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// Copyright 2002 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "compiler/translator/OutputESSL.h"
namespace sh
TOutputESSL::TOutputESSL(TCompiler *compiler,
TInfoSinkBase &objSink,
const ShCompileOptions &compileOptions)
: TOutputGLSLBase(compiler, objSink, compileOptions)
bool TOutputESSL::writeVariablePrecision(TPrecision precision)
if (precision == EbpUndefined)
return false;
if (precision == EbpHigh && !isHighPrecisionSupported())
precision = EbpMedium;
TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink();
out << getPrecisionString(precision);
return true;
ImmutableString TOutputESSL::translateTextureFunction(const ImmutableString &name,
const ShCompileOptions &option)
// Check WEBGL_video_texture invocation first.
if (name == "textureVideoWEBGL")
if (option.takeVideoTextureAsExternalOES)
// TODO( Implement external image situation.
return ImmutableString("");
// Default translating textureVideoWEBGL to texture2D.
return ImmutableString("texture2D");
return name;
} // namespace sh