1537 |
PRemoteWorker.ipdl |
1209 |
PRemoteWorkerController.ipdl |
Proxy protocol used by ServiceWorkerManager whose canonical state exists on
the main thread to control/receive feedback from RemoteWorkers which are
canonically controlled from the PBackground thread. Exclusively for use from
the parent process main thread to the parent process PBackground thread.
1259 |
PRemoteWorkerNonLifeCycleOpController.ipdl |
683 |
PRemoteWorkerService.ipdl |
850 |
RemoteWorkerChild.cpp |
30457 |
RemoteWorkerChild.h |
Background-managed "Worker Launcher"-thread-resident created via the
RemoteWorkerManager to actually spawn the worker. Currently, the worker will
be spawned from the main thread due to nsIPrincipal not being able to be
created on background threads and other ownership invariants, most of which
can be relaxed in the future.
6196 |
RemoteWorkerController.cpp |
static |
18089 |
RemoteWorkerController.h |
Here's a graph about this remote workers are spawned.
_________________________________ | ________________________________
| | | | |
| Parent process | IPC | Creation of Process X |
| PBackground thread | | | |
| | | | [RemoteWorkerService::Init()] |
| | | | | |
| | | | | (1) |
| [RemoteWorkerManager:: (2) | | | V |
| RegisterActor()]<-------- [new RemoteWorkerServiceChild] |
| | | | |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |________________________________|
| | |
| new SharedWorker/ServiceWorker | |
| | ^ | IPC
| (3) | (4)| |
| V | | |
| [RemoteWorkerController:: | |
| | Create(data)] | |
| | (5) | |
| V | |
| [RemoteWorkerManager::Launch()] | |
| | | IPC _____________________________
| | (6) | | | |
| | | | Selected content process |
| V | (7) | |
| [SendPRemoteWorkerConstructor()]--------->[new RemoteWorkerChild()] |
| | | | | | |
| | (8) | | | | |
| V | | | V |
| [RemoteWorkerController-> | | | RemoteWorkerChild->Exec() |
| | SetControllerActor()] | | |_____________________________|
| (9) | | IPC
| V | |
| [RemoteWorkerObserver-> | |
| CreationCompleted()] | |
|_________________________________| |
1. When a new process starts, it creates a RemoteWorkerService singleton.
This service creates a new thread (Worker Launcher) and from there, it
starts a PBackground RemoteWorkerServiceChild actor.
2. On the parent process, PBackground thread, RemoteWorkerServiceParent
actors are registered into the RemoteWorkerManager service.
3. At some point, a SharedWorker or a ServiceWorker must be executed.
RemoteWorkerController::Create() is used to start the launching. This
method must be called on the parent process, on the PBackground thread.
4. RemoteWorkerController object is immediately returned to the caller. Any
operation done with this controller object will be stored in a queue,
until the launching is correctly executed.
5. RemoteWorkerManager has the list of active RemoteWorkerServiceParent
actors. From them, it picks one.
In case we don't have any content process to select, a new one is
spawned. If this happens, the operation is suspended until a new
RemoteWorkerServiceParent is registered.
6. RemoteWorkerServiceParent is used to create a RemoteWorkerParent.
7. RemoteWorkerChild is created on a selected process and it executes the
8. The RemoteWorkerParent actor is passed to the RemoteWorkerController.
9. RemoteWorkerController now is ready to continue and it called
RemoteWorkerObserver to inform that the operation is completed.
In case there were pending operations, they are now executed.
11565 |
RemoteWorkerControllerChild.cpp |
3936 |
RemoteWorkerControllerChild.h |
Parent-process main-thread proxy used by ServiceWorkerManager to control
RemoteWorkerController instances on the parent-process PBackground thread.
2107 |
RemoteWorkerControllerParent.cpp |
random process ID |
5847 |
RemoteWorkerControllerParent.h |
PBackground-resident proxy used by ServiceWorkerManager because canonical
ServiceWorkerManager state exists on the parent process main thread but the
RemoteWorkerController API is used from the parent process PBackground
2681 |
RemoteWorkerManager.cpp |
18914 |
RemoteWorkerManager.h |
PBackground instance that keeps tracks of RemoteWorkerServiceParent actors
(1 per process, including the main process). Decides which
RemoteWorkerServerParent to use internally via SelectTargetActor in order to
select a BackgroundParent manager on which to create a RemoteWorkerParent.
4514 |
RemoteWorkerNonLifeCycleOpControllerChild.cpp |
static |
3211 |
RemoteWorkerNonLifeCycleOpControllerChild.h |
1734 |
RemoteWorkerNonLifeCycleOpControllerParent.cpp |
1432 |
RemoteWorkerNonLifeCycleOpControllerParent.h |
1154 |
RemoteWorkerOp.cpp |
900 |
RemoteWorkerOp.h |
3837 |
RemoteWorkerParent.cpp |
unused |
3892 |
RemoteWorkerParent.h |
PBackground-managed parent actor that is mutually associated with a single
RemoteWorkerController. Relays error/close events to the controller and in
turns is told life-cycle events.
2091 |
RemoteWorkerService.cpp |
Block shutdown until the RemoteWorkers have shutdown so that we do not try
and shutdown the RemoteWorkerService "Worker Launcher" thread until they have
cleanly shutdown.
Note that this shutdown blocker is not used to initiate shutdown of any of
the workers directly; their shutdown is initiated from PBackground in the
parent process. The shutdown blocker just exists to avoid races around
shutting down the worker launcher thread after all of the workers have
shutdown and torn down their actors.
Currently, it should be the case that the ContentParent should want to keep
the content processes alive until the RemoteWorkers have all reported their
shutdown over IPC (on the "Worker Launcher" thread). So for an orderly
content process shutdown that is waiting for there to no longer be a reason
to keep the content process alive, this blocker should only hang around for
a brief period of time, helping smooth out lifecycle edge cases.
In the event the content process is trying to shutdown while the
RemoteWorkers think they should still be alive, it's possible that this
blocker could expose the relevant logic error in the parent process if no
attempt is made to shutdown the RemoteWorker.
## Major Implementation Note: This is not actually an nsIAsyncShutdownClient
Until provides us with a
non-JS implementation of nsIAsyncShutdownService, this implementation
actually uses event loop spinning. The patch on that changed us to use
this hack can be reverted when the time is right.
Event loop spinning is handled by `RemoteWorkerService::Observe` and it calls
our exposed `ShouldBlockShutdown()` to know when to stop spinning.
12334 |
RemoteWorkerService.h |
Refcounted lifecycle helper; when its refcount goes to zero its destructor
will call RemoteWorkerService::Shutdown() which will remove the shutdown
blocker and shutdown the "Worker Launcher" thread.
The RemoteWorkerService itself will hold a reference to this singleton which
it will use to hand out additional refcounts to RemoteWorkerChild instances.
When the shutdown blocker is notified that it's time to shutdown, the
RemoteWorkerService's reference will be dropped.
5263 |
RemoteWorkerServiceChild.cpp |
1264 |
RemoteWorkerServiceChild.h |
"Worker Launcher"-thread child actor created by the RemoteWorkerService to
receive messages from the PBackground RemoteWorkerManager in the parent.
1542 |
RemoteWorkerServiceParent.cpp |
2657 |
RemoteWorkerServiceParent.h |
PBackground-thread parent actor that registers with the PBackground
RemoteWorkerManager and used to relay spawn requests.
1717 |
RemoteWorkerTypes.ipdlh |
4006 |