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// Copyright 2020 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "compiler/translator/tree_ops/ConvertUnsupportedConstructorsToFunctionCalls.h"
#include "compiler/translator/ImmutableString.h"
#include "compiler/translator/Symbol.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/FindFunction.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/IntermNode_util.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/IntermRebuild.h"
using namespace sh;
void AppendMatrixElementArgument(TIntermSymbol *parameter,
int colIndex,
int rowIndex,
TIntermSequence *returnCtorArgs)
TIntermBinary *matColN =
new TIntermBinary(EOpIndexDirect, parameter->deepCopy(), CreateIndexNode(colIndex));
TIntermSwizzle *matElem = new TIntermSwizzle(matColN, {rowIndex});
// Adds the argument to sequence for a scalar constructor.
// Given scalar(scalarA) appends scalarA
// Given scalar(vecA) appends vecA.x
// Given scalar(matA) appends matA[0].x
void AppendScalarFromNonScalarArguments(TFunction &function, TIntermSequence *returnCtorArgs)
const TVariable *var = function.getParam(0);
TIntermSymbol *arg0 = new TIntermSymbol(var);
const TType &type = arg0->getType();
if (type.isScalar())
else if (type.isVector())
TIntermSwizzle *vecX = new TIntermSwizzle(arg0, {0});
else if (type.isMatrix())
AppendMatrixElementArgument(arg0, 0, 0, returnCtorArgs);
// Adds the arguments to sequence for a vector constructor from a scalar.
// Given vecN(scalarA) appends scalarA, scalarA, ... n times
void AppendVectorFromScalarArgument(const TType &type,
TFunction &function,
TIntermSequence *returnCtorArgs)
const uint8_t vectorSize = type.getNominalSize();
const TVariable *var = function.getParam(0);
TIntermSymbol *v = new TIntermSymbol(var);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < vectorSize; ++i)
// Adds the arguments to sequence for a vector or matrix constructor from the available arguments
// applying arguments in order until the requested number of values have been extracted from the
// given arguments or until there are no more arguments.
void AppendValuesFromMultipleArguments(int numValuesNeeded,
TFunction &function,
TIntermSequence *returnCtorArgs)
size_t numParameters = function.getParamCount();
size_t paramIndex = 0;
uint8_t colIndex = 0;
uint8_t rowIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numValuesNeeded && paramIndex < numParameters; ++i)
const TVariable *p = function.getParam(paramIndex);
TIntermSymbol *parameter = new TIntermSymbol(p);
if (parameter->isScalar())
else if (parameter->isVector())
TIntermSwizzle *vecS = new TIntermSwizzle(parameter->deepCopy(), {rowIndex++});
if (rowIndex == parameter->getNominalSize())
rowIndex = 0;
else if (parameter->isMatrix())
AppendMatrixElementArgument(parameter, colIndex, rowIndex++, returnCtorArgs);
if (rowIndex == parameter->getSecondarySize())
rowIndex = 0;
if (colIndex == parameter->getNominalSize())
colIndex = 0;
// Adds the arguments for a matrix constructor from a scalar
// putting the scalar along the diagonal and 0 everywhere else.
void AppendMatrixFromScalarArgument(const TType &type,
TFunction &function,
TIntermSequence *returnCtorArgs)
const TVariable *var = function.getParam(0);
TIntermSymbol *v = new TIntermSymbol(var);
const uint8_t numCols = type.getNominalSize();
const uint8_t numRows = type.getSecondarySize();
for (uint8_t col = 0; col < numCols; ++col)
for (uint8_t row = 0; row < numRows; ++row)
if (col == row)
returnCtorArgs->push_back(CreateFloatNode(0.0f, sh::EbpUndefined));
// Add the argument for a matrix constructor from a matrix
// copying elements from the same column/row and otherwise
// initialize to the identity matrix.
void AppendMatrixFromMatrixArgument(const TType &type,
TFunction &function,
TIntermSequence *returnCtorArgs)
const TVariable *var = function.getParam(0);
TIntermSymbol *v = new TIntermSymbol(var);
const uint8_t dstCols = type.getNominalSize();
const uint8_t dstRows = type.getSecondarySize();
const uint8_t srcCols = v->getNominalSize();
const uint8_t srcRows = v->getSecondarySize();
for (uint8_t dstCol = 0; dstCol < dstCols; ++dstCol)
for (uint8_t dstRow = 0; dstRow < dstRows; ++dstRow)
if (dstRow < srcRows && dstCol < srcCols)
AppendMatrixElementArgument(v, dstCol, dstRow, returnCtorArgs);
CreateFloatNode(dstRow == dstCol ? 1.0f : 0.0f, sh::EbpUndefined));
class Rebuild : public TIntermRebuild
explicit Rebuild(TCompiler &compiler) : TIntermRebuild(compiler, false, true) {}
PostResult visitAggregatePost(TIntermAggregate &node) override
if (!node.isConstructor())
return node;
TIntermSequence &arguments = *node.getSequence();
if (arguments.empty())
return node;
const TType &type = node.getType();
const TType &arg0Type = arguments[0]->getAsTyped()->getType();
if (!type.isScalar() && !type.isVector() && !type.isMatrix())
return node;
if (type.isArray())
return node;
// check for type_ctor(sameType)
// scalar(scalar) -> passthrough
// vecN(vecN) -> passthrough
// matN(matN) -> passthrough
if (arguments.size() == 1 && arg0Type == type)
return node;
// The following are simple casts:
// - basic(s) (where basic is int, uint, float or bool, and s is scalar).
// - gvecN(vN) (where the argument is a single vector with the same number of components).
// - matNxM(mNxM) (where the argument is a single matrix with the same dimensions). Note
// that
// matrices are always float, so there's no actual cast and this would be a no-op.
const bool isSingleScalarCast =
arguments.size() == 1 && type.isScalar() && arg0Type.isScalar();
const bool isSingleVectorCast = arguments.size() == 1 && type.isVector() &&
arg0Type.isVector() &&
type.getNominalSize() == arg0Type.getNominalSize();
const bool isSingleMatrixCast =
arguments.size() == 1 && type.isMatrix() && arg0Type.isMatrix() &&
type.getCols() == arg0Type.getCols() && type.getRows() == arg0Type.getRows();
if (isSingleScalarCast || isSingleVectorCast || isSingleMatrixCast)
return node;
// Cases we need to handle:
// scalar(vec)
// scalar(mat)
// vecN(scalar)
// vecN(vecM)
// vecN(a,...)
// matN(scalar) -> diag
// matN(vec) -> fail!
// manN(matM) -> corner + ident
// matN(a, ...)
// Build a function and pass all the constructor's arguments to it.
TIntermBlock *body = new TIntermBlock;
TFunction *function = new TFunction(&mSymbolTable, ImmutableString(""),
SymbolType::AngleInternal, &type, true);
for (size_t i = 0; i < arguments.size(); ++i)
TIntermTyped &arg = *arguments[i]->getAsTyped();
TType *argType = new TType(arg.getBasicType(), arg.getPrecision(), EvqParamIn,
arg.getNominalSize(), arg.getSecondarySize());
TVariable *var = CreateTempVariable(&mSymbolTable, argType);
// Build a return statement for the function that
// converts the arguments into the required type.
TIntermSequence *returnCtorArgs = new TIntermSequence();
if (type.isScalar())
AppendScalarFromNonScalarArguments(*function, returnCtorArgs);
else if (type.isVector())
if (arguments.size() == 1 && arg0Type.isScalar())
AppendVectorFromScalarArgument(type, *function, returnCtorArgs);
AppendValuesFromMultipleArguments(type.getNominalSize(), *function, returnCtorArgs);
else if (type.isMatrix())
if (arguments.size() == 1 && arg0Type.isScalar())
// MSL already handles this case
AppendMatrixFromScalarArgument(type, *function, returnCtorArgs);
else if (arg0Type.isMatrix())
AppendMatrixFromMatrixArgument(type, *function, returnCtorArgs);
AppendValuesFromMultipleArguments(type.getNominalSize() * type.getSecondarySize(),
*function, returnCtorArgs);
TIntermBranch *returnStatement =
new TIntermBranch(EOpReturn, TIntermAggregate::CreateConstructor(type, returnCtorArgs));
TIntermFunctionDefinition *functionDefinition =
CreateInternalFunctionDefinitionNode(*function, body);
TIntermTyped *functionCall = TIntermAggregate::CreateFunctionCall(*function, &arguments);
return *functionCall;
bool rewrite(TIntermBlock &root)
if (!rebuildInPlace(root))
return true;
size_t firstFunctionIndex = FindFirstFunctionDefinitionIndex(&root);
for (TIntermFunctionDefinition *functionDefinition : mFunctionDefs)
root.insertChildNodes(firstFunctionIndex, TIntermSequence({functionDefinition}));
return mCompiler.validateAST(&root);
TVector<TIntermFunctionDefinition *> mFunctionDefs;
} // anonymous namespace
bool sh::ConvertUnsupportedConstructorsToFunctionCalls(TCompiler &compiler, TIntermBlock &root)
return Rebuild(compiler).rewrite(root);