Name Description Size
404_server.sjs 267
atob_worker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 931
blank.html Blank 297
browser.toml 1465
browser_bug1047663.js 2310
browser_bug1104623.js 1694
browser_consoleSharedWorkers.js 3041
browser_fileURL.js 1819
browser_privilegedmozilla_remoteworker.js { remoteType: "web", hostname: "", }, 3584
browser_serviceworker_fetch_new_process.js We choose blob contents that will roundtrip cleanly through the `textContent` of our returned HTML page. 13419
browser_worker_use_counters.js 5674
browser_WorkerDebugger.initialize.js 1658
browser_WorkerDebugger_waiting.initialize.js 2359
bug978260_worker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 173
bug998474_worker.js 196
bug1014466_data1.txt 11
bug1014466_data2.txt 9
bug1014466_worker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1622
bug1020226_frame.html Test for Bug 1020226 372
bug1020226_worker.js 480
bug1047663_tab.html 107
bug1047663_worker.sjs 971
bug1060621_worker.js 44
bug1062920_worker.js 218
bug1063538.sjs 281
bug1063538_worker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 560
bug1104064_worker.js 191
bug1132395_sharedWorker.js 372
bug1132924_worker.js 225
call_throws.js 120
chrome.toml 3270
chromeWorker_subworker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 171
chromeWorker_worker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 532
chromeWorker_worker.sys.mjs Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 433
chromeWorker_worker_submod.sys.mjs 234
clearTimeouts_worker.js 199
clearTimeoutsImplicit_worker.js 186
console_worker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2311
consoleReplaceable_worker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 550
content_worker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 258
csp_worker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 621
csp_worker.js^headers^ 77
dom_worker_helper.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 3791
dynamicImport_nested.mjs Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 196
dynamicImport_postMessage.mjs Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 171
dynamicImport_worker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 351
empty.html 0
empty_worker.js 17
errorPropagation_iframe.html 1375
errorPropagation_worker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1123
errorwarning_worker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1037
eventDispatch_worker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1720
fibonacci_worker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 546
file_bug1010784_worker.js 196
file_service_worker.js 80
file_service_worker_container.html 310
file_service_worker_fetch_synthetic.js Given a multipart/form-data encoded string that we know to have only a single part, return the contents of the part. (MIME multipart encoding is too exciting to delve into.) 2078
file_use_counter_service_worker.js 227
file_use_counter_shared_worker.js 209
file_use_counter_shared_worker_microtask.js 250
file_use_counter_worker.html Test for Bug 1202706 289
file_use_counter_worker.js 49
file_worker.js Expects a file. Returns an object containing the size, type, name and path. 352
fileBlob_worker.js Expects a blob. Returns an object containing the size, type. 240
fileBlobSubWorker_worker.js Expects a blob. Returns an object containing the size, type. Used to test posting of blob from worker to worker. 389
filePosting_worker.js 61
fileReaderSync_worker.js Expects an object containing a file and an encoding then uses a FileReaderSync to read the file. Returns an object containing the file read a binary string, text, url and ArrayBuffer. 683
fileReaderSyncErrors_worker.js Delegates "is" evaluation back to main thread. 1966
fileReadSlice_worker.js Expects an object containing a blob, a start index and an end index for slicing. Returns the contents of the blob read as text. 422
fileSlice_worker.js Expects an object containing a blob, a start offset, an end offset and an optional content type to slice the blob. Returns an object containing the size and type of the sliced blob. 748
fileSubWorker_worker.js Expects a file. Returns an object containing the size, type, name and path using another worker. Used to test posting of file from worker to worker. 420
foreign.js 18
head.js Add a tab with given `url`. Returns a promise that will be resolved when the tab finished loading. 2072
importForeignScripts_worker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1189
importScripts_3rdParty_worker.js An Error can be a JS Error or a DOMException. The primary difference is that JS Errors have a SpiderMonkey specific `fileName` for the filename and DOMEXCEPTION uses `filename`. 4366
importScripts_mixedcontent.html 1097
importScripts_worker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1558
importScripts_worker_imported1.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 315
importScripts_worker_imported2.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 317
importScripts_worker_imported3.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 213
importScripts_worker_imported4.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 195
instanceof_worker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 421
invalid.js 9
json_worker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 6808
loadEncoding_worker.js 259
location_worker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 351
longThread_worker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 332
mime_type_is_csv.js 71
mime_type_is_csv.js^headers^ 23
mochitest.toml 7357
multi_sharedWorker_frame.html Test for SharedWorker 1615
multi_sharedWorker_frame_bfcache.html Test for SharedWorker 301
multi_sharedWorker_frame_nobfcache.html Test for SharedWorker 301
multi_sharedWorker_frame_nobfcache.html^headers^ 23
multi_sharedWorker_manager.js 1544
multi_sharedWorker_sharedWorker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1447
navigate.html 298
navigator_languages_worker.js 172
navigator_worker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2035
newError_worker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 138
onLine_worker.js 1510
onLine_worker_child.js eslint-disable mozilla/no-comparison-or-assignment-inside-ok 2396
onLine_worker_head.js eslint-disable mozilla/no-comparison-or-assignment-inside-ok 1763
promise_worker.js eslint-disable mozilla/no-comparison-or-assignment-inside-ok 23407
recursion_worker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1105
recursiveOnerror_worker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 248
redirect_to_foreign.sjs 195
redirect_with_query_args.sjs This file expects a query string that's the upper-cased version of a file to be redirected to in the same directory. The redirect will also include added "secret data" as a query string. So if the request is `/path/redirect_with_query_args.sjs?FOO.JS` the redirect will be to `/path/foo.js?SECRET_DATA`. 852
referrer.sjs 610
referrer_test_server.sjs 2798
referrer_worker.html 4973
rvals_worker.js 337
script_createFile.js eslint-env mozilla/chrome-script 1332
server_fetch_synthetic.sjs Given a multipart/form-data encoded string that we know to have only a single part, return the contents of the part. (MIME multipart encoding is too exciting to delve into.) 1555
sharedWorker_console.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 366
sharedWorker_lifetime.js 112
sharedWorker_ports.js 820
sharedWorker_privateBrowsing.js 88
sharedWorker_sharedWorker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2818
sharedWorker_thirdparty_frame.html 539
sharedWorker_thirdparty_window.html Test for SharedWorker in 3rd Party Iframes 641
simpleThread_worker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1299
sourcemap_header.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1922
sourcemap_header_debugger.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 650
sourcemap_header_iframe.html 419
sourcemap_header_worker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 259
sourcemap_header_worker.js^headers^ 34
suspend_blank.html 495
suspend_window.html Test for DOM Worker Threads Suspending 1843
suspend_worker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 269
terminate_worker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 254
test_404.html Test for DOM Worker Threads 841
test_atob.html Test for DOM Worker Threads 1487
test_blobConstructor.html Test for DOM Worker Blob constructor 1485
test_blobWorkers.html 820
test_bug949946.html Test for bug 949946 704
test_bug978260.html Test for DOM Worker Threads 816
test_bug998474.html Test for bug 998474 888
test_bug1002702.html Test for bug 1002702 638
test_bug1010784.html Test for Bug 1010784 820
test_bug1014466.html Test for Bug 1014466 1013
test_bug1020226.html Test for Bug 1020226 1050
test_bug1036484.html Test for DOM Worker Threads: bug 1036484 1043
test_bug1060621.html Test for URLSearchParams object in workers 747
test_bug1062920.html Test for navigator property override 1916
test_bug1062920.xhtml 2003
test_bug1063538.html Test for Bug 1063538 1124
test_bug1104064.html Test for bug 1104064 634
test_bug1132395.html Test for 1132395 942
test_bug1132924.html Test for 1132924 606
test_bug1278777.html Test for Bug 1278777 764
test_bug1301094.html Test for Bug 1301094 1793
test_bug1317725.html Test for bug 1317725 1254
test_bug1317725.js 258
test_bug1824498.html Test for Worker Import failure (Bug 1824498) 918
test_chromeWorker.html Test for DOM Worker Threads 633
test_chromeWorker.xhtml 1892
test_chromeWorkerESM.xhtml 1428
test_clearTimeouts.html Test for DOM Worker Threads 804
test_clearTimeoutsImplicit.html Test for DOM Worker Threads 812
test_console.html Test for DOM Worker Console 1005
test_consoleAndBlobs.html Test for console API and blobs 1338
test_consoleReplaceable.html Test for DOM Worker Console 994
test_contentWorker.html Test for DOM Worker privileged properties 1091
test_csp.html Test for DOM Worker + CSP 501
test_csp.html^headers^ 74
test_csp.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1292
test_dataURLWorker.html 789
test_dynamicImport.html Test for Worker Dynamic Import (Bug 1540913) 2046
test_dynamicImport_and_terminate.html Test for Worker create script loader failure 798
test_dynamicImport_early_termination.html Test for Worker Dynamic Import (Bug 1540913) 2232
test_errorPropagation.html 1976
test_errorwarning.html Test javascript.options.strict in Workers 1955
test_eventDispatch.html 810
test_fibonacci.html Test for DOM Worker Threads with Fibonacci 1223
test_file.xhtml 3185
test_fileBlobPosting.xhtml 2589
test_fileBlobSubWorker.xhtml 2994
test_filePosting.xhtml 2744
test_fileReaderSync.xhtml 6531
test_fileReaderSync_when_closing.html Test for FileReaderSync when the worker is closing 1887
test_fileReaderSyncErrors.xhtml 2529
test_fileReadSlice.xhtml 2757
test_fileSlice.xhtml 3446
test_fileSubWorker.xhtml 3190
test_importScripts.html Test for DOM Worker Threads (Bug 437152) 1291
test_importScripts_1.html Test for ServiceWorker importScripts 977
test_importScripts_2.html Test for Worker importScripts 884
test_importScripts_3rdparty.html Test for 3rd party imported script and muted errors 21797
test_importScripts_mixedcontent.html Bug 1198078 - test that we respect mixed content blocking in importScript() inside workers 1418
test_instanceof.html Test for DOM Worker Navigator 873
test_json.html Test for DOM Worker Navigator 2249
test_loadEncoding.html Bug 484305 - Load workers as UTF-8 1628
test_loadError.html Test for DOM Worker Threads 1555
test_location.html Test for DOM Worker Location 1920
test_longThread.html Test for DOM Worker Threads (Bug 437152) 1389
test_multi_sharedWorker.html Test for SharedWorker 8909
test_multi_sharedWorker_lifetimes_bfcache.html Test for SharedWorker 6083
test_multi_sharedWorker_lifetimes_nobfcache.html Test for SharedWorker 4681
test_navigator.html Test for DOM Worker Navigator 656
test_navigator.js 394
test_navigator_iframe.html Test for DOM Worker Navigator 571
test_navigator_iframe.js 1472
test_navigator_languages.html Test for DOM Worker Navigator.languages 1532
test_navigator_secureContext.html Test for DOM Worker Navigator 651
test_navigator_workers_hardwareConcurrency.html Test for Navigator.hardwareConcurrency 1766
test_newError.html Test for DOM Worker Threads 783
test_onLine.html Test for Bug 925437 (worker online/offline events) 2110
test_promise.html Test for Promise object in workers 1032
test_promise_resolved_with_string.html Test for Bug 1027221 1133
test_readableStream_when_closing.html Test for ReadableStream+fetch when the worker is closing 1456
test_recursion.html Test for DOM Worker Threads Recursion 1467
test_recursiveOnerror.html 1249
test_referrer.html Test the referrer of workers 1457
test_referrer_header_worker.html Test the referrer of workers 1197
test_resolveWorker-assignment.html 1129
test_resolveWorker.html 1147
test_rvals.html Test for bug 911085 907
test_setTimeoutWith0.html Test for DOM Worker setTimeout and strings containing 0 455
test_sharedWorker.html Test for SharedWorker 2395
test_sharedworker_event_listener_leaks.html Bug 1450358 - Test SharedWorker event listener leak conditions 1502
test_sharedWorker_lifetime.html Test for MessagePort and SharedWorkers 714
test_sharedWorker_ports.html Test for MessagePort and SharedWorkers 1082
test_sharedWorker_privateBrowsing.html Test for SharedWorker - Private Browsing 2926
test_sharedWorker_thirdparty.html Test for SharedWorker in 3rd Party Iframes 1713
test_shutdownCheck.xhtml 1557
test_simpleThread.html Test for DOM Worker Threads (Bug 437152) 1938
test_sourcemap_header.html Test for DOM Worker + SourceMap header 687
test_subworkers_suspended.html Test for sub workers+bfcache behavior 5163
test_suspend.html Test for DOM Worker Threads 5713
test_terminate.html Test for DOM Worker Navigator 2285
test_threadErrors.html Test for DOM Worker Threads (Bug 437152) 1570
test_threadTimeouts.html Test for DOM Worker Threads (Bug 437152) 1526
test_throwingOnerror.html Test for DOM Worker Threads Recursion 1195
test_timeoutTracing.html Test for DOM Worker Threads 1187
test_transferable.html Test for DOM Worker transferable objects 3207
test_worker_in_background.html Workers background flag test 1639
test_worker_in_background.js 196
test_worker_in_background_child.js 542
test_worker_interfaces.html Validate Interfaces Exposed to Workers 639
test_worker_interfaces.js eslint-disable mozilla/no-comparison-or-assignment-inside-ok 30567
test_worker_interfaces_secureContext.html Validate Interfaces Exposed to Workers 634
test_WorkerDebugger.initialize.xhtml 1879
test_WorkerDebugger.postMessage.xhtml 2049
test_WorkerDebugger.xhtml 6055
test_WorkerDebugger_console.xhtml 3167
test_WorkerDebugger_frozen.xhtml 2433
test_WorkerDebugger_promise.xhtml 2261
test_WorkerDebugger_suspended.xhtml 2555
test_WorkerDebuggerGlobalScope.createSandbox.xhtml 1623
test_WorkerDebuggerGlobalScope.enterEventLoop.xhtml 5005
test_WorkerDebuggerGlobalScope.reportError.xhtml 3928
test_WorkerDebuggerGlobalScope.setImmediate.xhtml 1757
test_WorkerDebuggerManager.xhtml 3863
threadErrors_worker1.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 191
threadErrors_worker2.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 180
threadErrors_worker3.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 203
threadErrors_worker4.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 203
threadTimeouts_worker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1132
throwingOnerror_worker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 268
timeoutTracing_worker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 344
toplevel_throws.js 43
transferable_worker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 971
window_suspended.html 2135
worker_bug1278777.js 189
worker_bug1301094.js 250
worker_bug1824498.mjs eslint-disable import/no-unassigned-import 139
worker_consoleAndBlobs.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 226
worker_driver.js 3045
worker_dynamicImport.mjs eslint-disable import/no-unresolved 82
worker_referrer.js 236
worker_setTimeoutWith0.js eslint-disable no-implied-eval 112
worker_shutdownCheck.js 20
worker_suspended.js 862
worker_wrapper.js 2032
WorkerDebugger.console_childWorker.js 48
WorkerDebugger.console_debugger.js eslint-disable mozilla/no-comparison-or-assignment-inside-ok 1058
WorkerDebugger.console_worker.js 260
WorkerDebugger.initialize_childWorker.js 122
WorkerDebugger.initialize_debugger.js 137
WorkerDebugger.initialize_debugger_es_worker.js 312
WorkerDebugger.initialize_es_worker.js 288
WorkerDebugger.initialize_waiting_debugger.js 123
WorkerDebugger.initialize_waiting_worker.js 377
WorkerDebugger.initialize_worker.js 237
WorkerDebugger.postMessage_childWorker.js 48
WorkerDebugger.postMessage_debugger.js 139
WorkerDebugger.postMessage_worker.js 85
WorkerDebugger_childWorker.js 48
WorkerDebugger_frozen_window1.html 309
WorkerDebugger_frozen_window2.html 309
WorkerDebugger_frozen_worker1.js 66
WorkerDebugger_frozen_worker2.js 66
WorkerDebugger_promise_debugger.js 999
WorkerDebugger_promise_worker.js 844
WorkerDebugger_sharedWorker.js 278
WorkerDebugger_suspended_debugger.js 122
WorkerDebugger_suspended_worker.js 128
WorkerDebugger_worker.js 223
WorkerDebuggerGlobalScope.createSandbox_debugger.js 215
WorkerDebuggerGlobalScope.createSandbox_sandbox.js 161
WorkerDebuggerGlobalScope.createSandbox_worker.js 48
WorkerDebuggerGlobalScope.enterEventLoop_childWorker.js 273
WorkerDebuggerGlobalScope.enterEventLoop_debugger.js 510
WorkerDebuggerGlobalScope.enterEventLoop_worker.js 561
WorkerDebuggerGlobalScope.reportError_childWorker.js 71
WorkerDebuggerGlobalScope.reportError_debugger.js 196
WorkerDebuggerGlobalScope.reportError_worker.js 233
WorkerDebuggerGlobalScope.setImmediate_debugger.js 213
WorkerDebuggerGlobalScope.setImmediate_worker.js 48
WorkerDebuggerManager_childWorker.js 48
WorkerDebuggerManager_worker.js 80
WorkerTest.sys.mjs Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 382
WorkerTest_badworker.js 52
WorkerTest_subworker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1000
WorkerTest_worker.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 307