Name Description Size
GrGLAssembleHelpers.h 451
GrGLAssembleInterface.h Generic function for creating a GrGLInterface for an either OpenGL or GLES. It calls get() to get each function address. ctx is a generic ptr passed to and interpreted by get(). 1764
GrGLConfig.h Optional GL config file. 2121
GrGLConfig_chrome.h 333
GrGLExtensions.h This helper queries the current GL context for its extensions, remembers them, and can be queried. It supports both glGetString- and glGetStringi-style extension string APIs and will use the latter if it is available. It also will query for EGL extensions if a eglQueryString implementation is provided. 2265
GrGLFunctions.h 26343
GrGLInterface.h Rather than depend on platform-specific GL headers and libraries, we require the client to provide a struct of GL function pointers. This struct can be specified per-GrContext as a parameter to GrContext::MakeGL. If no interface is passed to MakeGL then a default GL interface is created using GrGLMakeNativeInterface(). If this returns nullptr then GrContext::MakeGL() will fail. The implementation of GrGLMakeNativeInterface is platform-specific. Several implementations have been provided (for GLX, WGL, EGL, etc), along with an implementation that simply returns nullptr. Clients should select the most appropriate one to build. 17795
GrGLTypes.h Classifies GL contexts by which standard they implement (currently as OpenGL vs. OpenGL ES). 6204