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import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import { chromium, firefox, webkit, Page, Browser } from 'playwright-core';
import { ScreenshotManager, readPng, writePng } from './image_utils.js';
declare function wptRefTestPageReady(): boolean;
declare function wptRefTestGetTimeout(): boolean;
const verbose = !!process.env.VERBOSE;
const kRefTestsPath = 'src/webgpu/web_platform/reftests';
const kScreenshotPath = 'out-wpt-reftest-screenshots';
// note: technically we should use an HTML parser to find this to deal with whitespace
// attribute order, quotes, entities, etc but since we control the test source we can just
// make sure they match
const kRefLinkRE = /<link\s+rel="match"\s+href="(.*?)"/;
const kRefWaitClassRE = /class="reftest-wait"/;
const kFuzzy = /<meta\s+name="?fuzzy"?\s+content="(.*?)">/;
function printUsage() {
run_wpt_ref_tests path-to-browser-executable [ref-test-name]
where ref-test-name is just a simple check for the test including the given string.
If not passed all ref tests are run
MacOS Chrome Example:
node tools/run_wpt_ref_tests /Applications/Google\\ Chrome\\\\ Chrome\\ Canary
// Get all of filenames that end with '.html'
function getRefTestNames(refTestPath: string) {
return fs.readdirSync(refTestPath).filter(name => name.endsWith('.html'));
// Given a regex with one capture, return it or the empty string if no match.
function getRegexMatchCapture(re: RegExp, content: string) {
const m = re.exec(content);
return m ? m[1] : '';
type FileInfo = {
content: string;
refLink: string;
refWait: boolean;
fuzzy: string;
function readHTMLFile(filename: string): FileInfo {
const content = fs.readFileSync(filename, { encoding: 'utf8' });
return {
refLink: getRegexMatchCapture(kRefLinkRE, content),
refWait: kRefWaitClassRE.test(content),
fuzzy: getRegexMatchCapture(kFuzzy, content),
* This is workaround for a bug in Chrome. The bug is when in emulation mode
* Chrome lets you set a devicePixelRatio but Chrome still renders in the
* actual devicePixelRatio, at least on MacOS.
* So, we compute the ratio and then use that.
async function getComputedDevicePixelRatio(browser: Browser): Promise<number> {
const context = await browser.newContext();
const page = await context.newPage();
await page.goto('data:text/html,<html></html>');
await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle');
const devicePixelRatio = await page.evaluate(() => {
let resolve: (v: number) => void;
const promise = new Promise(_resolve => (resolve = _resolve));
const observer = new ResizeObserver(entries => {
const devicePixelWidth = entries[0].devicePixelContentBoxSize[0].inlineSize;
const clientWidth = entries[0].target.clientWidth;
const devicePixelRatio = devicePixelWidth / clientWidth;
return promise;
await page.close();
await context.close();
return devicePixelRatio as number;
// Note: If possible, rather then start adding command line options to this tool,
// see if you can just make it work based off the path.
async function getBrowserInterface(executablePath: string) {
const lc = executablePath.toLowerCase();
if (lc.includes('chrom')) {
const browser = await chromium.launch({
headless: false,
args: ['--enable-unsafe-webgpu'],
const devicePixelRatio = await getComputedDevicePixelRatio(browser);
const context = await browser.newContext({
deviceScaleFactor: devicePixelRatio,
return { browser, context };
} else if (lc.includes('firefox')) {
const browser = await firefox.launch({
headless: false,
const context = await browser.newContext();
return { browser, context };
} else if (lc.includes('safari') || lc.includes('webkit')) {
const browser = await webkit.launch({
headless: false,
const context = await browser.newContext();
return { browser, context };
} else {
throw new Error(`could not guess browser from executable path: ${executablePath}`);
// Parses a fuzzy spec as defined here
// Note: This is not robust but the tests will eventually be run in the real wpt.
function parseFuzzy(fuzzy: string) {
if (!fuzzy) {
return { maxDifference: [0, 0], totalPixels: [0, 0] };
} else {
const parts = fuzzy.split(';');
if (parts.length !== 2) {
throw Error(`unhandled fuzzy format: ${fuzzy}`);
const ranges = => {
const range = part
.replace(/[a-zA-Z=]/g, '')
.map(v => parseInt(v));
return range.length === 1 ? [0, range[0]] : range;
return {
maxDifference: ranges[0],
totalPixels: ranges[1],
// Compares two images using the algorithm described in the web platform tests
// If they are different will write out a diff mask.
function compareImages(
filename1: string,
filename2: string,
fuzzy: string,
diffName: string,
startingRow: number = 0
) {
const img1 = readPng(filename1);
const img2 = readPng(filename2);
const { width, height } = img1;
if (img2.width !== width || img2.height !== height) {
console.error('images are not the same size:', filename1, filename2);
const { maxDifference, totalPixels } = parseFuzzy(fuzzy);
const diffData = Buffer.alloc(width * height * 4);
const diffPixels = new Uint32Array(diffData.buffer);
const kRed = 0xff0000ff;
const kWhite = 0xffffffff;
const kYellow = 0xff00ffff;
let numPixelsDifferent = 0;
let anyPixelsOutOfRange = false;
for (let y = startingRow; y < height; ++y) {
for (let x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
const offset = y * width + x;
let isDifferent = false;
let outOfRange = false;
for (let c = 0; c < 4 && !outOfRange; ++c) {
const off = offset * 4 + c;
const v0 =[off];
const v1 =[off];
const channelDiff = Math.abs(v0 - v1);
outOfRange ||= channelDiff < maxDifference[0] || channelDiff > maxDifference[1];
isDifferent ||= channelDiff > 0;
numPixelsDifferent += isDifferent ? 1 : 0;
anyPixelsOutOfRange ||= outOfRange;
diffPixels[offset] = outOfRange ? kRed : isDifferent ? kYellow : kWhite;
const pass =
!anyPixelsOutOfRange &&
numPixelsDifferent >= totalPixels[0] &&
numPixelsDifferent <= totalPixels[1];
if (!pass) {
writePng(diffName, width, height, diffData);
`FAIL: too many differences in: ${filename1} vs ${filename2}
${numPixelsDifferent} differences, expected: ${totalPixels[0]}-${totalPixels[1]} with range: ${maxDifference[0]}-${maxDifference[1]}
wrote difference to: ${diffName};
} else {
return pass;
function exists(filename: string) {
try {
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
async function waitForPageRender(page: Page) {
await page.evaluate(() => {
return new Promise(resolve => requestAnimationFrame(resolve));
// returns true if the page timed out.
async function runPage(page: Page, url: string, refWait: boolean) {
console.log(' loading:', url);
// we need to load about:blank to force the browser to re-render
// else the previous page may still be visible if the page we are loading fails
await page.goto('about:blank');
await page.waitForLoadState('domcontentloaded');
await waitForPageRender(page);
await page.goto(url);
await page.waitForLoadState('domcontentloaded');
await waitForPageRender(page);
if (refWait) {
await page.waitForFunction(() => wptRefTestPageReady());
const timeout = await page.evaluate(() => wptRefTestGetTimeout());
if (timeout) {
return true;
return false;
async function main() {
const args = process.argv.slice(2);
if (args.length < 1 || args.length > 2) {
const [executablePath, refTestName] = args;
if (!exists(executablePath)) {
console.error(executablePath, 'does not exist');
const testNames = getRefTestNames(kRefTestsPath).filter(name =>
refTestName ? name.includes(refTestName) : true
if (!exists(kScreenshotPath)) {
fs.mkdirSync(kScreenshotPath, { recursive: true });
if (testNames.length === 0) {
console.error(`no tests include "${refTestName}"`);
const { browser, context } = await getBrowserInterface(executablePath);
const page = await context.newPage();
const screenshotManager = new ScreenshotManager();
await screenshotManager.init(page);
if (verbose) {
page.on('console', async msg => {
const { url, lineNumber, columnNumber } = msg.location();
const values = await Promise.all(msg.args().map(a => a.jsonValue()));
console.log(`${url}:${lineNumber}:${columnNumber}:`, ...values);
await page.addInitScript({
content: `
(() => {
let timeout = false;
setTimeout(() => timeout = true, 5000);
window.wptRefTestPageReady = function() {
return timeout || !document.documentElement.classList.contains('reftest-wait');
window.wptRefTestGetTimeout = function() {
return timeout;
type Result = {
status: string;
testName: string;
refName: string;
testScreenshotName: string;
refScreenshotName: string;
diffName: string;
const results: Result[] = [];
const addResult = (
status: string,
testName: string,
refName: string,
testScreenshotName: string = '',
refScreenshotName: string = '',
diffName: string = ''
) => {
results.push({ status, testName, refName, testScreenshotName, refScreenshotName, diffName });
for (const testName of testNames) {
console.log('processing:', testName);
const { refLink, refWait, fuzzy } = readHTMLFile(path.join(kRefTestsPath, testName));
if (!refLink) {
throw new Error(`could not find ref link in: ${testName}`);
const testURL = `${kRefTestsBaseURL}/${testName}`;
const refURL = `${kRefTestsBaseURL}/${refLink}`;
// Technically this is not correct but it fits the existing tests.
// It assumes refLink is relative to the refTestsPath but it's actually
// supposed to be relative to the test. It might also be an absolute
// path. Neither of those cases exist at the time of writing this.
const refFileInfo = readHTMLFile(path.join(kRefTestsPath, refLink));
const testScreenshotName = path.join(kScreenshotPath, `${testName}-actual.png`);
const refScreenshotName = path.join(kScreenshotPath, `${testName}-expected.png`);
const diffName = path.join(kScreenshotPath, `${testName}-diff.png`);
const timeoutTest = await runPage(page, testURL, refWait);
if (timeoutTest) {
addResult('TIMEOUT', testName, refLink);
await screenshotManager.takeScreenshot(page, testScreenshotName);
const timeoutRef = await runPage(page, refURL, refFileInfo.refWait);
if (timeoutRef) {
addResult('TIMEOUT', testName, refLink);
await screenshotManager.takeScreenshot(page, refScreenshotName);
const pass = compareImages(testScreenshotName, refScreenshotName, fuzzy, diffName);
pass ? 'PASS' : 'FAILURE',
.map(({ status, testName }) => `[ ${status.padEnd(7)} ] ${testName}`)
const imgLink = (filename: string, title: string) => {
const name = path.basename(filename);
return `
<div class="screenshot">
<a href="${name}" title="${name}">
<img src="${name}" width="256"/>
const indexName = path.join(kScreenshotPath, 'index.html');
`<!DOCTYPE html>
.screenshot {
display: inline-block;
background: #CCC;
margin-right: 5px;
padding: 5px;
.screenshot a {
display: block;
.map(({ status, testName, refName, testScreenshotName, refScreenshotName, diffName }) => {
return `
<div>[ ${status} ]: ${testName} ref: ${refName}</div>
status === 'FAILURE'
? `${imgLink(testScreenshotName, 'actual')}
${imgLink(refScreenshotName, 'ref')}
${imgLink(diffName, 'diff')}`
: ``
// the file:// with an absolute path makes it clickable in some terminals
console.log(`\nsee: file://${path.resolve(indexName)}\n`);
await page.close();
await context.close();
// I have no idea why it's taking ~30 seconds for playwright to close.
console.log('-- [ done: waiting for browser to close ] --');
await browser.close();
main().catch(e => {
throw e;