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Test Info: Errors
- This test gets skipped with pattern: verify
- This test failed 38 times in the preceding 30 days. quicksearch this test
- Manifest: dom/webgpu/mochitest/mochitest.toml
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"Pref should be enabled."
const destroy_causes_lost = async function () {
info("destroy_causes_lost START");
const adapter = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter();
ok(adapter !== undefined, "adapter !== undefined");
const device = await adapter.requestDevice();
ok(device !== undefined, "device !== undefined");
const lostPromise = device.lost;
info("waiting for lostPromise");
const deviceLostReason = await lostPromise;
info("lostPromise has resolved");
"Destroy reason should correspond to GPUDeviceLostReason.destroyed"
is(deviceLostReason.message, "", "Destroy message should be blank");
info("destroy_causes_lost END");
const drop_causes_lost_is_unobservable = async function () {
info("drop_causes_lost_is_unobservable START");
const adapter = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter();
ok(adapter !== undefined, "adapter !== undefined");
let lostPromise;
// Create a scope with a device that will go out of scope
// and then be dropped.
const device = await adapter.requestDevice();
ok(device !== undefined, "device !== undefined");
// Create a new promise that will resolve when the original
// lost promise resolves or rejects, either of which will be
// noted as an error.
lostPromise = device.lost.then(
resolve => {
ok(false, "device.lost should never resolve");
resolve("unexpected resolve");
reject => {
ok(false, "device.lost should never reject");
reject("unexpected reject");
// Give a chance (one event cycle) for the lostPromise to resolve or
// reject, but don't wait for any specific amount of time.
await new Promise(SimpleTest.executeSoon);
info("drop_causes_lost_is_unobservable END");
.then(() => drop_causes_lost_is_unobservable())
.catch(e => ok(false, `Unhandled exception ${e}`))
.finally(() => SimpleTest.finish());