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import { Float16Array } from '../../external/petamoriken/float16/float16.js';
import { SkipTestCase } from '../framework/fixture.js';
import { globalTestConfig } from '../framework/test_config.js';
import { keysOf } from './data_tables.js';
import { timeout } from './timeout.js';
* Error with arbitrary `extra` data attached, for debugging.
* The extra data is omitted if not running the test in debug mode (`?debug=1`).
export class ErrorWithExtra extends Error {
readonly extra: { [k: string]: unknown };
* `extra` function is only called if in debug mode.
* If an `ErrorWithExtra` is passed, its message is used and its extras are passed through.
constructor(message: string, extra: () => {});
constructor(base: ErrorWithExtra, newExtra: () => {});
constructor(baseOrMessage: string | ErrorWithExtra, newExtra: () => {}) {
const message = typeof baseOrMessage === 'string' ? baseOrMessage : baseOrMessage.message;
const oldExtras = baseOrMessage instanceof ErrorWithExtra ? baseOrMessage.extra : {};
this.extra = globalTestConfig.enableDebugLogs
? { ...oldExtras, ...newExtra() }
: { omitted: 'pass ?debug=1' };
* Asserts `condition` is true. Otherwise, throws an `Error` with the provided message.
export function assert(condition: boolean, msg?: string | (() => string)): asserts condition {
if (!condition) {
throw new Error(msg && (typeof msg === 'string' ? msg : msg()));
/** If the argument is an Error, throw it. Otherwise, pass it back. */
export function assertOK<T>(value: Error | T): T {
if (value instanceof Error) {
throw value;
return value;
/** Options for assertReject, shouldReject, and friends. */
export type ExceptionCheckOptions = { allowMissingStack?: boolean; message?: string };
* Resolves if the provided promise rejects; rejects if it does not.
export async function assertReject(
expectedName: string,
p: Promise<unknown>,
{ allowMissingStack = false, message }: ExceptionCheckOptions = {}
): Promise<void> {
try {
await p;
} catch (ex) {
// Asserted as expected
if (!allowMissingStack) {
const m = message ? ` (${message})` : '';
ex instanceof Error && typeof ex.stack === 'string',
'threw as expected, but missing stack' + m
* Assert this code is unreachable. Unconditionally throws an `Error`.
export function unreachable(msg?: string): never {
throw new Error(msg);
* Throw a `SkipTestCase` exception, which skips the test case.
export function skipTestCase(msg: string): never {
throw new SkipTestCase(msg);
* The `performance` interface.
* It is available in all browsers, but it is not in scope by default in Node.
/* eslint-disable-next-line n/no-restricted-require */
const perf = typeof performance !== 'undefined' ? performance : require('perf_hooks').performance;
* Calls the appropriate `` depending on whether running in a browser or Node.
export function now(): number {
* Returns a promise which resolves after the specified time.
export function resolveOnTimeout(ms: number): Promise<void> {
return new Promise(resolve => {
timeout(() => {
}, ms);
export class PromiseTimeoutError extends Error {}
* Returns a promise which rejects after the specified time.
export function rejectOnTimeout(ms: number, msg: string): Promise<never> {
return new Promise((_resolve, reject) => {
timeout(() => {
reject(new PromiseTimeoutError(msg));
}, ms);
* Takes a promise `p`, and returns a new one which rejects if `p` takes too long,
* and otherwise passes the result through.
export function raceWithRejectOnTimeout<T>(p: Promise<T>, ms: number, msg: string): Promise<T> {
if (globalTestConfig.noRaceWithRejectOnTimeout) {
return p;
// Setup a promise that will reject after `ms` milliseconds. We cancel this timeout when
// `p` is finalized, so the JavaScript VM doesn't hang around waiting for the timer to
// complete, once the test runner has finished executing the tests.
const timeoutPromise = new Promise((_resolve, reject) => {
const handle = timeout(() => {
reject(new PromiseTimeoutError(msg));
}, ms);
p = p.finally(() => clearTimeout(handle));
return Promise.race([p, timeoutPromise]) as Promise<T>;
* Takes a promise `p` and returns a new one which rejects if `p` resolves or rejects,
* and otherwise resolves after the specified time.
export function assertNotSettledWithinTime(
p: Promise<unknown>,
ms: number,
msg: string
): Promise<undefined> {
// Rejects regardless of whether p resolves or rejects.
const rejectWhenSettled = p.then(() => Promise.reject(new Error(msg)));
// Resolves after `ms` milliseconds.
const timeoutPromise = new Promise<undefined>(resolve => {
const handle = timeout(() => {
}, ms);
void p.finally(() => clearTimeout(handle));
return Promise.race([rejectWhenSettled, timeoutPromise]);
* Returns a `Promise.reject()`, but also registers a dummy `.catch()` handler so it doesn't count
* as an uncaught promise rejection in the runtime.
export function rejectWithoutUncaught<T>(err: unknown): Promise<T> {
const p = Promise.reject(err);
// Suppress uncaught promise rejection.
p.catch(() => {});
return p;
* Returns true if v is a plain JavaScript object.
export function isPlainObject(v: unknown) {
return !!v && Object.getPrototypeOf(v).constructor === Object.prototype.constructor;
* Makes a copy of a JS `object`, with the keys reordered into sorted order.
export function sortObjectByKey(v: { [k: string]: unknown }): { [k: string]: unknown } {
const sortedObject: { [k: string]: unknown } = {};
for (const k of Object.keys(v).sort()) {
sortedObject[k] = v[k];
return sortedObject;
* Determines whether two JS values are equal, recursing into objects and arrays.
* NaN is treated specially, such that `objectEquals(NaN, NaN)`. +/-0.0 are treated as equal
* by default, but can be opted to be distinguished.
* @param x the first JS values that get compared
* @param y the second JS values that get compared
* @param distinguishSignedZero if set to true, treat 0.0 and -0.0 as unequal. Default to false.
export function objectEquals(
x: unknown,
y: unknown,
distinguishSignedZero: boolean = false
): boolean {
if (typeof x !== 'object' || typeof y !== 'object') {
if (typeof x === 'number' && typeof y === 'number' && Number.isNaN(x) && Number.isNaN(y)) {
return true;
//, -0.0) is false while (0.0 === -0.0) is true. Other than +/-0.0 and NaN cases,
// works in the same way as ===.
return distinguishSignedZero ?, y) : x === y;
if (x === null || y === null) return x === y;
if (x.constructor !== y.constructor) return false;
if (x instanceof Function) return x === y;
if (x instanceof RegExp) return x === y;
if (x === y || x.valueOf() === y.valueOf()) return true;
if (Array.isArray(x) && Array.isArray(y) && x.length !== y.length) return false;
if (x instanceof Date) return false;
if (!(x instanceof Object)) return false;
if (!(y instanceof Object)) return false;
const x1 = x as { [k: string]: unknown };
const y1 = y as { [k: string]: unknown };
const p = Object.keys(x);
return Object.keys(y).every(i => p.indexOf(i) !== -1) && p.every(i => objectEquals(x1[i], y1[i]));
* Generates a range of values `fn(0)..fn(n-1)`.
export function range<T>(n: number, fn: (i: number) => T): T[] {
return [ Array(n)].map((_, i) => fn(i));
* Generates a range of values `fn(0)..fn(n-1)`.
export function* iterRange<T>(n: number, fn: (i: number) => T): Iterable<T> {
for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
yield fn(i);
/** Creates a (reusable) iterable object that maps `f` over `xs`, lazily. */
export function mapLazy<T, R>(xs: Iterable<T>, f: (x: T) => R): Iterable<R> {
return {
*[Symbol.iterator]() {
for (const x of xs) {
yield f(x);
const ReorderOrders = {
forward: true,
backward: true,
shiftByHalf: true,
export type ReorderOrder = keyof typeof ReorderOrders;
export const kReorderOrderKeys = keysOf(ReorderOrders);
* Creates a new array from the given array with the first half
* swapped with the last half.
export function shiftByHalf<R>(arr: R[]): R[] {
const len = arr.length;
const half = (len / 2) | 0;
const firstHalf = arr.splice(0, half);
return [...arr, ...firstHalf];
* Creates a reordered array from the input array based on the Order
export function reorder<R>(order: ReorderOrder, arr: R[]): R[] {
switch (order) {
case 'forward':
return arr.slice();
case 'backward':
return arr.slice().reverse();
case 'shiftByHalf': {
// should this be pseudo random?
return shiftByHalf(arr);
const TypedArrayBufferViewInstances = [
new Uint8Array(),
new Uint8ClampedArray(),
new Uint16Array(),
new Uint32Array(),
new Int8Array(),
new Int16Array(),
new Int32Array(),
new Float16Array(),
new Float32Array(),
new Float64Array(),
new BigInt64Array(),
new BigUint64Array(),
] as const;
export type TypedArrayBufferView = (typeof TypedArrayBufferViewInstances)[number];
export type TypedArrayBufferViewConstructor<A extends TypedArrayBufferView = TypedArrayBufferView> =
// Interface copied from Uint8Array, and made generic.
readonly prototype: A;
readonly BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: number;
new (): A;
new (elements: Iterable<number>): A;
new (array: ArrayLike<number> | ArrayBufferLike): A;
new (buffer: ArrayBufferLike, byteOffset?: number, length?: number): A;
new (length: number): A;
from(arrayLike: ArrayLike<number>): A;
/* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
from(arrayLike: Iterable<number>, mapfn?: (v: number, k: number) => number, thisArg?: any): A;
/* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
from<T>(arrayLike: ArrayLike<T>, mapfn: (v: T, k: number) => number, thisArg?: any): A;
of(...items: number[]): A;
export const kTypedArrayBufferViews: {
readonly [k: string]: TypedArrayBufferViewConstructor;
} = {
...(() => {
/* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
const result: { [k: string]: any } = {};
for (const v of TypedArrayBufferViewInstances) {
result[] = v.constructor;
return result;
export const kTypedArrayBufferViewKeys = keysOf(kTypedArrayBufferViews);
export const kTypedArrayBufferViewConstructors = Object.values(kTypedArrayBufferViews);
interface TypedArrayMap {
Int8Array: Int8Array;
Uint8Array: Uint8Array;
Int16Array: Int16Array;
Uint16Array: Uint16Array;
Uint8ClampedArray: Uint8ClampedArray;
Int32Array: Int32Array;
Uint32Array: Uint32Array;
Float32Array: Float32Array;
Float64Array: Float64Array;
BigInt64Array: BigInt64Array;
BigUint64Array: BigUint64Array;
type TypedArrayParam<K extends keyof TypedArrayMap> = {
type: K;
data: readonly number[];
* Creates a case parameter for a typedarray.
* You can't put typedarrays in case parameters directly so instead of
* ```
* u.combine('data', [
* new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]),
* new Float32Array([4, 5, 6]),
* ])
* ```
* You can use
* ```
* u.combine('data', [
* typedArrayParam('Uint8Array' [1, 2, 3]),
* typedArrayParam('Float32Array' [4, 5, 6]),
* ])
* ```
* and then convert the params to typedarrays eg.
* ```
* .fn(t => {
* const data = => typedArrayFromParam(v));
* })
* ```
export function typedArrayParam<K extends keyof TypedArrayMap>(
type: K,
data: number[]
): TypedArrayParam<K> {
return { type, data };
export function createTypedArray<K extends keyof TypedArrayMap>(
type: K,
data: readonly number[]
): TypedArrayMap[K] {
return new kTypedArrayBufferViews[type](data) as TypedArrayMap[K];
* Converts a TypedArrayParam to a typedarray. See typedArrayParam
export function typedArrayFromParam<K extends keyof TypedArrayMap>(
param: TypedArrayParam<K>
): TypedArrayMap[K] {
const { type, data } = param;
return createTypedArray(type, data);
function subarrayAsU8(
buf: ArrayBuffer | TypedArrayBufferView,
{ start = 0, length }: { start?: number; length?: number }
): Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray {
if (buf instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
return new Uint8Array(buf, start, length);
} else if (buf instanceof Uint8Array || buf instanceof Uint8ClampedArray) {
// Don't wrap in new views if we don't need to.
if (start === 0 && (length === undefined || length === buf.byteLength)) {
return buf;
const byteOffset = buf.byteOffset + start * buf.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
const byteLength =
length !== undefined
? length * buf.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT
: buf.byteLength - (byteOffset - buf.byteOffset);
return new Uint8Array(buf.buffer, byteOffset, byteLength);
* Copy a range of bytes from one ArrayBuffer or TypedArray to another.
* `start`/`length` are in elements (or in bytes, if ArrayBuffer).
export function memcpy(
src: { src: ArrayBuffer | TypedArrayBufferView; start?: number; length?: number },
dst: { dst: ArrayBuffer | TypedArrayBufferView; start?: number }
): void {
subarrayAsU8(dst.dst, dst).set(subarrayAsU8(src.src, src));
* Used to create a value that is specified by multiplying some runtime value
* by a constant and then adding a constant to it.
export interface ValueTestVariant {
mult: number;
add: number;
* Filters out SpecValues that are the same.
export function filterUniqueValueTestVariants(valueTestVariants: ValueTestVariant[]) {
return new Map<string, ValueTestVariant>( => [`m:${v.mult},a:${v.add}`, v])
* Used to create a value that is specified by multiplied some runtime value
* by a constant and then adding a constant to it. This happens often in test
* with limits that can only be known at runtime and yet we need a way to
* add parameters to a test and those parameters must be constants.
export function makeValueTestVariant(base: number, variant: ValueTestVariant) {
return base * variant.mult + variant.add;