Name Description Size
GrVkBackendContext.h 4641
GrVkExtensions.h 310
GrVkMemoryAllocator.h 335
GrVkTypes.h When wrapping a GrBackendTexture or GrBackendRendenderTarget, the fCurrentQueueFamily should either be VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED, VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_EXTERNAL, or VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_FOREIGN_EXT. If fSharingMode is VK_SHARING_MODE_EXCLUSIVE then fCurrentQueueFamily can also be the graphics queue index passed into Skia. 4672
VulkanBackendContext.h 2503
VulkanExtensions.h Helper class that eats in an array of extensions strings for instance and device and allows for quicker querying if an extension is present. 1932
VulkanMemoryAllocator.h 6038
VulkanMutableTextureState.h 825
VulkanTypes.h Types for interacting with Vulkan resources created externally to Skia. 5079