, 9, 949, 16));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(0, 25, 1280, 7));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(331, 32, 124, 1));
nsRegion r3;
r3.Sub(r1, r2);
EXPECT_FALSE(r3.Contains(350, 15));
nsRegion r1(nsRect(552, 0, 2, 2));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(362, 2, 222, 28));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(552, 30, 2, 2));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(0, 32, 1280, 41));
nsRegion r2(nsRect(512, 0, 146, 9));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(340, 9, 318, 16));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(512, 25, 146, 8));
nsRegion r3;
r3.Sub(r1, r2);
EXPECT_FALSE(r3.Contains(350, 15));
nsRegion r1(nsRect(0, 0, 1265, 1024));
nsRegion r2(nsRect(1265, 0, 15, 685));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(0, 714, 1280, 221));
nsRegion r3;
r3.Sub(r1, r2);
nsRegion r1(nsRect(6, 0, 64, 1));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(6, 1, 67, 1));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(6, 2, 67, 2));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(79, 2, 67, 2));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(6, 4, 67, 1));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(79, 4, 98, 1));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(6, 5, 171, 18));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(1, 23, 176, 3));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(1, 26, 178, 5));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(1, 31, 176, 9));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(0, 40, 177, 57));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(0, 97, 176, 33));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(0, 130, 12, 17));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(15, 130, 161, 17));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(0, 147, 12, 5));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(15, 147, 111, 5));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(0, 152, 12, 7));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(17, 152, 109, 7));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(0, 159, 12, 2));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(17, 159, 98, 2));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(17, 161, 98, 9));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(27, 170, 63, 21));
nsRegion r2(nsRect(9, 9, 37, 17));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(92, 9, 26, 17));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(9, 26, 37, 9));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(84, 26, 65, 9));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(9, 35, 37, 2));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(51, 35, 98, 2));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(51, 37, 98, 11));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(51, 48, 78, 4));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(87, 52, 42, 7));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(19, 59, 12, 5));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(87, 59, 42, 5));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(19, 64, 12, 9));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(32, 64, 97, 9));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(19, 73, 12, 2));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(32, 73, 104, 2));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(19, 75, 117, 5));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(18, 80, 118, 5));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(18, 85, 111, 38));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(87, 123, 42, 11));
nsRegion r3;
r3.Sub(r1, r2);
nsRegion r1(nsRect(27, 0, 39, 1));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(86, 0, 22, 1));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(27, 1, 43, 1));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(86, 1, 22, 1));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(27, 2, 43, 1));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(86, 2, 75, 1));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(12, 3, 58, 1));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(86, 3, 75, 1));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(12, 4, 149, 5));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(0, 9, 161, 9));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(0, 18, 167, 17));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(0, 35, 171, 5));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(0, 40, 189, 28));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(0, 68, 171, 16));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(4, 84, 167, 5));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(4, 89, 177, 9));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(1, 98, 180, 59));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(4, 157, 177, 1));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(4, 158, 139, 15));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(17, 173, 126, 2));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(20, 175, 123, 2));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(20, 177, 118, 6));
r1.OrWith(nsRect(20, 183, 84, 2));
nsRegion r2(nsRect(64, 2, 30, 6));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(26, 11, 41, 17));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(19, 28, 48, 23));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(19, 51, 76, 8));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(4, 59, 91, 31));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(19, 90, 76, 29));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(33, 119, 62, 25));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(33, 144, 4, 21));
nsRegion r3;
r3.Sub(r1, r2);
const uint32_t TestIterations = 100000;
const uint32_t RectsPerTest = 100;
const uint32_t SubRectsPerTest = 10;
nsRect rects[RectsPerTest];
nsRect subRects[SubRectsPerTest];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TestIterations; i++) {
nsRegion r;
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < RectsPerTest; n++) {
rects[n].SetRect(rand() % 100, rand() % 100, rand() % 99 + 1,
rand() % 99 + 1);
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < RectsPerTest; n++) {
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < RectsPerTest; n++) {
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < SubRectsPerTest; n++) {
subRects[n].SetRect(rand() % 100, rand() % 100, rand() % 99 + 1,
rand() % 99 + 1);
nsRegion r2;
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < SubRectsPerTest; n++) {
nsRegion r3;
r3.Sub(r, r2);
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < SubRectsPerTest; n++) {
EXPECT_FALSE(r3.Contains(subRects[n].x, subRects[n].y));
EXPECT_FALSE(r3.Contains(subRects[n].x, subRects[n].YMost() - 1));
r3.Contains(subRects[n].XMost() - 1, subRects[n].YMost() - 1));
EXPECT_FALSE(r3.Contains(subRects[n].XMost() - 1, subRects[n].Y()));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TestIterations; i++) {
nsRegion r(nsRect(-1, -1, 202, 202));
nsRegion r2;
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < SubRectsPerTest; n++) {
subRects[n].SetRect(rand() % 100, rand() % 100, rand() % 99 + 1,
rand() % 99 + 1);
nsRegion r3;
r3.Sub(r, r2);
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < SubRectsPerTest; n++) {
EXPECT_FALSE(r3.Contains(subRects[n].x, subRects[n].y));
EXPECT_FALSE(r3.Contains(subRects[n].x, subRects[n].YMost() - 1));
r3.Contains(subRects[n].XMost() - 1, subRects[n].YMost() - 1));
EXPECT_FALSE(r3.Contains(subRects[n].XMost() - 1, subRects[n].Y()));
EXPECT_TRUE(r3.Contains(-1, -1));
EXPECT_TRUE(r3.Contains(-1, 200));
EXPECT_TRUE(r3.Contains(200, -1));
EXPECT_TRUE(r3.Contains(200, 200));
TEST(Gfx, RegionAndWith)
nsRegion r(nsRect(20, 0, 20, 20));
r.OrWith(nsRect(0, 20, 40, 20));
r.AndWith(nsRect(0, 0, 5, 5));
EXPECT_FALSE(r.Contains(1, 1));
nsRegion r1(nsRect(512, 1792, 256, 256));
nsRegion r2(nsRect(17, 1860, 239, 35));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(17, 1895, 239, 7));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(768, 1895, 154, 7));
r2.OrWith(nsRect(17, 1902, 905, 483));
const uint32_t TestIterations = 100000;
const uint32_t RectsPerTest = 50;
const uint32_t pointsTested = 100;
nsRect rectsSet1[RectsPerTest];
nsRect rectsSet2[RectsPerTest];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TestIterations; i++) {
nsRegion r1;
nsRegion r2;
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < RectsPerTest; n++) {
rectsSet1[n].SetRect(rand() % 100, rand() % 100, rand() % 99 + 1,
rand() % 99 + 1);
rectsSet2[n].SetRect(rand() % 100, rand() % 100, rand() % 99 + 1,
rand() % 99 + 1);
nsRegion r3 = r1;
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < pointsTested; n++) {
nsPoint p(rand() % 200, rand() % 200);
if (r1.Contains(p.x, p.y) && r2.Contains(p.x, p.y)) {
EXPECT_TRUE(r3.Contains(p.x, p.y));
} else {
EXPECT_FALSE(r3.Contains(p.x, p.y));
nsRect rectsSet[RectsPerTest];
nsRect testRect;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TestIterations; i++) {
nsRegion r;
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < RectsPerTest; n++) {
rectsSet[n].SetRect(rand() % 100, rand() % 100, rand() % 99 + 1,
rand() % 99 + 1);
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < RectsPerTest; n++) {
testRect.SetRect(rand() % 100, rand() % 100, rand() % 99 + 1,
rand() % 99 + 1);
nsRegion r2 = r;
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < pointsTested; n++) {
nsPoint p(rand() % 200, rand() % 200);
if (r.Contains(p.x, p.y) && testRect.Contains(p.x, p.y)) {
EXPECT_TRUE(r2.Contains(p.x, p.y));
} else {
EXPECT_FALSE(r2.Contains(p.x, p.y));
TEST(Gfx, RegionAnd)
nsRegion r(nsRect(20, 0, 20, 20));
r.OrWith(nsRect(0, 20, 40, 20));
nsRegion r2;
r2.And(r, nsRect(0, 0, 5, 5));
EXPECT_FALSE(r.Contains(1, 1));
nsRegion r(nsRect(51, 2, 57, 5));
r.OrWith(nsRect(36, 7, 72, 4));
r.OrWith(nsRect(36, 11, 25, 1));
r.OrWith(nsRect(69, 12, 6, 4));
r.OrWith(nsRect(37, 16, 54, 2));
r.OrWith(nsRect(37, 18, 82, 2));
r.OrWith(nsRect(10, 20, 109, 3));
r.OrWith(nsRect(1, 23, 136, 21));
r.OrWith(nsRect(1, 44, 148, 2));
r.OrWith(nsRect(1, 46, 176, 31));
r.OrWith(nsRect(6, 77, 171, 1));
r.OrWith(nsRect(5, 78, 172, 30));
r.OrWith(nsRect(5, 108, 165, 45));
r.OrWith(nsRect(5, 153, 61, 5));
r.OrWith(nsRect(72, 153, 98, 5));
r.OrWith(nsRect(38, 158, 25, 4));
r.OrWith(nsRect(72, 158, 98, 4));
r.OrWith(nsRect(58, 162, 5, 8));
r.OrWith(nsRect(72, 162, 98, 8));
r.OrWith(nsRect(72, 170, 98, 5));
nsRegion r2;
r.And(r2, nsRect(18, 78, 53, 45));
const uint32_t TestIterations = 100000;
const uint32_t RectsPerTest = 50;
const uint32_t pointsTested = 100;
nsRect rectsSet1[RectsPerTest];
nsRect rectsSet2[RectsPerTest];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TestIterations; i++) {
nsRegion r1;
nsRegion r2;
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < RectsPerTest; n++) {
rectsSet1[n].SetRect(rand() % 100, rand() % 100, rand() % 99 + 1,
rand() % 99 + 1);
rectsSet2[n].SetRect(rand() % 100, rand() % 100, rand() % 99 + 1,
rand() % 99 + 1);
nsRegion r3;
r3.And(r1, r2);
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < pointsTested; n++) {
nsPoint p(rand() % 200, rand() % 200);
if (r1.Contains(p.x, p.y) && r2.Contains(p.x, p.y)) {
EXPECT_TRUE(r3.Contains(p.x, p.y));
} else {
EXPECT_FALSE(r3.Contains(p.x, p.y));
nsRect rectsSet[RectsPerTest];
nsRect testRect;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TestIterations; i++) {
nsRegion r;
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < RectsPerTest; n++) {
rectsSet[n].SetRect(rand() % 100, rand() % 100, rand() % 99 + 1,
rand() % 99 + 1);
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < RectsPerTest; n++) {
testRect.SetRect(rand() % 100, rand() % 100, rand() % 99 + 1,
rand() % 99 + 1);
nsRegion r2;
r2.And(r, testRect);
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < pointsTested; n++) {
nsPoint p(rand() % 200, rand() % 200);
if (r.Contains(p.x, p.y) && testRect.Contains(p.x, p.y)) {
EXPECT_TRUE(r2.Contains(p.x, p.y));
} else {
EXPECT_FALSE(r2.Contains(p.x, p.y));
TEST(Gfx, RegionSimplify)
{ // ensure simplify works on a single rect
nsRegion r(nsRect(0, 100, 200, 100));
r.SimplifyOutwardByArea(100 * 100);
nsRegion result(nsRect(0, 100, 200, 100));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.IsEqual(result)) << "regions not the same";
{ // the rectangles will be merged
nsRegion r(nsRect(0, 100, 200, 100));
r.Or(r, nsRect(0, 200, 300, 200));
r.SimplifyOutwardByArea(100 * 100);
nsRegion result(nsRect(0, 100, 300, 300));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.IsEqual(result)) << "regions not merged";
{ // two rectangle on the first span
// one on the second
nsRegion r(nsRect(0, 100, 200, 100));
r.Or(r, nsRect(0, 200, 300, 200));
r.Or(r, nsRect(250, 100, 50, 100));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.GetNumRects() == 3) << "wrong number of rects";
r.SimplifyOutwardByArea(100 * 100);
nsRegion result(nsRect(0, 100, 300, 300));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.IsEqual(result)) << "regions not merged";
{ // the rectangles will be merged
nsRegion r(nsRect(0, 100, 200, 100));
r.Or(r, nsRect(0, 200, 300, 200));
r.Or(r, nsRect(250, 100, 50, 100));
r.Sub(r, nsRect(200, 200, 40, 200));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.GetNumRects() == 4) << "wrong number of rects";
r.SimplifyOutwardByArea(100 * 100);
nsRegion result(nsRect(0, 100, 300, 300));
result.Sub(result, nsRect(200, 100, 40, 300));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.IsEqual(result)) << "regions not merged";
{ // three spans of rectangles
nsRegion r(nsRect(0, 100, 200, 100));
r.Or(r, nsRect(0, 200, 300, 200));
r.Or(r, nsRect(250, 100, 50, 50));
r.Sub(r, nsRect(200, 200, 40, 200));
r.SimplifyOutwardByArea(100 * 100);
nsRegion result(nsRect(0, 100, 300, 300));
result.Sub(result, nsRect(200, 100, 40, 300));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.IsEqual(result)) << "regions not merged";
{ // three spans of rectangles and an unmerged rectangle
nsRegion r(nsRect(0, 100, 200, 100));
r.Or(r, nsRect(0, 200, 300, 200));
r.Or(r, nsRect(250, 100, 50, 50));
r.Sub(r, nsRect(200, 200, 40, 200));
r.Or(r, nsRect(250, 900, 150, 50));
r.SimplifyOutwardByArea(100 * 100);
nsRegion result(nsRect(0, 100, 300, 300));
result.Sub(result, nsRect(200, 100, 40, 300));
result.Or(result, nsRect(250, 900, 150, 50));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.IsEqual(result)) << "regions not merged";
{ // unmerged regions
nsRegion r(nsRect(0, 100, 200, 100));
r.Or(r, nsRect(0, 200, 300, 200));
nsRegion result(nsRect(0, 100, 200, 100));
result.Or(result, nsRect(0, 200, 300, 200));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.IsEqual(result)) << "regions not merged";
{ // empty region
// just make sure this doesn't crash.
nsRegion r;
TEST(Gfx, RegionContains)
{ // ensure Contains works on a simple region
nsRegion r(nsRect(0, 0, 100, 100));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.Contains(0, 0));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.Contains(0, 99));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.Contains(99, 0));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.Contains(99, 99));
EXPECT_FALSE(r.Contains(-1, 50));
EXPECT_FALSE(r.Contains(100, 50));
EXPECT_FALSE(r.Contains(50, -1));
EXPECT_FALSE(r.Contains(50, 100));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.Contains(nsRect(0, 0, 100, 100)));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.Contains(nsRect(99, 99, 1, 1)));
EXPECT_FALSE(r.Contains(nsRect(100, 100, 1, 1)));
EXPECT_FALSE(r.Contains(nsRect(100, 100, 0, 0)));
{ // empty regions contain nothing
nsRegion r(nsRect(100, 100, 0, 0));
EXPECT_FALSE(r.Contains(0, 0));
EXPECT_FALSE(r.Contains(100, 100));
EXPECT_FALSE(r.Contains(nsRect(100, 100, 0, 0)));
EXPECT_FALSE(r.Contains(nsRect(100, 100, 1, 1)));
{ // complex region contain tests
// The region looks like this, with two squares that overlap.
// (hard to do accurately with ASCII art)
// +------+
// | |
// | +--+
// | |
// +--+ |
// | |
// +------+
nsRegion r(nsRect(0, 0, 100, 100));
r.OrWith(nsRect(50, 50, 100, 100));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.Contains(0, 0));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.Contains(99, 99));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.Contains(50, 100));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.Contains(100, 50));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.Contains(149, 149));
EXPECT_FALSE(r.Contains(49, 100));
EXPECT_FALSE(r.Contains(100, 49));
EXPECT_FALSE(r.Contains(150, 150));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.Contains(nsRect(100, 100, 1, 1)));
EXPECT_FALSE(r.Contains(nsRect(49, 99, 2, 2)));
{ // region with a hole
nsRegion r(nsRect(0, 0, 100, 100));
r.SubOut(nsRect(40, 40, 10, 10));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.Contains(0, 0));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.Contains(39, 39));
EXPECT_FALSE(r.Contains(40, 40));
EXPECT_FALSE(r.Contains(49, 49));
EXPECT_TRUE(r.Contains(50, 50));
EXPECT_FALSE(r.Contains(nsRect(40, 40, 10, 10)));
EXPECT_FALSE(r.Contains(nsRect(39, 39, 2, 2)));
#define DILATE_VALUE 0x88
#define REGION_VALUE 0xff
struct RegionBitmap {
RegionBitmap(unsigned char* bitmap, int width, int height)
: bitmap(bitmap), width(width), height(height) {}
void clear() {
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
bitmap[x + y * width] = 0;
void set(nsRegion& region) {
for (auto iter = region.RectIter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) {
const nsRect& r = iter.Get();
for (int y = r.Y(); y < r.YMost(); y++) {
for (int x = r.X(); x < r.XMost(); x++) {
bitmap[x + y * width] = REGION_VALUE;
void dilate() {
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
if (bitmap[x + y * width] == REGION_VALUE) {
for (int yn = std::max(y - 1, 0); yn <= std::min(y + 1, height - 1);
yn++) {
for (int xn = std::max(x - 1, 0); xn <= std::min(x + 1, width - 1);
xn++) {
if (bitmap[xn + yn * width] == 0)
bitmap[xn + yn * width] = DILATE_VALUE;
void compare(RegionBitmap& reference) {
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
EXPECT_EQ(bitmap[x + y * width], reference.bitmap[x + y * width]);
unsigned char* bitmap;
int width;
int height;
static void VisitEdge(void* closure, VisitSide side, int x1, int y1, int x2,
int y2) {
EXPECT_GE(x2, x1);
RegionBitmap* visitor = static_cast<RegionBitmap*>(closure);
unsigned char* bitmap = visitor->bitmap;
const int width = visitor->width;
if (side == VisitSide::TOP) {
while (x1 != x2) {
bitmap[x1 + (y1 - 1) * width] = DILATE_VALUE;
} else if (side == VisitSide::BOTTOM) {
while (x1 != x2) {
bitmap[x1 + y1 * width] = DILATE_VALUE;
} else if (side == VisitSide::LEFT) {
while (y1 != y2) {
bitmap[x1 - 1 + y1 * width] = DILATE_VALUE;
} else if (side == VisitSide::RIGHT) {
while (y1 != y2) {
bitmap[x1 + y1 * width] = DILATE_VALUE;
static void TestVisit(nsRegion& r) {
auto reference = mozilla::MakeUnique<unsigned char[]>(600 * 600);
auto result = mozilla::MakeUnique<unsigned char[]>(600 * 600);
RegionBitmap ref(reference.get(), 600, 600);
RegionBitmap res(result.get(), 600, 600);
r.VisitEdges(VisitEdge, &res);;
TEST(Gfx, RegionVisitEdges)
{ // visit edges
nsRegion r(nsRect(20, 20, 100, 100));
r.Or(r, nsRect(20, 120, 200, 100));
{ // two rects side by side - 1 pixel inbetween
nsRegion r(nsRect(20, 20, 100, 100));
r.Or(r, nsRect(121, 20, 100, 100));
{ // two rects side by side - 2 pixels inbetween
nsRegion r(nsRect(20, 20, 100, 100));
r.Or(r, nsRect(122, 20, 100, 100));
// only corner of the rects are touching
nsRegion r(nsRect(20, 20, 100, 100));
r.Or(r, nsRect(120, 120, 100, 100));
// corners are 1 pixel away
nsRegion r(nsRect(20, 20, 100, 100));
r.Or(r, nsRect(121, 120, 100, 100));
// vertically separated
nsRegion r(nsRect(20, 20, 100, 100));
r.Or(r, nsRect(120, 125, 100, 100));
// not touching
nsRegion r(nsRect(20, 20, 100, 100));
r.Or(r, nsRect(130, 120, 100, 100));
r.Or(r, nsRect(240, 20, 100, 100));
{ // rect with a hole in it
nsRegion r(nsRect(20, 20, 100, 100));
r.Sub(r, nsRect(40, 40, 10, 10));
// left overs
nsRegion r(nsRect(20, 20, 10, 10));
r.Or(r, nsRect(50, 20, 10, 10));
r.Or(r, nsRect(90, 20, 10, 10));
r.Or(r, nsRect(24, 30, 10, 10));
r.Or(r, nsRect(20, 40, 15, 10));
r.Or(r, nsRect(50, 40, 15, 10));
r.Or(r, nsRect(90, 40, 15, 10));
// vertically separated
nsRegion r(nsRect(20, 20, 100, 100));
r.Or(r, nsRect(120, 125, 100, 100));
// two upper rects followed by a lower one
// on the same line
nsRegion r(nsRect(5, 5, 50, 50));
r.Or(r, nsRect(100, 5, 50, 50));
r.Or(r, nsRect(200, 50, 50, 50));
nsRegion r(nsRect(4, 1, 61, 49));
r.Or(r, nsRect(115, 1, 99, 49));
r.Or(r, nsRect(115, 49, 99, 1));
r.Or(r, nsRect(12, 50, 11, 5));
r.Or(r, nsRect(25, 50, 28, 5));
r.Or(r, nsRect(115, 50, 99, 5));
r.Or(r, nsRect(115, 55, 99, 12));