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export const description = `
Unit tests for parameterization helpers.
import { TestParams } from '../common/framework/fixture.js';
import {
} from '../common/framework/params_builder.js';
import { makeTestGroup } from '../common/framework/test_group.js';
import {
} from '../common/internal/params_utils.js';
import { assert, objectEquals } from '../common/util/util.js';
import { UnitTest } from './unit_test.js';
class ParamsTest extends UnitTest {
expectParams<CaseP extends {}, SubcaseP extends {}>(
act: ParamsBuilderBase<CaseP, SubcaseP>,
exp: CaseSubcaseIterable<{}, {}>,
caseFilter: TestParams | null = null
): void {
const a = Array.from(builderIterateCasesWithSubcases(act, caseFilter)).map(
([caseP, subcases]) => [caseP, subcases ? Array.from(subcases) : undefined]
const e = Array.from(exp);
objectEquals(a, e),
got ${JSON.stringify(a)}
expected ${JSON.stringify(e)}`
export const g = makeTestGroup(ParamsTest);
const u = kUnitCaseParamsBuilder;
g.test('combine').fn(t => {
t.expectParams<{ hello: number }, {}>(u.combine('hello', [1, 2, 3]), [
[{ hello: 1 }, undefined],
[{ hello: 2 }, undefined],
[{ hello: 3 }, undefined],
t.expectParams<{ hello: number }, {}>(
u.combine('hello', [1, 2, 3]),
[{ hello: 1 }, undefined],
[{ hello: 2 }, undefined],
[{ hello: 3 }, undefined],
t.expectParams<{ hello: number }, {}>(
u.combine('hello', [1, 2, 3]),
[[{ hello: 2 }, undefined]],
{ hello: 2 }
t.expectParams<{ hello: 1 | 2 | 3 }, {}>(u.combine('hello', [1, 2, 3] as const), [
[{ hello: 1 }, undefined],
[{ hello: 2 }, undefined],
[{ hello: 3 }, undefined],
t.expectParams<{}, { hello: number }>(u.beginSubcases().combine('hello', [1, 2, 3]), [
[{}, [{ hello: 1 }, { hello: 2 }, { hello: 3 }]],
t.expectParams<{}, { hello: number }>(
u.beginSubcases().combine('hello', [1, 2, 3]),
[[{}, [{ hello: 1 }, { hello: 2 }, { hello: 3 }]]],
t.expectParams<{}, { hello: number }>(u.beginSubcases().combine('hello', [1, 2, 3]), [], {
hello: 2,
t.expectParams<{}, { hello: 1 | 2 | 3 }>(u.beginSubcases().combine('hello', [1, 2, 3] as const), [
[{}, [{ hello: 1 }, { hello: 2 }, { hello: 3 }]],
g.test('empty').fn(t => {
t.expectParams<{}, {}>(u, [
[{}, undefined], //
t.expectParams<{}, {}>(u.beginSubcases(), [
[{}, [{}]], //
g.test('combine,zeroes_and_ones').fn(t => {
t.expectParams<{}, {}>(u.combineWithParams([]).combineWithParams([]), []);
t.expectParams<{}, {}>(u.combineWithParams([]).combineWithParams([{}]), []);
t.expectParams<{}, {}>(u.combineWithParams([{}]).combineWithParams([]), []);
t.expectParams<{}, {}>(u.combineWithParams([{}]).combineWithParams([{}]), [
[{}, undefined], //
t.expectParams<{}, {}>(u.combine('x', []).combine('y', []), []);
t.expectParams<{}, {}>(u.combine('x', []).combine('y', [1]), []);
t.expectParams<{}, {}>(u.combine('x', [1]).combine('y', []), []);
t.expectParams<{}, {}>(u.combine('x', [1]).combine('y', [1]), [
[{ x: 1, y: 1 }, undefined], //
g.test('combine,mixed').fn(t => {
t.expectParams<{ x: number; y: string; p: number | undefined; q: number | undefined }, {}>(
.combine('x', [1, 2])
.combine('y', ['a', 'b'])
.combineWithParams([{ p: 4 }, { q: 5 }])
[{ x: 1, y: 'a', p: 4 }, undefined],
[{ x: 1, y: 'a', q: 5 }, undefined],
[{ x: 1, y: 'b', p: 4 }, undefined],
[{ x: 1, y: 'b', q: 5 }, undefined],
[{ x: 2, y: 'a', p: 4 }, undefined],
[{ x: 2, y: 'a', q: 5 }, undefined],
[{ x: 2, y: 'b', p: 4 }, undefined],
[{ x: 2, y: 'b', q: 5 }, undefined],
g.test('filter').fn(t => {
t.expectParams<{ a: boolean; x: number | undefined; y: number | undefined }, {}>(
{ a: true, x: 1 },
{ a: false, y: 2 },
.filter(p => p.a),
[{ a: true, x: 1 }, undefined], //
t.expectParams<{ a: boolean; x: number | undefined; y: number | undefined }, {}>(
{ a: true, x: 1 },
{ a: false, y: 2 },
.filter(p => p.a),
[{ a: true, x: 1 }, [{}]], //
// Case with no subcases is filtered out.
t.expectParams<{}, { a: boolean; x: number | undefined; y: number | undefined }>(
{ a: true, x: 1 },
{ a: false, y: 2 },
.filter(p => p.a),
[{}, [{ a: true, x: 1 }]], //
g.test('unless').fn(t => {
t.expectParams<{ a: boolean; x: number | undefined; y: number | undefined }, {}>(
{ a: true, x: 1 },
{ a: false, y: 2 },
.unless(p => p.a),
[{ a: false, y: 2 }, undefined], //
t.expectParams<{ a: boolean; x: number | undefined; y: number | undefined }, {}>(
{ a: true, x: 1 },
{ a: false, y: 2 },
.unless(p => p.a),
// Case with no subcases is filtered out.
[{ a: false, y: 2 }, [{}]], //
t.expectParams<{}, { a: boolean; x: number | undefined; y: number | undefined }>(
{ a: true, x: 1 },
{ a: false, y: 2 },
.unless(p => p.a),
[{}, [{ a: false, y: 2 }]], //
g.test('expandP').fn(t => {
// simple
t.expectParams<{}, {}>(
u.expandWithParams(function* () {}),
t.expectParams<{}, {}>(
u.expandWithParams(function* () {
yield {};
[[{}, undefined]]
t.expectParams<{ z: number | undefined; w: number | undefined }, {}>(
u.expandWithParams(function* () {
yield* kUnitCaseParamsBuilder.combine('z', [3, 4]);
yield { w: 5 };
[{ z: 3 }, undefined],
[{ z: 4 }, undefined],
[{ w: 5 }, undefined],
t.expectParams<{ z: number | undefined; w: number | undefined }, {}>(
u.expandWithParams(function* () {
yield* kUnitCaseParamsBuilder.combine('z', [3, 4]);
yield { w: 5 };
[{ z: 3 }, undefined],
[{ z: 4 }, undefined],
[{ w: 5 }, undefined],
t.expectParams<{ z: number | undefined; w: number | undefined }, {}>(
u.expandWithParams(function* () {
yield* kUnitCaseParamsBuilder.combine('z', [3, 4]);
yield { w: 5 };
[[{ z: 4 }, undefined]],
{ z: 4 }
t.expectParams<{ z: number | undefined; w: number | undefined }, {}>(
u.expandWithParams(function* () {
yield* kUnitCaseParamsBuilder.combine('z', [3, 4]);
yield { w: 5 };
[[{ z: 3 }, undefined]],
{ z: 3 }
t.expectParams<{}, { z: number | undefined; w: number | undefined }>(
u.beginSubcases().expandWithParams(function* () {
yield* kUnitCaseParamsBuilder.combine('z', [3, 4]);
yield { w: 5 };
[[{}, [{ z: 3 }, { z: 4 }, { w: 5 }]]]
t.expectParams<{ x: [] | {} }, {}>(
u.expand('x', () => [[], {}] as const),
[{ x: [] }, undefined],
[{ x: {} }, undefined],
t.expectParams<{ x: [] | {} }, {}>(
u.expand('x', () => [[], {}] as const),
[[{ x: [] }, undefined]],
{ x: [] }
t.expectParams<{ x: [] | {} }, {}>(
u.expand('x', () => [[], {}] as const),
[[{ x: {} }, undefined]],
{ x: {} }
// more complex
const p = u
{ a: true, x: 1 },
{ a: false, y: 2 },
.expandWithParams(function* (p) {
if (p.a) {
yield { z: 3 };
yield { z: 4 };
} else {
yield { w: 5 };
type T = {
a: boolean;
x: number | undefined;
y: number | undefined;
z: number | undefined;
w: number | undefined;
t.expectParams<T, {}>(p, [
[{ a: true, x: 1, z: 3 }, undefined],
[{ a: true, x: 1, z: 4 }, undefined],
[{ a: false, y: 2, w: 5 }, undefined],
t.expectParams<T, {}>(
[{ a: true, x: 1, z: 3 }, undefined],
[{ a: true, x: 1, z: 4 }, undefined],
[{ a: false, y: 2, w: 5 }, undefined],
t.expectParams<T, {}>(
[{ a: true, x: 1, z: 3 }, undefined],
[{ a: true, x: 1, z: 4 }, undefined],
{ a: true }
t.expectParams<T, {}>(p, [[{ a: false, y: 2, w: 5 }, undefined]], { a: false });
{ a: boolean; x: number | undefined; y: number | undefined },
{ z: number | undefined; w: number | undefined }
{ a: true, x: 1 },
{ a: false, y: 2 },
.expandWithParams(function* (p) {
if (p.a) {
yield { z: 3 };
yield { z: 4 };
} else {
yield { w: 5 };
[{ a: true, x: 1 }, [{ z: 3 }, { z: 4 }]],
[{ a: false, y: 2 }, [{ w: 5 }]],
g.test('expand').fn(t => {
// simple
t.expectParams<{}, {}>(
u.expand('x', function* () {}),
t.expectParams<{ z: number }, {}>(
u.expand('z', function* () {
yield 3;
yield 4;
[{ z: 3 }, undefined],
[{ z: 4 }, undefined],
t.expectParams<{ z: number }, {}>(
u.expand('z', function* () {
yield 3;
yield 4;
[{ z: 3 }, undefined],
[{ z: 4 }, undefined],
t.expectParams<{ z: number }, {}>(
u.expand('z', function* () {
yield 3;
yield 4;
[[{ z: 3 }, undefined]],
{ z: 3 }
t.expectParams<{}, { z: number }>(
u.beginSubcases().expand('z', function* () {
yield 3;
yield 4;
[[{}, [{ z: 3 }, { z: 4 }]]]
// more complex
t.expectParams<{ a: boolean; x: number | undefined; y: number | undefined; z: number }, {}>(
{ a: true, x: 1 },
{ a: false, y: 2 },
.expand('z', function* (p) {
if (p.a) {
yield 3;
} else {
yield 5;
[{ a: true, x: 1, z: 3 }, undefined],
[{ a: false, y: 2, z: 5 }, undefined],
t.expectParams<{ a: boolean; x: number | undefined; y: number | undefined }, { z: number }>(
{ a: true, x: 1 },
{ a: false, y: 2 },
.expand('z', function* (p) {
if (p.a) {
yield 3;
} else {
yield 5;
[{ a: true, x: 1 }, [{ z: 3 }]],
[{ a: false, y: 2 }, [{ z: 5 }]],
g.test('invalid,shadowing').fn(t => {
// Existing CaseP is shadowed by a new CaseP.
const p = u
{ a: true, x: 1 },
{ a: false, x: 2 },
.expandWithParams(function* (p) {
if (p.a) {
yield { x: 3 };
} else {
yield { w: 5 };
// Iterating causes merging e.g. ({x:1}, {x:3}), which fails.
t.shouldThrow('Error', () => {
// Existing SubcaseP is shadowed by a new SubcaseP.
const p = u
{ a: true, x: 1 },
{ a: false, x: 2 },
.expandWithParams(function* (p) {
if (p.a) {
yield { x: 3 };
} else {
yield { w: 5 };
// Iterating causes merging e.g. ({x:1}, {x:3}), which fails.
t.shouldThrow('Error', () => {
// Existing CaseP is shadowed by a new SubcaseP.
const p = u
{ a: true, x: 1 },
{ a: false, x: 2 },
.expandWithParams(function* (p) {
if (p.a) {
yield { x: 3 };
} else {
yield { w: 5 };
const cases = Array.from(p.iterateCasesWithSubcases(null));
// Iterating cases is fine...
for (const [caseP, subcases] of cases) {
assert(subcases !== undefined);
// Iterating subcases is fine...
for (const subcaseP of subcases) {
if (caseP.a) {
assert(subcases !== undefined);
// Only errors once we try to merge e.g. ({x:1}, {x:3}).
mergeParams(caseP, subcaseP);
t.shouldThrow('Error', () => {
mergeParamsChecked(caseP, subcaseP);
g.test('undefined').fn(t => {
t.expect(!publicParamsEquals({ a: undefined }, {}));
t.expect(!publicParamsEquals({}, { a: undefined }));
g.test('private').fn(t => {
t.expect(publicParamsEquals({ _a: 0 }, {}));
t.expect(publicParamsEquals({}, { _a: 0 }));
g.test('value,array').fn(t => {
t.expectParams<{ a: number[] }, {}>(u.combineWithParams([{ a: [1, 2] }]), [
[{ a: [1, 2] }, undefined], //
t.expectParams<{}, { a: number[] }>(u.beginSubcases().combineWithParams([{ a: [1, 2] }]), [
[{}, [{ a: [1, 2] }]], //
g.test('value,object').fn(t => {
t.expectParams<{ a: { [k: string]: number } }, {}>(u.combineWithParams([{ a: { x: 1 } }]), [
[{ a: { x: 1 } }, undefined], //
t.expectParams<{}, { a: { [k: string]: number } }>(
u.beginSubcases().combineWithParams([{ a: { x: 1 } }]),
[{}, [{ a: { x: 1 } }]], //