1430 |
txBooleanExpr.cpp |
Represents a BooleanExpr, a binary expression that
performs a boolean operation between its lvalue and rvalue.
2064 |
txBooleanResult.cpp |
Boolean Expression result
1350 |
txCoreFunctionCall.cpp |
Evaluates this Expr based on the given context node and processor state
@param context the context node for evaluation of this Expr
@param ps the ContextState containing the stack information needed
for evaluation
@return the result of the evaluation
19662 |
txErrorExpr.cpp |
1133 |
txExpr.cpp |
816 |
txExpr.h |
XPath class definitions.
Much of this code was ported from XSL:P.
24341 |
txExprLexer.cpp |
Lexical analyzer for XPath expressions
10516 |
txExprLexer.h |
A Token class for the ExprLexer.
This class was ported from XSL:P, an open source Java based
XSLT processor, written by yours truly.
4583 |
txExprParser.cpp |
This class is used to parse XSL Expressions
@see ExprLexer
25780 |
txExprParser.h |
This class is used to parse XSL Expressions
@see ExprLexer
3707 |
txExprResult.h |
Classes Represented:
BooleanResult, ExprResult, NumberResult, StringResult
Note: for NodeSet, see NodeSet.h
2865 |
txFilterExpr.cpp |
Evaluates this Expr based on the given context node and processor state
@param context the context node for evaluation of this Expr
@param ps the ProcessorState containing the stack information needed
for evaluation
@return the result of the evaluation
@see Expr
2497 |
txForwardContext.cpp |
1733 |
txForwardContext.h |
861 |
txFunctionCall.cpp |
This class represents a FunctionCall as defined by the XSL Working Draft
3174 |
txIXPathContext.h |
This interface describes the context needed to create
XPath Expressions and XSLT Patters.
(not completely though. key() requires the ProcessorState, which is
not part of this interface.)
3988 |
txLiteralExpr.cpp |
2138 |
txLocationStep.cpp |
Implementation of an XPath LocationStep
8104 |
txMozillaXPathTreeWalker.cpp |
17005 |
txNamedAttributeStep.cpp |
1673 |
txNameTest.cpp |
Returns the default priority of this txNodeTest
2742 |
txNodeSet.cpp |
Implementation of an XPath nodeset
15233 |
txNodeSet.h |
Implementation of an XPath NodeSet
6687 |
txNodeSetContext.cpp |
1689 |
txNodeSetContext.h |
1090 |
txNodeTypeTest.cpp |
Returns the default priority of this txNodeTest
2529 |
txNumberExpr.cpp |
XXX MSVC miscompiles such that (NaN == 0) |
2855 |
txNumberResult.cpp |
Represents the a number as the result of evaluating an Expr
1416 |
txPathExpr.cpp |
Adds the Expr to this PathExpr
@param expr the Expr to add to this PathExpr
6844 |
txPredicatedNodeTest.cpp |
1674 |
txPredicateList.cpp |
Represents an ordered list of Predicates,
for use with Step and Filter Expressions
2347 |
txRelationalExpr.cpp |
Compares the two ExprResults based on XPath 1.0 Recommendation (section 3.4)
5380 |
txResultRecycler.cpp |
4793 |
txResultRecycler.h |
Returns an txAExprResult to this recycler for reuse.
@param aResult result to recycle
2223 |
txRootExpr.cpp |
Evaluates this Expr based on the given context node and processor state
@param context the context node for evaluation of this Expr
@param ps the ContextState containing the stack information needed
for evaluation
@return the result of the evaluation
1177 |
txSingleNodeContext.h |
1994 |
txStringResult.cpp |
Represents a String as a Result of evaluating an Expr
1281 |
txUnaryExpr.cpp |
Evaluates this Expr based on the given context node and processor state
@param context the context node for evaluation of this Expr
@param ps the ContextState containing the stack information needed
for evaluation.
@return the result of the evaluation.
1288 |
txUnionExpr.cpp |
Evaluates this Expr based on the given context node and processor state
@param context the context node for evaluation of this Expr
@param ps the ContextState containing the stack information needed
for evaluation
@return the result of the evaluation
2544 |
txUnionNodeTest.cpp |
1564 |
txVariableRefExpr.cpp |
Creates a VariableRefExpr with the given variable name
1913 |
txXPathNode.h |
txXPathNode represents a node in XPath's data model (which is a bit different
from the DOM's). While XPath 1.0 has 7 node types, we essentially deal with 3
kinds: a document node, any other node type that is backed by an
implementation of nsIContent in Gecko, and attribute nodes. Because we try to
avoid creating actual node objects for attribute nodes in Gecko's DOM, we
store attribute nodes as a pointer to their owner element and an index into
that element's attribute node list. So to represent the 3 kinds of node we
need to store:
- a pointer to a document (a nsIDocument as a nsINode pointer)
- a pointer to a nsIContent object (as a nsINode pointer)
- a pointer to a nsIContent object (a nsIContent as a nsINode pointer) and
an index
So we make txXPathNode store a |nsCOMPtr<nsINode>| and a uint32_t for the
index. To be able to distinguish between the attribute nodes and other nodes
we store a flag value for the other nodes in the index. To be able to quickly
cast from the nsINode pointer to a nsIDocument or nsIContent pointer we
actually use 2 different flag values (see txXPathNode::PositionType).
We provide 2 fast constructors for txXPathNode, one that takes a nsIContent
and one that takes a nsIDocument, since for those kinds of nodes we can
simply store the pointer and the relevant flag value. For attribute nodes, or
if you have just a nsINode pointer, then there is a helper function
(txXPathNativeNode::createXPathNode) that either picks the right flag value
or the correct index (for attribute nodes) when creating the txXPathNode.
4830 |
txXPathOptimizer.cpp |
8060 |
txXPathOptimizer.h |
Optimize the given expression.
@param aInExpr Expression to optimize.
@param aOutExpr Resulting expression, null if optimization didn't
result in a new expression.
924 |
txXPathTreeWalker.h |
static |
6060 |
XPathEvaluator.cpp |
static |
5833 |
XPathEvaluator.h |
A class for evaluating an XPath expression string
2363 |
XPathExpression.cpp |
6372 |
XPathExpression.h |
A class for evaluating an XPath expression string
2488 |
XPathResult.cpp |
7675 |
XPathResult.h |
A class for evaluating an XPath expression string
4716 |