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// Copyright 2019 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// RewriteAtomicCounters: Emulate atomic counter buffers with storage buffers.
#include "compiler/translator/tree_ops/RewriteAtomicCounters.h"
#include "compiler/translator/Compiler.h"
#include "compiler/translator/ImmutableStringBuilder.h"
#include "compiler/translator/SymbolTable.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/IntermNode_util.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/IntermTraverse.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/ReplaceVariable.h"
namespace sh
constexpr ImmutableString kAtomicCountersVarName = ImmutableString("atomicCounters");
constexpr ImmutableString kAtomicCounterFieldName = ImmutableString("counters");
// DeclareAtomicCountersBuffer adds a storage buffer array that's used with atomic counters.
const TVariable *DeclareAtomicCountersBuffers(TIntermBlock *root, TSymbolTable *symbolTable)
// Define `uint counters[];` as the only field in the interface block.
TFieldList *fieldList = new TFieldList;
TType *counterType = new TType(EbtUInt, EbpHigh, EvqGlobal);
TField *countersField =
new TField(counterType, kAtomicCounterFieldName, TSourceLoc(), SymbolType::AngleInternal);
TMemoryQualifier coherentMemory = TMemoryQualifier::Create();
coherentMemory.coherent = true;
// There are a maximum of 8 atomic counter buffers per IMPLEMENTATION_MAX_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS
// in libANGLE/Constants.h.
constexpr uint32_t kMaxAtomicCounterBuffers = 8;
// Define a storage block "ANGLEAtomicCounters" with instance name "atomicCounters".
TLayoutQualifier layoutQualifier = TLayoutQualifier::Create();
layoutQualifier.blockStorage = EbsStd430;
return DeclareInterfaceBlock(root, symbolTable, fieldList, EvqBuffer, layoutQualifier,
coherentMemory, kMaxAtomicCounterBuffers,
TIntermTyped *CreateUniformBufferOffset(const TIntermTyped *uniformBufferOffsets, int binding)
// Each uint in the |acbBufferOffsets| uniform contains offsets for 4 bindings. Therefore, the
// expression to get the uniform offset for the binding is:
// acbBufferOffsets[binding / 4] >> ((binding % 4) * 8) & 0xFF
// acbBufferOffsets[binding / 4]
TIntermBinary *uniformBufferOffsetUint = new TIntermBinary(
EOpIndexDirect, uniformBufferOffsets->deepCopy(), CreateIndexNode(binding / 4));
// acbBufferOffsets[binding / 4] >> ((binding % 4) * 8)
TIntermBinary *uniformBufferOffsetShifted = uniformBufferOffsetUint;
if (binding % 4 != 0)
uniformBufferOffsetShifted = new TIntermBinary(EOpBitShiftRight, uniformBufferOffsetUint,
CreateUIntNode((binding % 4) * 8));
// acbBufferOffsets[binding / 4] >> ((binding % 4) * 8) & 0xFF
return new TIntermBinary(EOpBitwiseAnd, uniformBufferOffsetShifted, CreateUIntNode(0xFF));
TIntermBinary *CreateAtomicCounterRef(TIntermTyped *atomicCounterExpression,
const TVariable *atomicCounters,
const TIntermTyped *uniformBufferOffsets)
// The atomic counters storage buffer declaration looks as such:
// layout(...) buffer ANGLEAtomicCounters
// {
// uint counters[];
// } atomicCounters[N];
// Where N is large enough to accommodate atomic counter buffer bindings used in the shader.
// This function takes an expression that uses an atomic counter, which can either be:
// - ac
// - acArray[index]
// Note that RewriteArrayOfArrayOfOpaqueUniforms has already flattened array of array of atomic
// counters.
// For the first case (ac), the following code is generated:
// atomicCounters[binding].counters[offset]
// For the second case (acArray[index]), the following code is generated:
// atomicCounters[binding].counters[offset + index]
// In either case, an offset given through uniforms is also added to |offset|. The binding is
// necessarily a constant thanks to MonomorphizeUnsupportedFunctions.
// First determine if there's an index, and extract the atomic counter symbol out of the
// expression.
TIntermSymbol *atomicCounterSymbol = atomicCounterExpression->getAsSymbolNode();
TIntermTyped *atomicCounterIndex = nullptr;
int atomicCounterConstIndex = 0;
TIntermBinary *asBinary = atomicCounterExpression->getAsBinaryNode();
if (asBinary != nullptr)
atomicCounterSymbol = asBinary->getLeft()->getAsSymbolNode();
switch (asBinary->getOp())
case EOpIndexDirect:
atomicCounterConstIndex = asBinary->getRight()->getAsConstantUnion()->getIConst(0);
case EOpIndexIndirect:
atomicCounterIndex = asBinary->getRight();
// Extract binding and offset information out of the atomic counter symbol.
const TVariable *atomicCounterVar = &atomicCounterSymbol->variable();
const TType &atomicCounterType = atomicCounterVar->getType();
const int binding = atomicCounterType.getLayoutQualifier().binding;
int offset = atomicCounterType.getLayoutQualifier().offset / 4;
// Create the expression:
// offset + arrayIndex + uniformOffset
// If arrayIndex is a constant, it's added with offset right here.
offset += atomicCounterConstIndex;
TIntermTyped *index = CreateUniformBufferOffset(uniformBufferOffsets, binding);
if (atomicCounterIndex != nullptr)
index = new TIntermBinary(EOpAdd, index, atomicCounterIndex);
if (offset != 0)
index = new TIntermBinary(EOpAdd, index, CreateIndexNode(offset));
// Finally, create the complete expression:
// atomicCounters[binding].counters[index]
TIntermSymbol *atomicCountersRef = new TIntermSymbol(atomicCounters);
// atomicCounters[binding]
TIntermBinary *countersBlock =
new TIntermBinary(EOpIndexDirect, atomicCountersRef, CreateIndexNode(binding));
// atomicCounters[binding].counters
TIntermBinary *counters =
new TIntermBinary(EOpIndexDirectInterfaceBlock, countersBlock, CreateIndexNode(0));
return new TIntermBinary(EOpIndexIndirect, counters, index);
// Traverser that:
// 1. Removes the |uniform atomic_uint| declarations and remembers the binding and offset.
// 2. Substitutes |atomicVar[n]| with |buffer[binding].counters[offset + n]|.
class RewriteAtomicCountersTraverser : public TIntermTraverser
RewriteAtomicCountersTraverser(TSymbolTable *symbolTable,
const TVariable *atomicCounters,
const TIntermTyped *acbBufferOffsets)
: TIntermTraverser(true, false, false, symbolTable),
bool visitDeclaration(Visit visit, TIntermDeclaration *node) override
if (!mInGlobalScope)
return true;
const TIntermSequence &sequence = *(node->getSequence());
TIntermTyped *variable = sequence.front()->getAsTyped();
const TType &type = variable->getType();
bool isAtomicCounter = type.isAtomicCounter();
if (isAtomicCounter)
ASSERT(type.getQualifier() == EvqUniform);
TIntermSequence emptySequence;
mMultiReplacements.emplace_back(getParentNode()->getAsBlock(), node,
return false;
return true;
bool visitAggregate(Visit visit, TIntermAggregate *node) override
if (BuiltInGroup::IsBuiltIn(node->getOp()))
bool converted = convertBuiltinFunction(node);
return !converted;
// AST functions don't require modification as atomic counter function parameters are
// removed by MonomorphizeUnsupportedFunctions.
return true;
void visitSymbol(TIntermSymbol *symbol) override
// Cannot encounter the atomic counter symbol directly. It can only be used with functions,
// and therefore it's handled by visitAggregate.
bool visitBinary(Visit visit, TIntermBinary *node) override
// Cannot encounter an atomic counter expression directly. It can only be used with
// functions, and therefore it's handled by visitAggregate.
return true;
bool convertBuiltinFunction(TIntermAggregate *node)
const TOperator op = node->getOp();
// If the function is |memoryBarrierAtomicCounter|, simply replace it with
// |memoryBarrierBuffer|.
if (op == EOpMemoryBarrierAtomicCounter)
TIntermSequence emptySequence;
TIntermTyped *substituteCall = CreateBuiltInFunctionCallNode(
"memoryBarrierBuffer", &emptySequence, *mSymbolTable, 310);
queueReplacement(substituteCall, OriginalNode::IS_DROPPED);
return true;
// If it's an |atomicCounter*| function, replace the function with an |atomic*| equivalent.
if (!node->getFunction()->isAtomicCounterFunction())
return false;
// Note: atomicAdd(0) is used for atomic reads.
uint32_t valueChange = 0;
constexpr char kAtomicAddFunction[] = "atomicAdd";
bool isDecrement = false;
if (op == EOpAtomicCounterIncrement)
valueChange = 1;
else if (op == EOpAtomicCounterDecrement)
// uint values are required to wrap around, so 0xFFFFFFFFu is used as -1.
valueChange = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
static_assert(static_cast<uint32_t>(-1) == std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max(),
"uint32_t max is not -1");
isDecrement = true;
ASSERT(op == EOpAtomicCounter);
TIntermTyped *param = (*node->getSequence())[0]->getAsTyped();
TIntermSequence substituteArguments;
CreateAtomicCounterRef(param, mAtomicCounters, mAcbBufferOffsets));
TIntermTyped *substituteCall = CreateBuiltInFunctionCallNode(
kAtomicAddFunction, &substituteArguments, *mSymbolTable, 310);
// Note that atomicCounterDecrement returns the *new* value instead of the prior value,
// unlike atomicAdd. So we need to do a -1 on the result as well.
if (isDecrement)
substituteCall = new TIntermBinary(EOpSub, substituteCall, CreateUIntNode(1));
queueReplacement(substituteCall, OriginalNode::IS_DROPPED);
return true;
const TVariable *mAtomicCounters;
const TIntermTyped *mAcbBufferOffsets;
} // anonymous namespace
bool RewriteAtomicCounters(TCompiler *compiler,
TIntermBlock *root,
TSymbolTable *symbolTable,
const TIntermTyped *acbBufferOffsets)
const TVariable *atomicCounters = DeclareAtomicCountersBuffers(root, symbolTable);
RewriteAtomicCountersTraverser traverser(symbolTable, atomicCounters, acbBufferOffsets);
return traverser.updateTree(compiler, root);
} // namespace sh