Name Description Size 1430
txBooleanExpr.cpp Represents a BooleanExpr, a binary expression that performs a boolean operation between its lvalue and rvalue. 2064
txBooleanResult.cpp Boolean Expression result 1350
txCoreFunctionCall.cpp Evaluates this Expr based on the given context node and processor state @param context the context node for evaluation of this Expr @param ps the ContextState containing the stack information needed for evaluation @return the result of the evaluation 19662
txErrorExpr.cpp 1133
txExpr.cpp 816
txExpr.h XPath class definitions. Much of this code was ported from XSL:P. 24341
txExprLexer.cpp Lexical analyzer for XPath expressions 10516
txExprLexer.h A Token class for the ExprLexer. This class was ported from XSL:P, an open source Java based XSLT processor, written by yours truly. 4583
txExprParser.cpp ExprParser This class is used to parse XSL Expressions @see ExprLexer 25780
txExprParser.h ExprParser This class is used to parse XSL Expressions @see ExprLexer 3707
txExprResult.h ExprResult Classes Represented: BooleanResult, ExprResult, NumberResult, StringResult Note: for NodeSet, see NodeSet.h 2865
txFilterExpr.cpp Evaluates this Expr based on the given context node and processor state @param context the context node for evaluation of this Expr @param ps the ProcessorState containing the stack information needed for evaluation @return the result of the evaluation @see Expr 2497
txForwardContext.cpp 1733
txForwardContext.h 845
txFunctionCall.cpp This class represents a FunctionCall as defined by the XSL Working Draft 3174
txIXPathContext.h txIParseContext This interface describes the context needed to create XPath Expressions and XSLT Patters. (not completely though. key() requires the ProcessorState, which is not part of this interface.) 3988
txLiteralExpr.cpp 2138
txLocationStep.cpp Implementation of an XPath LocationStep 8104
txMozillaXPathTreeWalker.cpp 18044
txNamedAttributeStep.cpp 1673
txNameTest.cpp Returns the default priority of this txNodeTest 2742
txNodeSet.cpp Implementation of an XPath nodeset 15199
txNodeSet.h Implementation of an XPath NodeSet 6531
txNodeSetContext.cpp 1689
txNodeSetContext.h 1090
txNodeTypeTest.cpp Returns the default priority of this txNodeTest 2529
txNumberExpr.cpp XXX MSVC miscompiles such that (NaN == 0) 2855
txNumberResult.cpp NumberResult Represents the a number as the result of evaluating an Expr 1416
txPathExpr.cpp Adds the Expr to this PathExpr @param expr the Expr to add to this PathExpr 6844
txPredicatedNodeTest.cpp 1674
txPredicateList.cpp Represents an ordered list of Predicates, for use with Step and Filter Expressions 2347
txRelationalExpr.cpp Compares the two ExprResults based on XPath 1.0 Recommendation (section 3.4) 5380
txResultRecycler.cpp 4793
txResultRecycler.h Returns an txAExprResult to this recycler for reuse. @param aResult result to recycle 2223
txRootExpr.cpp Evaluates this Expr based on the given context node and processor state @param context the context node for evaluation of this Expr @param ps the ContextState containing the stack information needed for evaluation @return the result of the evaluation 1177
txSingleNodeContext.h 1976
txStringResult.cpp StringResult Represents a String as a Result of evaluating an Expr 1281
txUnaryExpr.cpp Evaluates this Expr based on the given context node and processor state @param context the context node for evaluation of this Expr @param ps the ContextState containing the stack information needed for evaluation. @return the result of the evaluation. 1288
txUnionExpr.cpp Evaluates this Expr based on the given context node and processor state @param context the context node for evaluation of this Expr @param ps the ContextState containing the stack information needed for evaluation @return the result of the evaluation 2544
txUnionNodeTest.cpp 1564
txVariableRefExpr.cpp Creates a VariableRefExpr with the given variable name 1913
txXPathNode.h static 2947
txXPathOptimizer.cpp 8060
txXPathOptimizer.h Optimize the given expression. @param aInExpr Expression to optimize. @param aOutExpr Resulting expression, null if optimization didn't result in a new expression. 924
txXPathTreeWalker.h 6931
XPathEvaluator.cpp static 5833
XPathEvaluator.h A class for evaluating an XPath expression string 2363
XPathExpression.cpp 6360
XPathExpression.h A class for evaluating an XPath expression string 2488
XPathResult.cpp 7670
XPathResult.h A class for evaluating an XPath expression string 4716