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// Copyright 2002 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Image9.h: Defines the rx::Image9 class, which acts as the interface to
// the actual underlying surfaces of a Texture.
#include "common/debug.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/ImageD3D.h"
namespace gl
class Framebuffer;
namespace rx
class Context9;
class Renderer9;
class Image9 : public ImageD3D
Image9(Renderer9 *renderer);
~Image9() override;
static angle::Result GenerateMipmap(Context9 *context9, Image9 *dest, Image9 *source);
static angle::Result GenerateMip(Context9 *context9,
IDirect3DSurface9 *destSurface,
IDirect3DSurface9 *sourceSurface);
static angle::Result CopyLockableSurfaces(Context9 *context9,
IDirect3DSurface9 *dest,
IDirect3DSurface9 *source);
static angle::Result CopyImage(const gl::Context *context,
Image9 *dest,
Image9 *source,
const gl::Rectangle &sourceRect,
const gl::Offset &destOffset,
bool unpackFlipY,
bool unpackPremultiplyAlpha,
bool unpackUnmultiplyAlpha);
bool redefine(gl::TextureType type,
GLenum internalformat,
const gl::Extents &size,
bool forceRelease) override;
D3DFORMAT getD3DFormat() const;
bool isDirty() const override;
angle::Result setManagedSurface2D(const gl::Context *context,
TextureStorage *storage,
int level) override;
angle::Result setManagedSurfaceCube(const gl::Context *context,
TextureStorage *storage,
int face,
int level) override;
angle::Result copyToStorage(const gl::Context *context,
TextureStorage *storage,
const gl::ImageIndex &index,
const gl::Box &region) override;
angle::Result loadData(const gl::Context *context,
const gl::Box &area,
const gl::PixelUnpackState &unpack,
GLenum type,
const void *input,
bool applySkipImages) override;
angle::Result loadCompressedData(const gl::Context *context,
const gl::Box &area,
const void *input) override;
angle::Result copyFromTexStorage(const gl::Context *context,
const gl::ImageIndex &imageIndex,
TextureStorage *source) override;
angle::Result copyFromFramebuffer(const gl::Context *context,
const gl::Offset &destOffset,
const gl::Rectangle &sourceArea,
const gl::Framebuffer *source) override;
angle::Result getSurface(Context9 *context9, IDirect3DSurface9 **outSurface);
angle::Result createSurface(Context9 *context9);
angle::Result setManagedSurface(Context9 *context9, IDirect3DSurface9 *surface);
angle::Result copyToSurface(Context9 *context9, IDirect3DSurface9 *dest, const gl::Box &area);
angle::Result lock(Context9 *context9, D3DLOCKED_RECT *lockedRect, const RECT &rect);
void unlock();
angle::Result copyFromRTInternal(Context9 *context9,
const gl::Offset &destOffset,
const gl::Rectangle &sourceArea,
RenderTargetD3D *source);
Renderer9 *mRenderer;
D3DPOOL mD3DPool; // can only be D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM or D3DPOOL_MANAGED since it needs to be
// lockable.
IDirect3DSurface9 *mSurface;
} // namespace rx